a*n*d*r*e*a's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]

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[27 Apr 2003|08:24pm]
[ mood | tired ]

oh, i forgot to mention that we went to the phoenix last night... good times! lol 'go white girl, go white girl!'
but one of the highlights of my night was after we picked up adrienne, driving on church street aka where queer as folk is filmed... WE SAW WOODY'S!!!!! that's like a fucking landmark man... *still can't believe adrienne sees them filming the show like all the time and didn't tell me till now lol*
anyways, thats it.

throw me a frickin' bone here

survey time [27 Apr 2003|10:47am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | girls just wanna have fun - cyndi lauper ]

thanks to userinfosarlock_69 for accepting my survey challenge and finding me this DOOZY lol ;)
i'm serious, it took me like 2 days to finish it lol....
Name: andrea
Birthdate: 12/20/82
Nicknames: ange
E-mail Address: you all know it

~Theme Songs & Quotes~
Best theme song for life: Stay the Same - Joey MacIntyre.. (im leaving this cuz i can't think of anything)
Quote for life: only one i can think of is 'live each day as if its your last'
Best theme song for love: i don't know... ask me when i'm in love lol
Best theme song for family: shut up-kelly osbourne lol
Best theme song for friends: thats what friends are for- dionne warwick lol
Best theme song for happiness: i don't know... happy-ashanti?
Best theme song for depression: hailie's song- eminem
Best theme song for fun: love @ first sight-kylie minogue... PURE SUMMER/COTTAGE SONG! good times, fun times.

~Favorites~ *I'll just write what my faves are for the moment*
(yeah, i'll do the same lol)
Song: rock your body-justin
Rock song: diamonds and guns-the transplants... lol
Rap song: beautiful-snoop/pharrell is the only one i can think of
Country song: none
Classical song: none
Punk song: the anthem-good charlotte... are they punk? lol
Pop song: miss independent-kelly clarkson
Movie: too many to narrow it down to just one
Romance movie: titanic... untamed heart
Comedy movie: so many... a league of their own, dumb and dumber, clueless, austin powers 1,2 and 3, ETC ETC
Suspense movie: seven
Horror movie: exorcist
Action movie: is rocky action? lol... ROCKY IV
Historic movie: pearl harbor ...? lol
Food: mmm, food is good
Band: BSB
Singer: craig david
Actor: B R A D P I T T ...matt leblanc
Actress: jennifer aniston, lisa kudrow.. and i like sandra bullock too
Memory: i have a few
Cd: burned mixed cd's
Channel: nbc, fox and mtv
Picture: none that i'm in
Soap: days of our lives even though it sucks
Color: black
Vacation Spot: florida
Book: the cat in the hat by dr. suess
Subject: none
Grade level: kindergarten (JK AND SK LOL) and gr. 7 was fun
Teacher: mr. hill
School: my ghetto elementary school
Person: like in general? it changes by the minute lol
Shoe: running shoes
Shirt: any of my old tshirts
Pants: jeans
Store: hmv, old navy, trade secrets, spencers, etc.
Holiday: xmas
Restaurant: ANY
Ice cream: cookie dough
Candy: candy?! *drools*
Dance: i can't dance for shiz lol
Screenname: eyeofthetiger82?
Drink: VODKA lol no, my fave drink is sex on the beach... and anything fruity lol killer kool aid, pina colada, etc
Game: ooh like board game? operation and hungry hungry hippos lol... and drinking games are always fun
Sport: hockey
Hobby: sleeping, tv, int, etc
Animal: cat
~Least Favorites~
Song: that song angel by amanda perez or something?
Rock song: there are so many
Rap song: pimp juice-nelly
Country song: who cares
Classical song: ill i fucking hate anything by andrea bocelli
Punk song: don't really know enough to have a least fav (same here)
Pop song: i'm glad-j.lo
Movie: 40 days and 40 nights... maid in manhatten
Romance movie: don't know
Comedy movie: scary movie
Suspense movie: ???
Horror movie: leprechaun
Action movie: i dunno
Historic movie: i fell asleep during schindler's list
Food: like the animal by-products you see on fear factor... and most fish
Band: *gasp* so many to list here
Singer: carmen/clay from american idol
Actor: i don't know...can't think of anyone for this
Actress: julia roberts cuz i don't see the big deal about her... and that girl from my big fat greek wedding can't act for shit
Memory: lots
Cd: i like all my cds, no matter how cheesy
Channel: those french channels... ch. 12 and 13 they piss me off lol
Picture: all of the ones with me in them lol
Soap: passions
Color: white, red
Vacation Spot: any vacation is good enough for me
Book: the birds
Subject: all
Grade level: grade 8
Teacher: lol englash... i hated paul sherman
School: father john kelly
Person: LOTS
Shoe: none
Shirt: none
Pants: none
Store: i dunno
Holiday: all holidays are good
Restaurant: chinese food cuz i hate it
Ice cream: i don't like mint chocolate
Dance: running man lol
Screenname: ???
Drink: sambuca
Game: who knows
Sport: golf
Hobby: i dunno
Animal: insects

