Recent 30
Tuesday, October 8th
What's in a name @ 3:58pm
Speaking of names...from one of my previous posts this week...
Check my grand names out and then get a few of your own!
My Gangsta name - Jimbo da Bitch
My Porn Star name - Barbie Hardcore
My Taxi Driver name - Kn?fahgginar?bagz Murphy
My Significant-Other's Pet Name - Schmookiddy Thighs

Oh Darin would just love it if I called him Schmookiddy Thighs NOT! Haha!
Barbie Harcore is not far from the truth considering my name is Barbara but Barbie? I hate that name and I will mame anyone who calls me that except for my grandma and maybe a few aunts and uncles who just can't help themselves.
My taxi name...well I have nothing to say about that name.
I think my Gangster name is bad ass! :)

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Virus @ 3:36pm
My Fotki (picture host) is gonna be down until the 9th so if you only see little red x's all over my journal that's why!!
I'm such an idiot! I took off my virus protection on my computer and now I have a virus! I don't know how damaging it is but I'm pretty positive it's there.
I guess I'll have to download one of the programs offline and see if I can't do something about it.
If you don't download the attachment from an email virus but you open the mail itself do you still get the virus?
Just curious if anyone knows more about these types of things...see because I don't and I'd love some knowledge, advice on this.

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Monday, October 7th
fox lemieux @ 11:34pm
This is the virus email I keep getting in my mail box from various people...oh and myself to myself as well. WTF?
Why do all virus emails sat some crazy shit? Or have multiple misspellings?
So what do I do about this anyway?

Subj: fox lemieux
Date: 10/7/02 9:11:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: alwaysashley14@hotmail.com
To: msibdreamy@aol.com
File: fox (30009 bytes) DL Time (31200 bps): < 1 minute
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Fox and Crow 1/29/2002 Goldie Boyd P.3 A Fox saw a Crow flying with a peice of cheese. The Crow setteled on a tree branch. The Fox went to the Corw and said "Misstress Crow I want your che
See the attachement

Yes, the last word is cut off! I got it from 8 people so far!

Then I get another one that says "Enjoy the attachment" and one that doesn't say anything about the attachment so it's not like it's just the same email circulating it's like these people are actually sending me this separate and individual so who are they and what do they want from me?

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A long day.... @ 8:54pm
This kinda looks like fun!

It's going on next summer. I probably won't go because of my kids but I thought maybe some of you might be interested.

I'm sooo tired tonight!! My kids wore me out totally today. They were full of energy!
I had to take Corina and Jason to their parents house this morning before Connor had to go to school and then rush him home to get him ready for the bus and feed him breakfast. Anna and me kicked back until he got home totally mellow but the minute Connor got back.....world war 3 hit the house with them fighting, yelling and crying.
I get tired of getting on to them all day long!
I don't like to play the bad guy, discipline is not my strong suit.
I do it though. I don't like to spank so I have to come up with other ways to get them to listen like standing on the wall and going to their rooms.
It just wears me out!
I love them more then life itself don't get me wrong but being a Mother some days is not easy. Especially when their fighting all day over stupid stuff like "Mom he's touching me" and I turn around to see Connor with one finger on her arm just taunting her. Trying to bug her and winning.
Or them fighting over the blue cup because hers is red and she wanted the blue one or Connor trying to wrestling with her when she's really not into being thrown around! Sheesh!
They finally passed out so I'm gonna go relax and watch Rose Red the new Stephen King movie.
I'll probably get half way through it (it's 2 videos) and I'll pass out.
I stayed up late last night for some reason I could not sleep so I was online screwing off. I changed my layout again on my journal just for something to do and I think I like this one the best so far.
It's just the same layout I used on my exoticdancer community.
So it was easy to transfer over to mine.
Blah OK well I hope you all have a good night and Thanx to everyone who posted today and last night!
:) You made me smile!

