Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002
1:11 am - So I lay my head back down....
Okay, I realize I haven't updated in almost two days, but oh well. It's been a busy couple of days. Sunday I had to come back here...right after the Chiefs game. We lost in a clencher at the end. Stupid Broncos. Anyway, it resulted in me leaving late and I didn't get back here until even later due to traffic and stupid road construction. Grr... but I got everything unpacked and ended up staying up way later than I should have. Which resulted in today...
I ended up not going to 20th Century and Piano for Teachers. The original plan was to wake up to my alarm and see how I felt after 4 hours of sleep. My laptop apparently decided that I needed to sleep and I didn't wake up. Oh well, truthfully I wasn't really prepared for either class anyway. I got up in time for Secondary Methods, though. It was funny because apparently Kara had mentioned that I might not be back from KC yet since it was a long drive so I was in class and Chris Cherry walked in, looked at me, and said 'You're Here!" It was kinda cool to know that they missed me :0)
Kevin and Frank left about fourty-five minutes ago. It was definitely a fun night. Ken brought us dinner (he ROCKS!!) and the others came ober and we hung out for a while... then we played Jenga (or "Tumbling Tower," the generic Wal-Mart version of Jenga... but it's all good.. they're all blocks :0)) . That was such a blast. When Jenny, Frank, Kevin, and I were all playing we had this huge tower going.. I think it got up to 18" before it toppled over. I don't know if I've ever laughed that hard when not only was I 100% sober but also, more importantly since the first condition never happens, not loopy. It was just a great laugh.
I also have my cabbage patch kid fairies hanging from the ceiling. Frank has called them all kinds of weird names and basically told me that having them up there was just weirding him out. I think they're cute, so THERE. That's just the way it is. Ha! It's MY room. I can have the weird devil babies up there if I want to!
Random Quiz:
Congratulations, you're Seattle, the Emerald City. What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun Contrary to popular opinion, Seattle is not as rainy as legend says. It is in fact a charming green jewel with sparkling cerulean water and verdant hills. Its isolation has made it home to free-thinking and independent individuals. Despite having the most millionaires per capita, it still has a small town atmosphere. A small town with lots of coffee that is. Java is an art there. Perhaps it is the coffee that has caused this city to give birth to twisted cartoonists and rock stars.
That's kinda funny, actually. I mean, Seattle's weather and everything is pretty close to that of Edinburgh... or at least as close as it gets here in the states. Woohoo!! Yet another sign!
Ooh... I've got three songs on repeat play at the moment (not unusual for me.) Two are from the "A Walk to Remember" soundtrack that Yolanda gave me while I was home. The songs are called "Only Hope" and "Someday We'll Know" (Both performed by Mandy Moore.. the second with Jonathan Foreman.) The former I used as my nightly lyrics the last time I did it, the latter are the basis of tonight's nightly lyrics. Yeah. The other song I kept hearing on ads for "City of Angels" and had to listen to. Yes, it's "Iris" by the GooGoo Dolls. It's had to have been about five years since that song came out and it still just hits me like a tiday wave every time I hear it. It's just something about those chords that gets to me. I don't know BUT if you don't know of one of these songs, you need to hear them. They're wonderful. If you're on Millikin's campus and you ask really nicely, I might even let you borrow my CD. Be prepared for a sappy night when you hear the two from "A Walk to Remember," though...well, maybe all three. And, yes, even guys have sappy love song nights.. even if you'd never admit it to anyone. Try to see AWTR too if you haven't. It's a good movie :0)
Wow.. this post has gotten a little longer than I expected. I think I'm gonna go now.. More as Life Happens. -K And Now for Your Moment of Zen: Tonight's Moment is just cute :0) No thinking involved. Yea.
"Does anybody know the way to Atlantis? Or what the wind says when she cries? I’m speeding by the place that I met you, For the ninety-seventh time tonight! Someday we’ll know If love can move mountains Someday we’ll know Why the sky is blue Someday we’ll know Why I wasn’t meant for you..."
current mood: giddy current music: "Iris" - The GooGoo Dolls
(sing me a story)
| Saturday, October 19th, 2002
11:54 pm - There's a kind of hush....
I don't want to go back. Seriously. I love my roommates, you're all awesome, amazing people and I'd miss you... but I sick of school. I just reached midterm of my FIRST semester of the year and I'm already burned out. I think I'm really more just sick of doing all the work all the time... how am I NOT supposed to get burned out? I have practically no time to do fun things.... every time I hole myself up in my room at school it's usually to do homework... even if that's not my original intent, I still end up doing homework because I feel so guilty. I've finally started to relax a little and I have to go back tomorrow. Ugh. And I haven't NEARLY gotten everything I need to have finished for Monday.. I've just really enjoyed spending some time with my family and actually having fun for a while. It's nice.
