Monday, January 20th, 2003
2:44 pm - Cellular osmosis...
I love holidays. It's just the aspect of getting a day off from work leaving a short work week. Today I can just sit on my ass at home and not have to worry about anything, except maybe doing laundry and vacuuming. So the woman who is fostering Suki and Siam emailed me back the other day and it turns out that Suki has ringworm. Nasty bugger that. He caught it from another foster cat which must be a hassle for her considering all the cat's she must be fostering and the fact that ringworm spreads like wildfire. So HK and I went to the mall on Sunday and we got a cell phone! At least easy communication with the outside world and we get nights and weekends free. Anyway, I finally bought pants and boots I can wear to work along with a new shirt and a black tiered skirt (which I won't be wearing anytime soon considering the arctic conditions around here lately, I mean the temperature has been in the single digits!). We also went on a futile search for that Dora the Explorer doll, it's a good thing we didn't find one since Sandra's friend got her one for Christmas and dropped it off yesterday. It's currently driving the adults insane but Fish likes it. So I think we might get her a DVD, she likes Monster's Inc. (YAY! That's my Fish!) or maybe Lilo and Stitch, I think she'd get a kick out of Stitch. So the company my mom works for is closing their NJ branch office and moving it to Miami, FLA. Which might be a good thing for her since mom doesn't much like living in the NE anymore. She's gonna pack a bunch of stuff and send it to me when we get a new apartment. Apartment hunting sucks big time BTW! People just don't bother calling us back and most of the ones we called and actually got through to were already rented! Stupid, stupid people. Mom might be going to Taiwan sometime in March for a few weeks so Riah would be coming to stay with us then, maybe permanently. Riah still has urinary tract problems though and I need to call up the vet and ask about what should be done and how much it would cost. Hopefully mom can afford it or I'll be going to pick up Riah sooner than expected. I've been watching the Cirque du Soleil reality series on Bravo channel recently. WTF is up with all these reality shows anyway most of them are boring and just plain stupid but the Cirque one is pretty good. I like Cirque.
Currently reading: Lady of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
current mood: bouncy current music: Miscellaneous channel surfing
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| Saturday, January 18th, 2003
8:44 pm - Cake and mass destruction
Well Friday was a fun day at work, we managed to break a computer monitor AND a printer. We also pissed my supervisor, Nacole off big time. This is how it happened... Well my desk and the new girl, Sheila's desk are right across from each other leaving a very small aisle in between for people to walk past, which they do all the time since the supply/copy machine room not to mention the front entrance is right past our desks. Anyway we decided that the best thing to do would be to switch her desk with the mail desk which doesn't take up nearly as much space. So in the process of moving her desk the computer wires were apparently still wrapped around the desk legs and the monitor which was moved to a nearby filing cabinet fell and some pieces of the plastic cover broke off, luckily the monitor still works, although I'm wary that it might end up exploding some day. Then someone decided that the printer that wasn't being used should be given to someone else and in the process of moving that printer the paper tray fell out and it too had some plastic parts broken off. Someone had also decided while I was in the copy room that my desk was too cluttered and moved the printer off and my monitor and computer around, which isn't a bad thing in itself except that in the process of moving my computer Chrissy accidentally flipped off the power switch on the surge protector and unfortunately Nacole's computer is also plugged into the same box. Which means that some of the data she was working on was lost and then she couldn't log back into the system and had to call up the help desk which was being unhelpful as usual. She ended up having to work at Carol's desk for the rest of the day. Thus ends the mass destruction of office equipment, luckily our boss was in NYC for the day. Lynn was nice enough to bring in three kinds of cake for us that day too, we seem to constantly have food at the office. HK and I went and rented some movies which we watched today and we also bought Freeway which I think is an excellent and extremely hilarious interpretation of little red riding hood. Anyway we rented Signs, XXX (Triple X), and Minority Report. IMO Signs really sucked, I can't believe that so many people thought that it was good and said it was so scary and funny. It was the most boring piece of tripe I have possibly ever seen and the effects were about as good as the cheesiest B-movie by Ed Wood. The characters were not very interesting since their acting was more stiff and wooden rather than creepy like in the Sixth Sense while the aliens with their "invasion" was just lame. Comparing it to the War of the Worlds is an offense to HG Wells and Orson Welles. XXX was likewise disappointing since it was like watching scenes from a James Bond flick without a good plot tying everything together while the characters were equally uninteresting and unsympathetic. Minority Report however was a great movie and I highly recommend it. I loved the plot twists and the whole creepy paranoid Philip K. Dick vision of the future. The future scares me...