~Friends~ (ok, you know we're all gonna put 'everyone' and 'all' for all these questions lol)
Best Friends: i have a few close friends
Best to hang out with: all
Best to talk to: all
Best advice giver: they all give good advice
Best to make you laugh: they're all quite funny
Best shoulder to cry on: have i cried on any of your shoulders yet? lol i'll let you know when it happens
Best body: all y'all lol
Best dressed: i'd say adrienne too, not that the rest are bad dressers :)
Best smile: i don't know?
Best hair: we all have our good hair days
Best singer: adrienne
Best dancer: amand for sure
Best liar: no idea
Best joker: all
Hottest: wtf i don't know lol
Smartest: we're all smart... whether that's street or book smart
Weirdest: probably me
Coolest: all
Dumbest: lol nobody
Funniest: all
Friendliest: all
Sweetest: all
Easiest: lol i have no idea
Flirtiest: amand or adrienne
Bitchiest: we all have our days
Loudest: we all have our loud moments
Cutest: all cute
Happiest: depends i guess
Saddest: depends
Most unpredicatable: i don't know
Most embarassing: none
Most annoying: none
Most honest: i think they're all pretty honest
Most jealous of: all lol
Friend you miss most: nadine cuz i never see her anymore
Friend you want to hang out with more: everyone... whether it's the mo' bitches,the mo' hens, or the princesses lol
Friend you'd do anything with: all
Friend you want to kiss: lol none
Worst friend you ever had: this bitch diana in grade 3 lol
Best friend you ever had: i consider the friends i have now the best friends i ever had... awww
Ever lost a best friend: yeah like in elementary school
Friend you want to keep forever: all i hope

~Love, Lust, & Like~
Have you ever been in love: no
Are you in love now: no
Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend: no i said
Do you have a crush on anyone: nope
Do you want a relationship: sure
If yes, with who: i don't know yet
Best love memory: NONE lol
Worst love memory: none
Have you ever been dumped: no
Have you ever dumped someone: no
Do you regret past relationships: have i had any? lol
Do you want any past relationships back: no
How many relationships have you been in: zer0
How many times have you been in love: none
Have you ever kissed a girl/boy: i'm skipping all these kissing questions lol
How many have you kissed:
Who is the best kisser:
Who is the worse:
Who was your best girlfriend/boyfriend: n/a
Who was your worst girlfriend/boyfriend: n/a
Who was your best break up: n/a
Who was your worst heartbreak: NOT APPLICABLE
If you could kiss anyone, who: craig david
If you could love anyone, who: love? i have no clue
If you could date anyone, who: craig david
If you could marry anyone, who: brad pitt, but he's already married
Do you want to get married: maybe
Do you want abstinence til marriage: whether i chose to or not, looks like that's the path i'm headed for lol
Do you want kids: maybe
If yes, how many kids: ??
Boys: ?
Girls: ?
Best age to marry: i don't think i'm getting married anyway
How many times do you want to love before finding "The One": who knows?
Do you have a soulmate: i dont know
Describe your dream soulmate: good sense of humour, good looking, honest, etc.

