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Mama keeps her house fresh like a something.. [29 Jun 2002|11:40am]
Commercial jingles are the antichrist.

Eating a cinnamon bagel, checking mail, listening to the "Scarlett" miniseries from the early 90's. It's -almost- making me want to be a southern belle. Almost.

I woke up this morning thinking about books I read in elementary school; then when I stepped into the bathroom to brush my teeth the windows were thrown back and the sun, the wind, the trees - looked exactly like 5th and 6th grade. I hate saying things like that, because it doesn't make much sense, but it's as precise a description as I could give. It seems like it's going to be a nice, breezy day, which is good too. I need to go to the store and I -think- I've got a ride from mum. But I need to take a shower first. So yay.

Finished the pants I was making, listening to "Come What May" and "Roxanne" on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack - oops phone ringing. I bet it's fromm.
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Michael, row the boat ashore - Halleluuuuuuujjaaahhh! [28 Jun 2002|05:28pm]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | A joke about cows and banjo music. *slaps knee* ]


There are two people in the entire world who knows precisely what I'm speaking of when I say the words "Paper Moon". One of them is Lika, and the other was my visitor today, Miss Lara Anne. :D She picked me up at about 3 and we spent two hours together, cruising, listening to a tape of her as a little girl {"I KNOW THAT BOOK! IT'S PUUTTTTPUUTTTT!"}, getting VANILLA malts at Sweet Retreat {'cause the guy wasn't paying attention... jerk}. And then stopping in at K-Mart to peruse the merchandise, buying sort of matching skirts [mine blue, hers khaki], flipping through PEOPLE to read Tatum O'Neal's story, making horrible fun of Ali MacGraw's nostrils... making plans to go to the beach next wednesday. [Note to self: Purchase swimsuit. {Lose fifty pounds.}] And now I'm in barefeet listening to Bonnie and Clyde with Jim. It's so nice to know I'm not the only one who watches Bonnie and Clyde or Love Story - I'm not the only weird little kid on the block who's interested in movies over ten years old and knows who Ryan O'Neal is. And especially better when eating Mike&Ike;'s. Under a fan. -rapturous sigh- Lovely, lovely feeling.

I had something else to post, but I've forgotten. Oh lord, it's Friday right? I need to make peanut butter bread. I found a recipe or two that might work - even peanut butter *cake*, which sounded fantastic. *eyes screen* Warren Beatty is kinda cute in this movie. But only in the scene where he finds Bonnie after she runs away. And Gene Wilder is hysterica - I'm babbling, aren't I?

Eunji left I think today for Korea. Boo on me for not catching her before she left. :( She won't see this, but: Have fun love, and see lots of things and visit relatives and MWAH! -glomps-

Time to bust out the phat recipe. :D

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Reminisce. [28 Jun 2002|12:28am]
I feel as though I'm searching for something tonight.

I think I'm going to haul out my old writing portfolio from junior year and revisit my "faerie" writings. I borrowed so much and slid so easily from coarse and clumsy to swift and unreal.

And what is -up- with my elbow? I must have knocked the hell out of some nerves when I whacked it against the counter; what, six days ago? You'd think elbows would be the tough part of your anatomy, but I'm here to prove you wrong, baby.

Hmm. That just broke my mood. Now I just want to sleep. ...I can only imagine how terribly boring my inner monologue must be to everyone else, typed out. Harrumph!
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Oh, it makes me ill. [That doesn't mean you can give the cold shoulder.] [27 Jun 2002|11:52pm]
[ mood | dorky ]
[ music | The Dick Van Dyke Show. I LOVE that guy. I miss Gilly. ]


Talking to: Kira and waiting for the wonderfluffy G-diggity-dawg to return from de-wonking her computer. ;}

