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Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
12:47 pm - okay, well
Quota: "Shibby." ~ Dennis Bell

Well, I figured I haven't updated this sucker since the first day of school so I figured I'd update for the last.

Smart little cookie now aren't I?

I might even make this a book :D.

Well, a lot has happen this year, and I can't believe how much I have matured. I've gotten rid of some bad habits and lost a lot of some of my favorite interests. Namely I haven't done "^_^" or ";_;" in the longest time. I also didn't really care or participate in school like I have done before. I blame my previous summer. It was so screwed up.

I also have begun to love American music. I've given up on becoming a world interpreter and I also lost my ability to understand all people.

Greg has been a major factor in my relationship with my mother as well.

I've also made a lot of friends. Including two really good girls. One person I lost because
she's a complete idiot. And the other because she's a cmplete moron.

oh! how I love my friends.

I guess I should really remember Dennis, Ashley, Grace, Christi, ashely p., Alan, Allyn, Sarah, Angela and Sabrina.

What else?

Oh yeah, today was pretty cool.

second period exam was a scince. I had a few problems remembering the Gothic diagrhams. 1: I am horrible at anything medieval, 2nd: I didn't even study them.

I got some more people to complete signing my yearbook but I still missed a lot! I'm kinda dissapointed but I don't care as much as I did yesterday.

I then went to Art to try and find gray (for some reason I thought he had third period art when he had fifth) and no one was in there so knowing we had a fifteen minute break I started walking around.

I walked into the upper commons and wah-lah! who else there but good ol dennis! So I chilled with Dennis for about three minutes with some friends of his and asked him if he knew where Gray was. Of course he didn't so he volunteered to help me.

I didn't personally want him to come, but I was happy about it nonetheless.

well, we walked around the lower and art rooms and no Gray. So we give up and I promise to walk Dennis to his Class. Well, then Ashley Phelps comes up and starts complaining to me and I want her to leave so I tease her about her rainbow shoe laces. Of course she got the joke, but she didn't get the hint. So I'm like:

Moi: "we gotta go Ashley. Bye"

So we leave. Jeebus.

well, I walk Dennis to his English. One last hug and our goodbyes and I leave to go to History.

We just partyin there for about thirty minutes and I leave to go to my car.

Well, mom brought my books and things that I needed to give to my teacher for second and I go back inside and head towards humanities.

Well, by my-god! there is Gray, sipping water out in front of his class!

My sly self goes to him and talk about five seconds since mom was already late and I get a hug from him and a "see you next year" and off I go.

Leave and go home.

Where I am now. Yay. No one is one yet except sarah and I got this funny convo with her. lol


Rose Relena: hola!
Rose Relena: last day!
Vbabe203: I KNOW!
Vbabe203: XD
Rose Relena: this font is so bad on yours
Vbabe203: NO MORE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!
Rose Relena: and that font is so bad too
Rose Relena: lol
Rose Relena: I KNOW!!!!!!!1
Vbabe203: . . .
Rose Relena: EEEEEEEE@Q
Rose Relena: *!!
Rose Relena: lol
Vbabe203: better?
Rose Relena: yessum@q
Rose Relena: *!!
Rose Relena: ...just odn't ask
Rose Relena: *dont -.-;
Vbabe203: . . . .
Vbabe203: okay
Vbabe203: nice icon
Rose Relena: what is it?
Rose Relena: and why does everyone say that?
Rose Relena: o_O?
Rose Relena: is my icon a perosn or a flag?
Vbabe203: a flag
Rose Relena: oh
Rose Relena: okay :D
Rose Relena: guess what!
Vbabe203: what?
Rose Relena: I found gray!
Rose Relena: booya!
Vbabe203: . . .
Vbabe203: ?
Rose Relena:, I was trying to stalk him so he could sign my yearbook
Rose Relena: I'm that bad. lol
Vbabe203: . . . .
Vbabe203: O_o
Vbabe203: somebody's got a crush
Rose Relena: lol
Rose Relena: nope
Rose Relena: just persistent
Rose Relena: and I'm going to force him to take me to prom next year as well.
Rose Relena: but dayum! I worked hard! I even had dennis helping me.
Vbabe203: . . .
Vbabe203: why not just have dennis take you?
Rose Relena: take me where?
Rose Relena: to prom?
Rose Relena: or to gray? o_o;
Rose Relena: you're confusing :P
Vbabe203: no to prom
Vbabe203: Alli you confuse yourself
Rose Relena: lmao
Rose Relena: I know
Rose Relena: I know
Rose Relena: no, I was only kidding about the prom thingy, because you said I had a crush on him and I didn't
Rose Relena: :D
Vbabe203: ohhh
Vbabe203: *is lost*
Rose Relena: lol
Rose Relena: yeah, I just wanted Gray to sign my yearbook so I could prove I know a lot of people.
Rose Relena: lmao. I'm so stupid xD
Vbabe203: . . . .*scared*
Rose Relena: don't respond to that!
Rose Relena: well, anywho. I found gray
Vbabe203: and?
Rose Relena: and it was funny how I found him
Rose Relena: becuse I wasn't "stalking" him when I found him
Rose Relena: I was leaving. But I had to go to the car and get some books to give to mrs. tilton, and I was heading towards the humanities and wah-lah! down the hall in shop was Gray standing out in the middle of the hall. I'm like "holy shit!" and he's like "holy shit!"
Rose Relena: it was funny.
Rose Relena: I got a hug
Rose Relena: lol
Rose Relena: I'm hyper
Rose Relena: cheezits!
Vbabe203: . . .
Vbabe203: O_o
Rose Relena: ^____________^
Rose Relena: look, I'm a neko! >^____________^<
Rose Relena: meow
Vbabe203: . ..
Vbabe203: oh god
Rose Relena: so..
Rose Relena: whatcha doin?
Vbabe203: trying to keep up with people, finish designing a site, and check my mail
Rose Relena: oh, can you possibly send me the layout design html?
Vbabe203: h/o
Vbabe203: WAIT!
Vbabe203: *glares*
Rose Relena: I know
Rose Relena: I forgot to give it to you yesterday
Vbabe203: . . .grrrr
Rose Relena: sowwie ._.
Vbabe203: s'kay
Rose Relena: I'll hav to deliver it one day, but I don't know when
Rose Relena: I'm kinda tied up for an extended period of tiem
Rose Relena: holy crap! You did MR. Conrad's page!
Vbabe203: . . . .
Vbabe203: yea
Rose Relena: it looks shibbi-rific!
Vbabe203: . .. .
Rose Relena: ...
Rose Relena: I ned to stop hanging out with dennis
Rose Relena: lol
Rose Relena: !!
Rose Relena: he wanted to go out with me tomorrow but I can't make it
Vbabe203: awww
Rose Relena: so now he's stalking me at KD and I kidna don't want him too....>.>;
Vbabe203: mmeeebbbiees
Rose Relena: ..nani?
Vbabe203: my version of 'meep'
Rose Relena: lol
Rose Relena: what should I do though? ;_; help meh!
Vbabe203: run?
Rose Relena: lol
Rose Relena: yeah, but see. I don't want to leave him standing there. but then I don't want him to go at all. I'm suppose to be on this "date"
Vbabe203: date?
Vbabe203: *raises eybrows*
Rose Relena: lol, yeah with my future husband
Rose Relena: but not my fiance
Rose Relena: because I dont' have a fiance >.o
Vbabe203: . . . .
Vbabe203: O_o
Rose Relena: ..dork...
Rose Relena: lol
Vbabe203: yea, I know, shuddup
Rose Relena: lol
Rose Relena: aren't going to help are you?
Vbabe203: nope
Rose Relena: shall I go sulk and figure out an excuse
Vbabe203: cause I dunno how
Vbabe203: for dennis not to stalk you
Vbabe203: that'd seem like the most logical root
Vbabe203: *route
Vbabe203: oh wait I'm talking to Alli . . . no logical stuff needed
Rose Relena: ...girness!
Rose Relena: no shibby for you!
Rose Relena: lol
Vbabe203: awww comme on
Vbabe203: you know you luv me!
Rose Relena: hah!
Rose Relena: yes
Vbabe203: *huggles* You're my little sister!
Rose Relena: :D
Rose Relena: lol
Vbabe203: XD
Rose Relena: *huggles* xD

