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non-sensical bull up there ^
So... it's been 21 days since my last update! I coulda updated earlier, but I wanted to wait for 21 days... just, 'cause!
So, what has happened to me over these 3 fine weeks?
Ummm... Slipknot concert! I nearly broke my foot/leg on the way there. Went in the Mosh pit for a large majority of my time there, with my sore limb. Jumped up and down, hopefully got on tv, and had a really good, sweaty, time!
We (me,matt,caz) went shopping in London over half-term. This is all old news, but I'm reminiscing, so SHHH!!! We went in this funky Japanese store, that had some books on Tai Chi and Kung Fu that I will buy next time I am there!
While in London, we were approached by a guy with a petition to end the trade emargo imposed on Cuba by America. My Archaeological sources also report US navel ships in and around that area of ocean. The ships claim to be on 'naval excercise', but their 'manouevres' seem to threaten any ship that is unwelcome. In the case of my sources, they were conducting underwater sonar sweeping, looking for the Lost city of Atlantis... Anyways, me and caz signed the petition, while matt asked the guy where Cuba was exactly. :P I bought a Revolutionary Communist Newspaper.
I will join the 'Free Tibet' Campaign soon, which is against the occupation of Tibet by the Chinese! They will turn one of the last untainted holy lands, into a damn strip-mining coloney. Makes me mad!
Last week I took to compulsively collecting newspapers, 15 in all, and systematically cutting them up and storing any interesting articles. Its amazing how long it takes!
Recently I've developed an addiction to watching Fight Club. I try to watch it whenever it's on one of the movie channels, which enevitably leads me to staying up late.
In saying that, I've been sleeping a lot less recently. I'm now down to 5 hrs a night! I think it may be my recent diet of non-fizzy drinks and drinking water at lunch, that may have attributed to this fact. I have also gained a sense of looking forward to the next day. A feeling a usually only get when I have girlfriend, because I look forward to seeing her. But now it seems I just have this feeling of looking forward to something. I want to know what it is thats givin me a new will in life! Shan't complain though!
I will be trying to reduce those hours by a few more. To achieve this I will study how to meditate, and i will begin a routine of physical exercise. This will calm my mind (and soul), and strengthen my body. I'd say my research is going slow, but that is just me being impatient, and who knows what speed I am supposed to be given the information i am to recieve. All I know, is my steady research, and the odd chess game, will keep my mind trained. My delve into memory improving techniques too!
Hmm, what else can I say?
Blocked up nose nearly suffocated me in my sleep! I woke up, and couldn't breathe... and after a few seconds of trying to breathe, I realised my mouth existed, so I took a couple of breaths, looked at the time, and went back to sleep.
Oh... the excitement! (sarcasm)
What else?
Blades and skin, make for a fun evening in.
Intrigue has led me lately to cut my own skin. This may be as shortly lived as my bout of collecting newspapers! Don't worry chappies, i'm not suicidal, i'm experimental! Just want to see if I can do it, and what it feels like! On next weeks show, we'll see Jamie see what being shot feels like :P
Hmmm, talking about being shot, I'm not going to join the army now. I'm still going to try out for the SAS, through one of their T.A units. They do the same selection and training course, but its for civilians! yipee! I won't waste 3 years of my life, risking it for the evil intentions of those above me in command, and those in charge of the army, politically.
I will not be a tool of evil!
I will strive to do what i believe is right.
That's the most anyone can ask of me, surely?
Ummm, to do with school...it sucks, but I'm getting along fine now. Again, I think its this new 'drive' I've found.
Life tastes different! (thought of this while thinking of the 'getting a taste for life' quote)
Exams are soon! I'll do my best, and I will revise, and I'll get whatever grade I get, and deal with it! None of this moaning and whining other people do. I'll deal with what I have, and move on!
Another college me, thinks! Gonna do A-levels in Philosophy and Russian Language. Should be interesting :P
...what else?
My feelings, and my general mental well-being. I haven't discussed these!
Well, I feel good! Without going back to the whole 'drive' issue again (oops), I guess I'm changing the way I think about life. I'm being surrounded by people with more positive mental energies. Depression is now lurking in the shadows, waiting to consume me. While Happiness runs free in the fields of hope.
One thought that keeps occuring to me, is my abnormality in the 'social arena'. Sure, with practice, i will get better, but I have a long way to go!
I guess i need to trust myself, and my own thoughts, before I can engage in life fully.
I just restrain myself too much, for fear of letting loose the darkside of me. Even though i know it is locked up, I just restrain myself, incase it escapes... which is highly unlikely. Although i DO think it requires a conscious effort to keep it under lock and key. For when there are times when people annoy me SO much, it starts to get let loose!
I should relax!
Let myself loose!
Not let mere images ruin my train of thought.
Well, i think thats it for this post!
Please reply, with any conflictions you may have, and tell me if I didn't mention something that you would like to know about!