The Remix of 41smallstarsmix [entries|friends|calendar]
Miss RhondaLee, at her finest hour

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empty stomach. [24 Apr 2003|11:30pm]
[ mood | sick ]

I Am Everyone's Biggest Supporter!!!

... but no one supports me. here i am, sick as a dog and yet utterly most alone.

during dinner with the love of my life, jason howard, and jack & his new found boyfriend, i became extremely sick. i barely made it to the bathroom in time to throw up and trying to maintain a calm composure afterwards was insanely difficult. at any given moment i felt like i was going to pass out. the puking stopped after i had the car pulled over on the way home but i still feel extremely out of normal mental state.

but i'm alone to care for myself.

and this revelation bothers me. it's deja-vu all over again. the enticing world of music and computers has sucked my supposed boyfriend away from the house, fully aware of my physical & mental state. but this is nothing new to me. there have been countless times before where i was left alone because of band practice or a scheduled show or simply just because ... once i even drove myself to the ER after passing out because my then-boyfriend was too tired to take me. this truly isn't anything new to me. and i shouldn't be complaining right now but i can't help but feel dicked over again.

this relationship is proving to be much harder than i had imagined. he's perfectly content with everything right now but i feel as if i'm settling for less, mainly from the lack of comfort expressed from him. i'm not asking for marriage and i'm not asking for joint bank account ... i just want 100% of his heart. 5% or even 1% should not belong to anyone else from his past.

call me greedy, but that's how i feel. especially if something is intended to last for years.

(this is why i see no future for us ... it's all too cloudy.)

i am much to sick to continue whining on this communication device. my head is heavy.
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travel for heart. [23 Apr 2003|05:01am]
[ mood | thirsty ]

[ family ]
[x] mother's full name: yong okie hyon.
[x] father's full name: james lee lampley.
[x] do you love your parents: no ... only in the sense that they gave birth to me and it doesn't go any further than that.
[x] are your parents still together: hell no.
[x] any siblings: one sister, and then two half-brothers & a half-sister.
[x] how old are they: i only know my one sister & she's 25.
[x] do you get along with your siblings: she's more of my stepmother so at times our relationship is rocky.
[x] are you a spoiled brat: no but i have very high expectations from not being a spoiled brat growing up.

[ friends ]
[x] what do your friends call you: rhonda or rhondalee. we keep it simple.
[x] name one of your friends in real life: willie roosevelt lockhart.
[x] name one of your friends on-line: michael vincent pennimpede.
[x] do your friends really know you: to a certain level. most don't try hard enough to really get to know me.
[x] what do they tend to be like: a collective variety of colored gummi worms. yummy to eat and fun to swallow.
[x] are there any traits in you that are universally liked: emotional traits are too weird but most have agreed that my nose is universally liked.
[x] do you trust others easily: no. normally i'm not given a reason to trust others. you kinda have to take it as it comes.
[x] have you ever lost a friend: not in death but in distance.
[x] do you have more guy friends or girl friends: guy friends. i think it stems from me growing up in an all-female home so i tend to click better with the opposite sex.
[x] ever stolen a friend's boyfriend or girlfriend: no but once amanda was suppose to meet mickey, in hopes of channeling some sort of connection, but the lines somehow got crossed and he laid his eyes on me instead.

[ love life ]
[x] first crush: crushes are pathetic. but my first ever was in the third grade on this total dork named ryan. i definitely didn't want to date or kiss him. i just wanted to throw rocks on the playground with him.
[x] first online crush: never really had one. but i guess i had a semi-crush on peter from belgium. it was more like a fascination than crush though.
[x] first boyfriend/girlfriend: um, nate hensley was for about 48 hours and then i dated jon shaw for 6 months (didn't kiss either though). my first real before didn't come until college.
[x] is there a difference between a crush, being in love, and loving someone: of course and i'd rather be in love right now than have this uncontent feeling of loving someone.
[x] are you (honestly) afraid of commitment: i want commitment but no one wants to give me a 100% of their heart so it's quite difficult.
[x] does your family get along with your significant other: my sister knows of him and my mother assumes i am dating someone and neither approve of it. and for chandler's benefit, he won't have to meet either for a long time.
[x] does your significant other get along with your family: he probably would because he's overall friendly but i want him in one piece so he will not meet my family.
[x] do long distance relationships work: never experienced one truly. but i doubt it would for me, considering i need much physical attention.
[x] do you prefer to move fast or slow in relationships: whatever happens, happens. i want progression but i'm not asking for marriage or babies.
[x] are you usually the first to ask someone out: i'm the one who usually makes it apparent that i want to hook up with the opposite sex. males rarely approach me.