God: yes
Satan: yes
Aliens: yes
Angels: yes
Magic: no
Fate: sometimes
Soulmates: probably not
Time Travel: no
Excecution: depends
Abortion: depends
Elvis is dead: yes
Cure of A.I.D.S or Cancer: hopefully
Life after death: yes

~This/That~ (you must pick one)
Smoker/Alcoholic: alcoholic
Slut/Loser: loser
Sex/Make Love: lol whatever it's sex no matter how you say it
Uncontrallable gas/Constant Vommiting: vomit
NSync/BSB: backstreet boys
Brittany Spears/Christina Aguilera: britney
Sarah Michelle Gellar/Jenifer Love Hewitt: since i fucking hate jennifer love hewitt, so SMG
Ben Afleck/Josh Hartnett: josh
Nick Carter/Justin Timberlake: nick
Pamela Anderson/Carmen Electra: neither
Singer/Artist: singer
Rich/Famous: rich
Plumber/Garbageman: plumber
Fly/Be Invisible: both please
A date with horrible teeth/A date with bad body odor: lol both are pretty bad, but the body odor is worst
Actor/Model: actor
Relive elementary/Jr. High/ High School: hmm, neither
Linkin Park/Limp Bizkit: linkin park
Superman/Batman/Spiderman: spiderman
TV/Radio: tv
Anorexic/Belumic: neither, thanks
Embarassly annoying/Embarassly Shy: shy
Many friends/One Best friend: many
Smart and Ugly/Stupid and Gorgeous: lol stupid and gorgeous
Dumper/Dumpee: dumper
Blonde/Brunette/Redhead: blonde
Drown/Burn: drown
Florida/Hawaii/California: hawaii... and then florida
France/Spain/Canada: spain

~Random Questions~
Three goals for life: 1- be sucessful 2- find love 3 - be happy! (good answer)
Dreams and ideas for the future: get a full time job that i love, get married, etc.
If you won the lottery, what would you do with it: put some away, give some to my family/friends (and by family i mean my grandmother and cat) and live the life i've always dreamed of lol
If you're stranded on an island and could only take ten things, what would they be: my house, my cat, my computer, soap, food,water, tv, radio, cds and some friends
Overall, how are you: i'm getting ready to go out
If you could only listen to three cds for the rest of your life, what would they be: probably mixed ones
What about three movies: i could never narrow it down to just 3
What is the greatest invention: tv
What college do you want to go to: went to seneca
What is your theme room color: green
Car or dream car: escalade lol
Do you have any pets: cat
What is the easiest class in school: english
What is the hardest class in school: all the rest
If you could take anyone to prom, who: craig david
Do you sleep with a stuffed animals: no
Do you paint your nails: no
Do you wear jewelry: earrings, necklace and bracelet
What do you wear to sleep: pjs
What sport would you play on a boring day: none lol
What do you do when you are bored: go on the comp
If you were to dye your hair any color, what color: all blonde
Best day to marry: in spring
Where would your honeymoon be at: somewhere hot
Best place to marry: church
What songs do you want at your wedding: i'll be making my own song list for the dj if i ever get married
What songs do you want at your funeral: lol who cares i'll be dead
Would you ever be a male cheerleader/cheerleader: no
Is masturbation healthy: for guys
If you could change any laws, what law would you change: i dunno, good question
What is one thing you want for Christmas: my own apartment
If you were going to die, what would be the last thing you'd eat: everything (edible)under the sun lol
Are you scared of death: somewhat

1 comment| throw me a frickin' bone here

b o r e d [25 Apr 2003|11:05pm]
[ mood | bored ]
[ music | lets get loud - j.lo ]

"How would you like a nice, hot cup of SHUT THE FUCK UP?"

...lol i love that!

words cannot express how bored i am since i finished school... seriously it's so hard to just sit around the house all day and NOT eat what you want. *sigh* such is life i guess... i've lost 42lbs though so i guess it's all worth it, right? sure it is..
so who saw david beckham and his stupid skinny-ass wife on 20/20 tonight? that was the first time i've ever even heard the man speak. i like him. a lot. lol. i'm posting a pic of him up here later, cuz i have nothing else to do, really.
oh well, at least we're going to the phoenix tomorrow... i just hope amand can get off work early enough cuz it won't be the same without her... going to the phoenix without her is just like wrong lol...
anyways, as i eat this nasty jello light, i think i'll end here. and i invite you all to find me a quiz or survey to do lol

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[24 Apr 2003|01:00pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

fuckin sars man!
muchmusic just called me to tell me that kelly clarkson cancelled much on demand on monday... which really sucks cuz i was looking forward to it...
we can still go to much on demand though if you want sar, i just have to let them know.