Time: 11:53 pm
Should be: Showering and/or sleeping
Today accomplished: Interfacing on pants. Err... that's it, actually.
Tomorrow will: Go to work, go to doctor's with mom, see Lara hopefully, find something Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen for 'party theme' Saturday. Hopefully without actually donating money to their little prepubescent billions and yet getting enough stuff to actually be funny.
Eating/drinking: Nothing.
Thinking: Ow. Back hurts.
Listening to: Nothing. Downloading live bootleg though. :ox
Reading: Old hansonfic I wrote. I'm actually half-proud of it; but it brings up two issues. One, the trying-to-please-artsy/overdescriptive writing style I descended into, and eventually convinced me to chuck the whole thing out. Two, the old days of Hanson fandom. It really takes me back, y'all. Combined with what was going on then in my life, it makes me sad. Mostly remembering who and where I was when I wrote it.
Searching for: Peanut butter bread recipe. Please, please donate ifyou find one.
Wearing: Modified by Mary fake camo tank, donated old navy plaid pants. I love you Old Navy. Yes, yes I do.

Eh I'm tired. Mehee. I added a thousand and five new friends today, which makes me way more excited than it probably should. "Yes I *am* the highly suggestable type." Ah, Homer. :D

Shower time. Like Hammer time, but slightly more legit.

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What you see ain't what you are get-tin'. [27 Jun 2002|04:21pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | "*scream* AH! German POTATO SALAD?!" ]

I look. REALLY. Cool, posting messages at unknown but impressive journals, trying to sound legit with my super flashy Britney .gif.

Oh well. Bollocks to people who don't like people who openly admit to Britneyism. -cough- lol. I mean, I'm not going to be wearing any shirts but.. I'll proudly bear my .gif.

*slack-jawed Simpsons-watching mode... on.*

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Real indepedent. [26 Jun 2002|07:13pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | LL Cool J - Around The Way Girl ]

I just added a new friend - Piccadilly - who makes startlingly accurate rockstar puppets and meets Keith Richards in her spare time. Plus she's spunky. How cool is that? lol.

Also <"a href="http://www.livejournal.com/users/mungokisses">MungoKisses because something reminded me of myself in her user profile. The fact that she had Mick, David, AND Paul and the Simpsons listed? Priceless.

I love having a big fat friends list. I just like having something to read. :D It's like a big happy blog. Of people I don't really know. And, like, Ger and Brandi. lol. *hugs*

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Want some cocoa pebbles? [26 Jun 2002|04:21pm]
surveys. Y'see. )
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You took your love away - too fast. [25 Jun 2002|02:54pm]
[ mood | lethargic ]
[ music | "Gunning Down Romance" | Savage Garden ]

I'm just bored and overheated.

that sounds like a song. )

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Rocky RUHcoon.. [23 Jun 2002|10:30pm]
Kira -

I'm sorry I bailed earlier. Fromm called about going to Bakersfield and I've been trying to get a hold of her for literally a week. Then when I came back, the computer had been usurped - per usual. I promise I'll call you soon. *hugs* And of course I read your journal. I think it's fascinating. :D
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Rocky RUHcoon.. [23 Jun 2002|10:30pm]
Kira -

I'm sorry I bailed earlier. Fromm called about going to Bakersfield and I've been trying to get a hold of her for literally a week. Then when I came back, the computer had been usurped - per usual. I promise I'll call you soon. *hugs* And of course I read your journal. I think it's fascinating. :D
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You're making me [23 Jun 2002|10:28pm]
I'm working 9-4 tomorrow. That is officially.. three hours longer than I've ever worked there before. Without a wise, experienced adult's supervision. And I'm doing a *painting* art project with the freshly-released-from-school children. -whimpers, clutches bunny-

However. Mom and I are, typically, fine. And I got the Moulin Rouge soundtrack at the Wherehouse. My dad is *awesome*. [For driving. I paid. But it was only 11 bucks. So.. that's good.]

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Heart - sorry for the pain I've put you through. [23 Jun 2002|05:59pm]
-hugs sappy subject line-

Aight, lemme lay the smack down.

There's nothing good for dinner. I want to go buy some used cds and no one wants to come with. And I don't want to drive with my mother for awhile. She criticises me in a way that makes me feel like complete shit, and I wind up getting super defensive and then she *yells* at me. Yes. While I'm driving.

okay be right back
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Pink - it's like red, but not quite. [22 Jun 2002|03:27pm]
I banged the shit out of my elbow yesterday on a counter-top, and it's been bothering me ever since. Not to be overly-dramatic, but I wonder if I chipped the bone..? I've hit it before in the course of my life, but this is an entirely new kinda "ouch".