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Saturday, October 5th
Cleaning Anna and new house stuff! @ 11:02pm
infojunkies what a cool community! Now when I have something to post about the news I can do it with out seeming boring here! Haha!
My daughter is so much like me! She wakes up not literally but the minute the sun goes down she gets wild! It must be in our blood to be night owls or something.
She's here in the kitchen with me sweeping the floor! Haha! She's so cute and funny.
I was gonna go to work tonight but since she's wide awake I didn't want to leave her here with Jason and Corina left for work and he's asleep so there's no way I could leave her here.
Jason and Corina are leaving tomorrow finally!
I told them they could stay for a couple weeks and it's been 4!!
Never again! I'm way to nice!
Oh good news! There gonna put siding on my house and put in all new cupboards in my kitchen and bathrooms.
New front door and a few other things.
Their gonna be here for a couple weeks I'm gueessing.
Their gonna start probably in a month or so.
I can't wait! My house is gonna look so nice when their done! I'm gonna save my money and buy some new furniture for my living room and floor rugs.
Maybe a couple new lamps!
The weirdests this keeps happeaning at my house! I put in new light bulbs in my room and in the living room and by today they are already burnt out!
What in heck does that mean?? Why would light bulbs burn out that fast?
I asked the construction guys when they were here and they didn't know either so...it kinda scares me like what if there is an electrical problem and it causes a fire or something? Scary!
Ok I'm gonna go watch TV with Anna and see if I can't get her to stop cleaning!!

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Lj Addict Clique Promotion... :) @ 3:43pm
Well the LJ Addict clique map is growing and it's pretty cool to see! So if you have not joined and signed I think you should do so now!
If you don't have a photo host to host the graphic at let me know and I'll host it for you.
Then you can just direct link it from the graphic code on the site.
I want everyone to sign the map though so we can see where all you true addicts are across the country!
It's pretty amazing!
Take a look!

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Virus @ 1:06am
I loved Agent Smith! He played this part perfect!
From the movie...

Every mammal on this planet
instinctively develops a natural
equilibrium with the surrounding
environment. But you humans do
not. You move to an area and you
multiply and multiply until every
natural resource is consumed and
the only way you can survive is to
spread to another area.

He leans forward.

There is another organism on this
planet that follows the same
pattern. Do you know what it is?
A virus.

I hate this place. This zoo.
This prison. This reality,
whatever you want to call it, I
can't stand it any longer. It's
the smell, if there is such a
thing. I feel saturated by it. I
can taste your stink and every
time I do, I fear that I've

somehow been infected by it.

Take em if you want em..

click for pic of agent smith... )

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Welcome to the real world, Neo. @ 12:47am
There is no spoon.

What is real? How do you define
real? If you're talking about
your senses, what you feel, taste,
smell, or see, then all you're
talking about are electrical
signals interpreted by your brain.
"Morpheus "

I watched The Matrix last night and My God! I forgot what an amazing movie it is! I loved it every second of it. Not just the special effects though they were very cool but I liked the story. I love movies like this and they are few and far between, I scan the video store shelves over and over looking for something I have not seen and something that will either keep me on the edge of my seat or make me really think.
This movie did that for me and so now I want to change my name to Trinity and wear black cat suits and ray bans. :)

Keanu was so fine in this movie and he played it very well. He is the one!!!
I'm now in a scifi mood and I rented Existenz by David Cronenberg with Jude Law and Jennifer Jason Leigh to brighten my non-social life tonight.
I've seen it before but it's been awhile, I remember l liked it though so I'll give it another go at.
I decided to get it over Run Lola Run, which I still have not seen but I've heard good things. I just didn't feel like reading sub titles tonight. :(
I wish there were more movies like the Matrix the kind of movies that keep you thinking the next day and even the next week. Maybe we are in the Matrix after all.
My favorite parts were when he's at the oracels house and he sits down with the little girl with the spoons..and she tells him how she bends the spoon..
Your spoon does not bend because
it is just that, a spoon. Mine
bends because there is no spoon,
just my mind.Link yourself to the spoon.
Become the spoon and bend

Ha! That's how we relized his power. He figured out his power was limitless because none of it was real. My other favorite part was when he stops the bullets and picks one up with his fingers and drops it. Then he sees the agents as code and kicks their asses!
I also liked the part where he was fighting with the agent and he had reached his full knowledge of what was really going on and he turns to the side and blocks all his punches with one hand!! Bad ASS!
Oh and the part where the agent and him are like fightiing in mid air and dodging each others bullits ..

