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  You are here:   EFF Home : Topics : Censorship

Online Censorship & Free Expression

 Focus on Internet Blocking

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*   Court: Network Associates Can't Gag Users -
In a victory for free-speech advocates and product reviewers, a New York state judge has ruled that Network Associates can't prevent people from talking about its products, ZDNet (January 21, 2003)

*   Owning the Future -
U.S. law is disturbingly supportive of Internet censorship, Technology Review (requires fee) (January 18, 2003)

*   AT&T Ad Trips Over a Trademark -
Kembrew McLeod, assistant professor of communications studies at the University of Iowa, believes that "freedom of expression" — or at least the phrase — belongs to him, because he registered it as a trademark in 1998, New York Times (January 18, 2003)

*   Supreme Court Decision Spurs Debate -
The Supreme Court's ruling this week to uphold the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act (CTEA) reignited the debate over whether Congress' 1998 decision was unconstitutional in granting extended copyright protection and whether that extension impacts free speech guarantees in the First Amendment, InernetNews.com (January 17, 2003)

*   Network Associates Can't Gag Users -
In a victory for free-speech advocates and product reviewers, a New York state judge has ruled that the security software company can't prevent people from talking about its products, CNet News via Business Week Online (January 17, 2003)

More Headlines

Intellectual freedom (including freedoms to think, believe, read, speak, write, publish, perform, create art, produce software, and protest, among many others) is one of the most fundamental of basic human rights, and is protected by the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as national and state constitutions, amendments, and caselaw in democratic parts of the world. Unfortunately, it is also the most frequently attacked of those rights. Censorship comes in many forms, and from many sources, ranging from governments and corporations, to educational institutions and reactionary individuals. EFF opposes imposition of censorship laws and policies, and believes that the full democratic and empowering potential of the Internet can only be realized in a true marketplace of ideas and expression.


Descriptions of Subtopics...


(Much more material may be available under the subtopics above)

Heins's Not in Front of the Children Excerpt-
An excerpt from Not in Front of the Children: "Indecency," Censorship, and the Innocence of Youth by Marjorie Heins of the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC). Republished with permission. (May 2001)

960805_french_isp_investigation.announce -
Association des Utilisateurs d'Internet (French Internet Users' Association) press release strongly criticizing French government's attempt to hold ISP system operators liable for Usenet content.

960705_videazimut_cajamar.declaration -
"Declaration of Cajamar": Resolution of participants in "Media for Citizenship in the Electronic Age" seminar convened by Videazimut in Cajamar, Brazil, July 3-5, 1996. Resolution supports UN declarations of rights, McBride & Maitland Commissions' reports, and conclusions of Beijing Conference on Women. Declaration concludes: "we encourage all individuals and organisations worldwide working in the field of communications for development and democracy to collaborate in solidarity and work together, at every opportunity, to achieve these goals." Declaration also asks government of Brazil to shape up in this area.

9606_cassandra_netdangers_livraghi.article -
"Cassandra": A look at where, in government and elsewhere, threats to the Internet are or may be coming from, globally. By Giancarlo Livraghi of ALCEI/EF-Italy.

access_rights_johnson.article -
"Access Rights -- All Power to the Sysop?", article by David Johnson. Excerpt: "Some enlightened sysops will create mechanisms by means of which users can participate in making rules and overseeing their enforcement. Will those sysops prosper in preference to others who act less accountably? Will the existence of checks on arbitrary exercises of raw power help to keep other, external, regulators at bay?"

aclu_opposes_porno_censorship.article -
ACLU article explaining why the ACLU opposes censorship. The article answers a series of questions, providing a broad defense of the ACLU position.

anarchist_censorship.article -
Article on anarchism on the internet and commentary about the innacuracies and censorship of anarchists

apple_cdrom_revisionism.articles -
articles and posts regarding Apple Computer's "censorship" or "revisionism" of a CD-ROM with "politically incorrect" historical facts.

