So I've seen these all over the place. I got mine from here: http://www.gothboffs.co.uk/trustflow/trustflow.plThese are the results I got. Closest 50 non-Friends for irana: 1: ultran, 2: thewonderfuller, 3: show_your_boobs, 4: deadparrot, 5: wiwiff, 6: kittenspeak, 7: lj_maintenance, 8: atlanta, 9: anagurls, 10: sacred9, 11: starving4you, 12: tekdoll, 13: elorie, 14: moonbird, 15: peepslayer, 16: poisongirl, 17: paidmembers, 18: cybersex, 19: flametodance, 20: news, 21: chamberatlanta, 22: chelona, 23: lesbian_erotica, 24: dilbert_feed, 25: mightywombat, 26: prettyladies, 27: orangecone, 28: hexgirl13, 29: aphrodesian, 30: beachsomewhere, 31: charleseb, 32: jathomas, 33: mightyafrodite, 34: dragoncon, 35: kellinator, 36: ocean_song, 37: tinkerboo, 38: creepycuisine, 39: tat2rob, 40: atlanta_eats, 41: hotcoffeems, 42: havsumbrandy, 43: sir_alf, 44: feygirl, 45: grinoliere, 46: shayara, 47: calnhobbes, 48: fermi, 49: show_your_pussy, 50: meemeedarlingIt's funny, because a few of you were on my friends list at some point and vice versa. Some of these are communities I've never even visited *laugh* and some I have. Others of you I've seen on other friends pages. This is a trip. So, if you feel like it, add me and I'll add you back.
Current Mood: amused
Okay, so my baby has been in the discovery program for two years now. Fpr those of you who don't know what that is, it's a program run by Dekalb County Schools for gifted children. Well, at the end of the year, beginning of summer, they asked me to apply Taylor for a school called Kitridge. It's a magnet school, a school for high achievers. Taylor and I have been on tenderhooks all summer, waiting to hear from this school. Nothing. So my friend Jay, he teaches for Dekalb, called me today to ask where Taylor was going to school. I thought it was odd, but I told him I had registered her at her old school because I hadn't heard from Kitridge. So he was like oh, and we went from there. So around 7:30 pm we get this call from a chick on the Dekalb County school board. Taylor is in! This means my baby gets to learn German in fourth grade, gets to pursue whatever area she has specific interest in (science), doesn't have to wear a uniform, doesn't have to ask permission to go to the bathroom, nothing like that. Can we say psyched!!! I am sooooo happy about this I don't know what to do. We haven't told her yet, but I know she will be beside herself with joy since she's been asking me since school got out if she's going to Kitridge. So...proud momma sharing about her smart kid. She is the best. If you haven't met her, you should! BTW, of course I called J to fuss him out for knowing in advance and not telling me. Turns out he had figured that she would have gotten in (it's a school with a two year waiting list) and when he found out I hadn't heard back, he made some phone calls. I love this man...he so bloody rocks. I should tell him that at some point, even though I wanted to beat his butt for knowing and not telling me. Gods...now all I need is a bunch of sales so I can take her out to celebrate! http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&include;=0&userid;=mythosvlp&sort;=4&rows;=25&since;=-1&rd;=1
Current Mood: ecstatic
First off, let me say welcome to cscottd and dawnmuskovitz. The ride gets bumpy and uncomfortable...lemme know if you want off. {edit} This entry is a pubic entry for several reasons, one, because there are people who are new to my journal who don't know what I expect and two, this is a method of defining for those who have asked what friendship means to me. I realized today that some of the people that I thought knew me the best, don't really know me at all. It's unsettling that the more honest I am, the more friends I seem to lose, especially when they are the ones I would have expected to stay. It makes me indescribably sad to know that those I call friends would prefer just surface than depth. I told someone today that the more open I am, the more uncomfortable it makes people. It seems like those I call friend would prefer that I be anything but real and honest in what I am thinking and feeling. I don't think I ask a lot from my friends, but maybe I do. Maybe what I expect is too much. But what I expect is what I give. * I expect my friends to love me unconditionally, not as long as I do what they think is right. * I expect them to care enough about me to tell me to my face what they think, whether it's pleasant or not. (Thanks reprobayt for always being the first to kick me in the teeth when I need it. I love you so much for this, especially when it seems like I can't stand you.) * I expect them to let me make my own decisions, fall flat on my face and be there when I'm trying to pick myself up. * I don't expect them to protect me, especially not from myself, because that's not their job. We learn from our mistakes. * And I definitely don't expect my friends to judge me, because I damn sure as hell don't judge them. * I also don't expect my friends to make decisions or reach conclusions about me without talking to me and getting all the information first. You know what? Maybe I am expecting too much.