Mom and I painted the kitchen today. We had picked out a color yesterday, but she decided to change it at the last minute when we got into Wal-mart to get the paint. It turned out nice, though... definitely better than the peach there before... and Dad let the comment slip that he doesn't care if we paint rooms as long as we leave alone the white in the living room (there's not so much we could really do to it anyway) and we don't paint the woodwork.... which means the breakfast room is fair game (we had already planned that) as is the upstairs bathroom (which we were eyeing) and maybe eventually my room too. I could definitely stand to no longer have a pink space.
Anyway.. I could get some sleep, which I desperately need, but I'm going to go downstairs and spend some time with Yolanda instead. I don't know.. I know I'm supposed to be relaxing a little, but I still feel like I have to spend time with everyone while I'm home or I let someone down...
More as life happens... -K
current mood: tired current music: Nothing but the fan...again
(sing me a story)
| Friday, October 18th, 2002
11:45 pm - Baby, you're all that I need...
I'm so freaking evil. And I'm definitely starting to feel more than a little guilty about it, but it's all in good fun, right? More details after I get back to school.
It's weird. It's so quiet here that I have to have a fan running 24/7 and, since I'm a bit out in the sticks, it's too dark for me. Weird, eh? I'm just so used to Decatur with light always streaming in the windows that pitch black is just too much.. oh well..
I spent all of yesterday shopping with Mom and Aunt Tammy. I know, I know, big strain, right? I don't know.. I'm just so exhausted from school and everything that it's really hard to stay out where there are lots of people like that without getting completely zapped. I don't know
Today I spent mostly out with Dad helping him clean up the tree limbs as he was chopping them off the trees. He has this SkyLift thing that goes something like 80 feet in the air (one of his newest toys) so he could actually get up into the trees and chop off the dead limbs before they fell off by themselves and hit something. SO that was interesting.
Well, I have to be up at 7am tomorrow morning to go with Mom to an Optimist Club meeting at 8. Ack... early mornings suck. Besides, there's a storm coming in and I want to be asleep before the thunder and lightning hit.
More as Life Happens... -K
current mood: exhausted current music: The fan next to me..
(sing me a story)
| Thursday, October 17th, 2002
1:37 am - Come on down..... da da da dah dee da ('price is right' theme)...
So I go through that huge deal about probably not updating all weekend and what do I do as soon as I get some free time? I update. Granted, it's one thirty in the morning and I should be asleep because I have to be up in a few hours, but still...
It snowed here today! I got home and it was a mix of rain and snow. It's supposed to be 60 degrees Friday. Seriously, only in the Midwest.
I got home and it was all good. I really did miss my family a lot. It was great. They also gave me my birthday presents (a month late, but it's definitely all good on this one!). Mom gave me a saxophone thing she got at the Rennaissance Festival while they were out there and then... get this...
It's red, not my first choice.. but that's the only color they had so that's what I got. I don't care! It's a Chevy Avalanche (which explains the limited stock of colors). Sweet... I just can't wait until tomorrow morning to play with my new truck! Maybe when Mom and I go out searching for colors/wallpapers to redo the kitchen and breakfast room tomorrow we can take the truck. That'd be so cool....
Anyway.. just had to share! 'Night all!
More as Life Happens... -K I AM Home And Now for You Moment of Zen: And now, to further acknowledges exactly how AMAZING it is that the human race has stayed around this long, tonight's Moment comes to us courtesy of the Darwin Awards... the awards for those who die in really dumb ways. Or as they so aptly put it "Named in honor of Charles Darwin, the father of evolution, the Darwin Awards commemorate those who improve our gene pool by removing themselves from it." Yeah... The Romanian train
"Sing to me the song of the stars. Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again. When it feels like my dreams are so far, sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again. So I lay my head back down, and I lift my hands and pray to be only yours I pray to be only yours. I know now you're my only hope."
current mood: happy current music: "Only Hope" - Mandy Moore
(2 fairy tales |sing me a story)
| Wednesday, October 16th, 2002
12:34 pm - Modulation and I hold a high note....
Okay, so evil or not, I have definitely decided that Human Development is optional today. I really want to get home and all we're doing is going over the tests from last week. Total waste of my time. If I leave at 2, I'll probably get through St. Louis before rush hour gets into it.. if I leave at three, I'll be in St. Louis for over an hour trying to get through. This doesn't make Karen Happy.
Anyway, I don't know if I'll be updating this from home, but we'll see.
Okay, I'm going to turn off my computer now and head to my voice lesson. -K 1 Hour till I leave for home!! "Goin' home, goin' home, I'm a-goin' home; Quite like, some still day, I'm jes' goin' home. It's not far, jes' close by, through an open door; Work all done, care laid by, gwine to fear no more.
Mother's there 'spectin' me, father's waiting too; Lots o'folk gather'd there, all the friends I knew, All the friends I knew.