[ appearance ]
[x] do you think you are attractive: just plain and tall. nothing special.
[x] do you have any freckles: no, only a few moles.
[x] do you have any birth-marks: none documented on my birth certificate.
[x] describe your style: fitting shirt and low-rise jeans. nothing extremely expressive unless i'm going out ... and that's just a maybe.
[x] do you ever wear make-up: all the time. more in the winter and less in the summer. i'm in love with makeup.
[x] have you ever gone to a beauty salon: yes, for those hard-to-do highlights and on those days after an emotional upset.
[x] what do you think others think about your style: i'm not quite sure and i honestly don't care since i'm comfortable with it all.
[x] how long does it take you to get ready: if rushed, only 30 minutes. but i prefer to take my time and it usually takes an hour to an hour & a half.
[x] if you could change anything about your looks, what would it be: my body. needs to be more toned and adjusted in a few spots. and i'd wipe away the scars on my knee.

[ personality ]
[x] what impression do you give others: perhaps silent and nice.
[x] future job: child psychologist for autistic children.
[x] future car: a lexus or bmw. it's a toss up and i'm not picky.
[x] are you going to have children: of course. i definitely have that maternal instinct in me.
[x] how many: two hopefully.
[x] what will you name them: diesel & lilly asia. but i'll have to converse with my future husband for the stamp of approval.
[x] at what age would you like to get married: whenever. there's no rush. if it happened this summer or in seven years, i'll be happy. love is very unpredictable and to time marriage is asking for a meltdown.

[ random questions ]
[x] do you like to wear thongs: i like myself in a thong and my jeans prefer it too.
[x] if not, why: (this doesn't apply to me obviously)
[x] boxers or briefs: boxers are sexy and fun to buy with the colored print.
[x] do you feel pity for people who commit suicide: yes. the stages before a suicide are the hardest levels to survive. it emotionally drains you.
[x] chose one word to describe how you feel most often: incomplete.
[x] do you dream at night: lately yes because of the lack of true sleep i am receiving.
[x] are your right-handed, left-handed or ambidextrous: right baby. right is always right.
[x] what do you fear: becoming emotionally unlocked.
[x] where is your favorite place to shop: wherever the clothes that fit me the best are.
[x] any tattoos or piercings: just the one piece on my back. work in progress.
[x] do you do drugs: alcohol, nicotine (mostly when drinking), and a little weed here & there.
[x] what kind of shampoo do you use: matrix for colored hair.
[x] what vehicle do you wish to have: a lexus rx suv.
[x] who is the last person that called you: my mother. i lied and told her i was sleeping to hang up.
[x] where do you wanna get married: vegas or in one of those small little chapels in the middle of nowhere.

[ have you ever ]
[x] showered/bathed with someone of the opposite sex: yes and i love doing it on a regular basis.
[x] showered/bathed with someone of the same sex: when i was little and living with my first best friend on ft. knox.
[x] smoked: yeah ... it kills time.
[x] bungee-jumped: no but i would, even though heights scare me pissless.
[x] broken the law: only when i was a senior (and speeding/parking tickets don't count).
[x] made yourself throw-up: it's extremely draining to do, but yes i have.
[x] went skinny-dipping: no ... panties & t-shirts are the best.
[x] been in love: yes and it hurts.
[x] made yourself cry to get out of trouble: yeah. once i cried to a cop, hoping to avoid a speeding ticket, and it failed to work. so i cry no more for cops.

5am and the day only gets longer.