You're empty.
Neo pulls the TRIGGER. CLICK.
So are you.
I also liked the part when he sees the Agents for what they are...the matrix..code.

Haha! Can you tell I loved this movie? I want to be that movie! *wink*
No, I want to be the one!

Free your mind.

click for pictures from the movie )

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Thursday, October 3rd
What's in a name...a long thought process. @ 3:29am
Who decides what to name a hurricane? Do they have some list of optional hurricane names or are they named randomly? Who gets the final say on what the name will be? The president or some weather dude? Just a random thinking here...
Well, actually not really random I was just reading about hurricane Lili with an I not a Y by the way! Lilly is the normal spelling isn't it?
But maybe when it's a hurricane they spell it with just an I instead!
Why do we feel the need to name things? Especilly disasters! That's kinda funny to me.
We call the bombing in NYC, 911! Maybe we should name it Steven?
They call the area where twin towers used to be "Ground Zero".. Why?
Why not just call it Ann or better yet "where the twin towers used to be" or "where those crazy assholes bombed the shit out of us"?
My point? My point is...ummm... people are strange with names?
Names are so important though! Like for example stage names...
Do you think the following people would of made it big if they would of used their birth names?
Stage name ----- Birth Name
Tom Cruise - Thomas Mapother IV
Woody Allen - Allen Konigsberg
Russell Crow - Russ le Roq
Kirk Douglas - Issur Danielovitch
Mike Douglas - Michael Delaney Dowd, Jr.
Bob Dylan - Robert Zimmerman
David Bowie - David Robert Jones
James Dean - James Byron
Truman Capote - Truman Streckfus Persons
Michael Caine - Maurice Micklewhite
Sting - Gordon Summer
Whoopie Goldberg - Caryn Johnson
Elle MacPherson - Eleanor Gow
Walter Matthau - Walter Matuschanskayasky
Demi Moore - Demetria Guynes
Lou Diamond Phillips - Lou Upchurch
Charlie Sheen - Carlos Irwin Estevez
Joan Rivers - Joan Sandra Molinsky
Meg Ryan - Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra
Diane Keaton - Diane Hall (remeber Annie Hall)? :)
So I guess there is something important about a name..but what's so bad about the name Walter Matuschanskayasky besides the fact you can't even say it nevermind spell it! Which brings me to another thought..who came up with these messed up names in the first place? What were their parents thinking when they named their kid Margaret Mary Emily Anne Hyra? I mean really! How many names did the poor girl need? 2 is enough huh!
Coming from a girl with a long ass last name that no one can pronounce let alone spell...I think we should do away with names all together and just be color coded!
But since that'll never happean we should all have bad ass names like Sid Vicious, Freddie Mercury and Dweezil Zappa!!
Eminem? Haha!

How to make a stage name: Take your middle name, and add the name of the street you live on to it

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Wednesday, October 2nd
A Poem by a friend @ 12:11am

Core by Layne Staley
This message was posted on the Angry Chair Mailing List.
Self imprisonment
I suppose somewhere inside me
I yearn for freedom from
That which holds me stagnant
Overexaggeration turns underestimated
Emotion. Why the urgency to hide and
Slow the flow of that which could,
And perhaps will, improve, and
Heal the burning inside?
I am protecting my pain
It is mine
And I so badly want to keep my
Pain to myself
But, in doing so I am hurting
So many who cross me, or care for me,
Aching for love and acceptance,
Only to throw you down in the latter
Of our shared love
Yet anger and guilt not shared
Between me and you
You are blamed for all that is a
Mystery within myself...burning
Oh, I pray that I might someday
Throw a blanket over that angry
If the strength is found within the
Core of my being
His tears soak my heart and
Weight it down
I am drowning, and I am tired,
And so very, very lonely
I am.

I'm sorry you were so alone. I understand the feeling. Your missed.
Madseason was my favorite out of all the music Layne made..here is a short clip of one of th songs which just happeans to be my favorite one!

