May 14th, 2005
03:54 pm - just a quick note.. ..im in an internet cafe in california and my hours almost up so this will have to be quick. am having fun despite having been horribly sick the whole trip. spent tuesday morning in the hospital having xrays and tests. will update more when i am back.
kisses. -b Current Mood: rushed
May 4th, 2005
08:22 pm - lunacy is everything i need okay, tentative departure date is the 27th of may. (cause i still have to check with my irish connection) omg! i LOVE their shirts....no wait....thats wrong. leaving for california on the ninth. stopping in phoenix on the way back. should get in the sixteenth. then stay there a few days. come home, finish the packing, get my plane on the 27th. and the panic attacks, they are back. if anyone would like to help me with packing and trashing, id be happy to give you my firstborn child or dinner or something.
cut my hair off today. its very...short. i look quite butch. however, i am okay with that as im still cute. (how could i not be?)
am currently digging on kate bush. also, my secret shame cd. that will never be mentioned under pain off death.
also, family guy is back and to that i can simply say, YAY STEWEY!!
ooh ooh ooh i got back my old computer so new icons soon. LOVE!!
okay, back to packing and sorting and whining and the like.
kisses and things -b Current Mood: stressed Current Music: kate bush - wuthering heights
May 1st, 2005
12:02 am okay, so i am having some internet issues. hopefully, my mad leet skillz have enabled me to fix them, but if you dont hear from me for a while, dont take it personally.
had more to say, but.....i dont really feel like it.
wait! one more thing...
have i mentioned that im going to marry that man??
cause i am. in a totally non stalker way of course.
love and kisses
-b Current Mood: bouncy Current Music: late late show WITH MY HUBBY OMG!!
April 30th, 2005
12:25 pm - woot!! double woot!!
guess where im updating from.....
no guess.....
and i fixed my compy too.
-b Current Mood: victorious Current Music: suede - one hit to the body
April 29th, 2005
10:44 am - this is what i get for my beautiful head meh. everythings gone. ive decide just to go ahead and give it up as lost and sell my tower now. my friend who tried to help me with it expressed an interest, so....
im going to try and hook up my old tower tonight and make sure i can get at least some of my information off of it. okay so enough about my computer woes.
today is my last day. of work. IN THIS COUNTRY. wow. i get tingly just thinking of it. oh and on wednesday im chopping off all my hair.
ive got to go to the bank at lunch. and im going to start on my house packing tomorrow. i swear on my natural hair color. (if i knew what that was)
also, muse concert next week. oh yes. ill be there. oh yes. OH yes.
do any of you need any stuff. im going to be selling most of it. so if you need anything, let me know. i have like a couch, some electronical equipment, kitchen stuff. etc.
k. well, till i get my home compy fixed, this is going to be all. ill be back before i leave for cali next week. till then my lovelies.
kisses -b Current Mood: bouncy Current Music: cure - just like heaven (yay!!)
April 28th, 2005
02:25 pm - *sigh* so when it rains, it pours.
my computer seems to have wiped my entire hard drive. meaning ive lost everything about my business, all my bookmarks, everything ive ever written, all the icons, backgrounds, emails, etc. i mean almost all of it is replaceable, its just, im leaving in four weeks and i dont need this kind of stress people. honestly.
anyway, if ive lost all my icons, that means im stuck with these for a while. of course, im taking it to a friend of a friends tonight to see if he can help at all. one way or another i get my computer back, its just that i wont know if im starting from scratch or not. and if it is completely wiped, is it worth it to me to save more stuff when in three weeks im going to have to burn out all the info and wipe it so i can sell?
i wish it were friday. not in that everyday, i dont want to come to work tomorrow way, but in the im so exhausted im not sure if ill be able to get out of bed tomorrow way.
im to emotionally worn out to think of one more thing to say. i hope to see you lovelies again soon.
kisses -b
ps. does anyone have a mouse with a serial port? id hate to have to buy a new one just to sell it again. Current Mood: despondant & migrainey Current Music: the voices weeping in my head (no really)
April 26th, 2005
12:29 pm - youre a big boy now, so lets not talk about growth am eating nachos which are of the liquid cheese variety and so so good, except my stomach has been really bad for the last three days and the nachos? perhaps not the greatest idea ive ever had. but still. so so good.
so, snow patrol concert last night. and despite the complete and utter tool standing behind me and the skeezy guy by the bar who tried to grab my boobs every time i walked past him, i had a really good time. there are still one of my top five favourite bands of all time. tiki was with us and went COMPLETELY INSANE when they played the songs she knew. but thats okay. i thinks its good that she enjoyed herself that much. she just always seemed so quiet so it was kinda funny.