well, I guess I'll see you next year. lol.

current mood: touched
current music: Gundam Wing ~ Just Communication (Instrumental)

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Tuesday, September 4th, 2001
12:21 am - First day of school
Quota ` "Bored bored bored bored BORED bored and most importantly, tired ::yawn::" ~ moi ^_~


Bite me
Today was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo boring! >.<; First! I'm taking a class I don't want to, second, my bus stop is two miles aways, then I have algebra and elgnish after lunch and I ergh >.<; life sucks though I'm at the school I wanna be at.

if you don't got love then you need a new man, if you don't have find a girl and you best friend can then it's time to move your body

::Mom drops me off::
Well, I walk towards the door and I'm like..where the hell hell do I go so I see this homeroom list and I look for my last name and I go to room 142 or something. X.X I walk into the room and walk back out cuz i'm like ...wrong grade. So I start to go back and then I see Cierra in the hall so I run to her and kinda glomp her and I'm all like:

Moi: CIERRA! Help me! I'm so scared and I don't know where my homeroom is and I don' have a schedule and :;sniffle:: I don't wanna go back by myself!
Cierra: Thanks okay ^^;; I'm kinda lost myself, I can't find my homeroom
Moi: GOOD!
So we go back to the little door thingy and find it, my class was 105 and her's was 102.
SO I drop her off and go into my home room.


I walk into the class and sit in the next sit near the door, like the dork I am e.e;, and I look at the boy beside me and debate on who it is, he seemed familiar and I was like all pondering and crap but still and I already saw Greg Fergeson sitting behind the boy and I was like ::oh fuck, why the hell is he always in my homeroom!?!?:: SO I try to ignore him, and he ignores me, cha' ;D, so then Janene comes in. YAY! Janene is cool, cuz she talks all the time and is very funny. ;P. So I'm kinda all silent for a couple of minutes because the High teacher (meaning :;sniff sniff:; not school ;B) was talking and being funny and perverted and crap so I tried to be polite and junk, so she calls out role and then to my surprise the guy sitting next to me is Ryan Filigar! X.X!!! Me and him never never got along. NEVER! e.e; . But still. I Was looking around the people in my class and debating on where they wree from, you can tell who came from where by that 1. I knwo all the Providence people so no problem, 2. The people from Manchester are jsut poor 3. The people from Midlothian are all smart so they aren't too pretty to the eye xD. Anyways, these two girls were talking and crap and I was looking at them and I almost gag. THey were awful looking! I mean *I* am soooo much more cuter than them! ^^v ::egotist:: Anyways! The pledge of allegnece is called and we all stand up and out of the corner of my eye I see this girl standing on a chair! X.X! So I turn my head and gasp but then I see that she was really that tall! XD!!!!!!! It was hilarious! And I'm sure Janene (who was sitting behind me) was giving me some funny looks. So yada yada yada we get our shedules, yada yada yada we are allowed to talk in class! ^^V!. So Janene immediately brings up conversation in our little foursome (::schmacks all them hentais::) and we all start amking fun of the Midlothian people, we dare not offend the Manchester because everyone from there is bad, I mean like stick a knife in your chest bad so we start crackin on the teacher as well! XD. And Janene does all these little Charlie Chaplin impressions that make me snort and arouse the class suspicion that I am truely a dork x.x;;;;;. So we get to talking like real convo's then Ryan pulls out this map and suddenly I'm all polite and junk and like "Ryan, sweetie, may I please see your map?" And he grunts and hadns teh damn thing over and I yip for joy and actually try to find my class and I do so I give it back to him. Then I ask him really politely again about where he got it and said guidance and so forth. The bell rings onto:


I walk in and sit down in some row and then these two girls come in and one goes Ohayoo to the Spanish teacher who is watching the class as we watch the video (it's taped in Jersey or what not, beats me) and start going on and on and on about their trip to Japan that previous summer. Immediately I am jealous and just try to isten to details because I want to (eavesdropping is truely a wonderous thing). And so forth,.So the one girl, really tall, really loud, really alkative, starts going on about the music videos from last yearand so the teacher puts t in. Now we had some follower ups, meaning that about four of the people have *already* seen this video about fourteen times sothey have to comment on EVERYTHING. Especially this black guy who wouldn't shut up at all and claimed how JApanese rap sucked and how everything we liked now in America that is Japanese is sooooo sixty years ago there.
I really wanted to smack him
But I'm nice ^^v. So anyways, we watch these videos that weren't all that great because they were pop and I only like two J-pop bands and that's Two~Mix, and Morning Musume or soemthing like that. So I didn't pay attention barely and they had a Japanese N'SYNC! It was so hilarious! XD! Anyways next to:

3-D art

I don't want to take this calss, I didn't want to do anything related with art only basic tech design. BASIC TECH DESIGN PEOPLES! x.x; nooo I just have to take an art class for an elective, bitches. SO here we are jsut listening to the teacher drone on and on and on about what we are doing and shit which I don't really want to do and Ms. Tilton said that I was there just to talk to her about taking Art I or Art II. WEll, time elapses because we *have* to watch these slides of sculptures that no one gives shit to what they are really suppose to look like so then I leave..quickly mind you to...:


Yippee! the class which I will suck at most! REJOICE x.x;! Well, thank god we have first lunch so we all leave for that and I get in line and I don't wanna hang out with the preppy bitches of my lsat year and I don't wanna sit with the goths and I don't wanna sit with the ghetto's so I look around for the nerds that you see in those eighties movies cuz they are always kewl, revenge of the nerds are my fave series ^_~;;; ANYWAYS! x.x; I walk into line ad who do I see in the most brilliant flash of pink shirt I have ever seen? KIMBERLY SIV! YEAY! I'm saved! well..kinda o.o; She asked if we could sit with Sally and that other girl who turned out to be Chelsy, I dont' ahve a prob with Chelsy I think she's pretty cool but I don't wanna be seen hanging around with her, people says she demonic but I don't believe it and plus she hangs out with Sally, who is part of the most gayest group out of all schools, literally. So when we actually get out of the lunchline thank goodness no seats are available near that table so we sit at this one near all teh bishounen! ^_~, so jsut sit and talk about nothing really wthe usual and then these two frek people come up and sit at the other end, I mean, the dude had mohawked spiked hair, wore glasses, and each spike was a different colour! X.X! I thought it was the coolest thing I've ever seen, but I'd never do it myself x.x;; that's just...wrong to my beautiful hair ;D. So anyways, we finish eating, bada bing bada boom. We go back to class, let me jsut say
lunch makes me sleepy
So in geometry I nearly fall asleep on this girl named Hannah and I try to stay awake, really I did, not to mentionI made a fool of myself by walkign in totally late and sitting next to this midget short guy and asking him all these questions and then Mr. Bohidar calling out for us to move and it made us look like a couple! X.X. Anyways, geometry was pretty boring, not to metion the teach gave us homework ;_;
Next to


Only class worse than geometry. My teacher is sooooo freakin' weird!I mean, her eyes are always boggled and her hair is in that type where it's parted to the sde with little streaks of gray and big poofy bangs! X.X! And she's always stood leaned backed against nothing and she never smiled. But she's funny and nice so I'll give her credit, all my teachers are @.@. Anyways, she hands us this HUGE biology book meant for nothing on my back and then the bell rings after Lindsey starts being a bitch. OMG! I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT THAT! >.<;;
Moi: ::lookin all around figuring out soemthing to do while being bored to tears sitting yet again to Lindsey Grier in Science::
Lindsey: ::talking to all her friends who really aren't they are just guys that wanna do her up the rear:: ::suddenl says with a real attitude:: What time is it?
Moi: ::still looking around, hearing the question not knowing anything and after I few seconds I looka t her, looka t my arm and blink::
Lindsey: I asked you
Moi: >:( pfft, how the hell do I know?
Lindsey: Well it did go off
Moi: ::look to my left and see it on the table:: It's on the table
Lindsey: ::leans completely over me to see:: oh...::then goes back to her orgy partners::
Moi: <^> ::thinking:: share the love girl, share the love

Well, my bus schedule still is all screwed up so my mom and I are still trying to fix it up with the damn bus people ._.; I really really really wish sophomores were allowed parking permits. So I asked Sammi if I could go home with her last night and she said yeah so I was looking at 88 cuz that's the number Katie said it was. So I'm here lookig around and suddenyl I see 388 but no 288. I start walking with Kimberly and sharing my skittles when ASHLEY comes up next to me and we start gabbing away since we hadn't seen each other since about six grade. Then she and Kim get onto bus 388. I'm looking around and ask the guys if they know where 288 was and they said they hadn't seen it. So I start panicking, as always. And I debate on getting onto Kims bus and going home with her. So then I see Mimi! And I ru to her, glomp her arm and say "WHere do you live?!" and she says, something...o.o; and I go oh nevermind ::Still continueing to look for sammi:: Well then I see Medha! And I do he same process, I know whereMedha lives and so does my mom and I cling to her and go "MEDHA?! CAN I RIDE HOME WITH YOU?!" and she seems kinda shocked at first because she hadn't seen me allllll summer and wasn't used to my hyperness again and
she was like "I can't. See.."
Moi: ::puppy dog eyes::
Medha: "As soon as I get home I have to go to my little brothers recietal and..."
moi: ._. I see ::so I leave.
in searchof someone else. I see Simone, repeat the process, I see Salaam, repeat the process and then I start walkign to the way back of the busses and I see *TADA!* KIMBY! I scream "KIIIIMBY!" and everyone stares at me and junk as usual and I cling to her arm and get onto her bus and stuff because I do it without her saying not too and wahlah! I'm at her house jsut chillin'! ^^v. Then I call sammi to let her not fret and we talk for about two hours, literally then I hand the phone to kimby and she talks for about thirty minutes while I watch this game show about street smarts and then the Bill Cosby Show which I hadn't seen for like......nine years! X.x. Oh well. the ending of the day was pretty cool and junk and I jsut got home around five and I went to sleep and woke up at 12:30 ! X.X!!!! I'll never get back to sleep, night yall!

current mood: jubilant
current music: Misty Eyes ~ Burning

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Wednesday, August 22nd, 2001
12:48 pm - Some thing
Quota-" "If my survival caused another to perish, then death would be sweeter and more beloved." - Kahlil Gibran

Okay, well since I am extremely bored Istole this little quizzy thingy from some of britt's friends ;) so I'm gonna do it, here ya go

01. Name: Allison

02. Gender: Female

03. AKA: Alli, and "I think she double-dipped in thepeoxide today" something my aunt saids when I'm being blonde again ^^:;;;