.Click to hear Wake Up by Madseason/ Song clip.
I stay Away by AIC Real Audio
Aliceinchains.net.. more music. Discography
click for picture of Layne )

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Wake up by Madseason
Tuesday, October 1st
Art! @ 1:32am

I Olivia!!
Check more of her pin-up girl art at www.fantasticgalleries
click for picture )

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Movies, Shoes and Missing my love!!! @ 12:39am

I just got out of the shower and I'm gonna go watch Dahmer the movie about Jeffery Dahmer. I'm sure that's gonna be a great movie to watch right before I go to bed huh? Haha!
I also got 24 hours in London, The Matrix (it's been years since I saw it) and The Caveman's Valentine with Samuel Jackson.
Connor looked so cute today in his school clothes! He had on a Polo type khaki button down denim shirt and dark blue Levi's and his tennis shoes. He was also wearing his little Old Navy; Dark blue Pea Coat (it was raining today).
He looked handsome!
We spent about 2 hours in Barnes and Nobles today looking at kids books. I bought him some Kindergarten work books to help him with his letters and numbers and stuff plus I got Anna a maze book which is really cool!
Then I had to go buy Connor some new tennis shoes because he lost his yesterday somewhere! UGH! I put them on him and he goes outside to play and comes back with no shoes on!! So he wore a pair today that hurt his feet.
I bought him a 9 dollar pair at Payless! Haha! Their cute though!
Could you imagine if I paid 50 bucks a pop for pairs of shoes that he loses on a regular basis?
No way!
If your reading this..I just want to say I miss you! I miss you and I really want and need to talk to you! I need you! I fucking miss you! So there.. is that poetic enough?!
I'm gonna go get a calling card tomorrow and call you..it's been days since I talked to you and I'm starting to trip.
I don't know if you read my journal much but if you do and you get this maybe you could call me first!
I wish I had minutes on my phone I'd call you right now! Grr!
I miss you tonight really bad!! :(
Sorry to all that are not Darin but this is the only way I can reach him without calling him. I don't have long distance on my phone and I'm hard to catch on my phone.
I hate that! My family and friends hate that! That's why I need to get DSL so people can reach me when I'm online.
No, I'm not online 24 7 but I'm usually online at the peak calling times. It seems even when I do log off so people can call me they don't, but the minute I log back on they try to call! I think that's Murphy's Law or it should be! Maybe it's Dreamy's Law. Haha! I'm such a dork!

Join The Lj Addict Clique!!

Join Lj Addict Clique! Don't forget to sign the new member map! If you joined a long long time ago please change your link to the new one! Thanx!

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Sunday, September 29th
My new look! @ 7:14pm
Well I washed out my hair dye crapola and it looks pretty good! I took some pictures for ya'll to see and it shows the color pretty good. I also added a few pic's of my crazy kids.
I love the one of Anna pushing Connors face. People never believe me when I say Anna is the mean one..well here is proof! Bwa-haha! I'm going to work tonight, I have not been working much this past week. So it's back to work for me I guess.
Oh boy oh boy!
click for pictures )

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Dye Job (she's a fake) @ 2:33pm
I believe- that the people you care about most in life are taken from
you too soon.
I believe- that even when you think you have no more to give, when a
friend cries out to you will find the strength to help.
I believe- that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't
love each other. And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.
I believe- that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I believe- that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have
the best time.
I believe- that our background and circumstances may have influenced who
we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
I believe- that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest
distance. Same goes for true love
I believe- that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It
may be the last time you see them.

I'm dying my hair right now!! RED! of course! What other color would I do it? I was thinking about dying it red and then putting blonde streaks in the front.
It looks cute like that I know because I did it once years ago.
It's a pretty deep red. I had to get rid of all the blonde highlights from last summer because my hair was starting to look brownish. YIKES!
Not ot offend any brunettes but I love my red hair. Now that I'm all grown up that is. I hated it when I was a kid. Like most red heads I think. :)
Anyways I have to go wash it out now.....