Current Mood: sad
I have noticed that the more open I get with my life, with my feelings, the more people who are supposed to be friends in RL drop me off their friends list. I wonder why that is? Just dropping like flies...hmmm. Anybody else? Well, it's my journal, if you don't like what's in it, leave. But if I call you friend or you pretend to be one, do me the common courtesy of saying 'Hey gonna drop you. I'm uncomfortable with what you write or whatever'. Don't be all weaselly about it. It does help to know who NOT to invite over though. As for the rest of you, if you haven't left and have issues, I suggest you do so. Those of you who want to stay: SADDLE UP. LET'S RIDE!
Current Mood: amused
The mother of one of the children I care for at work became pregnant. "Jacob" was about six years old when his mom began showing, and a more severe case of sibling rivalry I have never seen. He constantly pestered his mom about "mom, why can't you have an abortion?" and "will you really still love me when the baby comes?". He began displaying infantile behaviors, messing his pants, wanting to be held and comforted all the time, crying at the slightest provocation. The poor kid was truly scared that the new baby was going to replace him in his parent's lives. His mother tried many diffrent approaches with him before she hit on the one that worked. She took a candleabra with four cups and put it on a table. She said "Jacob, I want you to understand why it is that your dad and I will always love you. You see, before I met your father there was just me, and I had all of my love." She lit one candle and held it before Jacob. "Then, I met your dad. I loved him, and I gave him *all* of my love." She lit the second candle with the one in her hand. "Now your dad had all of my love, and I still had all of my love left. Then, you were born, and I gave you all of my love." Lighting the third candle from the one representing her, she said, "Now you had all of my love, and your dad had all of my love, and I *still* had all of my love. And now, there's going to be a new baby." Lighting the last candle in the holder from the one representing her, she said, "I am going to give the new baby all of my love. But when I do, you will still have all of my love, and your dad will still have all of my love, and I will still have all of my love." And he got it. That was the end of the infantile behaviors. That's a pretty good defintion of being poly.
Current Mood: accomplished
Couple of things...finally over the negative feelings the dream left this morning. But I need to get this off my chest. People, I write in this thing for me. But I also write in it as a way to get to know you, keep in touch with you, let you get to know me, etc. I expect interaction. It kills me when I write a post like the one I wrote about my dream and very few people, if any, respond. I like the interaction. There. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle. :) On to lighter things. As of yesterday, the winner in the what game to play poll was ask me anything. I think everyone may be asked out, at least all my regular readers. So, the rest of you, who haven't yet voted in the game poll", please do.
Current Mood: bored
Okay. So, I explained a week or so back about Fedex. Well, I still don't have all the money to pay them. I've paid a little over half, but still need some more. So, once again, I offer my web design services. Just so you can see I offer you examples. My latest project, completed May 27,2003 (she still has some files to upload herself) Shenlei Winkler, KingmakerMy portfolioSo, if you know anyone who needs a site, or wants to revamp one, send em my way: webmistress@mylassensmuse.com
The seductress. You're the child of the dark, a baeutiful creation of ethereal power, and the such...how ever, your dark side often over takes what little good is in you. You may be manipulitive, or possibly, a flat out bitch...making yourself happy by using the people around you. Making them think you have some sort of caring for them, but don't forget, this is just a stereotype. Enjoy your self proclaimed hell. What Kind of Person Are You? brought to you by Quizilla