04. Zodiac Sign:Taurus

05. Birth date: April 22

06. Height: 5'1 and 3/4 and damn proud!


07. Color: yellow and purple ^^;;;

08. Color to Wear: even though I dispise this colour, blue..... and red looks great on me ^^

09. Lucky number: 4

10. Piece of clothing: my blue and white flannel pajama bottoms

11. Quote: "Shit Happens" - Somethign on Forrest Gump


12. How many people have you slept with:alot ^_~, but refering to sex well I have to say - screw you

13. Do you have b/f or g/f: nope

14. Sexuality: straight

15. Your sexiest feature: my legs, I have beautiful legs ^^

16. A place you want to have sex: o.o; a bed ya dope

17. Kinky things you like: chokers with spiked collars and socks wih little moons on them o.o;;;

18. A sexual fantasy: oil ;")

19. A fragrance that makes you think of sex: Lavender Flowers

20. Largest age difference between you and a partner: three years once, with David

21. The best lover you've been with: no one has satisfied my needs XD

22. The worst lover: um...Steven, defiantly hat a little perv >.<;;

*Last time you*

23. Danced:o.o;; I don't dance

24. Smiled:I don't smile

25. Wendesday, Mark said somethign about DCA and it made me laugh though I kicked him in his ass twice

26. Had a phone call: o.o; I don't like talkign on the phone, but I'll guess yesterday

27. Who was it: -_-;; my grandmother

*Which is better*

28. Sunrise or Sunset?: sunrise

29. Sweet or Sour?: sweet ^^ da more sugah da bettah!

30. Old or New?: old!

31. Hot or cold?: Cold weather, hot showers- all steamy ya know? ~.^

32. Coke or Pepsi?: coke, pepsi ish nasti

33. Soft or Hard?: ....LOL!

34. Yesterday or Tomorrow? :tomorrow, can't live in the past

35. Red or Blue?: RED! ::dispises blue to every extent::

36. Fast or Slow?: ::the guy she stole this from is hilarious:: what a perv! XD

37. Blind or Deaf?: if I had too, deaf

38. Open or Closed?: closed

39. Bath or Shower?: shower

40. Black or White?: white

41. Ocean or Forest?: forest, can't stand the beach

42. Dogs or Cats?: PUPPIES! I'm finally getting one!!!! BWA!

43. Day or Night?: night...d'oi

44. Cremation or Burial?: I don't know yet, but reincarnation

45. Even or Odd?: people are odd if they are even..o.o;;

46. City or Countryside?: um...Alexandria, Virginia

47. Vanilla or Chocolate?: chocolate! why can't these peoples figure it out?!

48. Sun or Rain?: Rain, sun...::hiss::

49. Pen or Pencil?: pen, penil's make funny sounds when you write with them...>.>;; what?! don't look at me like that! Don't you hear it too?!?!

50. Summer or Winter?: winter, SNOW!!!

51. Destiny or Choice?: I don't care >.<;;

52. Alone or Together?: o.o;; I like group things NOT LIE THAT YOU PERVS! >.<;;;;;;;

53. Silver or Gold?: Silver, more prdier

*Yes or No*

54. You keep a diary: Livejournaland since I've now heard of deadjournal I Got one ^^

55. You sketch or do things while on the phone: yeah, I don't listen ither ^^;;

56. You have a secret: yeap ^^

57. You snore: no, but I talk in my sleep and scream and giggle..o.o;;;;

58. You procrastinate: ::nods vigorishly::

59. You fold your underwear:why does it matter? >.>;;

60. You talk in your sleep: d'oi

61. You eat fast: no, very very slowly, one morsel at a time

62. You get horny: yes! >.<:;

63. A naked photo of you

64. When the alarm goes off you immediately get up: takes me one hour and fifteen minutes to get up so um...noi

65. You enjoy being photographed: now I do! ^^

Well, that was fun ;B. Anyways, I'm trying to procrastnate on my damn homwork but actually I already acomplished *a* task! WHOO ME! Can't help but cheer myself on! ^^ oh yeah, if britt's reading this will she PLEASE! give me a valid email address, it's apparent she's gotten rid of the Relena one XD. Cha


current mood: determined
current music: Serial Experiment Lain - Duvet

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Tuesday, July 3rd, 2001
8:56 pm - Neglection
Quota- "Winning isn't everything, Honor is" - ::shrugs::

As far as I can tell by now, I have been NEGLECTING everything. For the past two months I've been dealing with the all mighty summer school of doom. LOL! Actually it isn't ha;f so bad. Right now, I;m in OUTDOOR education- which practically means that it's P.E. only being outside for the six hours so far. ^^;; it's pretty cool cause everyone I know from the last semester of summer school is still going to this thingy (I was in health last time) not to mention that I'm with BISHOUNENS BWA! They're so kawaii!!!!! OPh yeah! My friend marjery, she's crazy, but cool ya knows? The first thing she'll tell you when you meet her is that she loves Asians and Gay boys! XD! She's so funny! Then there's Serena who's just, cool. Ya know, she's honest and smart and she and margie can draw! I feel so ashamed of being in their presence ._.;; Oh wells, and then there's Robert, Mr. eval dude, he has the freakyish voioce! he's so awesome! ::just feels like rambling:: No, I'm sorry, he wreaks of awesomeness! XD!!!! And the other day we, as a group, went to the beach ::drulz:: la bishounen!!!!! Stepehn and Tim, and thois volleyball dude! It was sooooo kewlish! And we played hardy ball with a frisbee and I got to show mah talents and mah legs! LOL!!!!:;has the purdiest</> EVAH!:: And my friend Andy ish kewl too, :;uses the word kewl too much:: Oh wells, back to business.

Key word for today students:N-E-G-L-E-C-T-I-O-N

I feel soooooo bad, but because of my predicament I can't help it that I am NOt allowed on my cousins computer for more than FIVE SECONDS per time. ;_;

And the fact that I have no HELLA clue to what's going on with my cpu social life. Poor lilly has to fill me in..and that is gonna take a LONG LONG time. ::sniffles:::
::wavers:: HIYAS LILLY!!!!!
Neglected Lilly

Poor everyone. OH wells! I found Kio's twinn! Which is very very very!!!! scary. You dun know how much! they act alike, look similiar, they are both egotists and they don't know when to CLOSA LAS BOCAS!! >.<;; Oh well, EVAL john ish forcing me off the computer. Now they all are watching behind my back so I need to go, lilly tell Griffies LATE happy birthday for me, and if you forgot too well, sux to be you ^^;;;;;; Oh wells, see yas lata!


current mood: frustrated
current music: Linklen Park - With you

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8:42 pm - Neglection
Quota- "Winning isn't everything, Honor is" - ::shrugs::

As far as I can tell by now, I have been NEGLECTING everything. For the past two months I've been dealing with the all mighty summer school of doom. LOL! Actually it isn't ha;f so bad. Right now, I'm in OUTDOOR education- which practically means that it's P.E. only being outside for the six hours so far. ^^;; it's pretty cool cause everyone I know from the last semester of summer school is still going to this thingy (I was in health last time) not to mention that I'm with BISHOUNENS BWA! They're so kawaii!!!!! Oh yeah! My friend margie, she's crazy, but cool ya knows? The first thing she'll tell you when you meet her is that she loves Asians and Gay boys! XD! She's so funny! Then there's Serena who's just, cool. Ya know, she's honest and smart and she and margie can draw! I feel so ashamed of being in their presence ._.;; Oh wells, and then there's Robert, Mr. eval dude, he has the freakyish voioce! he's so awesome! ::just feels like rambling:: No, I'm sorry, he wreaks of awesomeness! XD!!!! And the other day we, as a group, went to the beach ::drulz:: la bishounen!!!!! Stephen and Tim, and thois volleyball dude! It was sooooo kewlish! And we played hardy ball with a frisbee and I got to show mah talents and mah legs! LOL!!!!:;has the purdiest</> EVAH!:: And my friend Andy ish kewl too, :;uses the word kewl too much:: Oh wells, back to business.

Key word for today students:N-E-G-L-E-C-T-I-O-N

I feel soooooo bad, but because of my predicament I can't help it that I am Not allowed on my cousins computer for more than FIVE SECONDS per time. ;_;

And the fact that I have no HELLA clue to what's going on with my cpu social life. Poor lilly has to fill me in..and that is gonna take a LONG LONG time. ::sniffles:::
::wavers:: HIYAS LILLY!!!!!
Neglected Lilly

Poor everyone. OH wells! I found Adam's twinn! Which is very very very!!!! scary. You dun know how much! they act alike, look similiar, they are both egotists and they don't know when to CLOSA LAS BOCAS!! >.<;; Oh well

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Saturday, June 30th, 2001
2:32 pm - Los sientos minna-san!
Quota- "A true friend stabs you in the front"

::shrugs:: Don't ask me what the heck it means, well even though I do actually know ^^;;. Oh well. For the past week I have conquering the horriblest.