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america.the.formal. [23 Apr 2003|02:42am]
[ mood | sore ]

my mood is astray.

my heart was aching so oddly today that i met face to face with the wall & door frame on the way to the bathroom to sit & wait for the nauseating feeling to pass. it was the ring that made me feel out of place today. i asked what the writing meant and an answer was unknown, but it occurred to me seconds later that maybe i remember him telling me before what it meant(??).

and maybe this is all irrelevant & petty but i can't deny the sinking feeling that i still carry.

i'm all cried out. pass me the fellow that loves me with all of his heart and thinks of no one else ever. thanks.


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tGif [22 Apr 2003|04:41am]
[ mood | creative ]

Don't fuck with me, I'm the fuckin manager!
And don't forget your fuckin daily planners.
You better write down everything you accomplish.
And lemme see your fuckin smile around the office.
You "grrrls" look tired, were you out late last night?
I heard you were some kind of underground
Electro feminist performance artists. Is that right?

Right ...
In five years you won't remember
getting fired or whatever
and until then and forever
I'm proud to be associated with you.
I know 40 hours a week
would suit you fine
but your application's been denied, surprise!
This is how it feels to be free.
Turn around, turn around, turn around
and take a look at the crowd and say:
It's okay to hate your job
after all it's fucking wrong.
Turn around, turn around turn around
and take a look at the crowd.
You know all my friends are fucking bitches
best known for burning bridges.
Do you need a character witness?
I said I'm proud to be associated with you.
When I look around,
I see your face in the crowd.
I see the girls are out,
a lot of freaks in the house.
Le Tigre family and friends,
I hope this feeling never ends cuz
you're beautiful and your boss is an asshole
and I don't give a shit what that dick thinks.
We will survive as thieve
we will survive as freaks.
Turn around, turn around turn around
and take a look at the crowd ...
I think it looks all right
we got friends in sight
yeah tomorrow we fight
so let's have fun tonight ...
Turn around, turn around ...

i JJ Fad & LTrimm!!
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time ticks. [22 Apr 2003|03:27am]
[ mood | creative ]

today was a choke to swallow.

i made him furious (but it was only fair in the most oddest sense since he makes me feel incomplete) and unfortunately he lets his temper get a little out of wack and yet it's controlled at the same time. hitting objects always has a way of frightening people ... i don't even like to do it but i have been guilty of it at times. just finding a common ground to talk about bothering concerns is harder than normal in this peculiar relationship because everything bothering me is past tense for him and yet present in everyday life. and as much as i would love to help my poor chandler move on, it's harder than it appears when certain words have been implanted in your head.

anyways as for exciting revelations, i did attend a baseball game today at the beautiful louisville stadium. we pigged out on italian sausage, fried bologna, corndogs, chicken tenders, and freedom fries. and chandler caught a toy baseball that was being thrown out to the fans. so yes ... it was a nice time.

but for now i have that dying feeling in my heart. you know ... where you mentally ache but your heart physically feels the torment inside your chest cavity.

stupid stupid heart ... i should replace it.


we like the cars ... the cars that go BOOM!

post comment [19 Apr 2003|08:07pm]
[ mood | tired ]

i am passive and almost dead.

michelle came and went. the bridal shower was fun and the prior night at main street was eclectic & strange. the vibe was that i wasn't suppose to go but the talk was talked and the vibe rearranged itself. we (as in him & i) never go to places like that together despite my want and his longstanding history of prior visits. it's a touchy subject i suppose. but i doubt we'll go out sometime soon again ...

last night reminded me of how odd it is to be hit on and offered a drink. it's been so long since it's happened and the shock stood with me for a long-lasting ten minutes. in secret, i was quite happy i was found attractive by a complete stranger so i immediately started talking about my boyfriend to lamont (the stranger) and introduced the two. ironically, the two somewhat knew each other.

odd how things happen.
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eh.fuckitall. [18 Apr 2003|09:57am]
[ mood | calm ]

if one of the smallest dogs in the world can pull more than it's own weight, then so can i during this moment of total despair (check me out).

the only thing odd is the fact that my sanity level is moderately high and the need for 40whitetablets is extremely low. i suppose clinging to the myth that in 5-7 years i'll one day be happily married with a child on the way gives me a reason to bear through this misery and continue on with tomorrow. i will get what i want one day ... no worries here.


i need money like a fat kid needs cake. get it? ha.

post comment [12 Apr 2003|12:39am]
[ mood | creative ]

entries will lack for a while ... my well-being is at stake.

i removed all my belongings from his place and departed back to my 2 bedroom/2 bath apartment equipped with a breakfast room and walk-in hall closet. it's quite peaceful and the heating pad on my back makes up for the lack of body count in bed. but things are on the mend, although i'm getting more distance as his efforts are not matching the required amount to repair things. his attempts are sincere though.


