What Jewel song are you? |
Which word BEST describes you? |
| Depressed
| Passive
| Angry
| Realistic
| Spacey
| Helpful
| Creative
| Apathetic
| Jaded
| Sleepy
| Sensitive
What.... is your favorite color? |
| Silver
| Does it matter?
| Red
| White
| The same as my love! (It's our "special" color.)
| Yellow (It makes me feel... happier.)
| Blue
| Purple
| Blood Red
| I love ALL colors!
You like to wear... |
| NOTHING! Hahahahahaha!
| Pajamas.
| Dark, baggy clothes.
| Anything soft, light, and comforting.
| Anything easy to take off.
| Jeans and t-shirts. You've got no reason to dress up anymore...
| Plain outfits that conform to popular trends.
| Anything you KNOW your father will hate.
| Fun, colorful, untraditional attire.
| Lots of black... and chains, maybe... things with pointy spikes...
| Whatever's around when you wake up.
Hey, who's your idol? |
| Lizzie Borden... took an axe and gave her father fourty whacks!
| I idolize no one.
| That special person I love.
| Emily Dickinson... a lonely, talented, creative woman.
| Leonardo da Vinci... a true dreamer.
| Susan B. Anthony... not afraid to stand up for her rights.
| Lorena Bobbit... he deserved it!
| Dali, Picasso, Renoir, Monet... too many to count!
| Anais Nin... the physical embodiment of sin and sexuality, burned by love...
| Mother Theresa.. so kind, gentle, caring, and selfless.
| Snuggles the Bear.. so cuddly soft!
If I had one wish, it would be... |
| To put the poor, idiot humans out of my... THEIR misery.
| To end all suffering.
| To never, ever fall in love. (Again.)
| For some unspeakable horror to befall my ex.
| For my art to be preserved forever.
| World peace.
| A king-sized, heated waterbed!
| To be with my love forever.
| For some unspeakable horror to befall my father.
| To be able to fly.
| For things to be the way they used to be...
Quick! Look at the world around you and tell me what you see! |
| Art.
| Loneliness.
| Rude and obnoxious people... EVERYWHERE!
| Many reasons to stay in bed and snuggle. ^_~
| My empty life.
| Reminders of my love (who is my world.)
| Suffering that must be alleviated.
| Sorrow and pain.
| Pitiful humans... trudging on with their worthless meaningless lives...
| Beauty.
| Hatred and anger.
How do you like your kisses? ::wink:: |
| Hard, fast, and forgettable.
| Mm.... slow and warm.
| Deep and soulful, so much that you forget to breathe.
| Anything BUT chaste. (Only your parents kiss you chastely. ::shudder::)
| ::shrug:: Kisses have no relevance to me, so it doesn't matter.
| I USED to like kissing... not anymore. That pleasure was ruined for me.
| The kind of kiss that stays with you, that you'll always remember.....
| Soft and sweet.
| All kisses are wonderful!
| Chaste.
| Loving kisses of any kind. ^_^
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