Summer School

^^;; It's sorta weird going and all since I've never done it before. I really do live in Richmond and since my inability to drive I and the lack of school transportation so I'm packed and shipped to my grandmother's for SIX WHOLE WEEKS!!!!!!!! x.x;; gah! I am so unloved! ;_;. Oh wells, I use the computer at my cousins house. I'm there now..just.....annoying everyone! ^^;;. OMG! I have been such a blonde lately. u.u;;. Today, I was sent to work in the kitchen at my aunts, gah, I have to break pea pods, then grate zucchini, then COOK A WHOlE LOAF! ::sniffles:: and after my brownie trauma aboput two months ago I've never cooked anything since, but hey, it did taste really really really good! ^^ I guess I haven't lost all my touch. ^^ Ohs well, I'm being dragged to my shower ::schmacks all them hentais:: ^^ JA!!!


current mood: ditzy
current music: American Eagle CD - Boys

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Tuesday, June 19th, 2001
10:53 am - Petrifried
Quota - "Atemonaku" - Forever

Okay, I'm not scared, I'm just burnt. Crispy tender fried like the chicken you get at Popeyes. I went to the beach yesterday, around 12:00, Virginia Beach to be exact, and let me say, I am like crisped. My face,the back of my knees, my calves, my shoulders, my hips, my face, my thighs, my shoudler blades, my uppers arms, everything u.u;; I can't even walk!!!!! x.x;; I have to go tippy toed, with my back hunched and my knees remaining bent....x.x;; it's so embarassing. I put on my baggiest clothing last night, to remain comfortale ya know x.x;; it did help a little bit. x.x;; .but I will kill my mother since she bought me that darling little yellow, orange polka dotted tube top bikini.::sighs:: it was the cutest little bathing suit too ^^;;. The only thing that was tanned was my stomach and hands. ^^;; oh well, at least as the sunburn goes down it will turn into that brown wonderful tan I deserve! ^^;; . Heh, and now my mom wants me to clean my room...x.x;; if I can't walk how is she thinking I could clean my room!?!?1?! ::has the messiest room on the planet, literally:: And she also wants me to make breakfast x.x;; Meany ;_;. I guess that means I gtg's' ohs well. See yas yall!!!!!!



current mood: uncomfortable
current music: Outalw Star - "Tsuki no Ie"

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Wednesday, June 13th, 2001
7:50 pm - 너의 좋을 의 너 좋을을 때 아무것은 너보다는 더 나아서서보다 는 다른 사람
"Chinese, Korean, then Japanese" _ to explain the order of the symbols.

BWAHAHAHAHA! My speech went so well today! But first! I'll just write it all in CHINESE!!!

它刻苦是困难写大约三年致力, 坚硬劳方和工作入一篇杂文与有限

Well, I decided not to do it all! BUT DOESN'T IT STILL LOOK KEWLISH!?!?! BWAHAHA! ^^;;; anywayz well, I said my speech with such umph! Such feeling! Such wonderility! That after I made my speech! Mrs. Fretwell did her own about me! ME! Quiet, little, sweet Allison! ^^ I am so luved! Oh wells, I gots to do some stuffs. Write more laterz.



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7:50 pm - あなたのよいのあなたよいとときあなたが既にあるよりよい何も
"Chinese, Korean, then Japanese" _ to explain the order of the symbols.

BWAHAHAHAHA! My speech went so well today! But first! I'll just write it all in CHINESE!!!

它刻苦是困难写大约三年致力, 坚硬劳方和工作入一篇杂文与有限

Well, I decided not to do it all! BUT DOESN'T IT STILL LOOK KEWLISH!?!?! BWAHAHA! ^^;;; anywayz well, I said my speech with such umph! Such feeling! Such wonderility! That after I made my speech! Mrs. Fretwell did her own about me! ME! Quiet, little, sweet Alli! ^^ I am so luved! Oh wells, I gots to do some stuffs. Write more laterz.



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6:42 pm - 当你好, 你, 너의 좋을 의 너 좋을을 때 아무것은 너보다는 더 나아서서보다 는
"Chinese, Korean, then Japanese" _ to explain the order of the symbols.

BWAHAHAHAHA! My speech went so well today! But first! I'll just write it all in CHINESE!!!

它刻苦是困难写大约三年致力, 坚硬劳方和工作入一篇杂文与有限

Well, I decided not to do it all! BUT DOESN'T IT STILL LOOK KEWLISH!?!?! BWAHAHA! ^^;;; anywayz well, I said my speech with such umph! Such feeling! Such wonderility! That after I made my speech! Mrs. Fretwell did her own about me! ME! Quiet, little, sweet Alli! ^^ I am so luved! Oh wells, I gots to do some stuffs. Write more laterz.



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Monday, June 11th, 2001
3:34 pm - mah song y story!
Quota - "SEE YA IN HELL BUDDY!" _ Duo fansub

I've never sang my songs...
On this stage, on my own
I've never said my words
Wishing they would be heard

I saw you smiling at me
was it real...or just my fantasy?
You'd always be in the corner,
Of this tiny, a little bar

My last night here for you
Same old songs just once more
My last night herewith you?
Maybe yes, maybe no....

I kinda liked your way
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Did you ever know?
That I had mine, on you

Darling so there you are
With that look on your face
As if your never hurt
As if your never down
Shall I be the one for you?
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then I would know that you are no dreamer

So let me come to you
Close as I wanna be
Close enough enough for me,
To feel your heart beating fast

And stay there as I whisper
How I love your peaceful eyes on me
Did you ever know?
That I had mine on you

Darling, so share with me
Your love if you have enough
Tears if your holding back
A pain if that's what it is

How can I let you know?
I'm more than teh dress and the voice
Just reach beyond then
You would know that you are not dreaming

Darling so there you are
With that look on your face
As if your never hurt
As if your never down

Shall I be the one for you?
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
I woudl know that you are no dreamer.....

ISN'T THAT SONG PERFECT??!?! I love it so much!!!!!!! I'm writing this really really really good AR lemon with Heero and Relena as main ::smirks evally:: I know Slade's gonna kill me BWAHAHA

ohs well, I missed the bus boo hoo, no school at least and I get the whole day to work on my site! BWAHAHAHA. Heh, I saw BWA! too much, ne? Anyways, so I get to revise it and such! It's so freaking good! I hope I say it right and junk. Oh wells


current mood: chipper
current music: Quatre - Brave Eyes

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Sunday, June 10th, 2001
10:16 pm - BWAHAHAHA!!!!
Quota - "The sun rises and falls, the moon shall conquer the night sky" - :;shrugs::

I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SOOO FUCKING SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Heh, well I did, as I was about to be booted, I thought up something very very quickly and then I did this!!!!!! I SWITCHED TO ANTHONY'S SCREENAME!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHA

It's Wildluvable tiger for all yas.