Beyond that, today has been.. well, today has been fitting with the 'weekend' vibe. I meant to do a whole lot of sewing, get my pink giraffe pants going and such, but I haven't. Instead I went to bed at 9 pm last night, slept for 13 and a half hours, got up to eat and read some Howard Carter, then fell back asleep for two hours. I wonder if I'm coming down with something, or if the gradually increasing heat is acting as a natural lullaby, plus the generic end-of-week exhaustion. Either way, I haven't exactly made up for lost time: took a walk, ate lunch, watched Scott Baio's celebrity profile and "State Of Grace", which is a beautiful show on the Fox Family Channel.

Mom's awake. I think it's time to clean. Heheh.
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As the world ends. [21 Jun 2002|05:33pm]
I feel that I can't do anything on my own, but maybe spread the word to someone who can.

Read this. You don't even need to read it all the way through to understand.
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[21 Jun 2002|01:42pm]
"In God We Trust" is our national motto.
> This is not some Christian, right wing, political slogan.
> We adopted this motto because Christian men and women, on Christian
> principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is
> certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools.

Wait... wait hold on a second. I'm having a thought..

Oh yeah here it is: Bullshit.

Our country was founded by people from England. They weren't solely Christian. There were Catholics, Protestants, and I believe those wild and wacky Quakers were among the first Pilgrims to claim this land as their own. [Posers.] I personally am offended by anyone who insists that a country salute to something religious. The spirit of patriotism is entirely separate from God, Allah, or who or what ever. It's about togetherness, freedom, equality, liberty - whether or not they're well represented, that was at least the *idea*. God didn't sweep the British from New England with one big mighty bitchslap. People gave their lives to claim the soil they'd made their homes. That's courage and democracy. Labeling everyone involved as "Christian" is irresponsible and wrong. Not every person who is a good, spiritually sound person is Christian. Someone in touch with who they are and their beliefs doesn't have to be Christian to be qualified as religious. I think I'm spiritual because I believe in good, and helping people, changing the world and love and hope. That's not early-life naivity; that's what I *believe* in. Good things come back to you. Religion is a situation with rules, books, lessons; it's organized.

If for some reason one wanted to believe everyone involved as Christian, then for god's sakes don't include the women. They had about as much say in the matter as my grilled cheese sandwich did when I ate lunch. [Okay no women were eaten, but you get my drift.] The whole statement is so blindly blanketed that it makes you think everyone who migrated here between 1600 and 1800 were english. Did this person even think of the Dutch? The Spanish? Portugese, France. Yeah, we were the only pilgrims on the Mayflower - a Dutch boat - the only religion in the world that matters, the first person to slap on buckle shoes and a wig and parade around as though we invented the phrase "pompous". Uh huh. As if there were no toil, no hundreds frozen to death in a struggle to survive, we simply lifted our homes from one country to another, hugged the british troops and sent them away, and god gave us our independence. Whee. We certainly adhered to the Christian tendency to slaughter in the name of God. Go us!

Okay now I'm ranting. But this guy - or woman - has the exact same approach to the matter [speak our language and refer to yourselves as 'americans'] that so well irks many people outside our country, who simply see that brash and self-centered attitude as grating and uncalled for. And it *is*. I do, believe it or not, respect that I will have a different opinion than the person next to me; it is a really wonderful, positive aspect of our country that two parties can openly bitch and neither one will be beaten or penalized by the government just because two shmucks arguing on a street corner have the freedom to do just that. But this opinion isn't just an opinion; it's an example of what's improper about this country, how often generalizations based in vague background knowledge are heralded and thrust high as a valid point, while I sit here in my piddly journal, more annoyed than angry, rolling my eyes and growing more underwhelmed with the human race every day.

