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Below is information about the "wakefield fans" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:wakefieldfans (776206) wakefieldfans
Name:wakefield fans
Website:Wakefield Rocks
About:One of the first Wakefield Communities; YaY! Feel free to ask questions, post pictures of the guys (with or without you) or just make comments regarding W*F.

Everyone is welcome. The only thing I ask is that you are respectful to the other members of this community. And of course have a liking for wakefield :o)

community created and ran by [info]starified

Wakefield's Single!
Interests:11: aaron, american made, arista records, jd, mark, maryland bands, mike, music, ryan, w*f, wakefield. [Modify yours]
Members:96: 10000_roses, 2000miles, __pam, _behindblueeyes, _diabolik, _girlalive, _knowitall, _teenagedream, _trythis, abadstar, abbymara, amuprightpiano, angelic_schizo, angeljc718, angieee, azure1913, badrolemodel, bayonet, beach_bum04, blind_beauty, booblesswonder, br0ken_hearted, br0kin_dreams, brightxeyes_, brookewf, burried_alive, clove, corazonyalma, cynicalxdreamer, daisy1575, days__bleed, deadcatastr0phe, dramaminedream, dustyred, ex__behindbl891, fieryfemme, fitzie, fuctupkid, fuctupkid187, gcchickie, handle_this, hopeless_child, jadeastra, jepetto17, jesikah, lara_core, lilly_grace, lilvos, lip_gl0ss_girl, musicmerch, onpromnight, paulhumpsme, phenomenal, pretty_x_vacant, punker_acey, rackle, riotgirl1103, risex2xfall, rockinlikewhoa, sanriosweetie, screamer__, sharphint, sharpiequeen, shibbychar, simplyangelic, society_menace, sokee, sp0okiebunny, spam_with_wings, starchase, starified, thesaddestsongs, twlor, uncoolrockstar, unsweet_sixteen, urstar, uselesstragedy, wakefieldloser, whatsupnow, whisper_goodbye, whoa_man, x_grabthemic, xbassbabex, xfailedagainx, xkittiestarx, xnicolexrosex, xriot_grrrlx, xwhatsupnow, xxdefektgirlxx, xximjustakidxx, xxrachelxx, xxtobeletgoxx, xxwagsxx, yllej, younggirl, zapatodelondres
Watched by:49: _behindblueeyes, _knowitall, _lovesfirstkiss, _teenagedream, _trythis, abadstar, abbymara, angelic_schizo, angeljc718, azure1913, blind_beauty, booblesswonder, br0ken_hearted, burried_alive, daisy1575, days__bleed, fuctupkid, jadeastra, jepetto17, lara_core, lilly_grace, lilvos, onpromnight, paulhumpsme, rackle, riotgirl1103, risex2xfall, rockinlikewhoa, sanriosweetie, sharphint, simplyangelic, sokee, spam_with_wings, starified, twlor, uncoolrockstar, unsweet_sixteen, wakefieldgirrl, whatsxupxnow, whisper_goodbye, whoa_man, xkittiestarx, xwhatsupnow, xxdefektgirlxx, xximjustakidxx, xxtobeletgoxx, xxwagsxx, yllej, zapatodelondres
Account type:Free Account

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