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Friday, September 27th
Strange post on LJ about Coke.. @ 6:10pm
I found this on some girls journal while I was surfing around in random journals.
Just thought it was kinda interesting so I posted it here...

straight from coffeeandstars journal.
A warning
My friend told me something pretty disturbing. His aunt was in Waco last weekend and she ran into an Arab man who asked if he could borrow 80 cents. She said ok and gave him a dollar. He protested and said he didnt need the whole dollar but she insisted and he took it. Later, he caught up with her in a grocery store parking lot and returned the borrowed money. She said he didnt have to do that. He agreed but replied "Well, I need to give you some advice. DONT DRINK COCA COLA AFTER AUGUST 30TH"
Im assuming this means all coke products. This is not a hoax or something Mark got in his email. This is straight from his aunts mouth and from his. Ill be staying away from Coke products and likely alot of sodas for a while. They're bad for you anyhow.

That's pretty freaky no? While I'm sitting here with a big coke in my hand *no joke*
Haha! I usually don't believe these types of things but nowadays you just never know!!
It's a mess of a world out there!
It's pure insanity all the time and things just get more and more fucked up!
So I think I'll switch to apple juice for now.

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Love4divas community and icons galore! @ 11:57am

I decided to make my journal love4divas into a community instead so other people can post as well.
I have been kinda neglegting it and so..yeah I thought that'd be the best thing to do.
I made a mad amount of icons with Milla as the model check them out! You can use them if you don't mind sharing and I'd like to keep the second one for myself.
Let me know if you do use one so I know which ones you liked!
They look better as icons then they do on my Fotki for some reason. Grr! Enjoy!
I love Milla obviously! She's easy to make icons with. She takes interesting pictures.

300 more icons! Just kidding! )

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Courtney Love on MTV2 @ 3:28am
Straight from the MTV studios in Times Square, Courtney Love will take over MTV2 for a full 24 hours of live and spontaneous programming. Courtney not only will host MTV2 but also will program and direct the channel in any way that she pleases, from the video selections to the topics of conversation.

Courtney's 24-hour show starts Saturday, 9.21.02, at 8:00 p.m. (ET) on MTV2

Log on to MTV2.com for a 24-hour live chat, to send Courtney a question, and to spy on the studio with the exclusive 24 Hour Web cam : http://www.mtv.com/onair/mtv2/24hoursoflove/

I wonder how this came about! Maybe she bribed them or something! Haha! I don't know I just don't see how MTV would decide to have someone like Courtney Love take over their station.*ponders* Either way it'd be interesting to see what she comes up with. What wild, inappropriate behaviour she pulls off.
Is this something you'd be interested in watching?

EDIT:Maybe I should pay attention to dates but I got this in my mail today so go figure. I missed it but I'm sure I'll see re-runs unless it was complete shit! Which would not surprise me at all.

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Thursday, September 26th
Nice @ 1:18am
I found this...

Be the one
To have my name linger
On your tongue
Warm-hearted you
Became so numb.

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Wednesday, September 25th
My Family Going Ons @ 7:08pm
Word of the Day for Wednesday September 25, 2002

diktat \dik-TAHT\, noun:
1. A harsh settlement unilaterally imposed on a defeated
2. An authoritative decree or order.
Heehee! My Mom always warned me not to go and getting myself no diktats. *so dumb*
I know I know I'm so not funny sometimes but...oH well!
I think I'll start posting the word of the day again in my journal it's kinda cool.
I took Connor again to school today even though he was supposed to be taking the bus for the first time today. Come to find out that there is no afternoon kindergarten bus in our neighborhood and he's supposed to be in the morning class!
So now starting tomorrow he'll be going to a new class in the morning with a new teacher and new kids.
When I told him he was kinda bummed but he'll adjust fine, he's good at that. Thank God!
I don't understand how the office could of made such a huge mistake though!
I wasn't mad just a little bummed for Connor that he has to be the new kid again in a new class two times in one week.