Currently reading: Lady of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
current mood: weird current music: The cat's meow
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| Wednesday, January 15th, 2003
9:42 pm - Living in Siberia?
It's cold, way too cold and dangerously icy outside which makes even stepping out the door really annoying. So, Lauren and I traumatized Tish and Daci at work the other day because we were talking about gerbils, blenders, and bonzai kittens... Oh my! Lauren says it's because they're too normal and sheltered, or perhaps we're just too weird. I agree, it's nice to have someone there to talk to that's not fazed by the odd things we're likely to say. I also did a whole bunch of extra work for 3 days because our boss decided today that it would save time if I skipped a few steps in what I was doing since we're severely backlogged. It doesn't really make sense though since doing it the new way is going to make it harder for us to cross reference data sheets if we need to look for errors and it's going to end up wasting a lot of paper. I work pretty fast too, I must have gone through about 3,000 data sheets in 3 days all for one vendor too. Some of those people have no idea how to fill out a data sheet correctly and have to keep re-submitting them to us which is a pain in the ass and no wonder we're backlogged. The new girl is supposed to start tomorrow, and for her first day we have her counting the data sheets we get in the mail. Heh, good luck! That's just about the worst job ever but at least we're doing it on a rotating schedule so we each only have to do that once a week. I'm in luck next week because we're off on Monday for MLK day. I can't stand listening to Dr. Laura or Bill O'Reilly anymore... They just make me angry, especially Bill O'Reilly. The radio station we were listening to at work this morning does this thing where they read interesting emails on the air and today's email said that women with tattoos on their lower backs were more likely to put out than other women. I don't think that's true but it's kind of funny. The kitten jumped in the toilet yesterday morning and I had to grab him and rinse him off in the bathtub because he landed with his two front paws in the water. *sigh* Bad cat... He's been getting better at not begging for food since we started locking him in the bathroom while we eat if he gets too annoying. I guess he's finally learning since yelling at him or spanking him doesn't seem to faze him at all. Hopefully my computer will be up and running soon, HK ordered new parts today. YAY! I can't wait to get paid next week then I can pay my loans and buy new pants and a pair of nice boots for work. I found out Lauren can sew too which is good since I can ask her questions and such if I need to. We finally got a new copy machine at work which would have been here yesterday but the elevator was broken. We're also doing this new thing at work where we have cake for everyone's birthday and the person who's birthday was the previous one buys the cake for the next person. That's kind of cool. The Sci-Fi channel has some weird station IDs showing during commercials now. I like them. I want Girl Scout cookies... Mmmmmmmmmmm yum! A bunch of people bought them at work and those Caramel Delights are really good. Someone HK works with selling them and now I crave them. I haven't had Girl Scout cookies in a long time. I wonder how, the Gothic Scouts website is coming along, everyone seems to have abandoned the temporary message boards because of the stupid pop-up ads on ezboard. Na-Na Fish's birthday is coming up, I think we're getting her the singing and dancing Dora the Explorer doll or maybe a DVD she can watch. Lauren says that Lilo and Stitch is a good movie. I still need to see that, Stitch is adorable.
Currently reading: Lady of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
current mood: thirsty current music: Something on the Sci-Fi channel
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| Monday, January 13th, 2003
10:28 pm - Work, work, and more work...