2 comments| throw me a frickin' bone here

[22 Apr 2003|08:48pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | music of my heart - ruben studdard ]

"ruben's my baby's daddy"


p.s. i hate carmen

and here's the latest survey that we're all doing:
X Name: andrea
X Birthplace: that hospital near jane and finch, yo lol
X Eye Color: green
X Hair Color: brown/blonde highlights that need to be re-done also
X Righty or Lefty: righty
X Zodiac Sign: sagittarius

series two - describe
X Your heritage: eye-talian
X The shoes you wore today: running shoes
X Your hair: see above
X Your eyes: they're green i said
X Your fears: failing com. practice/not graduating... insects, ghosts, germs, sars, etc...

series three - what is
X Your most overused phrase on aim: 'lol'
X The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: hair/face and then height
X Your best physical feature: ill nothing... the only part of my face that i don't HATE is my mouth lol :P
X Your bedtime: whenever
X Your most missed memory: ?
X Your favorite article of clothing: jeans

series four - you prefer
X Pepsi or coke: havent had either in 3 months
X McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonald's fries, mcchicken/mcnuggets and BK ham/cheeseburgers
X Single or group dates: um single?
X Adidas or nike: adidas
X Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: nestea... lipton tastes too much like actual tea lol
X Chocolate or vanilla: both
X Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
X Boxers or briefs: i think briefs are ugly for guys

series five - do you
X Smoke: nope
X Sing well: nope
X Take a shower everyday: yeah
X Have a crush: sure, none in real life though
X Who are they: famous peeps lol
X Do you think you've been in love before: never
X Want to go to grad school: ummmm no
X Like college: it sucked life
X Want to get married: i don't think i will
X Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: maybe
X Think you're attractive: not at all
X Think you're a health freak: only because of this bloody diet

series six - in the past 3 months, did/have you
X Drank alcohol: no
X Smoked: nope
X Done a drug: no... but have i thought about taking drugs? lol
X Made Out: no
X Go on a date: no
X Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
X Eaten sushi: nope
X Been dumped: no
X Gone skating: i heard i can skate
X Made homemade cookies: no
X Been in love: nope
X Gone skinny dipping: nooo
X Dyed your hair: yeah
X Stolen anything: no

series seven - have you ever
X Played a game that required removal of clothing?: lol never would
X Been caught "doing something": no
X Been called a tease: no
X Gotten beaten up: no
X shoplifted: no
X Changed who you were to fit in: i used to do that like in elementary school

series nine - opposite sex
X Best eye color? blue
X Best hair color? doesn't matter
X Short or long hair? short
X Best height: anything over 5'9
X Best weight: i dunno
X Best articles of clothing: doesn't really matter as long as it looks good
X Best first date location: prob dinner and movie
X Best first kiss location: ??
series ten - number of
X Number of drugs taken illegally: none
X Number of people I could trust with my life: i'd say 2
X Number of CDs that I own: who knows
X Number of piercings: 2 in each ear
X Number of tattoos: none
X Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: none
X Number of scars on my body: i think 4
X Number of things in my past that I regret: lots

series eleven- right now
X Wearing: black jogging pants, blue sweater
X Eating: lol i wish i was eating right now
X Listening: leafs game is now in the background
X Thinking: i hate the philadelphia flyers and that bloody 'nananananana, hey hey hey goodbye' song lol
X Watching: game is on the background
X Date: 4/22
X Time: 9:12

2 comments| throw me a frickin' bone here

sex quizzes from sar [22 Apr 2003|01:39pm]
[ mood | cold ]

Look at that!  LOOK AT IT!!!!  You lucky dog you, you should have Sex with Johnny Rzeznik (he's so great!)
*Somewhat Innocent* --- You like to take things
nice and slow, enjoy the moment, the only
person for you is my favorite, Johnny Rzeznik
from the Goo Goo Dolls, Lucky!

Which Star Should You Have Sex With? (For Women)
brought to you by Quizilla
lol i got jc too... no cheating either
You're JC!