censorship_ala.definition -
American Library Association Definition of Censorship

child_safety_online.booklet -
The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) has teamed up with members of the Interactive Services Association (ISA) to offer this brochure, written by Los Angeles Times syndicated columnist Lawrence J. Magid, to educate families about the benefits and risks of online services.

content_regulation_johnson.article -
"Taking Cyberspace Seriously: Dealing with Obnoxious Messages on the Net", David Johnson. Excerpt: "Territorially-based laws fail us when we confront new phenomena involving participants whose geographical locations span legal jurisdictions and have little relationship to the locus of the harms they might inflict...we can reduce the intensity of the debate, and find some real solutions...if we take seriously the idea that cyberspace is a separate place...fully absorb the fact that most communications on the net amount to the joint creation of a new shared space allowing the assembly of like-minded individuals."

cyber_barbwire_johnson.article -
"Barbed Wire Fences in Cyberspace: The Threat Posed by Calls for Ownership of Transactional Information", article by David Johnson. Excerpt: "Concerned about the threat to privacy created by such electronic dossiers, some have called for new laws granting each of us "ownership" of all the transactional information generated as we move around the network...This may produce a sort of cattle drive vs. sheep herder battle on the electronic frontier. Either "information wants to be free" or we can all put barbed wire around the tracks we leave -- but we can't have both a free information range and a system of information ownership. The First Amendment implications of any such privacy regime are staggering."

cyber_first_amend_johnson.article -
"Volume Controls in Cyberspace? -- Hard First Amendment Questions in the Age of Electronic Networking", article by David Johnson. Excerpt: "Some call for enforcement of the First Amendment in cyberspace. Some point out that the First Amendment is a local U.S. ordinance...But no one has yet come to grips with the hard question of how we will balance the community interests in imposing some limitations on speech against the desire to facilitate open communication over the Net...In other words, if we did have a "First Amendment" in cyberspace, generally agreed upon as a global balancing tool for the rights of speech and the protection of other interests, what would it say?"

epic_fbi_crypto_childporn.alert -
EPIC mini-alert, reporting that FBI director Louis Freeh has already, as of Oct. 95, begun to attack cryptography as a hindrance to law enforcement with "evidence" that FBI efforts were hindered by encrypted files in a recent child porn investigation.

flagburning_amendment_alert.old -
ACLU alert and issue summary: 1995-6 attempt by US Congress to amend the Constitution to make it a crime to "desecrate" the US flag. (The amendment failed on a very narrow vote.)

gii_censorship_aclu.article -
ACLU action alert regarding freedom of expression in the GII

gottesman_lords_video_case.article -
Washington AP reports "Former porn queen Traci Lords' movies play a featured role in a Supreme Court dispute over whether a federal law against distributing child pornography violates the right to free speech. Gottesman, owner of X-Citement Video, was convicted of selling more than 100 Traci Lords videotapes to an undercover Los Angeles policeman in 1986 and 1987. But lawyers for Los Angeles porn shop owner Rubin Gottesman say a lower court correctly found the law unconstitutional on the ground that it didn't require proof that Gottesman knew Lords was under 18."

granularity_cyberlaw_johnson.article -
"Granularity and the Law of Cyberspace", article by David Johnson. Excerpt: 'With regard to intellectual property doctrine, the simultaneous bigness and smallness of intellectual artifacts in cyberspace causes serious problems. Should we consider each e-mail message a "work"? How can we use the "proportion taken" factor in a "fair use" analysis when we are dealing with the copying and forwarding of "whole" e-mail messages?...The same can be said about many other areas of law. The large numbers of small bits traversing a network make it nearly impossible for a sysop to review messages in advance -- and therefore requires us to rethink the application to sysops of traditional "publisher" liability for defamation...'

human_rights_960420.article -
Shari Steele's Human Rights (A.B.A) article on current (Spring '96) Internet censorship issues

istook_simpson_95_amend_congress.record -
debate from several months of the Congressional Record about the Istook "gag" amendment and related issues.