Wow that sounded really condescending. And guess what? For once, I could not care less. Neener neener.
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I can hear you singing to me in my sleep. [20 Jun 2002|09:42pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | Cars on the road across the creek. ]

"...widening the hole a little, I inserted the candle and peered in, Lord Carnarvon, Lady Evelyn and Callender standing anxiously behind me to hear the verdict. At first I could see nothing, the hot air escaping from the chamber causing the candle flame to flicker, but presently, as my eyes grew accustomed to the light, details of the room within emerged slowly from the mist, strange animals, statues, and gold - everywhere the glint of gold. For the moment - an eternity it must have seemed to the others standing by - I was struck dumb with amazement, and when Lord Carnarvon, unable to stand the suspense any longer, inquired anxiously, "Can you see anything?" it was all I could do to get out the words, "Yes, wonderful things."

-Excerpt from The Tomb of Tutankamen, Howard Carter

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[20 Jun 2002|11:59am]

Jay: I feel like I'm Han Solo, and you're Chewie, and she's Ben Kenobi, and we're in that fucked-up bar.
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Swallow every last one-* [19 Jun 2002|12:23am]
That's a line from a Brandisong. That I know and love. Heehee.

Fresh out of the shower with Minute Maid tree-bark lemonade. [No not really. Well - sort of. If you look on the ingredients label I believe it lists "wood resin" as one of the minor ingredients.] Thinking about my plans for July; busier than I thought, as it turns out. If I go to Bakersfield for the "4th" of July, we'll leave the 5th and return the afternoon of the 7th - when I will promptly leave for the family-oriented bridal shower @ Aunt Dianne's. Since Shauna's having minor surgery the 3rd, she asked if I could co-nanny with her for around two weeks with her two little boys; I agreed, which means I'd have to have everything packed for *that* before I leave to Bakersfield, and bring it with me on the 7th. And then stay until that weekend, come home for mom's birthday, go back up -

Whoa. Mom's birthday is the anniversary of the day that Christina and I fell madly in love with Hanson, kicking and screaming. lol. I'll have to call her and talk about our vacation, cheese pudding, etc. HEEHEE.

- She comes home {to California, at least} the 24th, then the practice dinners and the wedding the 27th, then Gracie's coming to look at colleges and I leave shortly thereafter for Washington, after which I return just in time for school, something I've yet to register for.

But at least I have a sort of job in July... right?

This is such a practical entry, I almost hate to tack this on but: "Life Is A Rollercoaster" by Ronan Keating is fantastic. I dunno why, one of those songs that strikes a chord. It's so.. you know. Vibey. But it's roxy.

I'm tired early for once, and have to be ready by 8 tomorrow to do some mad last-minute practice driving. *hugs wal-mart* I'm off to bed with my lemonade, baby.


"Hey baby, you really got me flyin' tonight.."

It reminds me of Waterford. :D
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Damn right. {-sung like usher-} [18 Jun 2002|11:14pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | The Simpsons. The Africa episode. ]

I spent quite the hour+ on the phone with Shauna tonight; she called, unexpectedly, to ask a favour and reveal some really surprising information - like, I had the same reaction that I did to The Infamous Marriage - but not bad necessarily just... surprising. Then we spent the rest of the time bitching about Sharon's wedding and how the both of us were dreading it, and all the nooks and crannies in between. Shauna's the maid of honour and yet Sharon's kind of acting like the whole world can schedule around her.. Blah. Not a happy circumstance. In fact, there will be a solo person happy at that wedding, and that is her mother, my aunt. I don't know about Mark's side, but our side is so underwhelmed... if any of us could bail, we all would. At least Shauna and Christina have escorts they know; I get to sit next to, walk with, and dance with one of Mark's sleazy friends. Could I be any less enchanted? Gah. I know I'm ranting, but if you heard the whole story it's just so... depressing. The couple isn't even in love. It just goes on and on..

In other news, the simpsons rocks and I love my friends. Whee! And I made the bracelets for the kiddies, finally. So they'll get them tomorrow. :)

My eyes are scratchy. That means beddy-bye.

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And we can raise a little family. [18 Jun 2002|09:58am]
Happy Birthday, PAUL! I love you! MWAH! *xoxoxoxo* And not in a creepy stalker way!

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