He told me he likes being the new kid and I think I know why! Haha! Yesterday when I took him to class all the little boys were sitting at one table waiting to go on their trip to the zoo and they were all going "hey sit next to me"!! Connor had a smile ear to ear! It was a relief to see he was so welcome.
I'm not surprised though he's never had a problem making friends and he's the little neighborhood leader of the pack.
The other day I was listening to them playing and Natasha the neighbor girl was asking Connor "Please can I be a wolf"? I was like yes you can be a wolf you don't have to ask him! Haha! He's not the boss of pretending!
I'm sure my posts about my kids can be boring but that's pretty much my whole life. I can either talk about my kids or work. That's about the gist of it.
Tianna is here with me right now and Connor went to stay the night with my Dad.
My parents moved into a new house about 20 minutes away so he's excited to see it. He was very worried about them moving. He broke down the other day, out of the blue because he said he didn't know where they lived and how were we gonna find them?
I was like don't worry I'll find out and we'll go visit. Haha! It's funny how little minds think.
I just fed Anna and I'm about to put her in the tub and to bed. I took her by the Head Start program today to see if I could get her in half day. She really wants to go to school, now that Connor is so I was trying to do that for her. They said they'd call me if their was any openings. She went to early head start for 2 years but they couldn't keep her after she turned 3 so it's been almost a year since she was in school and she really misses it.
My Sisiter has been trying to help me get her potty trained by buying her stickers but she just doesn't want to go potty in the toliet! It's strange to because she nows how she just doesn't want to do it. She'll go #1 but not #2! Connor took forever to potty train to. Grr! I hate changing poopy diapers! I told her today after an especially yucky diaper that this was it I couldn't take it anymore!! Haha! She just rolled her eyes at me like *sucks to be you huh*
She's still eating and watching cartoons.
I'm eating bread and peanut butter Yum! I wonder why they call them pea nuts?
*ponders the complexities of life*
I'm glad it creamy and not chunky or I'd get to see it on the way out! Yikes!
No she's not JUST eating penut butter and bread for dinner what kind of Mom do you think I'am! It's just something I gave her on the side. I made her Spegetti O's Dinasaurs! and Corn another favorite of mine in the diaper! *yuck*
Well, it's not gourmet but it'll do right!

Once again please add a link! I love all the links you guys have added so far but I'm running out! :) I want to see what else you can come up with to occupy my time!

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Lj Addict Clique Update @ 10:36am

For all the people who have joined my LJ addict clique:
I've decided since I don't have a member page to keep tracked of all the people who've joined I'd put up a guest map and use it as a member map so if you've joined in the past please add yourself to the map!
If it doesn't work Grr! Then go to the site and try from there since we can't do Java script from LJ.

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Tuesday, September 24th
First Day! @ 4:33am

Boys will be boys!
Connor started school yesterday and it was so sweet! I had a hard time leaving him in the class room for some reason...he looked so alone I wanted to stay and support him but it was kinda obvious the teacher wanted me to leave..not in a bad way I think it's just how they do things and I understood totally.
She asked him if he knew how to spell his name and my stomach dropped.
She held his hand and helped him copy the letters off a piece of paper his name was on. It was really cool.
Their going to the zoo tomorrow on a class trip so that should be fun.
I have to have him there by 9:30 am and then they'll be home by 1pm.
I asked him if he made any friends and he told me one boy had asked if he could help him with his chair and so he said we're friends now.
God I wish it was that easy to make friends as adults huh? Haha!
It's great! I'm happy, he's happy it's happy time! Yippee!
I bought him some new clothes yesterday so he had something cute to wear his first day. I asked him what he wanted on the way to the store and he told me something with flames!!
So we found a hoodie sweat shirt with flames up the sleeves. Very cool! *wink*
He looked like a little skater/surfer boy in it.
He didn't get to wear it though because it was like 85 degrees out yesterday.
He wore his new grey and maroon Shaq shirt instead with his new blue jeans and his grey and maroon tennis shoes. He matched!! Haha!
He looked very handsome.
He's gonna be such a lady killer when he grows up! He already is!
First person we see when we walked up to the school was one of the older neighbor girls and Connor was like "oh hey Brittany" she was like Hey! What are you doing here?
I'm going to school here! he had a smile ear to ear! It's hard to explain how happy I feel for him. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal to us but to kids this is like a big huge deal! I just hope he does well and stays out of trouble. He tends to believe he's 10 instead of 5 sometimes so that always gets him in trouble. He's his own boss! Like Duh!
Ok I'm going to bed now. I know my Mom wanted to know how his day went and she reads my journal everyday in the morning so that was for you Mom!

