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Gourry Gabriev's LiveJournal:
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Wednesday, June 11th, 2003 | 9:46 am |
Fill your life with documents Just got a huge project to do involving 22 boxes of documents. Go me! In other news, I'd rather be home with the sock snuggling and listening to the rain fall. Current Mood: busy | Tuesday, June 10th, 2003 | 8:51 am |
This kinda fits since I have descended from the stock.... Germany - Despite a controversial recent history, it has had a tough and powerful history. A modern-day technological and cultural beacon, it is still target to stereotypes and antiquited thoughts. Positives:Technologically Advanced. Culturally Admired. Global Power. Negatives:Target of Historical Fervor. Constant Struggle. Funny-Looking Ethnic Clothing. Which Country of the World are You? brought to you by Quizilla Current Mood: Whirring of the CPU fan | Monday, June 9th, 2003 | 9:22 am |
| 9:12 am |
| 8:19 am |
The Bad News and the Good News THE BAD NEWSBudget (or should I say the local gas station with a Budget license) fucked up our order of vehicles. We ordered a 10' mini moving van. What did we get? A 12' CARGO VAN... Trust me, the differences are startling. The guy said "that's what they sent us from Baton Rouge." We had to make more trips with the *$&^%^@ thing than we would have with the 10' mini moving van. Oh, but the icing on the shit cake was when I drove back to the station to drop it off. Guess what was sitting in the parking lot? Yep, a 10' mini moving van. My friend Paul, who helped me moved, hazarded a guess by saying that the guys rented out the wrong van yesterday to someone else and we got their shitty van. To make the day complete, apparently the only guy who has the mental capacity to fully check us out was not there, so I have to see if I got my deposit, minus mileage, back today. Lord help them if it hasn't been done by the time I go to lunch. Also, I have misplaced my watch that the Sock gave me from Christmas and I am very upset with myself. The Good NewsWe have a BIGGA APARTMENT! Huzzah! It's still in the "I'll put some stuff here. You put some stuff there. Hey, this place has more places than we have stuff. Let's go out and buy MORE STUFF!" mode. The living room is navigable now. It has central a/c, so we are living the life of Riley. Tonight, I get to sort out and straighten out the baby's room and put up the bed there. Once we get enough things fixed, then we will have BAD MOVIE NIGHT.... Most excellent. My list for bad movie night: Daimajin The Wrath of Daimajin The Hobbit (Rankin and Bass version and much to the chagrin of bobomagicksock) Lord of the Wu Tang Any others I should consider? Lemme know. I have to go to workies now. Current Mood: drained | Friday, June 6th, 2003 | 11:47 am |
RAWK! I just receieved kudos from my boss just a moment ago. He complimented me on doing a good job and how much of a help I am to him. Yay! Appreciation rawks! Current Mood: jubilant | Thursday, June 5th, 2003 | 4:35 pm |
GURKA! I'm having a "running in place" moment at my work. Every 5 minutes, someone keeps popping in with "just one more little project" for me to do. MEH! MEH! I SAY! Current Mood: distressed | 12:44 pm |
Full of tasty gubbins, yo. Just finished a foot long roasted chicken sammich from Subway, some 'tato chips, and washed it all down with a Barq's. For my next trick, I will issue proclamations that the Proving Ground League at the shop will be rescheduled to next week, June 14, on account of the Mama Sock and I moving into our new apartment. /begin rant While at Gamer's Matrix's customer appreciation day last week, I heard that one of my players was complaining that I "was never around to run a PGL." Well, besides the fact that I am preparing for a move, this particular person HAS NOT shown up for a PGL game in quite some time. In fact, I thought the person was dead or something. While running the PGL, I have shown up when I could. But when I have, there were times I never had enough players to start a game. Had this nameless person had shown up, I would be able to run a game. It just tears my knitting when I have busted my butt to run the PGL and someone comes along and says something this inane and stupid. I could understand if this person had shown up on a more regular basis, but this person hasn't. The last time this person played was at the end of March. /end rant Anyway, I must go forth and do work! See ya. Current Mood: grumpy | Tuesday, June 3rd, 2003 | 8:16 am |