Home, home, I'm goin' home!
Nothin' lost, all's gain, no more fret nor pain, No more stumblin' on the way, No more longin' for the day, Gwine to roam no more!
Mornin' star lights the way, res'less dream all done; Shadows gone, break o'day, real life jes' begun. Dere's no break, ain't no end, jes' a-livin' on; Wide-a-wake, with a simle goin' on and on.
Goin' home, goin' home, I'm jes' goin' home, It's not far, jes' close by through an open door.
I'm a-goin' home, I'm jes' goin' home. Goin' home, goin' home, goin' home, Home!"
current mood: excited current music: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
(sing me a story)
12:01 am - Repetition of the Title of the Song....
I don't get it. I practice every night and I still do crappy on my conducting lab. I come back here and it's perfect. I've seriously got to learn the secret to not psyching oneself out. However the fact that it was my only real class and I didn't have to sing in masterclass helped. Also getting lunch at Racheal's dad's was a definite plus.
Unfortunately, however, choir was cancelled for tomorrow. So I have a choice. I can either leave after my voice lesson and have class end on a good note or I can leave after the most pointless class in the world (i.e. Human Development) an hour later quite possibly two-thirds of my way to sleep. I can claim that being drowsy when beginning a 6 hour drive isn't safe, right? I mean.. that's a LONG way to go to begin with. I guess I'll just see how I feel about it tomorrow.
I actually think that's it for the day/night. I don't know how often I'll update this weekend.. if at all, but I'm bringing my laptop home so I'll at least have access up in my room to it. We'll see how it goes. I can't wait to get home. YEA!!
Okay, no 20th century tomorrow. Yea! More as life happens... -K I GET TO GO HOME TOMORROW!!! And Now for Your Moment of Zen: This is a little different. I'm going to break from the 'pictures of Edinburgh track we've been on lately and post a link to an article. This this has a lot of interesting things to say about lyrics and their effect on listeners of different kinds of music. It's a really long read, but it's interesting -- and especially so to all you music/english majors out there. "Ramalamadingdong" by Elena Passarello
and appropriately, here are the lyrics of the night.. which I planned on using BEFORE I found the article...
"Title of the song Naive expression of love Reluctance to accept that you are gone Request to turn back time And rectify my wrongs Repetition of the title of the song "
*original title= "A Rhetorical & Structural Analysis of Boy Group Ballads of the Mid to Late 1990's" Thanks to Eric for this!!!
current mood: sore current music: "Title of the song" - Da Vinci's Notebook *
(sing me a story)
| Tuesday, October 15th, 2002
1:37 am - But Sunday'd be too late...
Most of today was lazy. I only have conducting tomorrow, so there really wasn't much for me to get ready for. I had to practice my conducting lab while the guys upstairs were blasting ghetto music. Lovely. It was in 4 and the lab is in 3. Do you know how hard that is? Okay.. music people probably don't, but still (actually, I ended up putting on Faith Hill's new song "Cry" which is in three and just blocking out the ghetto rap). It's not good... especially when the lab is really hard.. we have to do entrances this week, which means that every measure we're cue-ing another part. It's hard, but I think I've got it. Maybe. I was going to make muffins, but the milk is gone and I didn't feel like running out at 10:00 to get another gallon.
Frank came over again for a bit so we all hung out ("we all" being Frank, Jenny, Stefan, and I) for an hour or so... and watched my lava lamp slowly get back to normal after Stefan had turned it upside down and dislodged the wax inside. It's all good :0) It's back to it's normal psychedelic self again.
I also got to talk to Mason again tonight. Yea. I still really do enjoy talking to him.. as I had pointed out last night. I really do wish sometimes that something could come out of it, but there's that whole Chicago/Decatur/KC thing rearing its ugly head again. It was amazing that we both agreed on the whole Scotland thing. Most people act like I'm nuts when I say that I'd like to live in Edinburgh some day.
What's even more amusing is that, since I keep a link to here in my AIM away messages, the boy could concievably be reading all of this. I think he's way too busy for something like that, though. Why would he read this? Yeah yeah.. besides, if I openly invited my mother to join in my random musings in this thing, why not a guy I've got a crush on, eh?
Did anything else happen tonight? Oh.. I wanted to send a LJ shout out to Stefan again (even though we already told him in person... since he's HERE) THANKS FOR THE DISHES TODAY!! He did our dishes while all of us were off at class. Yea for him. Hang on to him Jenny ;0) he's a good one. But I know I don't have to tell you that...
So Ken takes out our trash whenever he's over, Frank makes us chocolate, really awesome sauce stuff, amd brings us food from catering... and now Stefan does dishes. If we get them all over here at the same time, we won't have to do anything but provide the entertainment...which is usually unintentional anyway. Yea for our friends :0)
And boo for this stupid headache. I don't know why I keep writing in here whining about it. It's not going to make it go away.