His real name is Joshua, but for as long as we all
can remember, he's been JC. He was born on
August 8, 1976, in Washington, DC, but soon
after moved to Bowie, Maryland. He also started
off in the Mickey Mouse Club, and slowly worked
his way up to be a member of Nsync.

Which Sexy Nsync Boy Fits You Most?
brought to you by Quizilla
i just like that brad pitt is in this pic lol... and i didn't cheat

Virginal sex.

What Kind of Sex Will You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

ANGELIC. You make the virgin Mary look like a
slut. You probably have a chastity belt on
tighter than my garters.... Not that we're
knocking the chastity thing. It's just...

Are you a sex fiend?
brought to you by Quizilla

throw me a frickin' bone here

go leafs go [22 Apr 2003|12:38am]
[ mood | sleepy ]

so i went to the leaf game tonight with userinfodestiny082 (thanks again lol) and it was soo much fun, but nerve racking... sudden death overtime is a bitch. we were sitting in golds though, which helped lol... "I LOVE GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD!!!!!!" the guy behind us screaming and waving his flag over our heads gave me a headache though... but it was still such a good game! good times...
i missed mr. personality though, was that show any good? lol
well i'm going to bed now... goodnite!

1 comment| throw me a frickin' bone here

[20 Apr 2003|11:59am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | southern hospitality - ludacris ]


and since everyone's doing it, here's WORD ASSOCIATION:

-dog- cat
-brown- eyed girl lol
-water- wet
-bed- sleep
-flower- rose
-cold- hot
-love- hate
-cow- milk
-black- cat
-car- door
-sex- lol
-phone- cord
-ring- ding
-God- jesus
-friend- girl
-swim- pool
-rock- and roll
-sweet- sour
-bad- good
-tree- trunk
-school- HATE
-summer- fun
-picture- frame
-fast- and the furious
-boat- ride
-shower- bath
-feather- light
-ear- lobe
-vomit- barf
-baby- ill
-light- dark
-blood- red

Home Life

Describe your...

-room- green (like the rest of my house) and messy... stuffed animals everywhere
-pets- cat
-parents- lol if you don't know the answer to this question... who are you??
-siblings- none
-tv- love it, thank you direct tv
-radio- yeah i have one


Do You...

-have a boat?- nope
-have a pool?- no
-have cable?- yeah
-watch mtv?- yeah
-sleep nude?- god no lol
-have a waterbed?- no
-like cookies?- Y E S
-have DVDs?- yeah
-like cheese?- yes
-have a watch?- yeah but never wear it
-have icq?- yeah never go on though
-sing in the shower?- sometimes
-have a cell phone?- yeah but i wish it'd break so i can get a new one
-keep a photo album?- yeah i have a few
-drink water?- 3 LITRES A DAY I SAID
-like roller coasters?- yeah
-drive?- not really
-have a best friend?- not like ONE best friend, i think i have a few realy good friends
-know what TVU is?- no
-listen to online radio stations?- never
-send e-mail forwards?- not really
-like the heat?- YES


(do you like...)

-hot dogs?-
-ice cream?-
-hot pockets?-*whadda gonna get? HOT POCKETS* LOL sar
-pop tarts?-

Live Journal

-How many times do you update your journal?- whenever i have something to write or find a quiz
-How many hours do you spend on here?- lol less than an hour
-How does your journal look?- it's aiight lol
-How many icons do you have?- i have a folder on my comp filled with them and i WANT MORE... im addicted lol
-Can you do any of those cool lj over rides?- wha? no
-Do you have music on your journal?- nope
-Do you update your journal with font colors?- no
-How many communities do you belong to?- just 1 friends one
-Do you remember your very first entry?- yeah, good times
-When did you join LJ?- few months ago i think
-How many LJ friends do you have?- i think 5
-Is your journal public or friends' only?- public..

Have You Ever...