Whelp, I'm at work And I am a little tired. Not so much because I didn't get enough sleep, it's because I worked my tail off yesterday evening. Doing what, you might ask? Saving the world? Nope. Stopping Cobra, a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world? Unless you live in fantasyland. moving? Give that LJ'er a cookie! Yesh, I spent three and a half hours moving my boardgames, gubbins, and books out of the cat's room and into our new place. Tonight, I may hit Jo's room or I may do that tomorrow. Admittedly, there isn't that much left, except general cleanup. And, moving all the furniture. That's when the thralls, or should I say, thrall comes into help. In other news, Sock and I saw Finding Nemo on Sunday. And I have come to this conclusion. NEVER go to an opening weekend of a children's movie. If you do, bring lots and lots of painkillers. Between sitting too close to the screen due to the place being full and the screaming little witch at 3 o' clock, whose mother thinks it perfectly acceptable to let the child wail and not taking her out to deal with her, you'll have a MOJO headache. That aside, I was kind of disappointed with the movie. To me, it wasn't as funny or fun, for that matter, as say Monsters, Inc. or A Bug's Life. If the movie didn't have Ellen Degeneres' character of Dory, a scatterbrained fish that helps Marlin, Nemo's father; then the movie would have been a bit stretched. Don't get me wrong, I have seen worse movies, but I was let down by Pixar this time around. Off to work now, I'll check in later! Current Mood: tired | Friday, May 30th, 2003 | 7:07 am |
In less than one day, Jo and I will start the move into our new apartment! HUZZAH! Finally, we'll be able to move out of my brother's house and out of the 504 shack and move into a place that has more room, central air/heat, and its own dishwasher. No more dealing with Formosans, no more dealing with a stuffy house, and no more dealing with asshole next door neighbors who don't give a shit. Unfortunately, that also means that I have to say good bye to one of my kitties, Shinobu. Please, again I make this plea. If anyone can find room in their heart and house, I need to find Shin a new home other than the pound. If you can, I would be most grateful. On other news, Jo and I went to the doctor to do the monthly checkup on the Noah bean. Both mommy and bean are doing fine. Jo looks absolutely wonderful, albeit in a bit of pain now and then due to the BH contractions and the bean moving about. It's hard to believe the bean is going to be born in a little over three months. Last leg of the pregnancy and BOTH of us are getting impatient to see our son. =o) Welp, gotta get ready to go to work. Poop. You guys have a great day! Current Mood: bouncyCurrent Music: Stone Idols - "Under Dark Skies" | Wednesday, May 28th, 2003 | 7:45 am |
Shamelessly stolen! LAYER ONE: -- Name: Scott -- Birth date: 9/24/69 -- Birthplace: Born in New Orleans. -- Current Location: New Orleans, but not for long! -- Eye Color: Blue -- Hair Color: What little I have on my head, brown -- Height: 6'2" -- Righty or Lefty: Right -- Zodiac Sign: Libra/Rooster or for you people with minds in the gutter, COCK! Such a lovely word! =op
LAYER TWO: -- Your heritage: German and Hungarian -- The shoes you wore today: Black strap buckle shoes -- Your fears: Becoming bald and getting fat -- Your perfect pizza: Just pepperoni and I am a happy camper -- Goal you'd like to achieve: To do voice acting and to put my Cobra Commander impersonation to good use.
LAYER THREE: -- Your most overused phrase on AIM: Ok. -- Your thoughts first waking up: Hit the snooze button, hit the snooze button! -- Your best physical feature: eyes -- Your bedtime: 11pm (Yesh, I am an old fart) -- Your most missed memory: Playing Feng Shui with my old group.
LAYER FOUR: -- Pepsi or Coke: Coke, but given another choice... Lemonade -- McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds, but again given another choice, Rally's. -- Single or group dates: Don't date no mo'.. Meesa Gotta MALLIED! YAY! =o) -- Adidas or Nike: Give me a cheap pair of sneakers and I am fine. Crap quality with both of them, anyway. -- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton -- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate -- Cappuccino or coffee: I usually stick to coffee, but due to Sock's loving influence, I do so love white chocolate mocha.