Okay, I need to get to bed then. 'Night all.. More as Life Happens... -K 2 days until I get to go HOME! And Now for Your Moment of Zen: Continuing the Edinburgh theme:
Click here for the tourist site I stole the pic from
"Could you cry a little? Lie just a little? Pretend that you're feeling just a little more pain. I gave now I'm wanting something in return So cry just a little for me."
current mood: happy current music: "I'll be back for more" -N Sync
(sing me a story)
| Monday, October 14th, 2002
8:39 am - Say what you feel inside...
Gah.. call out the Buffy squad again... I swear the guys upstairs are zombies or something. They NEVER sleep. They were up later than I was last night and up earlier. Are they crazy? And it definitely doesn't help that they have yet to learn that you don't play basketball in the apartment. I swear, I'm going to bring a basketball or something back from home with me so I can toss it up against the ceiling. Yeah.. maybe they'll see what annoying is. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Okay, time for 20th Century Music. 50 days of school so far and I have yet to skip. Yeah. Go me.
More as Life Happens.. -K
current mood: awake current music: "For the Girl (who has everything)" -N Sync
(sing me a story)
1:37 am - If you intellectualize the meaning of this fate...
There's really not much to say right now. After the last post, I really haven't done much. Frank and I went to Walmart and he ended up getting stuff to make chocolate for us mmmmm... He also brought along the Buffy musical on CD for us to listen to. What I got to hear was absolutely great! Man.. Spike has a voice on him... and Giles too. Wow. I think I want a copy of that.
On the way there, Yolanda (i.e. my little brother legally called "Tony") called my cell. So I talked with him until we got there and then had to end it because Wal-mart has no service in it. He called us on the way back too and I ended up talking to him for about an hour-ish. Poor Boy. I know he's there and most of his friends from school are gone at college now so he gets lonely. I know he has Mom and Dad to talk to, but that's not enough for an almost 20-year old guy. I wish I could talk to him longer, but my patience is about to zero lately and I really hate how short I am with everyone. If I could get rid of this headache, I think things would actually be a lot better. Luckily, however, I'll be home Wednesday night, so we'll be able to bond a bit.
Which reminds me...Mom, I can't take ibuprofen when I'm supposed to sing the next day. Because it thins the blood, it puts more pressure on the vocal cords and greatly increases the chance of having a major vocal blowout. Not good. See, the $20,000 a year education is teaching me something useful! :0)
For as much as I pick up on body language and that crap between other people, I'm pretty much clueless when it comes to me. I swear, I'm blind... I never read any signals right...
as is obvious by the fact that my poster (as in PAPER) "boyfriend" I got for my birthday left me for Jenny. Now that is pathetic. And I'm gonna get out of this whiny mode now.
Oh yeah.. and check this out. The official word from the Chasez camp (not to mention the picture's quite lovely): JC's Solo Career
Truthfully, I think that's it for now. Or at least that's all I can remember. More as life happens... -K And Now for Your Moment of Zen: How can you look at this and not want to be there?
As soon as I find a site that will let me link pictures from it, I'll upload some of Yolanda's from Scotland so I can share. This country is so beautiful...
"Everything's changing when I turn around all out of my control I'm a mobile."
current mood: drained current music: "You Say" - Vertical Horizon
(sing me a story)
| Sunday, October 13th, 2002
7:36 pm - It's impossible to find...
First off, I would like to point out that simply because I'm "wasting time" does not mean that I'm not enjoying myself. In fact it is quite the opposite. Generally when I'm "wasting time" on something, it's merely termed as spending time that could be used for heavy studying for something else much, much more amusing. Heck, I like wasting time!
On another random note, it's freaking COLD in here. Mental note to remember to bring some form of sweater collection back from home with me. Okay, so I only have, like, TWO sweaters plus the one I bought the other day, but still.
I swear there was something else I was going to say here, but I now have no clue what that was.
Anyway, I guess I'll put all that up here tonight.. More as life happens.. -K
current mood: mellow current music: "Only One" - Lifehouse
(1 fairy tale |sing me a story)
2:17 pm - Something keeps telling me...
You know, I could say that the reason I haven't updated in while was because I was busy all day yesterday.. but that would be an absolute lie. I was a bum. All day. And it was great.
However, that means that today I need to get my butt over to PMC and do some serious work. Old school.
Wow.. what's up with me today (yeah, yeah, the sky I know.)
I talked to Mason for the first time in a long while last night. Considering he's out of school and up in Chicago permanently now, I don't think it really has the potential to get anywhere, but it's nice to pretend, right? Either way, he's a great person and I really enjoy speaking to him.
So apparently Jen didn't come down this weekend as planned. Don't know where that went.