-bunji jumped?- no
-gotten a tattoo?- nope
-sky dived?- nope
-skinny dipped?- never would
-gotten your tongue stuck to a cold pole?- umm no
-had pop rocks and coke together?- no
-played truth or dare?- yeah
-kissed for more than 10 minutes at one time?- no
-made a prank phone call?- HALLO lol
-flashed someone?- no
-stolen anything?- nope
-sped?- yeah
-set anything on fire?- i'm a pyro... lol seriously
-eaten snow?- no!
-puked on someone you really liked?- ill wtf?
-eaten pure sugar?- mmm, pure sugar....
-mixed sodas together?-no
-had sushi?- never
-worn a thong or speedo bathing suit?- god no
-had dejavu?- yeah
-hung up on someone?- yeah
-used all cuss words in a sentence?- of course
-had the cops called on you?- no
-stayed up for more than 24 hrs straight?- yeah
-stood on your head and drank milk?- um no
-cried during a movie?- yeah
-swolled gum?- yeah
-gotten tongue tied?- yeah
-said, "I love you" and not meant it?- i don't think so
-eaten glue?- nope
-slept for more than 15 hrs?- lol yeah
-been on a train?- like a go train? once

Finish the Sentence

-I would like to go to...- back to sleep
-I want...- to find out if i passed my exams
-I need...- mini eggs
-more than anything I...- want to lose ANYTHING when i get weighed tomorrow
-I love...- my cat?
-I see...- you, looking at me....
-My dream concert would be...- nick/bsb, craig david, john mayer, madonna, ludacris, justin, eminem, kavana (lmao), etc... i'm tired of thinking who else should be there
-The last thing I did was...- blink
-The last person I hugged was...- this guy at my placement last week
-I yelled at...- mother
-I kissed...- ?
-I cried when...- i finished my last exam and think i failed... which means i won't graduate
-If I could have one pet it would be...- chihuahua
-Last night...- i worked like a work horse
-Right now...- i'm tired
-Love is...- non-existant
-I hate...-my mother
-My favorite phrase is...- i have lots of those, i don't know which to put here
-The last person I saw was...- my dad
-My parents...- suck
-God is...- ALMIGHTY! lol
-My favorite sport is...-hockey? lol
-My favorite band is...- too many to list
-I last ate...- last night... and it was VEAL
-I'd like to...- have lunch now

throw me a frickin' bone here

celebrate good times, come on...... [17 Apr 2003|04:00pm]
[ mood | happy ]


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yay [16 Apr 2003|06:27pm]
[ mood | good ]

so i was on muchmusic.com today and saw that kelly clarkson is gonna be on much on demand on the 28th... so i thought i'd call and try getting wristbands... not that i EVER get wristbands for anything or have any luck with that stuff... i thought for sure they were fully booked for that day anyways... so one hour later muchmusic calls me and says that i'm on the guest list and me and a guest have to be there that day at 4:30... i was k surprised! i'm pretty happy about it cuz now i have something to look forward to besides finishing school :) the only thing that sucks is we're probably gonna be on tv again lol
and so what if i cheated like a behotch on this? lol
You're Ruben Studdard!
You're Ruben Studdard! You're cuddly, like a teddy
bear, and always kind and polite. Your voice
has melted hearts worldwide. It is so sweet how
you love your hometown! 205, representin'!

Which American Idol contestant are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

3 comments| throw me a frickin' bone here

1 MORE EXAM TO GO! [16 Apr 2003|05:32pm]
[ mood | bored ]

you're chandler...when you're around there's never
a quiet moment and no one is safe from your

which Friends character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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it smells like summer [15 Apr 2003|03:09pm]
[ mood | hot ]
[ music | beautiful - snoop dogg/pharrell ]

thanks to userinfospace_skadet for the survey!

First Concert?
new kids on the block... at the CNE! lol

Bad Habits?
procrastination, general laziness

What do you like about Canada?
free health care (good answer lol)

If you were ever put in jail, who would bail you out?
probably my dad

Who's the smartest person you know?
like book smart? or street smart? lol

Three things you always travel with?
my keys, cell, wallet

What will you be doing when you're 50?
living alone with my many cats in an apartment

What's a typical day for you?
school/work/starve lol

Name a trick you wish you had?
any trick would be cool cuz i can't do any...

What's your dream motorbike?
i don't have one ?

Three favourite movies?
*gasp* there are so many... but okay, here's 3 that come to mind:
austin powers (any of them), little mermaid, titanic

One place you'd like to visit but you haven't?

Favourite sport?
like to play? none. to watch? hockey i guess... i'm a band wagon-er okay! lol

What's your largest purchase?
my car

Favourite TV show?