anyway, im going to do my utmost to not vomit today. (and people said i have no goals) and friday is my last day of work. yay for sleep! except i cant sleep because then i will have exactly 9 days to pack up my entire house and split everything into storage, sell, trash, and ship. *sigh* i guess ill sleep on the plane.
i should get back to work now. ill update later with an offensive rant. thats a promise.
kisses -b Current Mood: nauseated Current Music: leslie anne levine - the decemberists
April 21st, 2005
01:29 pm - we kiss each other with lips like pain dani, i think thats wrong. you'll have to correct me. so ive been deathly ill for the last three days. now that im able to stand up without vomiting....did i miss anything good? here's mindless filler so i dont have to think....
Becca Lorraine Latham's Aliases
| Your movie star name: Ice Cream Fredrick
| Your fashion designer name is Becca Dresden
| Your socialite name is Becky Barrettes New York
| Your fly girl / guy name is B Lat
| Your detective name is Frog Naaman
| Your barfly name is Pretzel Vodka
| Your soap opera name is Lorraine Archery
| Your rock star name is Caramel Cougar
| Your star wars name is Becras Latjon
| Your punk rock band name is The Hurty Melon Baller
okay so ive had a migraine for four days. and it seems to be getting worse instead of better. if i have a brain tumor, im going to be VERY upset.
kisses -b Current Mood: in PAIN Current Music: everything will flow - suede (in head)
April 18th, 2005
01:19 pm - love comes in colors i cant deny there is a thunderstorm today which means that the air is thick with my favourite smell. texas in the rain. of course it also means that i have the migraine from hell and have four more hours of florescent lights pounding down on my skull, before im able to go home and lie on my uncomfortable bed. only i cant cause i have to go to the store and then pick up my sister. then i can go home but its only to pick up a few things and take them over to my parents house again along with their anniversary present which if i do say so myself is quite a good idea. and was that the longest run-on sentence in the history of the world? i believe it was.
so im at my wits end with this job. im constantly exhausted and my health is getting worse and worse. i am really not healthy enough to work full time and its scaring me cause what am i supposed to do in ireland if i cant work. im trying to look at the big picture. the more days i drag myself to the office, the more money i have for ireland and prep for ireland. but its getting harder and harder to care. i need to buy my ticket to cali and my ticket for ireland but i have no idea when im going to be able to go. im too worn out when i get home to do more than collapse into bed or veg out. i havent packed ANYTHING since i started. maybe i should talk to my mom about helping me pack. the problem is when. i have plans every weekend until i leave and im at work all day.
*sigh* i didnt mean for this to be a downer, i was in a good mood. well, ish. im just so so tired and i hurt all over and im frustrated cause a dream ive had for twenty one years is within my grasp and i can see it crumbling all around me and i just want to give up and cry. but i dont cry. or feel things. so instead ill go home, drink vodka, and break stuff.
emotional instability is fun!
kisses -b Current Mood: maudlin Current Music: blew away - smashing pumpkins
April 15th, 2005
09:58 am - liar liar everythings on fire ...*sigh*
i angle bracket three the new pornographers. so good. so so good.
and now....random snippets. try and keep up.
i saw pics of hubby in his new movie. he plays elvis and looks JUST FREAKIN' LIKE HIM!! okay im calm now. im supposed to get my paycheck today. im excited. i fell asleep at eight thirty last night. i was lying in bed talking on the phone. hung up the phone, and next thing i knew my alarm was going off. i washed my hair this morning instead of last night and i resemble a ....well, a poofy haired thing. i ran into a wall today when i got to the office. still a little sleepy apparently. finally uploaded some new icons. i will burn a cd and send it to you if you can tell me who is on my icon and what the quote is from. feel as if im the only one without a paid account. a little sad about that. im going to be updating the look of our lost community this weekend. hope laura likes it. so, if you need to get in touch with me by phone this weekend, well, leave a voicemail and ill get to you as soon as i can. supposed to get my garage cleaned up today. water be gone and the like. do i have any volunteers to help me with packing up and getting stuff together for my garage sale?? anyone want to go to the museum tonight?? anyone? anyone? wow. i think i need some stronger coffee cause this stuff sure isnt working.
k well i should at least work a little today so im off.
kisses - b Current Mood: fuzzy headed Current Music: smashing pumpkins - today
April 14th, 2005
11:34 am - shaking their bits to the hits so, i went into my laundry room last night to throw some clothes in the dryer, so i wouldn't have to iron, and my garage was flooded. it was so not cool. the plumbing on that house is older than i am, so its logical that there are faulty connections and the like. however, it doesnt stop me from giving my laundry room the stink eye. meh.