Frank came over after the dance last night (his date was too drunk and ended up leaving early) looking like, as he phrased it, "sex on a stick." Wow.. that was all shades of special (BTW.. he let that slip out while he was out with the Tri-Delts last night and now they're all over it. Great. Our phrase has been picked up by a sorority. ::sigh:: Back to the drawing board.) Oh well... was fun for him to stop by and stuff. Yea. And Kevin stopped by to borrow a movie for he and Jemel to watch. Tony was a dork, but I won't get into that, so Chrys ended up spending most of the night in Mueller instead of the dance and Jenny, Stefan, and I had chinese and enjoyed an anti-homecoming party complete with puppy chow.
Okay, well, I should get over to the school of music. I've already wasted most of my early afternoon... if I get all this practicing done now then my night is free for other things. yea.
More as life happens.. -K
current mood: lazy current music: "Eenie Meenie" - Craig David
(sing me a story)
| Saturday, October 12th, 2002
1:58 am - And I've got this feeling, down in my shoes...
This is going to be a really short update. I'm absolutely exhausted and it's the weekend, so I can actually sleep if I want to.
Frank came over for a while tonight. I gave him a ride to get himself some Chinese food for dinner.... I owed him the ride, especially since he brought over the first season of Buffy for me to borrow/watch. Yea for Frank! Not to mention a new bottlecap..
Frank and I decorated for Stefan's ghetto birthday party just before Jenny and he came back to the apartment to enjoy it (Chrys even made it back in time!). It was fun. We watched "Kate and Leopold" after the cake... a movie I think that all men should watch so they understand women a little more...and I enjoyed it. It just made me miss being in the UK even more, though. I swear, I was there for two weeks and it just felt like home, you know? Yeah.. y'all have heard all of this before.
My headache's still going, but I'm going to try Mom's ice solution again so maybe it will at least go away for a while...
Truthfully, I think that's it for now... More as life happens -K 4 Days until I get to go home! And Now for Your Moment of Zen: "Kate and Leopold" is right. All men should present their intentions in writing. It would just make life so much simpler...
"Have courage my soul and help me journey on Though the night is dark and I am far from home..."
current mood: sleepy current music: Nothing but the pounding of my head
(sing me a story)
| Friday, October 11th, 2002
10:04 am - When I woke up this morning...
Okay... so my Vocal Ped was cancelled for next Tuesday and my 20th century music was cancelled for Wednesday. Things are going well so far!
Mom... the ice thing helped, kind of. I definitely got to sleep a lot faster last night using it, but the headache is back this morning :0(
SO.. last night was fun. I got the lava lamp I won at the bonfire replaced easily, the lady didn't give me a hassle or anything. I haven't seen it go yet (it takes about an hour to warm up and I was in bed before that happened!) Jenny and I didn't got to Office Max, so we spent about an hour and a half skating last night. For most of the time we were the only ones there. They weren't playing any good music until the end when we started singing along to "You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling." It was fun, though. And very definitely (thankfully!) Aaron-free.
Afterwards we headed over to the Red Couch for dinner (i.e. free appetizer night!) Frank was over there so we made him come back to the apartment with us. He left after only a little while, though, because he, Jenny and I were all tired. Shortly after I got back from letting him out, Chrys and Theresa came in with an intention to make puppy chow for their senior capstone class's bake sale. Of course, this meant that I got to theive a bag (thanks guys!) But I went to bed shortly afterwards... as in I was in bed BEFORE midnight. Wow...it was nice.
Anyway, I've got to head to secondary methods and stuff before the rest of my classes, Stefan's party, and possibly Salsa Night tonight. Not to mention I've got to get my MENC form and check in. Yuck... More as Life Happens. -K
current mood: awake current music: "Way of the World" - Jennifer Paige
(sing me a story)
| Thursday, October 10th, 2002
1:20 pm - like a clock on the shelf, I hold hands with myself....
Stupid headache.. grrr
So I think I'll go skating with Jenny tonight. It'll be good for me. Besides, I need to go to wal-mart and get my lava lamp replaced. And I may head over to the Jazz thing at the Decatur club Saturday night for Kevin... and then there's the free appetizers at the Red Couch tonight. I'll be hungry after skating anyway...And maybe salsa night tomorrow. Maybe We'll see.. I'm not as up for that one... besides, there may be other things going on that night with Stefan in town for his birtday (yes, I meant to spell it that way) and everything
As usual with Thursday, all I have is a half-hour at Johns Hill this afternoon. Then I'll probably do a look-over for my Human Development test tomorrow, but I'm not that worried about it. Other than that, Friday looks trouble free... although I'm going to be working my butt off trying to get this conducting piece done by tuesday.. it's absolute hell.
Ummm.. no amusing anecdotes tonight, maybe later... it looks to be a full evening. More as Life Happens... -K
current mood: bored current music: "I guess there ain't no Santa Claus" - Barry Manilow
(1 fairy tale |sing me a story)
1:16 am - The world is a twisted place full of warped angels...