If you did not know, my mother had time limited all my screenames, but she has one screename that belongs to this guy she know's named anthony. So, since I am the one to come up with his password, I logged onto it and wahlah! I GOT IT!!! I OUTSMARTED MI MADRE!!!! BWAHAHAHA!

^^;; genius's are hard to find!

And I also got working on my Adam site. The address is
It's fucking hilarious!!!!! BWAHAHAHA!

And now since it's like some odd hour of the night, me and griffies and Slade are playing Strip Poker ::eval grin:: Slade being the little perv he is isn't playing, instead is being a onlooker, and helping me with my 'troublesome clothing' the perv, BWA!

Now I have this huge project due tomorrow u.u;; and I need to finish it tonight ::wavers::



current mood: horny
current music: Duo - It's so All right <~~~I'm using that for my theme song

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Saturday, June 9th, 2001
Quota - "Let's make a website about him!!" - Brittany!

Brittany is such a genius! ^^She too had got into the habit of making fun of Adam's piccie so she joined in! And then got me to do some more!!!! and now she suggested that we make a website of it!!!!!! AND I GET TO DO IT ALL!!!! BWAHAHAHAH! Bad thingy mother is dragging me away with her this weekend u.u;;

Since she gots herself a new van, WITH A CD PLAYER! I may mention ^^;; she's letting my grandparents buy her sweet old car. u.u;; so she's dragging me down too. Hehe ^^;;

Oh wells, gotta go. She won't let me stay here since she still thinks I'm too young too u.u;; pfft. Bitch ::Sniffles:: ohs well see yas!


current mood: distressed
current music: Best of Techno - Total Ecstasy

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Friday, June 8th, 2001
8:39 pm - Life is Hell, fucking crazy stupid bloody Hell
Quota - "If one day we all are the same, same race, same colour, same face, same height and weight, and same personality. If you give us thirty minutes and we would still be able to argue about." ~ read it off a lemon ficcle

I'm mad, extremely mad that I'm pissed off beyond comparison of the natural state of confusion of hells angel and SATAN HIMSELF!!!!!!!! Reason?!?!

My mother time limited me



And now I'm in depression. ._.;

I come home and I leave AOL on then I fall asleep while talking to Griffen and Lilly in a chat room.
When I wake up I ask my mother to let me check my mail. And then I shoo her away.
As soon as I sign onto my name......hell happens.
This little thingy pops up and it states that I have 1 hour and 45 minutes left...I stare blankly at the computer. So I chek onto my Lovely screename.......same thing. Then, I start to cry. And I am still fucking crying!!!!!!!!!! AND I NEVER CRY!!!!!

And I am not crying because she limited me on aol, I'm crying cuz she doesn't trust me neough now anywayz. So I did the only liable thing I can do.

I emailed my sister and asked her if I could live with her over the summer. u.u;; and that is the last hope for me. ::sighs:: I fucking hate her, I really really do. And Lilly isn't being really helpful right now, too exicted about her trip u.u;;. ::Sniffles:: why me?

So then, I send my mail and my mother comes back up to change for her fucking date with "Greg" the fruitiest male on this side of Alantic. I walk to the door and close it as she walks up stairs and she blinks and goes:

Madre: "Allispm. why are you crying?"
Moi: ::slam the door in her face::
Madre: ::knocks in the door:: "Open it!"
Moi: ::continues typing and staring at the screen."
Madre: "Open the door! This is my room!"
this is the computer room for all ou to know:: u.u;;
Moi: ::unlock the door and sit back down:
Madre: ::coming over to me:: "What's the problem"
Moi: ::goes into Trowa state; deadpan and anti-social:: "..."
Madre: "Tell me, I have a right to know"
Moi: ::Still staring tt the screen and typing:: "What right do you have on anything that I say or do? How about you leave me alone and go somewhere else where you are appreciated?"
Madre: ::Blinks:: "...tell me!"
Moi: "....." ::writes something:: "go away"
Madre: "I am waiting" ::goes to the little light switfch in attempt to turn off the computer::
Moi: ::sees her doing this and saves:: ""
Madre: "Tell me, or I'll turn off the computer"
Moi: "I don't care, all the information is already save. If you turn iyt off, I can easily turn it back on and continue what i was already processing at the time."
I use big words when I'm in monotnous mode u.u;;
Moi: ::switches from lovely to codename and points to the screen where the little pop up thingy for time limits shows::
Madre: ::Watches me in silence::
Moi: ::points to the sign thingy: "Maybe that might refresh your memory"
Madre: ::Stares then pushes me out of the seat and looks at it:: "IT WORKED?!?!"
Moi: o.o
Madre: "YES! I can't believe it worked!"
Moi: o.o;; "what are you talking about?"'
Madre: "Well see, since I asked everyone at work that I needed to get a timer for you being online Verna came up and said that I could put time limits on you! And she gav me all these directions and it worked!"
Moi: ::thinking:: bitch "Good, your experiment worked. Now give me no limitations!"
Madre: "No."
Madre: ::Blinks:: no I didn't, I gave you seven hours"
Moi: "NO YOU DIDN'T! SEE! ::points to the little screen thingy:: UNA! HORA! Y! CUARENTA! Y! CINCO! MINUTOS!!!!!"
we speak spanish a lot in my family x.x;;
Madre: :Still smiling all fucking proud of herself:: "No, that's the time you have left"
Moi: ::Dies::

So now I am spending the last of ym freaking minutes with this and also complaining to everyone..I hope they don't get mad at me u.u;;

And now I am listening to Faye Wong for about the fiftiest time!!!!!! She's suppose to calm me down, and it ain't working too well!!!!!!!!!!


current mood: aggravated
current music: Faye Wong - Do we really care

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4:54 pm - Adam-koi, we love you!!!!
Quota - "MR. ROSE STEM IN MY PANTS!" - Myself ^^;;;;;

Being eval, as usual! But today I took a step farther! You guys must understand that even though I do see Adam, as my friend, I really do hate his guts ^^;; Well here is what happened today

Me and Adam were getting into a fight again. And for some reason I called him unibrow.
Well, later today we all were online and so Lilly started a chat. Well then Lilly happend to mention that she lost Adam's piccie again. So *I* volunteered to send it to her! SINCE I HAD THIS BRILLIANT IDEA!!!!!!!!! BWAHAHAHA
Well I put the picture in paint and draw this really tacky unibrow! AND send it too her!
She dies laughing as well and then lilly sends it to everyone else including Adam!
So then he gets pissed and is ready to kill me so then Brittany pops up and falls in love with the unibrow piccie! ^^

