Upside down Narnia

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Thursday, May 1st, 2003
4:53 pm
Happy Beltaine everyone!
i'm elated now
i'm elated now
i'm elated now

current mood: giddy
current music: Harvey Danger -- Wooly Muffler

(6 Skaboogies |Spooba flen)

Thursday, August 8th, 2002
7:16 pm
Hello, just so it's known. I'm going to start making some posts friends only. So if you want to read my journal, and you aren't on my friends list, add me and then i'll add you. yadda yadda yadda. :) Whee!

(3 Skaboogies |Spooba flen)

1:15 pm - Ack, Eek! Must Clean!
Oh my dear heavenly goodness. I am doomed. Doooomed doomed doomed dooomed doomed.
Right now the --
~Living room of my apt. is covered in clothes, clean and dirty, souveneirs from trip, bags, assorted scrap, and who knows what all [can't see floor]
~Kitchen of my apt. is mostly clean, but a bit nappy [floor is visible]
~Bathroom of my apt. is Hideously dirty, dirty clothes and scrap all over. my tub need Mr. Clean to attack it with a pick ax, and my toilet is slightly better [floor?]
~Bedroom of my apt. is strewn with dirty and clean clothes, books and assorted crap. [floor is partially visible]
~ tiny back room of my apt. is covered in paints, supplies, dropcloth, and paintings [no floor to be seen]

And on Saturday I have 2 wonderful people spending the night with me.
Must Clean. Clean like the wind, clean clean clean Clean!
I, by the way, never clean my apartment. If someone is there with me, i can clean fine. But when i'm by myself, there is Always something better top do. But now i must CLEAN

current mood: Dooooomed

(Spooba flen)

Wednesday, August 7th, 2002
8:35 pm - Twilight
I was just looking through my notebook when i found the names of artists and artwork that had captured my interest when i was going through museums in Chicago and NY. One artist, who i found in both the Art institute of Chicago and the Guggenheim in NY, is Gregory Crewdson. He is a photographer who elaborately and painstakingly stages his photographs, sometimes one photograph can take up to a month to do. I find them to be very beautiful, and some are downright creepy. My favorite is Untitled (Ophelia), which looks much better in real life. It's from his Twilight series.

current mood: good
current music: ani difranco

(Spooba flen)

5:55 pm - I love my friends
I was chatting on IM with a friend of mine, who was asking for advice with the girl he's kind of seeing. I gave him what advice i could, but then told him that i really didn't have much experience to draw great advice from. This was his response...
" bah... I would have the only sexy lesbian flirty friend with less experience with women than me."
I don't know quit why, but this continues to make me giggle. I lub my friends.

current mood: amused

(Spooba flen)

5:21 pm - Ani Difranco in my head
I'm calling from the diner
the diner on the corner
you'll look like a photograph of yourself
taken from far far away
i said, "Baby, look at you this morning
you are so way the fucking cutest
be careful getting cofee
i think these people want to shoot us
i would offer you my pulse
i would give you my breath
in walked a man
in the shape of a man
holding a hat shaped hat
we can't fight gravity on a planet that insists
that love is like falling
and falling is like this
and I am drifting through
I am heading for the kitchen
I am thinking of her fingers as I walk...

current mood: contemplative
current music: Ani Difranco

(Spooba flen)

Tuesday, August 6th, 2002
5:04 pm - blue hair, not quite the thing for weddings
I just called my cousin to see what kind of shampoo would be best to strip my hair. As it is blue. And while i like my hair blue. I do not want to be blue for my sisters wedding on September 7th. Blargh Any ideas?
Oooh ooh! I talked to my mom last night. It turns out that Sally (my sister) is doing what she always wanted to do for her wedding. She's having it at Frozen Head national park. All the guests are supposed to bring picnic lunches, lawn chairs and blankets, and wear shorts and t-shirts, or whatever picnic wear they want. She's always wantesd a wedding like that. And she's doing it, i iz happy for her.

current music: "I know you" from Disneys Sleeping Beauty

(4 Skaboogies |Spooba flen)

4:46 pm - Ahhhh, feeling better
I had a wonderous day yesterday. I got a work friend to do my shift last night, so that i could go out to eat with a bunch of friends, including my friend Aeryn who was in from Chicago. Yay! He picked me up noon-ish and we went to Durty Nellys, a cool little irish pub. I had yummy fish and chips. I also tried fried pickles for the first time. I was quite afraid, but then i tried them and their actually very very good. Warning: let the fried pickles cool a wee bit before biting in to one. For while the outside may seem merely warm, the inside is still at aprox. 1,000,573 degrees. ouch
We went to the Acropolis to eat with everybody last night (wonderous greek food) We talked and laughed for a few hours. It was wonderful.
ack... post more later, must go make a call.