*yawn* I hate being tired... It's all that getting up early in the morning and going to work. Work has been OK overall, I basically do very repetitive things involving about a quarter ton of paperwork but at least everyone there is nice. It's nice to work with at least one person I know, Lauren. Although Daci and Tish like to listen to Dr. Laura and Bill O'Reilly. I can't stand Dr. Laura and her arrogant conservative attitude and Bill O'Reilly is full of propragandist bullshit. At least my desk isn't in the same room with them although Lauren gets my sympathy since she hates listening to that crap too but it's 2 against 1 in there. My computer is still out of commission... it's all fucked up now. Hopefully we can get new parts for it soon. I hate not being able to check my email and all that, I had 80-some new email messages when I checked it today and that was just my yahoo mail. I can't use my computer at work yet either because I need to get a login setup and I heard it took about a month for the other girls at work. That really sucks, I hope I get a login sooner than that but at least I finally got a key on Friday so I could let myself into the office. So Christina and Gregg finally got married, Chris emailed me a link to the pics. Pretty cool! Looked like it was real nice ceremony. So, we went to HK's dad's house on Friday and had a belated Xmas party on Saturday. That was kind of cool, we got a pretty nice kitchen set with pots, knives, measuring cups, a kettle, etc., a mixer, and a new toaster. I got some vanilla scented bath and body lotions and a stuffed lobster. We also got this cool mayan statue from Mexico and necklaces. Dad showed us some video footage of Na-Na Fish's early birthday party there (there were !!FIVE PINATAS!! according to a very excited Fish) and of them digging up some cool pot shards and stuff. Apparently there are a lot of undiscovered ruins there. There's also gold in them thar hills, at least according to the Mexicans. We went to the mall on Sunday and I got some Eeyore sweatshirts from the Disney store because I'm addicted to Eeyore. That's pretty much all that's happened, the kitten seems to be getting bigger and he's starting to look more like his mother with that angular face and long legs. He's been climbing all over everything too since he can jump higher now. Oh and we also announced our plans to have the wedding on June 21st. At least that's the tentative schedule for now. We still have to check out Beardslee Castle to see the grounds and have a tasting. It'll be a lot easier if we have the wedding there since they can recommend florists, etc... and even horse and carriage services. I would love to have a horse and carriage. The castle looks interesting and would a perfect setting for a medieval themed wedding/handfasting ceremony. I'm sure Xen and M would like it since it is haunted and a perfect place for Xen's paranormal investigations. BTW thanks again Daneen and I'll be sure to get lots of pictures for you. HK and I will probably be getting a new old car for just $500 although it needs some work but at least we'll have a vehicle soon. Of course with all this snow it feels like we're currently living in Siberia and I'm not much walking on iced over sidewalks or going outside in general. Maybe when the spring thaw comes...
Currently reading: Lady of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley
current mood: sleepy current music: The sweet sound of silence...
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| Wednesday, January 8th, 2003
11:54 am - More SNOW and computer woes...