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Monday, September 23rd
Da Pig! @ 7:43am
*piggy punch*

Pass it on and stuff!
Haha! He just wants to break his already insane number of comments! *smile*
He da pig!
Anyone remember this.... )

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Saturday, September 21st
School Boy!!! @ 1:21am
It's late and I need to go to bed...I've been messing with my journal again and reading a bit of my new book, Catcher in the rye. I've read it before and I loved it so much and since it's been years since I read it, I bought it again.
I was right it's a great fucking book! I love how he writes! It's almost like he's right there in the room talking to you. Doo dooo doo! LOL!
Anyways I finally got Connor regestered into school today!! GRR! It took so long to get everything I needed to get for him to go!
I had to get a copy of his birth certificate since I couldn't find it after the move and everything and I had to go take him to get his shots. Which by the way he was sooo good! He didn't even cry and he kept telling me how proud he was and asking me if I was proud of him because he was going to school. He's so adorable sometimes.
He melts my heart.
I took him to the school today with all our stuff and regestered him and so now he starts on Monday!! Yippee! I'm so excited for him! I hope he does ok.
He'll be in kindergarden and he has problems with his numbers and of course his letters. He just recently learned his colors. I think he might have either ADD or a learning disability of some kind. I did when I was a kid. Heck I still do!
It makes me scared that he'll be treated bad like I was in school for the simple fact that I couldn't concentrate or sit still for 5 minutes.
Teachers hated me and they sure didn't hide it. I believed I was bad only because they always told me I was but I never meant to be bad if that makes sense. I see that kind of behavior in Connor a lot. He can't answer when you ask him why did you do that?
Why did you spray the inside of the garage with water? Haha! It's like DUH! But I don't think he thinks before he does things and I can relate because I do and did that to.
He's such a sharp kid though so it's not like he's slow. I think it's just a short circut in his brain and I only recognize it because I have it to!
Tianna my daughter already knows her ABC's and she's three. She's gonna be a fast learner. She has her little behavoi problems to but their different. She's more spoiled then an actual behavoir problem. Like if she doesn't get her way she throws a fit and crys. Connor doesn't do that but he'll just bug you until your pulling your hair out or you say yes to whatever it is he wanted. Haha!
I love my kids and being a parent is not an easy job. I wouldn't change my position in for another in a million years though.
Well, I'm gonna go read somemore and go to bed.
*Good night*

If your reading.....I love you Mom and Darin!

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Wednesday, September 18th
These Pictures are great! @ 9:07pm
.Devon Aoki.

www.devon-aoki.com, devoted.to/devon
click for more pic's of Devon )

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Things to think about... @ 7:42pm
Did you know there is a page 666 in The Bible?
Why isn?t the Q or the Z included on the phone?
On a telephone, why does ABC start on the number 2 and not 1?
If your named Will and you are in the army do you get worried when people say fire at will?
If I think, and therefore I am, am I just a thought?
What does the T in T-Shirt really mean?
Why do they call front seat shotgun?
Why are the obituaries found in the "living" section of the newspaper?
How can someone be dirt poor, and another be filthy rich?
Why is it considered necessary to nail down the lid of a coffin?
If a policecar, an ambulance, a fire truck and a mail truck are all at a 4 way stop who has the right away?
why are rubber duckies yellow when most real ducks aren't?
Why do people say heads up when you should duck?
Why does blow and suck mean the same thing?
If you have x-ray vision, and you can see through anything, wouldn't you see through everything and actually see nothing?
Why do they call them "Animal Crackers" when there not even crackers...they're cookies?
Why do old men have hair in their ears?
Why are things typed up but written down?
What does OK actually mean?
If your born at exactly midnight is your birthday on both those days?
Why do British people never sound British when they sing?
Why would superman want to leap over the tallest building in a single bound if he can fly?
Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, "I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here, and drink what ever comes out"?
Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?
Why don't you ever see baby pigeons?