How is it possible to have a headache last for this long? Seriously. I've taken every kind of headache medicine I can think of and it won't go away. I've even taken anti-inflammatories.. which I shouldn't do....and it hasn't worked. Anyone out there have any tricks you can think of?
Movie night was fun. I made Enchilada Casserole for everyone. I enjoyed it and I think they did. We watched a very artsy movie Kevin brought over. It was a really good movie, just very foriegn (It was in German with English subtitles.) I think it would have been even better had I been able to concentrate on it without having to explain to Rachel what was going on every five minutes or so. She kept complaining that she was confused all the time, but she kept leaving the room and then would come back in and expect to understand everything. Sorry, dear, it wasn't a teenybopper/pop art movie. You actually have to sit down and pay attention for it to make sense. ::sigh::
I also found it interesting talking to Kevin as I was walking him out about how stressful his life is right now with adjusting to Jemel being so far away.. blah blah blah. I really do feel for him... it's just that there are times I want to smack him upside the head and say "listen bud, you're not the only one who had to adjust, here. Get over it. Tell the people you are having problems with to shove off and just suck it up. We're all stressed. We all don't want to go to class... but we do because that's what we're here for." I think part of that is my crankiness speaking from not being able to sleep or think or anything else. I really just want to crawl up into a hole and bury myself until all this blows over... as it will...but until then I'm stuck with it. I'll deal.
SO.... I know I've had people complain to me before because I'm not very open with my thoughts and emotions.. and that I keep a lot of everything to myself. Well now you know why. It's all one twisted knot of angst and frustration at everything (including myself). The person who decides to brave that mess is a brave one... even more so because I'll put up one hell of a fight before it gets out.
Okay, that's enough randomnicity for now... More as Life Happens. -K 6 Days Until I get to go HOME And Now for Your Moment of Zen: "When in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap. -Cynthia Heimel"
"God Damn You God Damn You MIGRAINE"
current mood: sore current music: The screaming of my own brain
(sing me a story)
| Wednesday, October 9th, 2002
3:35 pm - Let me tell you the story about a man named Charlie....
I decided that I was going to make Mom's enchilada casserole tonight. I've got to call Mom when I get back from class again and make sure I have the ingredients right. Woo..
Wow.. I thought my voice lesson was gonna be scary today because I didn't have my tape, but was actually really great. I think I can finally feel that's I'm improving. It's great. Yea.
I've only got choir left. Prof. Hesse's out sick, but we've still got Dr. Holmes to run rehearsal, so we'll be there. I love choir.. it's just so much fun.. and I hope we get to do the combined thing instead.
Wait a second. We usually split up on Wednesdays.. I wonder if that's really going to be what happens. Hmmm.. I hope choir isn't cancelled...that would kinda suck.
Talking about music, I'm in such a folk music mood lately. I'm listening to this collection I got from Dad and it's great. Yea!
Okay, off to choir More as Life Happens... -K
current mood: happy current music: "MTA (The Man Who'll Never Return)" -Artist later...
(sing me a story)
| Tuesday, October 8th, 2002
11:43 pm - You sleep with me, I'll sleep with you ::whistles::
Bah. I have a voice lesson tomorrow that I'm not ready for. I can't even find my tape. Great. Oh well, all my lessons have rocked so far, it's about time for me to have an off week.
I hate October, have I ever mentioned this? I'm more moody than usual, I get loopy/stupid/silly, I can't sleep, I get massive headaches.... This is the worst stretch of thirty-one days in the year. Bah. It's a pity because I love Halloween...
Have you ever felt that awkward moment (and a moment can last a LONG time) when you are speaking to someone that you used to really like talking to (and vice versa) and you get the feeling that things just aren't flowing right? You can't tell whether you're being annoying to them or if they're just busy.. I hate that. And I really hate it when there's no concrete way for me to tell. ::sigh::
Today was alright. I got in for the last half of the Homecoming talent show. I got there just as SAE was performing. They were pretty good, too. I definitely don't think that Pi Phi should have won.. that was just awful.
Look at me. I'm speaking in terms of letters. I'm talking about school events. I'm even almost discussing topics based on a level of school spirit. I think this is a low point in the life of Karen.
I think I need sleep. More as life happens... -K 7 Days Until I get to go home And Now for Your Moment of Zen I think this speaks for itself. All those of the Christian faith who are easily offended, please avert thine eyes:
"I'm sad to say I'm on my way I won't be back for many a day My heart is down My head is turning around I had to leave a wonderful life in *Edinburgh*-town"
current mood: moody current music: "Pretoria" - The Smothers Brothers
(3 fairy tales |sing me a story)
4:07 pm - And I'll get impatient if you don't reply....