LAYER FIVE: -- Smoke: nope -- Cuss: Like a sailor when I get REALLY peeved. -- Sing: When I'm happy, usually. -- Take a shower everyday: yes -- Have a crush(es): Nope. Just my baby Sock and baby Bean Noah! -- Do you think you've been in love: Yes, and I still am now. -- Want to go to college: Did it, and got nothing really for it other than it looks good on a resume. -- Like(d) high school: I enjoyed it, but it followed the formula Good Year, Bad year, Good year, Good Year. -- Want to get married: Already am and I am enjoying it immensely. -- Believe in yourself: Most times. -- Get motion sickness: Nope -- Think you're attractive: I think I look okay, but Sock thinks I am gorgeous. -- Think you're a health freak: Nope. -- Get along with your parent(s): Yes. -- Like thunderstorms: Yes, good weather to get snuggly and to read books. -- Play an instrument: Nah.
LAYER SIX: In the past month... -- Drank alcohol: A Corona -- Smoked: Nope. -- Done a drug: Don't believe in that schtuff. -- Had Sex: No, but given the situation.... -- Made Out: a little bit last night. -- Gone on a date: Yesh. -- Gone to the mall: Last Sunday -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Nope. -- Eaten sushi: No. Haven't been in the mood for it. -- Been on stage: Nope. -- Been dumped: Nope. -- Gone skating: Nope. -- Made homemade cookies: Nope -- Gone skinny dipping: Nope -- Dyed your hair: Shaved it nearly off, yes. -- Stolen anything: nope
LAYER SEVEN: Ever... -- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Yes -- If so, was it mixed company: Yes -- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Not recently -- Been caught "doing something": Nope -- Been called a tease: Yesh. -- Gotten beaten up: No. -- Shoplifted: When I was a kid, some candy. I got my ass beat for it and I never did it again. -- Changed who you were to fit in: No.
LAYER EIGHT: -- Age you hope to be married: 33. Which I am right now. -- Numbers and Names of Children: 2. Noah and Rachel. -- Describe your Dream Wedding: Simple, which it was but it was still beautiful. -- How do you want to die: Old age. -- Where you want to go to college: Already been. -- What do you want to be when you grow up: Voice actor. -- What country would you most like to visit: England
LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl.. -- Best eye color? Blue or Hazel -- Best hair color? Brunette -- Short or long hair: Long hair -- height: Doesn't matter -- Best weight: Doesn't matter -- Best articles of clothing: ???? -- Best first date location: a picnic! -- Best first kiss location: On the butt! Seriously, when the time is right...Location doesn't matter.
LAYER TEN: -- Number of drugs taken illegally: 0 -- Number of people I could trust with my life: 15 -- Number of CDs that I own: 60+ -- Number of piercing: 0 -- Number of tattoos: 0 -- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: Three times -- Number of scars on my body: 7 -- Number of things in my past that I regret: Not enjoying my twenties and stressing about EVEYRTHING.
Current Mood: awake Current Music: Thom Brennan "Mist" | Friday, May 23rd, 2003 | 7:00 am |
An update on the move sitchyation We're moving early! YAY! Instead of June 5th, we're going to be moving in on the 1st, but we're still going to have to move all the major furniture on the 7th. It's not going to be all that bad, at best a few hours of some poor, press-ganged friends' time! HEE HEE HEE We do feed our slaves, rilly! There will be pizza and other organic refreshments for those who participate! On a more serious note, I really need to find a loving home for one of my cats, Shinobu. I can only have two pets at the apartment complex and unfortunately, I have to give her up. I don't want to bring her to the shelter, so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, if anyone out there can find it in themselves to open their homes for a fixed, all shots taken care of cat; I would be very grateful. Have an excellent Memorial Day weekend, my friends! Current Mood: goodCurrent Music: Thom Brennan - "Adrift on Vapor Seas" | Thursday, May 22nd, 2003 | 7:16 am |
'Cos I'm a really coo-el lemming Your Ultimate Roleplaying Purity Score | Category | Your Score | Average | Hacklust | 54.72% Will kill for XP | 52.4% | Sensitive Roleplaying | 37.97% All the game's your stage | 50.8% | GM Experience | 50% Puts the players through the wringer | 66.7% | Systems Knowledge | 80.93% Played in a couple of campaigns | 89% | Livin' La Vida Dorka | 44.83% Has interesting conversations in public | 60.2% | You are 56.34% pure Average Score: 66.5% | | Call me Igor! Current Music: Stone Idols - "Under dark skies" | Tuesday, May 20th, 2003 | 7:09 am |
Nothing really new to report here.