(Spooba flen)

Sunday, August 4th, 2002
11:59 pm - My sister is getting married (the following is largely incoherent)
Ack, Eeek!
My sister just called to tell me she's getting married September 7th. She's been dating Steve for a while, but, Ah! I have nothing against people getting married. But i can remember being little and asking her if she wanted a booger, her getting paid to wash my long ass hair, tickling her in bed at night, her first day of high school, helping her get ready for dates and proms. Oh my gods. She's 24, more than old enough, its not that. And i do want her to be happy, and she is happy with him. I don't know why i'm crying. I'm so confooozled. My sister is getting married.
I'm writing this on here because everyone i could call is in bed, and i need to talk it out, write it out, whatever.

current mood: indescribable

(1 Skaboogie |Spooba flen)

Saturday, August 3rd, 2002
10:40 pm - Happy tummy, watch it dance with Glee
I have a happy tummy
a happy tummy i do
i filled it with good sushi
and green tea ice cream to.
My tummy is dancing with glee, dance tummy dance!

(1 Skaboogie |Spooba flen)

6:11 pm - sushiiii!
In a mere 20 minutes i am going to go eat with friends at Sushi Nabe, a really good sushi place here in Chattanooga. Thankfully someone else is paying as i am beyond broke until i get paid next. I believe i have $1.78 in my bank account. Yay sushi, yay sushi, wheeeeeee.
ya know, i just love hearing my next door neighbor scream at his kids. And then when his kids start crying and wailing, ooh what fun. <--- Sarcasm

(Spooba flen)

Friday, August 2nd, 2002
8:50 am - Saving the world, one snooze at a time.
I often have what i call snooze dreams. This is when either my alarm works its way into my dream, or i react to it when half awake. Usually in snooze dreams i am saving the world in one way or another by hitting my snooze button. One time i dreamt that i was a bomb expert in the middle of a big city, and i had to keep pressing a button on the bomb every few minutes to keep it from blowing up. I think my sleepy mind knows that i'm not likely to wake up if i'm busy saving the world.
I will also wake up halfway, and react to my alarm in what seems like a completely rational manner. I will bargain with the snooze, plead with it, and even give it a stern talking to.
This morning for instance I negotiated with my snooze for a good hour, saying that if it would just let me get warm i would wake up the next time. I was of course not awake enough to realize that my air conditioner was up to high and i'd thrown off my blanket in the night.
Anyhoo, snooze dreams, they amuse me.

(Spooba flen)

Thursday, August 1st, 2002
7:28 pm
Oh Yummy! yum yum yum
Canned peaches, oh the happy.

(3 Skaboogies |Spooba flen)

6:29 pm
Argh, my butt hurts.

I've been sitting in this chair for 6 1/2 hours, and i still have 3 1/2 more to go before i get off work! Arrrrgh

(Spooba flen)

Wednesday, July 31st, 2002
7:28 pm - Me Want
I want this shirt, it's just to cute. me want me want me want me want...

(3 Skaboogies |Spooba flen)

Monday, July 29th, 2002
7:14 pm - funnies
"the first thing you should do when a horse dies, is dismount."
-- kim holden

"I thoroughly dissaprove of duels. If someone should come up to me and challenge me to a fight, i would take them forgivingly by hand, lead them to a quiet place and kill them."
-- Mark Twain

(Spooba flen)

5:06 pm - Cake or death?
Okay, mainly for my own amusement i have found a transcript of one of Eddie Izzards Dressed to kill performances. He makes me laugh soooo much. So anyhoo here are some of my favorite bits; Male tomboy, career advisement, church of england, and Cake or death )

(Spooba flen)

Sunday, July 28th, 2002
9:52 pm - Woooooooot!
Magda just came by to see me!!!! I had thought that she wasn't going to be able to make it, but she did! an hour late, but she made it! ~floats on a happy cloud~

:The writer of this e-mail apologizes for the excessive use of ! , but my god they were needed. :)

current mood: chipper

(Spooba flen)

Friday, July 26th, 2002
8:18 am - Running jumping climbing trees, putting on makeup when you get up there.
If anyone ever gets the chance to see Chicago on Broadway, go see it! We saw it while we were there and loved it. The music was fabulous. My favorites were all that Jazz, Mr. Cellophane, and He had it coming. I have never seen that much black fishnet in my life. It was great

current mood: awake

(Spooba flen)

Thursday, July 25th, 2002
6:51 pm - Ohhhhh yeah!
I forgot to tell. At the Virgin record store in NY (I love that place) I found an Eddie Izzard double cd! One cd is "dressed to kill", which is the only one i've heard. The other is "Glorious" He is so good, yay! Shannon and I listened to Dressed to kill last night. hee hee

(2 Skaboogies |Spooba flen)