ive needed to go grocery shopping for weeks, just cant seem to find the energy to make myself go. but id better go soon. plus, my house is a disaster. i need to do my dishes SO badly. there is no more room in the sink and ive been putting the dirty plates on the counter next to my sink. *sigh* im so gross.
also, my court date was okay. the judge knocked off thirty dollars. also, he was flirting. v.v. disturbed by that.
they are having an all night exhibit at the dallas museum of art this friday and i want to go, but laura and kalen are BOTH out of town and i dont have any other friends. at least not museum caliber friends who live in the area. i could ask taryn. but as an artist shed be all 'look at the depth' and 'light and shadow interplay' and 'brush work' and 'reminiscent of the work of...' and blah blah blah and id be all 'thats a pretty fish'. or something equally monosyllabic. meh again.
im supposed to go out with my friend again on saturday. he promised to go to the lounge with me. (yay!) if i promised to go to insomnia with him (an after hours dance club) which means ill leave my house around ten on saturday night and get home about eleven sunday morning. i think im much too old for crap like this. but its my going away night with him so...he gets to pick.
anyway, my brain is liquid this morning. which does not bode well for my concentration, comprehension, or clarity (alliteration is my friend) plus the headache that has been lingering on the fringes of my consciousness all day is back and has brought his friend nausea. and is SHE ever a bitch. plus my hips have been hurting more recently, along with my lower back, due to all the sitting ive been doing.
plus. lost was a repeat, i want a sandwich, im so cold that my hands arent working, my coffee is room temperature, and i dont know where im going for lunch yet.
well, no rest for the wicked. at least until my new order of minions and slave boys comes in. 3 day guarantee my butt.
kisses -b Current Mood: hurty Current Music: beautiful ones - suede (in head)
April 13th, 2005
12:56 pm - emo is the new blue so i discovered the name of the phantom song. it IS a suede song. its called attitude. this means there are TWO suede songs i dont currently own. that one and sadie. ill have to rectify that post haste.
i have a court date today. i went to pay for my ticket and the clerk refused to let me. she assigned me a court date cause maybe the judge will reduce the fine and 'whats the worst that could happen?' well, lets see. i could get fired for having to take off two hours for a job i just started and am still not that great at. or i could get in a fiery accident and be horribly maimed and disfigured. or they could hold me in contempt for some slight, real or imagined, and throw me in jail. and i am MUCH too cute for prison.
dont really have much too add. job is still boring. though its better than my last few jobs. cant wait till its over though. cause then i will have oodles of money and be in ireland. so woot.
as a humourous aside, when i first started here, i told everyone when my assignment is up im moving to dublin. (its a temporary assignment). somehow, the word has spread that the 'little redhead girl' is moving to.... wait for it....
*SIGH* people hurt my head.
soo many people to see "one last time" i cant keep track of them all. plus i havent even STARTED packing up. at least not in any serious way. and its starting to give me panic attacks. big ones.
i miss updating everyday. i miss my friends updating everyday. so....update. so i can comment and not work.
that is all plebes. (with love)
-b Current Mood: hot Current Music: people are people - depeche mode (in my head)
April 11th, 2005
01:14 pm - a dangerous daughter in a leopard print skirt... help me dani!! i heard this song over the weekend. i knew all the words and i remember hearing it when i was staying with you. it sounded like suede a WHOLE LOT but i thought i had heard all of the suede songs. is this a song i missed and should feel much shame? or is it some group that wants to be suede and i should feel much shame cause i couldnt tell the difference? the worst part is i REMEMBER that at one point i knew who this was.
getting old sucks. a LOT.
also, was insanely disgustingly sick this weekend. it was not fun. slept for fourteen hours on saturday night and am feeling somewhat better today. however i still have a migraine from hell and feel like i might vomit at any moment. so fun times. fun times.
in other news, my parents anniversary present is almost completed. after work today i am supposed to go out with laura and andrew, and get together with kalen once laura and i are done. and i really just want to go home and kill myself. or sleep. whichever. i have been having REALLY funny dreams. i think it means i need more zinc in my diet.
i would gladly clock out if they would let me take a nap just for a little while. im so tired. so tired that i think updating is a good idea.
man i need new icons. remind me to change them out when i get home. plzkthx.
wish i had music. music could save my life right now. so could sushi. i think im outta luck as far as both go. hmmm..should prolly work. or at least pretend to. lots of comments please so i can respond to them instead of doing my work.
thanks in advance. love and kisses -b Current Mood: tired Current Music: cubical noises
April 8th, 2005
10:03 am - baby im afraid of a lot of things... rascal died on wednesday. just found out last night. it was kept from me for my own good. obviously, i am six years old. was up all night being violently ill. still had to work today. had plans to go out this weekend, but seriously rethinking them. i think my new weekend plans could be summed up with the following equation... [((me-pants+couch)dvds)* vodka cubed.]
hmmm... and they said i was bad at math. looks like a balanced equation to me...