Spent last weekend boxing up more schtuff. One more weekend push and we're ready to go.
D20 con, I'm sorry I am going to have to miss you!
However, there's going to be a customer appreciation day at the shop, with food and whatnot, so it's all good.
The bean's happy and healthy. He's kicking up a storm in Sock's tummy and he's making her crave beef chili dogs a lot lately. Hey, at least it's not clay like some women are purported to crave during pregnancy.
My nephew, Ian, is graduating from kindergarten today. I saw his outfit that he's going to wear and it looks adorable. He even has a maroon clip on tie with brontosauruses on it. Too cute for words.
Welp, I'm off to work. Have a good day, everyone!
Current Mood: awake | Friday, May 16th, 2003 | 7:21 am |
Did I mention that I HATE Formosan Termites? For the past week, Sock and I have been living at my brother's house in Destrehan because the Formosans are swarming. Since they are swarming, they are swarming around the house. Since they are swarming around the house, they are getting in the house. Since they are getting in the house, the Sock is creeped out and doesn't want to stay here. Goddamn Nature.... >=o( The big move is on June 7th, but we only have half of the house bagged and tagged. Hopefully, we'll be able to get more of the stuff packed this weekend, seeing that I can't do everything after work. In other news, Mama Sock is fine. Baby Noah is quite the martial artist, performing the Hokuto No Ken on her at ungodly hours. We also watched my nephew, Ian, while my brother went out for a bit. Ian may be a rambunctious child at times, but overall he is a sweetheart. I read Cat in the Hat to him last night and already I am beginning to feel like a father. I can't WAIT to get out of this house now and to someplace bigger, where I can raise a family. Have a good day all! Current Mood: thoughtfulCurrent Music: J-Sphere "Whirlwind on Mars" | Saturday, May 10th, 2003 | 9:00 am |
My Week I know. I know. LJ'ers hear more from my wife than from me. I'm trying to change that. Unfotunately, I hardly have time during the week to update and the weekends seem the only time I can. Sure, I could try to update from work, but I'd rather not. At my old job, LJ kept setting off the firewall, thereby ruining my fun. I don't want a repeat of that. So, back to updating on the weekends it is! On Monday, I called Fox Run and they said that they had a townhouse available. I told them that we were definitely interested! To celebrate, Sock and I went out to eat at Cuco's for Stinko De Mayo, and we ran into da_judge1 with his girlfriend and his other friends (wow, he actuallydoes have friends! Just kidding, Nate!) and right after that.... We walked into a Saturn dealership and walked out with a spiffy new ION 3. Front mounted Heavy Bolters and everything! The Green Car That Will Kill Us All is no more! The War for the Green Nissan of Doom is finished! HUZZAH! Of course, this means that we're going to have to re-do our budget and cut out a lot of ancillary things, but I think we'll swing it. Especially, when we have 0% APR. Praise to the Financial Powers that be! I know my mother is especially pleased since she has asked us on numerous occassions, "You're not driving my new grandson in that car, right?" We tried to keep it a secret and show up with the new car, but she called and asked about it. The Lovey Spy Network is large and far reaching. Then on Tuesday, I went over to Fox Run to secure the townhouse, only to be told someone jumped our claim! The leasing agent explained THEN that they would only hold the townhouse with a deposit, something she FAILED to mention to me the day before, otherwise, I would have been down there the day before to take care of things. The agent then said that the person in front of us hasn't turned in all the necessary paperwork and if they don't turn it in, we get the next crack at it. Grumbling, I left our deposit and application fees and the paperwork we filled out the night before and left. I called Jo and told her the bad news. I returned to work, wishing VERY BAD things on the persons involved with the balking of our attempt to leave Chapelle. Later, I then received a call that the other person failed to turn in the necessary paperwork! YAY! HAPPY GOURRY DANCE! And