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back in KC [27 Nov 2002|09:00am]
Ugh. I am back in KC after three lovely days in San Dieago. It's snowy here and just a day ago I was walking in the sun by the ocean. All I can think is fuck the midwest. Seriously.

There is so much I wish I could say here. But too many of you know me in a personal way for me to be honest.

All I can say is that they suck.
4 talked to the hand| no you di'int

[20 Nov 2002|08:32am]
Like sunight through a murky window, the past few days i have felt more myself. Happy,giggly and silly.

tonys brithday was great! i will not bore you with all the details, but it was wonderful! for the first time, i think i understood the signifignace of celebrating birthdys. all day i was just so very grateful that tony exists and that he is for me. i was grateful beyond belief...

last night we were driving home form B&N;, starbusks in hand, with our matching Burberry scarfs singing "DROWN" by Son Volt. It was a strange moment. Kinda seeing how we have grown into one another, and realizing how happy that makes me. i read recently that love is not gazing at each, but gazing at future in the same direction. i think that is true...
28 talked to the hand| no you di'int

my kind of town. [18 Nov 2002|08:48am]
[ mood | apathetic ]

well, i am back in KC. I would say home, but this place will never be home to me. Neither me or Tony really love it here like we thought we would. In fact, I don't think we even like it.

Tony even seemed sad to come back here. He thought it was awful that there is more action on Cicero, in the burbs of Chi, than there is here. I have to agree.

My mind is allready churning in hopes that I can apply for jobs in that another city. I am thinking I may even try when our lease it up.

Tony's birthday is tomorrow. I am very excited! I have been planning and planning. I think I have all the gifts, I just have to go to Dean and Deluca for the cake (nothing but the best for him). He wants to go on a "hot-date" so I am guessing we will spend tomorrow on our own. But we will plan something for the masses later this week.

8 talked to the hand| no you di'int

[15 Nov 2002|09:16am]
Tonight we are going to Chicago.
6 talked to the hand| no you di'int

Keanon killed my ted e. bear [14 Nov 2002|09:24am]
This morning there was a tragic occurence.
Keanon beheaded my beloved teddy bear.

Apparently, last night, in his drunken slumber he shoved Tremont under his pillow.
And this morning-
JUST DANGLING- off his furry little body.

He is in critical condition, so he can not have plants (oxygen) however he can have cards and warm wishes. Such as "Beary Best wishes on your recovery."
Even in his injured state he still has a sense of humor.
22 talked to the hand| no you di'int

i am drunk and honest and with tony and keanon [13 Nov 2002|11:40pm]
well, i am trashed.
for the first time since may.
i am with tony and keanon.
and i am going to speak truths.

i never wanna live anywhere where they are not.
not w/out tony.
not w/out keanon

i am in love tony irons.
i have been afraid to get more serious about him b/c of the way his brother treats me. we have been fighting about it for three months.

he is tall and kind and funny.
is the F. to the B.F.
of me and tony.
any person who knows him is lucky.

is cool as all get out.
she rules me.
girls can be sucky.
k kept saying that i should know cal b/c she was the sister i did not know i had,
sometimes i think he is right

i wish things were'nt so hard.
i wish i lived in NYC.
i wish i could go ice skating.
i wish i could have a steak covered in sour cream.

i am leaving all of this b/c k and t are teasing me about deleting.

much love to all.
6 talked to the hand| no you di'int

baker, baker [13 Nov 2002|08:24am]
[ mood | sad ]

last night i had to tell someone something.
it was one of the hardest things i hae ever had to say.
the cracks in their heart
put cracks in my armor
I felt like a murderer.

there are certain things i cannot agree to live with.

i am not sure what comes next.
waiting, i guess.

thank god i am going HOME this weekend.
i need to get out of this city.
and back to myself.

6 talked to the hand| no you di'int

[12 Nov 2002|08:32am]
[ mood | introspective ]
[ music | smiths-stretch out and wait. ]

She walks with a cane,
Though she dances with the light,
Treading much more carefully
Since she was a wife.

no you di'int

Food for thought [11 Nov 2002|01:19pm]
It is suprising that the people that need the most undertstanding are the least likely to offer it.
4 talked to the hand| no you di'int

[08 Nov 2002|07:17pm]
There are men watching "Funniest Home Videos" on my couch.
I need to go and perfect this 'do so it isn't a don't.
2 talked to the hand| no you di'int

[04 Nov 2002|08:50am]
good morning all you sexxxy mother fuckers.
4 talked to the hand| no you di'int

[31 Oct 2002|09:39am]
hjappy Halloween.
To my regular Thursday Friends crew, pls. pick up a pumpkin and we could get our carve on (Home DEpot has 'em for 2.50)

My new haircut is hot.
Little sexxxy pieces in the front.
I love it!

Tomorrow we are ahving folks over.
Thom is coming form STL and it should be cool...
I am excited to see "tony's other brother"

have a sppok-tacular day.
no you di'int

whoever said $ did noyt buy happiness did not shop at Nordstrom [29 Oct 2002|03:22pm]
Today work is big and overwhelming.
i went to Nordstrom at lunch.
i bought a Lavender inhaler and engery drink powders.
i am becoming a new agey nut.
i also got myself a present.
the MAC x-mas set.
Nordstrom exclusive.

It did not change my life it changed my mood, though.
there is alot in this head.
but to say it here is passive-aggressive.
1 talked to the hand| no you di'int

[28 Oct 2002|08:45am]
"I have a love in my life that makes me stronger than you can imagine"
1 talked to the hand| no you di'int

[25 Oct 2002|04:17pm]
1 talked to the hand| no you di'int

[25 Oct 2002|04:11pm]
As part of "fun friday" they are passing out beer at my work. and people think yuppies are uptight? :)
no you di'int

[22 Oct 2002|10:08pm]
we are having a gallery meeting.
i was going to show you, but the server is bunk.
maybe later.
2 talked to the hand| no you di'int

good things won't let you wait. [22 Oct 2002|02:00pm]
well, i am weak.
i went to target...
i think me and callie should start a support group :)

actually it was boss b/c the DVD player i bought my daddy for his birf-day went on sale and so i got 20 dollars back! Hurrah!

I also went to Dillards to buy a mascara from Clinique. But since they misrepresented the gift set the lady just gave me a lash doubling mascara for FREE! I didn't even use sass! woo-hoo!

4 talked to the hand| no you di'int

[22 Oct 2002|08:37am]
If I am going to live here, I am going back to school.
6 talked to the hand| no you di'int

Material Issue Monday [21 Oct 2002|01:05pm]
Yeah, I started the day with Blur, but it didn't quite fit. SO i have switched to Material Issue b/c it suit smy mood better. Happy with an undertone of sadness.

The parents weekend was good. I didn not let them buy me things, and it was hard when mom offered up some Kenneth Cole work things. I decided that I would be a grown-up and pay for things myself. I have not even used their credit cards for a month. It put me on equal footing with them and for the first time, we did not argue. I guess I am trading hot clothes for freedom. It is not a horrible exchange.

I am really feeling tried and worn out. My skin tells the whole story. It looks made at me. Sensitive and yucky. I spent my lunch jhour consulting with teh pharmasist and she hooked me up wiht some Cetpahil cleanser to be gentle to my face.

Yesterday I did not fit in to a size small belt at Brooks Brothers. This is causing issues.

Okay, more work to do. Big shocker.

Happy Mondays to everyone.
8 talked to the hand| no you di'int

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