Godsdamnit! Well my computer is just about dead, we tried to fix it by mixing and matching parts from HK's computer and putting them into mine so I could play The Sims Online (wait for me guys!) but now it won't work at all. Plus it looks like the damn thing exploded as there are parts all over the place. *grumble* I'm using HK's computer right now for those of you who are wondering how I'm typing this now. Well I start work tomorrow, so wish me luck. We need to move out NOW, the upstairs neighbors are being really loud and annoying late at night and I NEED to sleep so I can wake up at an ungodly hour every weekday. STUPID FUCKING BITCH BE QUIET UP THERE! I still need to finish my filling out all my forms for work, they mailed me an unbelievable stack of paperwork but at least I finished most of it yesterday and even got to play a little Breathe of Fire III, I'm so close to finishing that game I can feel it. It's going to snow again tonight and probably on through the weekend... Just what we need MORE snow. I'm probably never going to go be able to step outside again. Still looking for an apartment, there seems to be a shortage of ads in the paper recently. I'm worried about my other cat, Riah she seems to be having some sort of urinary tract problem and I hope my mom takes her to the vet soon assuming she can afford it. I need to get my cat back. The kitten did a funny thing over the weekend though... The next door neighbor we got him from came over to see how he was doing and asked to hold him but when HK tried to pass him over the kitten starts hissing and was all claws. Heh, I guess Marius doesn't want to go back over there. It's not as if the cat's afraid of people either, because Mike got to hold him and Marius was fine with that. Marius is a purring machine BTW. Lately he's been real bad though, climbing on the desks and all over the computer monitors and such. He also begs too much and tries to steal food from our plates. BAD CAT! I think he got a nasty surprise when he jumped on the kitchen counter this morning though because he started sneezing up a storm. I hope HK goes to blockbuster and gets the Boondock Saints DVD, they have it there for only $10 but it was sold out when he went to get it the other day. The exercise bike I got seems to be working, I can actually feel the difference in my arms, legs, and butt. Well HK's dad, grandfather, step-mother, and little sister got back from their 3-week trip to Mexico and we get to see the Na-Na Fish again! She's cute and it's almost her birthday. I can't believe she's only three, she's so smart for her age. I wonder how the Mexican step-family is doing... especially Giovanna, she's my favorite. I want to go back to Mexico, too bad we only spent a week there in April. HK got his Wacom tablet yesterday, its really cool and soon we'll be able to start our webcomic on DysfunctionalMinds. Well maybe it's time for a little more BOF3...
Currently reading: The Best of HP Lovecraft
current mood: annoyed current music: The Weather channel predicting more snow
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| Friday, January 3rd, 2003
8:09 pm - First snow storm of 2003
Welcome to my LiveJournal dear readers (if any of you really exist that is) oh and Happy New Year BTW. That's right I jumped on the bandwagon and got one of these, seems like everyone's doing it. I don't quite understand the appeal, I rarely peruse anyone else's except maybe Kryten's and Xen's journal (which is a totally different experience altogether). Well it's another snow day... snow emergency day to be exact. HK (the pseudonym I'll be using for my fiance) got home early, YAY! The kitten has crawled into my lap again, he's soooo cute. I can't get over his cuteness and it's been three months since we've had him. Say hello to the nice people Marius... I want to adopt those other cats I saw on petfinder.org, Suki and Siam. They're purrfectly beautiful. Heh, bad pun intended. This is easier than I thought, I've already typed more than I intended. We might get Misfit-kitty too if his humans' decide not to keep him and then I'd have to get Riah back from my mom. Sooo many cats in one apartment, however will we manage. Marius has fleas though, nasty little buggers. We'll have to get rid of them before we get the others, not to mention we have to move into a new apartment and take Marius to the vet. I want him to get checked for EVERYTHING and get all his shots, I don't trust the scumbags neighbors we got him from. They just let all their cats run wild all over the place... procreating and whatnot. Who the hell ties their cats up on leashes outside in the winter anyway? Not to mention they're just let out to wander when it's warm out. Well it's still snowing, we're supposed to get 12-24 inches out there by tomorrow. And I wanted to go to the mall and buy new shoes for work. I start my new job next Thursday, January 9th. It should be alright, Lauren works there already so there's one person I know. Ugh, have to start waking up early which means going to sleep early. I don't know if I can manage going to sleep early, it never really works out that way for me. Damn snow is kind of annoying, supposed to be doing stuff this weekend like looking at apartments, etc... don't know if that's going to happen with all this snow. I swear the weatherman said there's a heavy snowman coming... but apparently it was snow BAND not snow MAN. It was rather amusing, maybe you had to be there. I want my computer to work, so I can play the Sims Online and build Halloweentown with Carrie from Dark Side of the Net, Grace from Gothic Scouts and the others. That should be fun. I'd like to actually be able to play Morrowind too, it's just been sitting here on my desk getting dusty and lonesome for awhile now. On the plus side I got my Frandles in the mail yesterday. Thanks Fran!
Well that seems to be it for today.
Currently reading: The Best of HP Lovecraft
current mood: thoughtful current music: LotR: The Two Towers Xbox game music and sound effects
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