Can blind people see their dreams?
Why do they call it taking a dump? Shouldn't it be leaving a dump?
If Barbie is so popular, then why do you have to buy her friends?
Did Adam and Eve have navels?
What hair color do they put on the driver's license of a bald man?
Where are Preparations A through G?
Why are they called 'stands' when they're made for sitting?

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This girl is soooo beautiful! @ 6:16pm
This girl is soooo beautiful! She's a model for the clothing line Baby Phat. I think their clothes are so cute!! To bad all the jeans I want are out of stock! Grr! The only stores are in New York and Quebec! Yikes!
I'm getting ready to go to work in a few hours and just thought I'd post these pictures.
Bye Bye!

click for the pictures )

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Sunday, September 15th
SPACE NEEDLE? New Home? @ 2:12pm
Ok has anyone seen the new flash/report on TV thats been saying someone bought the Space Needle and their moving it to some other part of the state?? This has to be a joke right? Supposedly it's some guy who won the lottery and now bought the Space Needle and is gonna move it with one of those big vehicals that move the space shuttle!!
This has to be a hoax right?
I mean could you imagine driving down I-5 and you glance over to see the space needle driving by? Haha! I can't! I did a search on it and there is nothing (i've found) on the subject.
So I turn to you my web head friends to help me out with this one..Is it true? Is it a joke?

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Thursday, September 12th
Freaks, Weirdos and Men who wear diapers! @ 4:56pm
This world is sooo full of freaks!
For example the above website dedicated to men who wear diapers and my experiances at work.
Just two nights ago I asked this guy sitting at my rack if he'd like a dance and he said sure so we went over to do the dance and he sat back in the chair and removed his coat to reveal nothing less then a woman's camasol and bra underneath!
He also had on black silky pants that I failed to notice when I asked him for the dance.
Anyway I could'nt help myself...I busted up laughing!!
I asked him why in the hell are you dressed in womens night clothes and he told me he liked the way they felt on his skin! Ick!
So I said to myself oh well whatever floats his boat and started my dance...4 feet away mind you.
After the song (gratefully a short one) was finished I asked him if he was gay and he said no he just liked womans clothes. He also told me he was not that unusual.
I can agree with him on that! This world is full of freaks in all shapes and sizes and who's to say that someone doesn't think I'm the freak or you are?
The guy was pretty nice and polite so I can't say he was a total ass or anything but if i see him again...no I will not ask him for a dance again.
He just creeped me out!
I have to say that was one of my stranger experiances at work. It comes in close first though to a guy who came in and wanted to be lifted!! Yes! Lifted! Like a body builder does weights.
He was three times my size and he told me he'd give me 50 bucks if i could lift him on my shoulders!! Haha! He was also very normal seeming! he was dressed nice and groomed well but inside his little head he was a bit strange I guess.
He told me just like the other dude did that he was not that unusual, that there was a fetish for woman who body build and that some men paid a lot to met with women body builders to do lifting and wrestling, no nudity involved.
*dear god*

So that was a close first but the man dressed in womens clothes..he wins by far!
Most the guys I dance for are normal everyday Joe's Thank God, but the occasional wierdo does creep in once in a great while.
I'm sure more do come in they most likley are interested in some of the other more "out there" girls I work with.
But on these two occassions it was during the day and there was only a few of us to choose from. I'd like to believe I don't attract these types of men but I can't say for sure.

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Wednesday, September 11th
It's in the news! @ 3:53pm
How many of you got the AOL/Microsoft hoax thing in your mail box titled "It's in the news"?
I got like 10!!! Come on folks! Do you really believe Microsoft is gonna send you 200 bucks for forwardng mail????? Pleeezzee!! Grr! How annoying people are!

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Gay? Who me?? @ 1:01pm
According to this test I just took I'm 63% Gay!!
It said something to the effect of
"Careful! You may be straight-laced, but any more butch and you'll have to fight off the girls"!
LOL! Yeah I wish! I also don't consider myself butch in the least bit but it was just a stupid quizz anyway..*mumble* mumble* They don't know me!
How Gay are you?

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