So there! AND BWA! I am such a genius! Now it's naptime ::falls asleep::

current mood: artistic
current music: W-Calabazita

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Thursday, June 7th, 2001
4:51 pm - u.u;; Nothing more than nothing
Quota - "Litigations should not interfere with personal affairs! ::smirks:: Unless you are the prez, then everyone should be allowed to buy the tapes ::wink wink:: " ~ some dude

:;busts out laughing:: BWAHAHHAA! ^^;; Hehe sorry. I just love the way that guy said that! First he was all pissed, then he calmed down and started flirting ::snickers:: our goverment is truely phucked up ^^;;

Well, since barely anything happened today, other than me being up ALL night working on these stupid little Livejournal entries I guess I'm gonna b a little fatigued! BWAHAHHAHA! And pessimistic so don't phuck around with today!!!!!!! >:(

x.x;; sorry, a little pissy here. Then! Lilly is leaving me! NUU!!!! x.x;; She's going to Africa tomorrow or Saturday or something odd like that and she won't be here to talk!!! ::crys:: UNLESS! She can manage to figure out how to get AOL to hook up in a whole new place. ._. I doubt she will figure it out though, no offense or anything.

Well, since today is going okay so far, I think I will go take my nap now ^^ I'm beat. See yas


current mood: tired
current music: Faye Wong - Eyes on Me - Chinese

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Wednesday, June 6th, 2001
4:10 am - tomorrow?
Quota - "The mind, soul and body."

Heh, my mind and body are whacked and my soul....well...that has been gone for a while now, must of been hit by a bus or soemthing. X.X;; oh wells.

I tried to get my mother's credit card so I can buy Aikawa Nanase's CD online. She said she wasn't buying it until I acutally did something constructive. ::sniffles:: Alex would buy it for me, if he would get a card ;_; ::huggles her Alex plushie:: Damn mi madre! HAS TO SCREW UP EVERYTHING! ::sniffles::

Hehe, today is June 7, 2001 at 4:46 A.M. For the past two hours I have done two weeks of this Journal and what I could remember from that time...give me a freaking BREAK!!!!!!! x.x;;

Today went okay. We finally got to watch Joan of Arc with Lee Schibiski, I think her name is x.x;;. I like her, she's cool and all. But I manage to get a pack of cookies from Salaam, I was all like.

Moi: "Salaam, you got food?"
Salaam: "I might, o.O? why?"
Moi: My stomach is withering from stravation!"
Salaam: "Why should I give you food, ::looks at me quickly seeing me open my mouth to counterattack:: Other than giving myself satisfaction of being a good person"
Moi: ^^ "I'll be your bestest friend!"
Salaam: ::rolls eyes and hands me some Vanilla cookies:: "There ya go Spoiled brat"
Moi: ::hugs her:: "THANK YOU MY SAVIOR!"
Salaam: "yeah yeah.>.>;; get off me"
Moi: o.o;; "sorry!" ^^

So I munched on them in fourth period. After school we had yearbook meeting, we had to go through over two hundred books...yippe...>.>;; and place them all on the appropriate stack. Doesn't seem hard, but you run around a SMALL room carrying four books and placing them in a neat and specific order while it's 98 degrees in there WITH humidity. e.e;; sheesh, I am so lucky. When I got out of there, I had to get my gym clothes, yet I forgot both my bookbag and gym bag and I had to carry my books and my stinky smelly gym clothes x.x;; Lucky meh.

Jessica is so annoying x.x;; well more of a blabber mouth,. Heh, blabber mouth. I haven't said that since I was in fifth grade x.x;;;; So very long ago. Anyway, since we had locker cleanout during seventh, we were suppose to go back to first period. Well, in first Jessica leaned over and started talking about Catehrine and here it goes:

Jessica: ::leaning oer and tryig to impress haley:: "She thought she was pregnant"
Moi: ::butting myself in since I was sooo very bored:: "Who?!"
Jessica: "Catherine"
Everyone: ::turns to look at me::
Moi: ::wavers my hand at them::
Jessica: "NO! She thought she was pregnant"
Moi: "Who?!"
Jessica: "Catherine!"
Moi: "Catehrine's pregnant?!"
Haley: ::Starts crackng up::
Moi: ::stares dumbfoundly::

I'm so smart aren't I? Heh >.>;; but seriously. If Catherine wanted to tell people that she thought that she was pregnant wouldn't she of said so herself. I mean, she does' talk excessively. And personally, if I were in that postion I wouldn't want people to know that I've had sex with my boyfriend and he got me pregnent..that's just annoying. I feel sorry for Catherine to tell Jessica that, since Jessica really does have no feelings for others.
Like the other day when we were working on our fare well speech for school, we have to do a theme song and so I picked Duo Maxwell's Song "It's So All Right". Since the lyrics for my theme go like this:

Hey you! You're very patient, huh? -
I'm already tired of waiting

I'm bored
Coming day by day is frustration
Surely it won't be just this ---
Yet no choice but to leave....

Steady Effort
Is certainly important, but
Gamble once in a while ---
Bet a possible coin

Can't you jsut see those lyrics for the end of the school year?!?! I'm so happy I found them and translated right! ^^;; Hehe. But anywayz, so she asked me, yes asked., to see my drawing plan for my speech. I know that just as soon as she saw my theme song "Duo Maxwell It's so all right" She took the sheet and shoved it into my chest. I was soo pissed off at her for doing that that I didn't speak to her at all yesterday! ::snoots: little bitch,. anywayz, so Theo agreed with me about her.
And today, since we had an assembly in second period I was stuck in the library making up the science test. Great...Anyway so we didn't have to dress out. But then we headed back to the main gym and me and Theo sat down and watch Jessica attempt to flirt with every loser in the gym...then there's Chris.
Chris is so stupid and idiotic that Jessica flirts with them all the time. Theo says that they both like eachother and that Jessica want's to go out with him. I am not that skeptic about it, since frankly, I don't give crap about Jessicas love life since I have a perfectly good one on my own. But then Mrs. Bradshaw screamed out "MOHAMMAD!" since Chris sometimes calls himself and he walked sheeplessly over. She was whispering at him about not touvching people and that it's called sexual harrasment and junk and he obviously didn't care.
So she called Jessica over and asked if he had been touching her with permission... then me and Theo started to bust out laughing. CHRIS FEELING ON JESSICA! X.x;; I died laughing afterwards. But still, that's sick. Chris is this small greasy little 14 year old who said he was sixteen, of course he lies and he wears cheap little clothng and is just annoying! x.x;;. I hate calling myself Jessica's friend, and I am soo glad that I am going to be going to a different school next year! WHOOP!
So I told Simone, since Simone also has an undying hate for her as well and we just couldn't stop laughing!!!!!! Oh wells. Other than I fell asleep at 4:30, one hour after I came home from yearbook and that I left aol runnning. Our electricity went out somewhere by 10 oclock and turned off aol, so I was unable to see how many ims I recieved since I was sleeping.