What store would your dream shopping spree be in?
i don't think i could have a shopping spree in just one store, i need like the whole mall

Last album you listened to?
who knows.. all i listen to is burned cds and the radio

Did you ever think you were going to die?

throw me a frickin' bone here

[11 Apr 2003|12:57pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | miss independent - kelly clarkson ]

can i just say that walking through the hillcrest food court at lunch time today was like the hardest thing ever lol
i'll just keep telling myself that lol
and i had my very last class today (OF ALL TIME) but next week is gonna be MURDA... at least one of the exams is a take-home, but still...
good luck to all with exams next week!

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this is random [06 Apr 2003|08:38pm]
[ mood | busy ]
[ music | i drove all night - celine dion ]

does anyone know if that store carlton cards still sells the 20th anniversary carebears?
. . .

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the wrath of mother nature [05 Apr 2003|08:20pm]
[ mood | full ]

can this weather fuck off, please? it puts me in a bad mood. lol
I LONG FOR WARM SPRING DAYS! oh, and it's daylight savings time tonight, and i hate losing that precious hour of sleep... lol
i have to work 11-8 tomorrow which sucks life cuz it goes by so slow... and i still have to write my essay for english (i drove all the way there on friday and the bastard wasn't even there so class was cancelled) so now the essay is due on monday thank god.
i was supposed to go to my friend at school's bday party tonight but don't really feel like it anymore, plus i don't really wanna drive to aurora with someone who's gonna be drunk/nauseous on the way home, so yeah... let's just hope they don't see this cuz i gave them another reason for not going... ;)
i've actually started exercising this week for like the first time since grade 9 or something... i go on my exercise bike and do like 10km every night... but i don't feel like it at all but i MUST stick to it.
as much as i love that next week is my last week of classes EVER, i'm really sad about leaving my placement this week. let's just hope i don't cry like an idiot on my last day lol no but for real i'm gonna miss it so much, that place rocks.
and here's a survey cuz it's saturday night and i have nothing better to do:
A - Act your age? at times
B - Born on what day of the week? monday... "monday's child is fair of face" :) lol
C - Chore you hate? all
D - Dad's name? tony
E - Essential makeup item? chap stick...
F - Favorite actor? brad pitt, matt leblanc
G - Gold or silver? silver
H - Hometown? maple
I - Instruments you play? none, i wish i could play one though
J - Job title? floral clerk
K - Kids? what about them?
L - Living arrangements? me, my parents, grandmother.. and cat
M - Mom's name? who cares?
N - Number of people you've slept with? lol zer0
O - Overnight hospital stays? yeah when i had pneumonia back in the day
P - Phobia? INSECTS, germs, snakes, rats, claustrophobia
Q - Quote you like? "oh, look at me! i'm making people happy! I'm the magical man from happyland, in a gumdrop house on lollipop lane! oh, by the way: i was being sarcastic!" (i just saw that episode today lol)
R - Religious affiliation? catholic
S - Siblings? none
T - Time you wake up? on school days usually 7:30 and on weekends... noon
U - Unique habit? i play "mental tetris" in my head all the time lol and i'm not the only one!
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat? brussel sprouts
W - Worst habit? can't think of any but i'm sure i have lots
X - X-rays you've had? can't remember
Y - Yummy food you make? at this point i'll eat anything edible lol
Z - Zodiac Sign? sagittarius

throw me a frickin' bone here

[03 Apr 2003|08:54pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | rise & fall - craig david/sting ]

phoebe: hello, this is the pigeon from the balcony calling to apologize, i shouldn't have knocked the tickets out of the pretty lady's hand... it was all my fault, not hers! bye... cooo....
lol i LOVED tonight's episode of friends... it's one of my faves this season for sure. GLEEBA!
and yeah i have a 1000 word essay due tomorrow that i have yet to start but don't even really care since this is the last thing i'll EVER have to hand in for school... so maybe i'll just hand it in late... but wtf the weather is so bad i might not even go to school, it's april people... why are there ice pellets?