--rhondalee with one broken heart & superglue.

remember my name is rhonda.

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lookie. [06 Apr 2003|08:52pm]
[ mood | creative ]

:: how nintendo are you? ::

me and tim are both double dragon! super.

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vet.clinics.suck. [06 Apr 2003|08:36pm]
[ mood | cold ]

leia is fine. just a minor respiratory infection. but we all live on.

i don't like to shout. and i don't like saying shut up or being called a bitch, but chaos happens.

resolution: engulf myself in work to avoid any and all human contact with predominate individuals.


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no.more.sleep. [05 Apr 2003|09:03pm]
[ mood | awake ]

took a nap and woke up crying. nightmares of people i love make me the sickest. it's a shameful world sometimes.

Lynnwood138 (8:53:36 PM): can I put my chopstick in your fortune cookie?
lynnpaiges (8:54:06 PM): hmmm i think that's off limits. thanks though.
Lynnwood138 (8:54:53 PM): can I dip my egg roll in your sweet and sour sauce?
lynnpaiges (8:55:14 PM): but i don't like egg rolls. too many as a young kid.
Lynnwood138 (8:55:38 PM): haaha
Lynnwood138 (8:56:01 PM): good sport. I'm glad you don't seem mad.
Lynnwood138 (8:56:07 PM): see you.

stupid boy in a band.

you can see my face now. ♥
more later.

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i.can' [04 Apr 2003|11:29pm]
[ mood | confused ]

events totaling from this past month have been eye stabbing. the happiness from which my pores steamed out has been long gone but i remain in the same situation from months ago, just without the smile.

take advantage of the moment. it'll keep things strong for when i'm not there.

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star.eater. [04 Apr 2003|06:02pm]
[ mood | blank ]



i'm sorry for elbow this morning.

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minor.details. [04 Apr 2003|06:47am]
[ mood | restless ]


okay. no sleep today. fuck it. i give up.
so let me try this again.

why is it when i'm obviously upset that i must respond when questioned if things are alright when clearly the tears or the silent frustration fuming from my ears are all very much present and should represent my state of unhappiness? if the surrounding people around me truly cared, their presence would never leave my side and only extend unconditional support just as i would for them.

1) silence with a straight face.
2) lack of response or short answers when spoken to.
3) no eye contact when speaking or listening.
4) extreme clever tactics to avoid any physical contact (such as complaining of non-existing back pain to sit at an arm's length of distance from potential space intruder).
5) excessive smoking.
6) sniffling (possibly covered up as just coughing) followed by watery eyes and/or tears.
7) responses consisting of 'i'm fine', 'i'm okay', or 'don't worry' when questioned about current state of mind.
8) nervous body movements (such as excessive finger popping, hair pulling, and/or scratching).

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read.not.this. [04 Apr 2003|03:50am]
[ mood | confused ]

i have this undeniable feeling to vomit. if i could only put my sweaty palms on the porcelain toilet and throw everything up from today, i might sleep peacefully.'

but then i turn to the left and think, those things (people) are just not worth the sickness. why vomit, sweat, tremble, and endure a throbbing heartbeat felt throughout my body just because i'm over here and everyone else is over there? the thing is, and i know this, that people are always going to do something to hurt my feelings. whether it be intentional or a purely honest mistake, my feelings are going to be damaged somehow. and i hurt because i'm not pretty enough to keep one's eyes focused, to satisfy others' expectations, and because i don't like going to sleep alone.


this is done. i cannot comprehend this.

post comment [04 Apr 2003|01:27am]
[ mood | calm ]

// series one - your stats
Name: rhonda lee.
Birthdate: july twenty-sixth nineteen-eighty-one.
Birthplace: fort knox's ireland army community hospital.
Current Location: louisville, kentucky.
Eye Color: brown.
Hair Color: black.
Righty or Lefty: right.
Zodiac Sign: a fightin' leo.
Innie or Outtie: innie ... for those cut gently by the doctor.

