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Below is user information for Monoboy. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:monoboy (684089) monoboy
Bio:The General Purpose Blog Thread [Click me! Click me! Click me!]
[Gerneral posting thread image]

Here is a blog entry made just for posting. This entry was made for the following reasons.
  • To accumulate posts in this blog as possible in one thread.
  • For people to tell me when they're going to add me to their friends list (because they can't see my other entries.
  • If a friend is going to delete their own blog on LJ they can give me a fair warning that they're doing so.
  • Bitching and ranting about others or myself (but keep within the LJ ToS please).
  • General conversations between myself and others.
If anyone can think of anything else to use this topic about let me know in this topic.

Also this topic will be linked on my LJ info page.

Happy posting!

Ignore this if you can: Recent Comments
Memories:30 entries
Interests:7: drowning, flcl, full metal panic fumoffu, kaleidoscopes, pointlessness, priya thomas, zed. [Modify yours]
People86:__sure_shot, _andxdarling, _dearjohn, _deathsex, a___pink_dream, abby_dardar, almostaplea, almostbrave, anthie, antireality, antisarah, archmercy, beat__it, beenyweeniehero, blushing_gurl, brokenwords, candyash, candyfiend_tas, celebrity_hate, cozmic, crossy, david_the_gnome, dead_in_love, destr0yme, devilbleeding, dollhead, echostrip, eleanorruby, emoxpunkstar, endlesshallway, evil_kevin, f13nd, fairiehawke, filmdiva, goldenagetramp, gottajibbo, gottasinktoswim, grymreaper, harmophious, islam_calling, jackeesuperstar, johnnyadvent, kendrobot, kuroneko17, ladyfinck, lipstokill, loveme4me11, luna_of_chaos, marley, mindless_antics, mirangula, mixylife, namelessreject, necroangel666, noone1mportant, novae_scion, panda_cookie, paperxtiara, prollyntsosober, punkie_rocker, queenofstate, raddonkeyz, raynarain, resister_a, rockhersocks, scotch_and_sofa, scumkitty, she_crys_tonite, shit4dreams, skakitty, slightlywounded, sorrysoselfish, sound_effect, spitchard, start0bleed, taag_team, tenchi777, thenextlife, tomiris, twink138, usedstiletto, xhomerx, xillegiblemessx, xilonen83, yermomlikewhoa, youth_decay
Friend of:84: __sure_shot, _andxdarling, _dearjohn, _deathsex, a___pink_dream, abby_dardar, almostaplea, almostbrave, anthie, antireality, antisarah, archmercy, beat__it, beenyweeniehero, blushing_gurl, brokenwords, candyash, candyfiend_tas, celebrity_hate, cozmic, crossy, david_the_gnome, dead_in_love, devilbleeding, dollhead, echostrip, eleanorruby, emoxpunkstar, endlesshallway, evil_kevin, f13nd, fairiehawke, filmdiva, goldenagetramp, gottajibbo, gottasinktoswim, grymreaper, harmophious, islam_calling, jackeesuperstar, johnnyadvent, kendrobot, kuroneko17, ladyfinck, lipstokill, loveme4me11, luna_of_chaos, marley, mindless_antics, mirangula, mixylife, namelessreject, necroangel666, noone1mportant, novae_scion, panda_cookie, paperxtiara, prollyntsosober, punkie_rocker, queenofstate, raddonkeyz, raynarain, resister_a, rockhersocks, scotch_and_sofa, scumkitty, she_crys_tonite, shit4dreams, skakitty, slightlywounded, sorrysoselfish, sound_effect, spitchard, start0bleed, taag_team, tenchi777, tomiris, twink138, usedstiletto, xhomerx, xillegiblemessx, xilonen83, yermomlikewhoa, youth_decay
Member of:1: thestart
Account type:Free Account

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