istook_simpson_advocacy_95.amend -
Amendement to appropriations bills, by Rep. Istook and Sen. Simpson. Supporters say it will help keep taxpayers from being ripped off by lobbyists. Detractors claim it is an attempt to silence non-profit organizations, and censor them out of the policy-making process.

kids_and_cyberporn_godwin.article -
"CHILDREN, CHILD ABUSE, AND CYBERPORN: A Primer for Clear Thinkers", article for Internet World By Mike Godwin. "Here's an interesting experiment. Try combining the topics of Sex, Children, and the Net in a magazine or newspaper story, or even in an online discussion. Amazingly, this combination will almost invariably cause ostensibly intelligent people to shut down their higher thinking centers...Which is why I came up with the following quick-and-dirty primer to help folks out...When talking about pornography and child safety on the Net, one often sees several different terms bandied about as if they were interchangeable. They're not. Here are some basic definitions..."

kids_online.article -
"Caution: Children at Play on the Information Highway; Access to Adult Networks Holds Hazards" by John Schwartz. "Just when parents and schools are urging children to play with computers, the nature of their use is changing. Increasingly, computers are linked by networks to other computers -- and those networks are connected to other networks worldwide. As a result, users are exposed to an astonishing variety of information, including some of the raunchier aspects of human life."

lappin_obscen_indecen.article -
Journalist Todd Lappin explains obscenity and indecency (and the differences between them) in lay terms.

milton_against_censorship.statement -
John Milton's short discussion of censorship.

music_censorship_aclu.article -
ACLU article articulating the ACLU position on the censorship of music

obscen_virtcom_stds_godwin.article -
"VIRTUAL COMMUNITY STANDARDS: BBS Obscenity Case Raises New Legal Issues", an article by Mike Godwin describing the relationship between the laws of various states regarding pornography and the internet, focusing in particular on the AABBS case. This 1994 article first appeared in the San Fransico Examiner.

obscenity_and_censorship_aclu.article -
ACLU board position on obscenity and censorship, in which the ACLU rejects several arguments in favor of censoring obscenity

obscenity_and_indecency_godwin.excerpt -
Selection from Mike Godwin's forthcoming book, discussing the legal differences between "indecency" and "obscenity". Though the general public tends to use these terms interchangably, and the fundamentlist lobbying groups do so on purpose to sow confusion, they are very different legal regimes.

obscenity_online_godwin.article -
Mike Godwin's March/April 1994 Internet World article "SEX AND THE SINGLE SYSADMIN: The risks of carrying graphic sexual materials." Excerpt: "most of this country's law-enforcement organizations have only recently become aware of the extent that [sexually explicit] material is traded and distributed online--now that they're aware of it, they're aware of the potential for prosecution. In a recent case, an Oklahoma system operator was charged under state law for distribution of obscene materials, based on a CD-ROM of sexual images that he'd purchased through a mainstream BBS trade magazine. He was startled to find out that something he'd purchased through normal commercial channels had the potential of leading to serious criminal liability..."

porn_and_first_amend_aclu.article -
ACLU position paper explaining the ACLU position on censorship (against) and why the ACLU is so persistant.

protection_and_net.article -
Article by Steve Cisler (Apple librarian). Summary: Now that the Internet is becoming popular, many people and organizations want to protect the Internet, protect people from the Internet, protect individual systems from casual visitors, protect children from access to certain files and online interactions, and protect whole cultures from outside influences.

red_light_district.article -
Maclean's Magazine article by Joe Chidley, "Red-Light District....From S&M to Bestiality, Porn Flourishes on the Internet". An example of the sensationalist journalism that has catapulted "cyberporn" from a non-issue to the legal fight of the century. Unlike a lot of such pieces, this article does actually discuss free speech activism and some of the futility and flaws in the net censorship legislation being bandied about, but is full of hype and hysteria nonetheless.

title_18_sect_2251-2.law -
US Code (federal law) Title 18, Part I, Chapter 110: "Sexual Exploitation and other abuse of children" (the child porn statutes.)

