Marc Brown
3.31.2003 What does it feel like to be on the receiving end of the US Attack? Ask the British who were attacked TWICE by a U.S. A-10 Thunderbolt aircraft.
"There was a boy of about 12 years old. He was no more than 20 metres away when the Yank opened up."(posted 1:48 PM) A great collection of signs from War Protests and streets -- looks to mainly be in NYC. (posted 12:49 PM)
I've spent a lot of time taking photos lately, and I think that Rich has convinced me that i take too many digital photos. Borrowing the X-pan has helped me see the light. I'll post the color photos that i've been shooting with it in the next few days.
The first roll was black and white and i just walked across the street to the park in the late afternoon. view photos I'm bored of typing "ha ha" everytime i find something funny in an instant message window. But I don't feel comfortable typing anything else. I'm still trying to figure out what the exact expression "heh" means. Donut types it all the time to me, but i couldn't tell you how it would be spoken. I guess that is alright, after all its a new language, that of instant message window.
Most of my conversations with my business partner during the day are in a chat window. Sure we talk on the phone and hang in person, but for work, its the best way to, lets say, "multi-task." But about that "ha ha" or "HA HA HA" you know. I'm not sure what else to type, i sometimes get "HA HAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHA" or something, which fits perfectly from the guy who sends it to me because he is really a spaz at times. But that's not me. I suppose i could go with LOL, but it reminds me of some lame conversation in an IRC chat room, and that's not me either. i found a Jamaican chat dictionary - wha gwanan bredda. But it doesn't help me type "Jah Rastafariiee". Generally i type like i'm a dyslexic but I plow through it and just send. I do more mis-spellings than i do acronyms. However, I think i'm gonna try to work this one in to more conversations: WIBAMU. or here are a couple new ones: The Sound Of One Nerd Laughing - TSOONL or 8*) - Clownin (posted 2:22 AM) One of these days I plan to have a War-Free day. But today I found this link - the iraqometer -- now we can really see the score-card. (via BB) (posted 11:55 AM)
Strange, my traffic has gone up 10-fold thanks to my post about Happatai and a lot of visitors from Japan -- Hello Japan!
(posted 9:19 AM) Rich Lee has posted some wonderful photos from our trip to the Long Beach rally last week along with some photos he shot at the Federal Building earlier this week.
view gallery A list of the 10 gayest sites: robots are gay, squirrels are gay, the superbowl is gay, and buster is really gay! and 6 other sites. (via b3ta).
hilarious. (posted 8:11 PM) Madonna has released a digital single -- which when you buy it (only Paypal) is basically a MP3 file. HOLY SHIT, a major label selling an MP3 file without some crazy encryption. Lets see if they sell the whole album like that.
Oh, not that I can stand this song, but it was worth the $1.50 for the experience and the Madonna rap... Now everyonce in a while when this song pops up in iTunes, i'll remember this post :-) (posted 7:11 PM) The Iraq Satellite Network has been taken out by a smart "e-bomb" -- or at least that is what CBS reported and then rescinded. More fodder for the theory that our media is just a pawn for our Government.
CBS reported "The U.S. Air Force has hit Iraqi TV with an experimental electronmagetic pulse device called the "E-Bomb" then revised the same story later to not mention the bomb whatsoever... And we will see whether this detailed description remains online. Read the original text on BB in the post and the discussion. update: seems the station is back on the air, and perhaps the story was recanted because it was not this bomb that so many people are wondering about. However, Reuters is reporting that the attack may have broken the Geneva Convention (yet again). (posted 1:00 AM) Journalists covering this unjust war are putting their lives on the line daily. The list of War casualties is growing. You can see the video of the captured American maintenance team online (for now) on Dutch television -- we seem to show dead Iraqi's daily, but our media is up in arms when they show dead Americans -- its just a truth of war.
MSNBC has some really amazing photo-essays on their site. I must say that I find this image of 2 dead Iraqi soldiers next to their white flag of surrender deeply disturbing. How about them Oscars? Thanks to some good ol' LAPD brutality, the show started on schedule... AICN Harry Knowles has a running commentary of the broadcast?... Ok, the nominees... ADRIEN BRODY (win win win) Nicholas Cage, Michael Caine.... Daniel Day Lewis... Jack Nicholson... please Adrien... the winner is.... ADRIEN BRODY!!! YESSSSSSS! YES OH YES OH YES!!!! OH MY GOD!! YES !!!! FUCKING A FUCKING A!!! I'm so fucking happy about this.... And that's how you kiss Halle Berry!!!! Fucking A...Here is a video clip (windows media) of Michael Moore speaking to the press after winning his award. (posted 10:13 PM) Tony Pierce just got a new digital camera. Its about time! His first photo essay with the new camera is already up in time for tonight's Academy Awards.
Here are some good photos from yesterday's Hollywood Rally. I don't think i could have survived hearing Eddie Vedder sing "an a-capella song against SUVs." So, I'm glad I chose to march in Long Beach. My photos from the Long Beach Rally are now linked on LA - Indymedia's homepage. I realized today that there was not a single major local news station covering the Long Beach event - and that is FUCKED UP. Just found the LA War Blog, looks like a lot of good links and photos. (posted 4:47 PM) Across the planet folks are continuing to protest this war. Last night Bill Maher seemed to have caved in and decided that it was the time to "support the President's decision" So where do i stand? War is bad. I support the soldiers, and I hope they will be able to come home alive. But, what will happen when they arrive in Baghdad? It seems that the easy targets aren't falling easily, and a lot of innocent lives are being lost hourly (mostly Iraqi or from friendly fire).
Today Rich and I went to the rally in Long Beach - it was a great turnout and a beautiful Spring day. The war protest was organized by the Long Beach Area Peace Network and had some great speakers including a kid who was recently suspended from his High School for organizing a sit-in. Its the youth that are dying, on both sides, and its great that the youth are speaking out. view gallery Enemy Combatant Radio (direct link to streams) is on the air - the Bay Area is going off and its live on pirate radio. L.A. is activating as well. Its not too late to do some shock and awe of our own like the "vomit-in".
Free protest music from DJ Shadow and the Beastie Boys. Some video of yesterday's protest online scroll down on that site for screen shots - Boing Boing are compiling a list of links to photos here. But it seems that Indymedia is the best source for comprehensive information. Its not too late to stop dropping bombs on the children of Iraq. (posted 12:50 PM) Ten miles of tanks stretched across the desert, 100 kilometers long - over 13,000 troops on their way to Baghdad. CNN are with the 7th Cavalry and MSNBC and Fox News are with the 3rd Infantry Division and they are broadcasting live with satellite video phones. Aaron Brown can't seem to get over how 'special and historical' their broadcasting of this even has been -- i think their satellite camera looks like total crap (and that MSNBC is doing a better job).
But, it is war like we have never seen before - fucking scary. BBC America seems to be broadcasting BBC News 24-7 now, which is a nice break from CNN and the like. The BBC reporters aren't afraid to leave their hotel rooms and studios but aren't on the front line with the U.S. Military. Last night, American Idol beat the war for viewers. (posted 8:43 PM) |