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If America's founding fathers had anticipated the digital frontier, there would be a clause in the Constitution protecting your rights online, as well. Instead, a modern group of freedom fighters was necessary to extend the original vision into the digital world. That's where the Electronic Frontier Foundation comes in. read more »
Ashcroft seeking to extend Patriot Act powers
This is a Jan. 9 draft of a new, "Son of Patriot Act" that would give
the government even more domestic intelligence-gathering,
surveillance and other powers, while decreasing public access to
information and accountability.
Judge Orders Verizon to Reveal Identity of KaZaA User -
Copyright Enforcement Trumps Privacy Rights
Johansen Verdict Appealed by Norwegian Prosecutors -
Electronic Frontier Foundation Defends Viewing Own DVDs
Hollywood Not on the Same Planet as ReplayTV Fans -
Planet Replay Retreats, Concerned for User Privacy
Senators Seek Moratorium on Government Data-Mining -
Electronic Frontier Foundation Supports Privacy Protections
Norwegian Teenager Jon Johansen Acquitted in DVD Case -
Legal to Descramble His DVDs on Linux Computer in Norway
US Supreme Court Says Hollywood Can't Sue Texas Resident -
Reverses Stay on California Supreme Court DVD Decision
Electronic Frontier Foundation Seeks Consumer Rights -
Urges Copyright Office to OK Consumer Uses of CDs and DVDs
Jury Acquits Elcomsoft in eBook Copyright Case -
Dmitry Sklyarov Odyssey Leaves Prosecutor Empty-Handed
Hollywood Loses Again in ReplayTV Case -
Electronic Frontier Foundation Wins Access to Lawsuit Docs
Electronic Frontier Foundation Rejects Broadcast Flag:
Urges FCC to Stop Hollywood from Dominating Technology
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February 19
Fred von Lohmann at DigitalConsumer Digitial Rights Summit
February 27
Cindy Cohn at Davies Forum, "Digital Democracy"