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Subtopic Descriptions

Internet Censorship Legislation -
Directory of info on legislation, such as CDA and COPA, intended to censor the Internet.

Censorware/Internet Blocking -
Directory of info on Internet content blocking, filtering, labeling and rating systems.

SLAPP Suits & Legal Abuse -
Directory of info on "strategic lawsuits against public participation" (SLAPPs) - largely (or entirely) bogus litigation or other legal tactics, targeting underfunded critics, whistleblowers or competitors to expose and silence them.

Online Services -
Directory of info on (non-governmental) censorship by commercial online service providers.

Academic & Education Censorship -
Directory of info on censorship and intellectual freedom in academic and educational environments, including schools, colleges, universities and libraries.

Radio & TV -
Directory of info on censorship of radio, and broadcast, cable and satellite television. Topics include regulation of "indecency", the "V-chip", and common carrier obligations to refrain from content-based censorship on public access channels.

Hate Speech/Discrimination -
Directory of info on intellectual freedom, equal opportunity & the urge to censor those who offend: hate speech, racism, misogyny, sexual harassment, neo-nazism, holocaust revisionism, discrimination and the use of regulations to silence offensive speech.

Freedom of Religion -
Directory of info on separation of church and state, freedom of religion, religious censorship

Immigration Bills -
Directory of info on censorship and free expression issues, and privacy concerns, raised by reactionary anti-immigration legislation

Terrorism & Militias -
Directory of information on censorship and free expression issues, and privacy concerns and surveillance, as they relate to media and political responses to terrorism and fears of terrorism (including militia scapegoating, etc.)

Rimm/CMU/Time "Cyberporn" Fiasco -
Directory of info on the Marty Rimm/CMU cyberporn "study", the Time Mag. article based on it, and similar academic and journalistic anti-porn gaffes.

Local, State & Non-US -
Directory of info on Internet censorship at the local, state and non-US levels.

Freedom of Information -
Link to directory of info on FOIA and open government

Scientology Cases -
Link to directory of infoChurch of Scientology suits against various individuals, BBSs, ISPs, and newspaper publishers

Computers & Academic Freedom Project -
Link to EFF-hosted independent project on combatting university & high school censorship

EFF's Blue Ribbon Campaign for Online Free Expression -
Link to EFF's Internet free speech campaign page

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Blue Ribbon
Join the Online Free Speech Campaign - the world's largest Internet grassroots movement!

Related Links

Censorship, Freedom of Speech, and Child Safety Index -
Evan Hansen, CNET News.com (Mar. 9, 2001)

A Parent's Guide to Supervising a Child's Online and Internet Experience -
"A short guide to how the Internet works and what parents can do to guide their childrens' online experiences", by attorney Robert Cannon

American Library Association Office of Intellectual Freedom (ALA-OIF) -
Promulgates policies protecting intellectual freedom as embodied in the Library Bill of Rights, the ALAŐs position on free access to libraries and library materials.

Project Censored -
"annual nationwide media research project... to explore and publicize the extent of censorship in our society"

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press (RCFP) -

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) -
Web page and extensive archives

Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR) -
"The national media watch group offering well-documented criticism in an effort to correct media bias and imbalance...FAIR seeks to invigorate the First Amendment by advocating for greater media pluralism and the inclusion of public interest voices in national debates."

Creative Coalition of Artists (CCA) -
A growing community of artists working for freedom of expression on online services and the Internet.

First Amendment Cyber-Tribune (FACT) -
A resource for anyone wanting to learn more about the First Amendment. It provides information on all the liberties guaranteed by the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

MIT Student Association for Freedom of Expression (SAFE)

Banned Books On-Line -
A special exhibit of books that have been the objects of censorship or censorship attempts.

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