// series two - describe
Your heritage: korean american.
The shoes you wore today: beige sandals.
Your hair: chopped by yours truly with an unruly very short back and hair long enough in the front to tuck behind the ears.
Your weakness: uncontrollable jealousy with a touch of chunky monkey ice cream.
Your fears: heartbreak and heartache.
Your perfect pizza: pineapples & ham and/or pepperoni with sausage.
One thing you'd like to achieve: faithful stability.

// series three - what is
Your most overused phrase on AOL\AIM: uh huh
Your thoughts first waking up: i need to pee.
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyebrows. it's very important to groom boys.
Your best physical features: if i didn't have any scars, i would say my legs but the reward goes to my nose.
Your usual bedtime: 5 a.m.
Your greatest accomplishment: supporting myself.
Your best memory: being grilled by chandler in front of a training class over his incorrect answers on a test that was collectively and correctly graded by myself.

// series four - do you
Smoke: yes. but it's okay. i eat seaweed to counteract any signs of lung cancer.
Cuss: moderately less than a year ago.
Sing well: ummm ... i'm not the best one to judge myself.
Want to go to college: definitely. i rather be in school than do anything else.
Liked high school: thinking back on it, it was fun. wonderful high school.
Want to get married: later. not now. plus i don't think anyone wants to marry me ... i'm difficult & hard-headed.
Type with your fingers on the right keys: yes ... many years of practice.
Believe in yourself: i believe i will be happy one day and never die unloved.
Get motion sickness: depends ... on a small boat with big waves, then yes.
Think you're attractive: call me sarah, plain and tall.
Think you're a health freak: never. i eat whatever, whenever. i only stop to lose weight.
Get along with your parents: no. i am but a lonesome child in a world full of divorced couples and alimony payments.
Like thunderstorms: adore them. especially pressing my face against a screened window to feel the breeze and slight rain on my face.
Play an instrument: nada. i beat the drums a few times before and molested a guitar as well but nothing came from it.

// series five - in the past month, did/have you
Drank alcohol: um yeah. it's called weekends.
Smoke(d): yes. stress hurts.
Done a drug: yes but it's nothing to cry over.
Made Out: fuck yes.
Go on a date: the term date is hard to define when in a committed relationship. so i suppose ...
Go to the mall?: no. it's been so long.
Been on stage: err ... like i'm cool or something.
Been dumped: no, just minor fights.
Gone skating: i don't do that.
Made homemade cookies: no but i guess i should since i'm a girl and all.
Been in love: yes. and confused.
Gone skinny dipping: yeah ... in the shower all the time.
Dyed your hair: no ... it's been well over a month since the last time. i'm just contemplating what to do next with my hair.
Stolen anything: no ... but i have taken a mole trap from someone's yard and threw away someone's anti-war sign from their lawn.

// series six - have you ever?
Played a game that required removal of clothing?: yes. i'm quite comfortable getting naked nowadays.
If so, was it mixed company: it was with two members of the opposite sex. but it was just all fun and games.
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes and i don't like to vomit whiskey.
Been caught "doing something": yes ... and how embarrassing without panties.
Been called a tease: i'm sure i have, but i just don't recall.
Gotten beaten up: only by my sister years ago. i got a bloody nose and she got a black eye.
Shoplifted: well every girl does that once or twice.
If so, did you get caught: never. i'm smooth.
Changed who you were to fit in: not really. i have somewhat re-adjusted myself before for a boy but i refuse to do that anymore.