the best part, we were cleared for the townhouse! The agent would send us some more stuff to fill out the next day and that she'd be out on Thursday. Well, Wednesday came and went with no paperwork being sent, due to the fact that the agent's computer system was spazzing out. Which leads us to FRIDAY! Such a beautiful word! I was looking forward to Date Night with my wife and getting the paperwork from Fox Run, in that order. During lunch, I ran out and did the obligatory last minute dash for Mother's Day cards, including one for my wife. Then, Jo called and asked me to pick up some MD cards for her mother and step-mother. So, I picked out a cute one for her mother, and got the most civil one for the step. After work, I went to drop off a birthday present to my friend Colette in a vera scary part of town... Annunciation Street. The best way to decsribe it is like this: Take your most scary neighborhood you can think of. Okay, got that? Now, insert an apartment complex that panders to the wealthy in the middle of it and you see what I saw when I went to drop off her gift at work. She works for Paris Parker, a spa facility that operates in the complex. After taking care of that, I quickly drove home to my Sock to have some kick ass Manwiches, green beans, and sour cream & onion chips! NOM NOM NOM! Since there wasn't much on TV, I suggested that we go see a movie. Since we already saw X2 the previous weekend during our wonderful getaway in Alabama, we decided to see Daddy Day Care. To summarize: HILARIOUS! I would recommend it for anyone wanting a comedy and I think it makes up for Eddie Murphy's last stinker: The Adventures of Pluto Nash, which rates up there with ISHTAR! After the movie, we came home and had a wonderful schnuggly session in bed. The End! No, wait. What are we doing today? Some highlights: FILLING OUT FOX RUN PAPERWORK, THEREBY SIGNING OUR SOULS TO EL DIABLO!ACTION PACKED PHOTOGRAPHY SHOTS AT THE NEW ORLEANS MUSEUM OF ART!BARTERING ON THE BLACK MARKET FOR CARDBOARD BOXES FOR THE MOVE!running a proving ground league game at the shop.BLOODILY SUPPRESSING A DIRTY CLOTHING UPRISING!OBTAINING RARE FLOWERS TO PROFFER TO THE LOVEY FOR MOTHER'S DAY!And that's about it! Have a wonderful day, guys! Current Mood: hungryCurrent Music: Batman Beyond - "Main Title" | Monday, May 5th, 2003 | 7:26 am |
After a long sojourn.... ![compassion](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/web.archive.org/web/20030612145451im_/http:/=2fimages.quizilla.com/D/djwhiterabbit/1051042059_compassion.jpg) Your strongest virtue is your Compassion, visualized here by the tarot card 'The Lovers'. Your actions are guided by your devotion to love. Truth and courage may be important as well, but above all it is compassion that is paramount to you. What's Your Strongest Virtue? brought to you by Quizilla Current Mood: awake | Wednesday, April 30th, 2003 | 7:01 am |
'Cos I'm a lemming! The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Second Level of Hell!Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test Current Mood: awake | Sunday, April 27th, 2003 | 9:58 am |
My new life thus far! Well, let me give you a rundown of what has happened in the past few days: Wednesday: I came home from work and met Jo's father for the first time. We chatted for a bit while we waited for Jo's mother to come down from Baton Rouge after flying in from California. Once she did, we all went to Carmine's and ate a LOT of food. Thursday: We woke up bright and early to go eat at Russell's Marina Grill for breakfast. When we returned, we had messages from my mother and sister, my sister being in New York for a school field trip, and both wished us a Happy Wedding Day. Then, Jo and her mother went out to buy flowers for Jo's bouquet, corsisages, and boutineers. Meanwhile, William and I suffered through the crap that is daytime television and ironed our clothes. After a bit, the women came back and proceeded to make the bouquet and get my fiance into bridal mode. Jo's father and I also got dressed and waited for the magic moment. During that time, I received phone calls from my brothers Will and Jay. Jay was rather overexuberant and prayed for me over the phone, so happy he was to see his little brother getting married. The big surprise was a phone