Mi madre woke me up around 12 and tried to send me to my room to sleep, since I fell asleep where the computer was. But since she woke me up I was awake and I have been awake ever since, I've spent two hours on this journal thingy and now it's bed time! x.x Current time 6:05 and I have this HUGE smudge mark from my hand on my cheek and I need to get it off! ADIOS!

Oh yeah, since I had Medha to bring me home from the yearbook meeting she turned around in my seat and went like this, "You know what Rob said today?"
And I shook my head, actually really scared to commend on what she was saying.
Medha: "Well, one of Whitney Abel's friends asked Rob to the dance...."
Moi: ::not really caring and noding my head, while taking a sip of my water:: "yeah?"
Medha: "And he was like, 'NO! I WANNA GO WITH ALLI!"
Moi: ::spits out my water and stares at her:: "your kidding!"
Medha: ::shakes her head::
Moi: ::falls off my seat in the van and start cracking up::
Medha: ::laughs also::
Medha's Dad: " driving..going aster and faster::"
Us: x.x;;;;

I really really do hope that he was joking about all this x.x;; I just don't wanna go to the dance without my sugah! ;_: Plus, Whitney Abel's friends are very very pretty, I guess that that means that my charm and beauty surpases theirs! MWUHAHAHAHAHA! ._.;; hehe

Heh, I'm dying of thirst so I plan to go downstairs and make a snow cone! ^^;; oh mother is sleeping downstairs ;_; NU!!!!!! Stupid AC! ::kicks her trashy ac conditoner:: NU!!!! It's sooo much more cooler downstairs than up here x.x;; Oh wells!BUH BAI!


current mood: thirsty
current music: Aikawa Nanase - China Rose

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Tuesday, June 5th, 2001
4:42 am - AH..shitiness
Quota - "Thanks Slade! ::sarcastic tone implied::"

Kass just learned that Adam had an affair. ^^ ::puts on her cape again:: "WORLD CRISIS SOLVER!!!! AVENGE!!!!!" I am soooo glad that I get to help! ^^ Cuz now I can yell and get all pissed at Slade since it was half his fault that it had happened! WHOOP! Lucky meh! x.x;; .But I kept to my promise and I ain't saying no more....for now..>.>;; OH YES! And since Rel was SO nice to give that I wrote something good about Cecil in here, he stalks me now! YES CECIL STALKS ME AND GRIFFEN NOW! WHOOP! x.x;; Being stalked is kewl...kinda, but stalking isn't. I only stalk Slade, Lilly, Griffen, and Kass. Cuz they go to weird places. x.x;; Hehe, see yas! I'm not paying attention to anything, not even Slade who is screaming in my face x.x;; The bed in my room looks good :;yawns: see yalls!!


current mood: nostalgic
current music: Aikawa Nanase - Nostlgia (Single Version)

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Monday, June 4th, 2001
4:33 am - Just...talking
Quota - "Phosporhus" - Moi

Today was boring as usual. Phosporus! Not something that Slvester the cat slurs...-.-;;. It's actually an lement that will be part of a compound. We are doing the Periodic Table once again in Science I just thought I'd spread how much I know with theimpossible element! ^^ Aren't I great?! lol.

Since I missed First period Friday I have to redo the SoL testing for science. more test! x.x;; But I got to sit in the cafeteria behind Scott and drool over him..literally. I wished he asked me to the dance, he is so god damn KAWAII! Not to say that Rob is so bad looking, but Scott makes ALL the boys in the school look less human, other than Ross, cuz Ross is the cutest,smartest and sweetest. x.x;; Yes I have no chance with them now! DAMNIT!!!!!!

I have a really really really sinking feeling in the pit of my tummy that something bad is gonna happen to one of my friends....wonder who or what. I pray to Konshimi-sama that they are all safe. x.x;;

For some reason I keep seeing this guy Ricardo - that's his spanish name - well, Foster, he keeps staring at me in Spanish. I'm a little..obscure about it cuz I get mixed thoughts about it. Or maybe he's staring at Ben who sits in front of me. HEHE! Foster and Ben! x.x;; LOL!!!!!!!

I've always wondered how the skateboarders at my school are proclaimed "cute". Ben looks like an elf. Jeff....has humor! I will admit! But he has this little beady eyes and red hair. x.x;; Jonathan..he is cool,. but he is so quiet. Foster, well he is very cute. Zach 1, ack, looks like he has a pigs nose. Zach 2. A little tiny Asian dude whos teeth are too big for his head. And Ross...::dreamy sigh:: Ross is the defined version of kawaiiness...<3<3. Hehe, Moby's Cd rocks like the hells! WHOOP!

Ah..shit. Kass just imed...bad news. X.X Big time.....she just learned that her mother is having an affair.......damn, that blows the big one.::just reads what she wrote;: ::starts cracking up:: WHEW! ::whipes her eye:: Man, no time for jokes! ::puts on a cape and does this with her cheeziest mind capable:: WORLD CRISIS SOLVER!!!!! AVENGE!!!!!! ZHHHH!!!! ::holds her arms in front of her and starts running and making airplane sounds:: x.x;; At least this gives proof that my phsyc's power isn't fake! ^^ Or broken...wait..can phyc's powers be broken?!!? X.x;;



current mood: chipper
current music: Mobey - Play - Porcelin

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Sunday, June 3rd, 2001
4:12 am - Sleep = Mattress Discounters
Quota - "Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir) Voulez-vous coucher avec moi."

Hehe ^^ EVERYONE! Knows where that came from, so I am not even gonna bother discussing it....why I put it there? I am not going to explain THAT either.

Bored stiffly...I dun want to go to school, but I am 'fraid I hafta. Hehe, me, Griffen and Slade are over and we're playing "strip poke" right now sicne we have nothing else to do..well...just me and Griffen. Slade's being a little perv and helping me undress x.x;; ::whacks at the little hentai:: Hehe ^^;; I so love everyone.

o.O? I just found out that Adam cheated on Kass....oooo....damn! I can't tell anyone! X.x;; NU!!!!! NOT FAIR!!!!! ._. I ensured secrecty from the other gender of the affair, ;_;. I just hope Kass isn't heartbroken, that would be bad....>>;;

Heh, Slade keeps talking about his horminous actions in his member....maybe I could tease them a bit. ::joyishly chews softly on a hot dog:: mmmm........yummy, juicy and brings pleasure to my mouth". ::smiles like Marilyn Monroe:: "Makes my mouth feel clean and sparkly white!" o.O?!?! O.o?!?! I've watched the Seven Year itch once too many times. x,x;; Hehe, I'm gone. Testing how far Slade can go and embarrasing Griff is just priceless! ^^;; ::ish so mean:: OUT!


current mood: horny
current music: Macarena - Macarena

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