throw me a frickin' bone here

cookie dough [01 Apr 2003|09:15pm]
[ mood | weird ]
[ music | the right stuff - nkotb ]

okay, so i went to my placement today and diana (one of the counselors... but she's only 22 so she's more like a friend than one of my 'superiors') pulls me aside and says she wants to talk to me and it's really important... so i'm all freaked out thinking i did something wrong with one of my assesments. so she tells me she's bi-sexual and has a crush on me and has been hiding her feelings all semester but since i won't be there much longer she decided to tell me how she feels and wants to know how i feel. and she went on and on for a few minutes, completely serious.


yeah, my jaw dropped. so i'm standing there in shock for a few minutes, silent.... and then realized what today is.


i'm SUCH a dumb ass, i totally forgot. it didn't even cross my mind that she was joking cuz she acts SO well it's scary. everyone almost died of laughter... anyways, that was the worst/best april fool's prank ever pulled on me so far cuz i was dumb enough to fall for it. but yeah, that was funny. i wish i could pull off a prank like that lol

and yeah, ruben rocks. so does simon for saying he should win, i agree. and wtf happened to corey? so much drama on that show man. and carmen should get the boot this week, she's only there for her looks. and has anyone seen the commercial for that new reality show called 'mr. personality' where all the guys are wearing masks and this chick has to pick one based on their personality and then finds out how he looks? like WHAT NEXT? though i'll probably watch it, but still lol.
well that's it for now, thank you and goodnight!

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[31 Mar 2003|03:23pm]
[ mood | hungry ]
[ music | why georgia - john mayer ]

so i'm gonna be posting random pics in here now, so you've been warned lol
this is from an upcoming new episode of friends... and i LOVE it... although it's probably just a dream (the episode is called the one with rachel's dream) but still... joey and rachel rock!

hmm, what else was i gonna say? i did really well on my social policy stuff and i can pass the class even if i don't show up to the exam, which is always nice... but i still have to study like a bitch for comm. practice. 2 more weeks and it's all over with! on thursday, april 17th at 3pm i'm gonna party like there's no tomorrow!

throw me a frickin' bone here

new icon... and survey [29 Mar 2003|09:10pm]
[ mood | okay ]
[ music | in the club (remix) - beyonce ]

» Current date & time: 3/29/03, 9:11pm
» Current age: 20
» Current height: 5'6
» Current weight: lol i'll answer this in like 6 months i promise
» Current eye color: green
» Current hair color: brown/blonde highlights
» Current shoe size: 9/10
» Current pant size: depends
» Current shirt size: depends
» Current location: my den
» Current job description: floral clerk lol
» Current piercings: 2 in each ear
» Current tattoos: none
» Current shirt: plain black
» Current pants: navy blue adidas
» Current shoes: none
» Current socks: white loblaws socks ;)
» Current makeup: none
» Current jewelry: silver bracelet, necklace and earrings
» Current nail polish: none
» Current desktop picture: pic of my cat
» Current DVD in player: the osbournes season 1
» Current CD in player: mixed cd i made
» Current program on television: none
» Current favorite person: my cat
» Current favorite food: anything i'm not allowed to eat
» Current favorite beverage: crystal light
» Current favorite candy: ALL
» Current favorite book: antigone and i can't remember who the author is
» Current favorite bands/artists: too many to list
» Current favorite smell: melon scented candle
» Current favorite taste: right now i taste lime jello
» Current favorite movie: too many to list
» Current favorite television show: FRIENDS... and then american idol
» Current favorite song: too many to list
» Current favorite animal: cat
» Current favorite season: spring
» Current favorite holiday: christmas
» Current favorite color(s): black
» Current mood: okay
» Current annoyance: i have no nice clothes
» Current worry: school
» Current crush: in real life? none
» Current thing you ought to be doing: getting dressed
» Current wish: to lose at least a pound when i weigh myself monday morning
» Current voice in your head: my own voice
» Current thought(s): i need to take a shower and get dressed

throw me a frickin' bone here

so this is what the pioneers felt like... [26 Mar 2003|07:01pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | nothing my love can't fix - joey lawrence ]

oh, so guess what? last night the hot water tank in my basement is broken (which made a mess) and now there is no hot water in my house. none. um hi i 'd like to take a shower tonight so please for the love of god can the gas company (or whoever the fuck it is) fix this tonight? i feel so DIRRTY lol....
to everyone who has running hot water (i'm jealous), count your blessings!! appreciate that water lol

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