Sunday, August 24th, 2003
11:07 pm
thanks cassez_vous for the new icon :) if i knew what i was doing and had a paid account i would use the background wallpapers but i have no clue (i really like them though).
im really sick right now so ive spent my day wrapped in blankets in my room watching movies, so sorry this is brief :(
current mood: sore current music: project pitchfork - a cell
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12:46 am
well meghatron my roommate has been helping me draft up my website tonite. now in the process of figuring out which portfolio shots im happy with, as well as the domain name and general look of the site. any suggestions or input are appreciated as always.
a helpful reminder to all: DO NOT see freddy vs. jason. that is two hours of me and eric's lives that were never getting back. even the popcorn sucked.
also since i've been asked by a few friends, i do have a messanger now for MSN, its jonnyfekete@hotmail.com if anyone wants to add me.
current mood: bored current music: rammstein - sonne
(92 comments | comment on this)
| Saturday, August 23rd, 2003
1:45 am
decided to clean out livejournal tonight and start fresh (me and the computer had some time apart).
anyways, hoping that i will be able to update this journal more regularly now, and maybe share more bits about myself. if your not into that, more photoshoot results will be coming in a few weeks. i'm starting to plan out the rough parts of my website as well...
other than that, i don't have much else to say. I ate too much baskin robbins tonight and played with my obese cat :)
thanks to everyone who's been e-mailing me over the months away from lj, i've made some great friends. to the rest of you, nice to see you again :)
current mood: anxious current music: bile - in league
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