I think I just really scared Jon. And I can talk about him because he never reads this thing :0) Loser. Anyway... yeah, I've known him since eighth grade and I just put a bunch of Brak songs on his IM because he wasn't replying... HA! That'll teach him to not put up an away message while he's away actually working while at work. :0) Especially when I'm in a mood like this...
Today was okay. I choked during my conducting lab... a combination of this being the assignment from Hell and me having Dr. Holmes this time. Grr. Pressure bad... but at least I didn't have to sing in masterclass...and all my homework for tomorrow is done. So tonight all I have to do is go to Ethics Bowl meeting and rip apart this guy's argument for whatever he's speaking on. FUUUUUUUUNNN!!!!! WOOO.. then I promised Frank that I'd try and drop by the talent show deal before SAE went up so I could lend my support.
Talking about Frank.. he did a WONDERFUL job with the bonfire yesterday! And the fireworks! It was absolutely great.. and we won a lava lamp.. but even if we hadn't it would have been cool. AND he pulled it all off while he was sick. Go Frank! BAH to all you Millikinites who didn't go...
I think that's it for now.. I'm going to go annoy Jon some more... More as Life Happens... -K P.S. I just realized that this post is all about the guys.. Umm... JennyChrysSeraTammyVegaEddaTiffany
I feel better now
P.S.S. I got a different one originally, but considering EVERY result of this quiz says "I don't need a boyfriend," I decided that I would pick the one witht he phrase I liked best underneath it Overall, however, this does make a good point. Boys are nice... but no one should need to be in a relationship to feel good about themselves. And that's my soapbox for the day.
current mood: hyper current music: Rapid IMs from Ken and Jon... ACK here comes another one!!!!
(sing me a story)
| Monday, October 7th, 2002
8:38 pm - Baaaaaaaaaaaa (I'm joining the flock)
5 things you are wearing 1. Black t-shirt 2. Faded jeans 3. my blue shoes 4. the wrist band Yolanda and I both have 5. blue and green toenail polish
*5 things you can see* 1. Zek, my goat, my unicorn, and my butterfly beanie babies on my monitor 2. Empty Coke can 3. My JC poster 4. My collage poster I made last year 5. a regretfully empty Skyy Blue bottle
*5 things you are doing right now* 1. sitting 2. typing 3. watching the clock 4. looking 5. thinking
*5 things you ate in the past 24 hours* 1. cereal 2. pizza 3. ice cream 4. brownie 5. potato chips
*5 things you did so far today* 1. Had an awesome time in choir 2. went to the Homecoming Bonfire 3. freaked out about my conducting lab tomorrow 4. updated my LJ 5. didn't do so well on a 20th Century Listening Quiz
*5 things you can hear right now* 1. The cars outside 2. the TV of the guy above me 3. Chrys and what's-his-name talking next door 4. the sound of silence... 5. ummmm..laughing from ghetto children outside
*5 colors you can see* 1. Red 2. Blue 3. White 4. Black 5. Purple
*5 songs you listen to when you are pissed or upset* 1. Pink "Just Like a Pill" 2. Avril Lavigne "Complicated" 3. N Sync "Someday, Somewhere" 4. Jewel "Daddy" 5. Anything Alanis Morrisette
*5 songs that put you in a good mood* 1. N Sync "For the Girl" 2. "The Clouds are Passing Over" - the Concert Choir 3. N Sync "No Strings Attached" 4. Vanessa Carlton "1000 Miles" 5. Mandy Moore "One-Sided Love"
*5 celebrities you want to screw* 1. JC Chasez 2. Nick Carter 3. JC Chasez 4. Joshua Jackson 5. JC Chasez
*5 fav foods* 1. Mom's home cookin' Mmmmmm (encompasses a number of things) 2. General Tso's Chicken 3. Anything Italian 4. Mashed Potatoes 5. Ice Cream
*5 thoughts at the moment* 1. I should probably head out for the fireworks 2. What should we make Frank for dinner? 3. I get to go home next week! 4. I should probably e-mail Sean back eventually... 5. Uhhhhhhhh *blank stare*
*5 things no one knows about you*
1. If I sit alone just thinking even if someone I know isn't talking to me, I'm fine. There's nothing wrong. I just an comfortable being alone. 2. I do get urges to do reckless things too... 3. I would usually much rather have gifts that people have made for me with thought behind them than storebought items. 4. I wish I could be a lot more important to the world than I am. 5. Yes, I actually do get lonely. Yes, I do get really sick of being single (more and more often lately). Just because I'm fine with/good at being single and not needed a guy to help form my identity, I would still like to find someone I can connect with. Wow... who knew... :0/
*5 things that annoys you* 1. The guys upstairs (I agree Chrys!) 2. People who are preoccupied with other people's weight or other physical features. i.e. those who find it necessary to make fun of other people who are a little overweight by calling them sizeist (thank you Bridget Jones) names rather than remarking on their personalities. 3. When I force myself to feel so competitive all the time. It's annoying. 4. Those who are not open minded about other people's choices. Who cares if someone else prefers another band than you? Or is a different religion? As long as it doesn't affect you.... 5. People who make intentional odd noises while eating: slurping of soup, scraping of teeth against utensils, ect.