// series seven - the future
Age you hope to be married by: it doesn't matter anymore. i can't see anyone wanting to marry me so i don't dwell on it anymore.
Numbers and Names of Children: 2 kids. Diesel {insert future husband's last name here} and Lilly Asia {insert future husband's last name here}.
Describe your Dream Wedding: it's pointless to even tell about it.
What age do you want to die: anytime before the wrinkles start to show.
What do you want to be when you grow up: a loving doctor working with autistic children.
What country would you most like to visit: italy.
Current Clothes: gap jeans and a lime green hollister shirt.
Current Mood: mellow and silent.
Current Taste: cold water.
Current Hair: messy and gross.
Current Annoyance: the throbbing pain in my left knee.
Current Smell: burnt out cigarettes in the ashtray.
Current thing you ought to be doing: baking cookies, since i am a girl and all.
Current Desktop Picture: it's not mine but it does consist of a dj spinning a record.
Current Favorite Group/Artist: i really dig sean paul at the moment. but i'm always faithful to pretty girls make graves.
Current Book: nothing but the writings in my paper journal.
Current DVD In Player: barbershop in the bedroom and snatch in the living room.
Current Worry: life along with the typical bullshit that it carries.
Current Crush: just the same ol' guy ... chandler.

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eat.this. [04 Apr 2003|12:46am]
[ mood | awake ]

[1] Death By Stereo.
[2] Murder City Devils.
[3] Christiansen.
[4] Saves The Day.
[5] Kill Your Idols.
[6] The Get Up Kids.
[7] The Explosion.
[8] Sick Of It All.
[9] Small Brown Bike.
[10] Rancid.

[1] Returning to school.
[2] Marks' Feed Store.
[3] Finishing my back piece.
[4] Financial freedom.
[5] Limitless extended ears for listening.
[6] A lovers stability.
[7] Insurance breaks at age 25.
[8] Jason Howard.
[9] Sanity.

[1] Panties.
[2] Bra.
[3] Makeup.
[4] Pin for the left portion of my hair.
[5] Deodorant.
[6] Contacts.
[7] Two different products for my hair.
[8] One ring.

[1] Relentless lecturing.
[2] Lack of support from supposed loved ones.
[3] Ex-girlfriends & boyfriends.
[4] Traumatizing moments from the past.
[5] Tainted love.
[6] Phones.
[7] Bills.

[1] My hair.
[2] Leia.
[3] The pillow.
[4] Chandler.
[5] My cell phone.
[6] The remote.

[1] Shower.
[2] Check email.
[3] Ponder the next 4 months.
[4] Shave.
[5] Converse with Chandler.

[1] Chandler.
[2] Damon.
[3] Jason Howard via email & AIM.
[4] Strangers.

[1] Matrix.
[2] Office Space.
[3] Empire Records.

[1] Sean Paul--Get Busy
[2] Killer Mike featuring Big Boi--A.D.I.D.A.S

[1] I.Don't.Know.

post comment [04 Apr 2003|12:21am]
[ mood | nervous ]

if i had something, i'd take it. i feel so small and unsupported right now. you talk ... i listen. i talk ... you lecture with a minor side of 'a shoulder to cry on'. it's the same with everyone.

analyze me. point the finger at me. refresh my memory of my youth and naiveness. and then watch me cry alone. why can't anyone see my visibly hidden sadness and just hold me instead of questioning me?

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[31 Mar 2003|09:42pm]
[ mood | okay ]

i'm okay. you're okay. everything's okay. okay okay okay.

food's ready rhonda.

i rather not considering i hate fajita crap. everyone knows this. it's no secret.

i think i landed on the wrong planet today ... i lost my co-pilot last night but i did catch a glimpse of him floating by a few times today. reeling him back in had no effect ... our cord must have been cut sometime last night. oh well to lost comrades. i can only do so much before all efforts are deemed a lost cause.


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check it yo. [28 Mar 2003|07:56pm]
[ mood | happy ]

korg triton
You are a Korg Triton
-You have multi-sampled preset sounds ranging from
opera to bongos and a fancy touch screen
control pannel
-you are f'cking new school
-very modern and hi tech
-you have to have the latest and best of everything
-you think you are better than everyone
-you probably like house or trance or somthing like

what synthesizer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

i am hot. yum.

must get ready for karin time. she rules.

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