-b Current Mood: sick Current Music: modern romance - yeah yeah yeahs
April 6th, 2005
03:44 pm a few preliminary things.
2) my pretend boyfriend has FINALLY gotten a journal. he is DECEMBERFISH! everyone should go check it out he is funny in an extreme way and you will not be disappointed. on the contrary you will be most definitely entertained.
now then, this is going to be the most inane pointless rambling post ever in the history of the world. if i could be anywhere in the world right now, i would be in my house, in my sweats, on my couch watching my new dvds and eating ice cream. not inflicting my pms ridden self on defenseless others.
however i shall overcome this twinge of conscience cause evil is my life!!
*sigh* no rest for the wicked.
kisses -b Current Mood: irritable Current Music: absolutely none
March 30th, 2005
10:18 pm - they say im plump, but i throw up all the time started work today. meh. its okay i guess, just nine to five makes me want kill myself. its in the same complex as the law firm i used to work for although its a different tower. on one of our breaks, i went to the bathroom to twinkle (as us stars are wont to do) and remembered the following charming anecdote....
( click for humiliation and squick )
hope you have pleasant toilet free dreams.
love and kisses
-b Current Mood: odd Current Music: hole - credit in the straight world
March 26th, 2005
06:28 pm - ive written pages upon pages trying to rid you from my bones things are crazy and i really just want to kill someone. maybe me. at this point could go either way.
found this. http://www.livejournal.com/users/smolder/11479.html?view=52439#t52439 its brilliant. go read now plzkthx.
um guess thats all.
oh wait no!! i need help packing my house. any volunteers??
k. now thats all.
love and kisses
-b Current Mood: stressed Current Music: the decemberists - oceanside
March 6th, 2005
05:16 pm - ive got you in my heart, ive got you in my head so, last night my friend and i went to the lizard lounge to hear dj irene spin. (she is SO awesome btw) and can i just say OMG! OMG! OMG! IT WAS AWESOME!! seriously it was fun like woah! plus, i somehow found myself dancing in the middle of all the pretty dancing gay boys. it was great. we're going back next weekend. anybody wanna come with? its such happy sparkley fun!
also, the packing is eating my brain. whats left of it anyway.
and and and....
i guess thats all.
love and kisses -b Current Mood: chipper Current Music: basement jaxx - rendez - vu
March 2nd, 2005
11:31 pm - and if you're not mine, one less is nine so i came to two realizations tonight. first. elijah wood needs to have a daughter and name her arden. cause that would amuse me to no end. second. im having random thoughts about elijah wood procreating and should immediately gouge out my brain with a spork. (or whatever's handy)
fell down tonight. twisted my ankle. so you know. ow etc.
also, moving day is less than two months away so i should probably start packing and the like, but id rather drink vodka and read fanfic.
so thats what im going to do.
love kisses and vodka, -b Current Mood: drunk Current Music: the smiths - the boy with the thorn in his side
February 7th, 2005
05:25 pm - I feel more like a stranger each time I come home I know that is it freezing but I think we have to walk. I keep waving at the taxis they keep turning their lights off. But Julie knows a party at some actor's west side loft. Supplies are endless in the evening by the morning they'll gone.
And everything is lonely I can be my own best friend. I get a coffee and the paper; have my own conversations with the sidewalk and the pigeons and my window reflection. The mask I polish in the evening by the morning looks like shit.
I know you have a heavy heart I can feel it when we kiss. So many men stronger than me have thrown their backs out trying to lift it. But me I'm not a gamble you can count on me to split. The love i sell you in the evening by the morning wont exists.
You're looking skinny like a model with your eyes all painted black. Just keep going to the bathroom always say you'll be right back. Well, it takes one to know one kid, i think you got it bad. But what is so easy in the evening by the mornings such a drag.
I got a flask inside my pocket we can share it on the train. And if you promise to stay conscious I will try and do the same. Well we might die from medication but we sure killed all the pain. But what was normal in the evening by the morning seems insane.
And I'm not sure what the trouble was that started all of this. The reasons all have run away but the feeling never did. It's not something i would recommend but it is one way to live cause what is simple in the moonlight by the morning never is.
It was so simple in the moonlight now its so complicated. It was so simple in the moonlight... So simple in the moonlight... So simple in the moonlight... Current Mood: despondant Current Music: bright eyes - road to joy