call from my friend Katie, who lives in Hong Kong. She waited until nearly 3 a.m. to call me and to wish me well on my wedding day. Katie, thanks VERY much! It meant a lot to me. Finally, after much preening and hair spray, my future mother-in-law and wife exited my room and came into the living room. All I could think of was WOW!!! My Jo looked absolutely, positively beautiful. We took several photographs before the limo arrived to drive us to First City Court to get married. And of course, during this time I kept checking and re-checking that I had everything (Marriage License, rings, money for the Judge's fee to marry us, black pen. No blue, no red, no rainbow!). Salty, our driver, quickly got us to CDC, and Jo and I zipped up to the second floor to Judge Reed's office. We got there with plenty of time to spare, but the Judge was running late. So, both sets of parents took various staged photos of me and Jo. Jo's family, my family, etc. I was admonished by Lovey because I didn't have some money to present to the Judge, so she shooed me into one of the clerk's rooms to get an envelope so I could put some money in it to present to the Judge. At 3:15 p.m., Judge Reed came in and we started the ceremony. I tuned everything out and just concentrated on Jo. My baby looked soooo happy and so was I. My heart skipped a beat when I recited the vows of how I wanted the Sock to be my wedded wife and put the ring on her finger. Then, she did the same to me. When she did that, I remembered how badly I wanted to put the rings on when we first bought them at Adler's. Now, it was real, now it was complete. When I kissed her after the ceremony was complete, I knew it felt so right. In fact, it was so right that we had to do the kissing part several times so Lovey, my mother, could get a good shot! After the wedding, we had a lot of time to kill, so Jo and I jumped into the limo and drove down St. Charles a bit before we decided to stop off at Superior Grill for some soft drinks and an appetizer. And I have to say that the spousal abuse started early. Jo and I weren't married less than a half an hour that we started popping each other playing the "punch buggy" game while heading to Superior Grill. =o) We spend about forty five minutes at the Grill and then we pay our bill and leave. Once we get outside, we find to our surprise that Salty has fallen asleep behind the wheel of his limo! I tapped on the glass and couldn't rouse him. It took a laughing passerby in a car to honk her horn to wake him. He looked so embarassed when he got out of the car to open the doors for us. We got in and we then drove to Cannon's Restaurant for the reception. The reception was small, being immediate family only but the small cadre was rather boiterous at times, with the kids running around and Jack making a toast to us with my Aunt Carolyn's scotch! ^_^ No, he didn't drink any! Silly peeps. Two of my family couldn't make it. Glenn and Shawn, who I mentioned earlier, were both out of town but sent their well wishes. Glenn and John sent us a beautiful floral arrangement. I was glad that my Great Aunt Evelyn could make it. She is pushing 95 and was so happy to see me married. I then danced my first dance with my wife, to our favorite song. Where or When All the while I sung to her and we cried and laughed and cried some more. I danced with my mother to If I Didn't Care and she was telling me about the time, long ago, that she and I danced on New Year's back in '96 and she knew that I would find someone. Then, she shooed me off to my new mother in law, so I could dance with her. Jo danced with her father for a bit and then danced with her new father-in-law. After the reception Jo, myself, Jo's mother and father went back to our place and we just sat around and talked. William, Jo's brother, called and wished her well on her wedding day. He also told her that he was coming in town to see us! After that, we talked a bit further before saying our goodnights. Tomorrow yet another big day: The first ultrasound! To be continued in part 2! Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Game Music - "Rival Realms Intro Theme" | Thursday, April 24th, 2003 | 8:17 am |
An uber coo-el announcement Current Mood: bouncy |
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