*5 things you love* 1. Music in all it's many forms 2. N Sync 3. College 4. Those coppery/pinkish sunsets that reflect over the clouds with so many textures 5. Phone calls and mail
*5 people you love* 1. My Parents 2. My Brothers 3. My Roommates 4. My close friends (other than the roommates) 5. Five (don't ask if you don't know) (Okay, so that's technically about 16-20 people in 5 slots.. I'm tricky! :0))
*5 fav childhood movies* 1. The Little Mermaid 2. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 3. The Rainbow Bright Movie 4. Cinderella 5. Aladdin
current mood: cold current music: "The Reverend Mr Black" - The Kingston Trio
(sing me a story)
12:06 pm - For a whaling song and a good guitar are the only things that I understand
Saturday was such a blast. I went out shopping in Mattoon with Kara, Racheal, and Jenny. It was so much fun. I haven't had that much fun shopping in way too long. It was fun just being out with them. We didn't find Jenny nor Racheal a dress in Mattoon (although we found other clothes... :0) ) so we headed back to D-town and checked the mall here. Racheal had to leave for work.. and then Kara had to go... so Jenny and I went back and got the dress that she liked at Von Maur and then we went out to 'O Charley's... good place :0). Then we went to Wal-mart and got stuff for our roommate Rachel's ghetto b-day party. Frank and Ken came over and we waited for Rachel to get back. Eventually we got kinda tired of waiting so Ken got his accoustic guitar and brought it over to do a bit of seranading. It was cool :0) Rachel eventually got back (at about 1am) and we had her party. Everyone headed home and Jenny and I stayed up talking until almost 4:30 in the morning. Good good day
And to make it even better... Ken left his guitar over here for me to use. He says he uses his electric a lot more often and that I could borrow it for a while. (Mental note: do something really great for Ken in the future) So I'm currently trying to get back any ability I'd built up last semester... and trying to earn back the callouses that fell off my fingers this summer when I wasn't playing.
And to end this... a fun little thing that Racheal (one of the theory spot girls, not the roommate..confusing, isn't it?) sent me over e-mail.
Where's Your Sign? Stupid people should have to wear signs that just say, "I Am Stupid." That way you wouldn't rely on them, would you? You wouldn't ask them anything. It would be like, "Excuse me...oops...never mind, didn't see your sign."
It's like before my wife and I moved. Our house was full of boxes and there was a U-Haul truck in our driveway. My neighbor comes over and says, "Hey, you moving?" "Nope. We just pack our stuff up once or twice a week to see how many boxes it takes. Here's your sign."
A couple of months ago I went fishing with a buddy of mine, we pulled his boat into the dock, I lifted up this big ol' stringer of bass and this idiot on the dock goes, "Hey, y'all catch all them fish?" "Nope. Talked 'em into giving up. Here's your sign."
I was watching one of those animal shows on the Discovery Channel. There was a guy inventing a shark bite suit. And there's only one way to test it. "Alright, Jimmy, you got that shark suit on, it looks good... They want you to jump into this pool of sharks, and you tell us if it hurts when they bite you." "Well, all right, but hold my sign. I don't wanna lose it."
Last time I had a flat tire, I pulled my truck into one of those side-of-the-road gas stations. The attendant walks out, looks at my truck, looks at me, and I SWEAR he said, "Tire go flat?" I couldn't resist. I said, "Nope. I was driving around and those other three just swelled right up on me. Here's your sign."
We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. A guy came over to the house and drove the car around for about 45 minutes. We get back to the house, he gets out of the car, reaches down and grabs the exhaust pipe, then says, "Darn that's hot!" See, if he'd been wearing his sign,I could have stopped him.
I learned to drive an 18-wheeler in my days of adventure. Wouldn't you know, I misjudged the height of a bridge. The truck got stuck and I couldn't get it out, no matter how I tried. I radioed in for help and eventually a local cop shows up to take the report. He went through his basic questioning ... okay...no problem. I thought for sure he was clear of needing a sign...until he asked, "So, is your truck stuck?" I couldn't help myself! I looked at him, looked back at the rig and then back to him and said, "No, I'm delivering a bridge... here's your sign."
I stayed late at work one night and a co-worker looked at me and said, "Are you still here?" I replied, "No. I left about 10 minutes ago. Here's your sign."
Anybody you know need a sign today? Send this to all your friends. The next time someone says something stupid ask them where their sign is.
More as life happens... -K
current mood: indifferent current music: "Greenback Dollar" - Kingston Trio
(sing me a story)