6:02 pm - And now i'm back.... from outer space...
I'm back, wheee! I had loooads of fun.
Warning, Read this only if you're willing to put up with my rambling sentences and very bad spelling. here ya go )

current mood: nostalgic

(1 Skaboogie |Spooba flen)

Wednesday, July 10th, 2002
8:59 am - "I'm leeeeaving, on a jet plane..."
It's finally happening.
Tickets are bought, money has been borowed/loaned/given, and i am leaving for my trip tommorow morning at 10! We'll be in Chicago for 6 days, then in New York for 6. I can't wait!
I know what i want to visit and do in New York (been there before), but i have no idea what there is to do in Chicago. any ideas? All i know is that i apparently have to get pizza while i'm there. Oh, and if anyone knows of some stuff to do in either city that is fun but cheap, please tell me. As me and Sophia are fairly strapped for cash this trip.
Ooh ooh, and i got my hair cut again! I seem to go shorter and shorter with it. It's now about an inch and 1/2, 2 inches max and spikey. it's Fun. I vaguely resemble a porcupine, and look very cute and kick ass.
Did i pack shirts? hmmmm....

current mood: excited
current music: ani difranco -- pulse

(5 Skaboogies |Spooba flen)

Friday, July 5th, 2002
10:57 pm - home again, home again *Warning* the following is rather incoherent
I'm enjoying myself!
I've been with family, visiting friends, bathing dogs, cooking meals, sleeping in the same bed with my sister (actually a good thing, it reminds me of when we were little) because her boyfriend and 3 month old dog are sleeping in her bed, picking blackberries, nuzzling baby cousins, seeing movies, eating pizza, lounging on the couch with whole family, doing months worth of laundry, taking showers with Actual water pressure, cuddling, taking a break from life. Ahhhhhh

current mood: relaxed

(1 Skaboogie |Spooba flen)

Wednesday, July 3rd, 2002
8:00 am - long rambling post, beware
A post in Appelle's journal made me think of this.
I have a reunion type get together thing coming up on the 4th. And whenever i meet up with these beloved people i get asked questions. They have the best of intentions, and i know they love me, but ooooh. I usually evade certain questions, or give half answers. What would happen if i answered like i want to? Here are my guesses

Them: So how's school?
Me: Well, I quit. i have no intention of going back to that hell hole ever again and have no real inmediate prospects except for the cheap ass job i'm squeaking by on now.

Them: Have you found a church you like?
Me: Well as a matter of fact no. In fact i've been pagan for a little over three years now, have been formally trained, and am currently running a coven while my priestess is on sabbatical. Would you like a hotdog?

Them: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: Actually no, i do still like men, but lately i've been enjoying women.

hee hee hee heeee, but no

current mood: energetic

(3 Skaboogies |Spooba flen)

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002
9:06 am - Tennessee budget, or the lack of
Tennessee has idiot politicians. They couldn't decide on a budget. So we are now in partial shutdown mode, a skeleton crew type thing, for all government related offices and groups. And as i work for a University computer lab, which is funded by the state, we're doing the skeleton crew type thing to. Blaaaaaargh. Every day now (until we get a budget) somebody has to give up their shift so that we can have the minimum number of hours logged for the day. Of course we only find out if it's our day to get cut after we've gotten up, put on great eyeshadow, and come in to work. Blaaaaargh i say again. Oy, well at least i have a job, a lot of the offices in my building are empty because they are seen as non-essential. Some people who are taking summer courses won't even be able to graduate in August like they had planned, because they've canceled the last session.


current mood: aggravated

(Spooba flen)

Monday, July 1st, 2002
8:14 am - A note:
A note to all:
No matter how nasty that pill you just took tastes, no matter how much the icky taste lingers on the back of your throat... Do Not think it is a good idea to gargle with Mello Yello.

Thank you.

(Spooba flen)

Thursday, June 27th, 2002
8:48 am - "Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw"
I went to see Lilo & Stitch last night with Shannon (who does in fact exist). It was wonderful. I loved the characters and the plot and the animation and ooooh all of it. I want to see it again, preferably now.

(1 Skaboogie |Spooba flen)

Wednesday, June 26th, 2002
4:41 pm - I'm addicted to guppies, yes guppies

(Spooba flen)

3:58 pm - I miss my friend, oh and i want chinese food.
I miss Shannon! *pouts*

current mood: thoughtful

(Spooba flen)

12:31 pm - I squish
I squish you mister monopoly man! I squish you like grape. mwa ha ha ha ha
(I play monopoly online when i want to killy kill people at work)
squish squish squish

current mood: working
current music: fiona apple

(Spooba flen)

7:48 am - lipstick madness
Warning, i'm rambling on and on about lipstick )

(Spooba flen)

Tuesday, June 25th, 2002
7:33 pm
Went to see a matinee of Minority Report. it kicked ass. i really enjoyed it, it was shivery creepy in parts, funny, just really good. It's the kind of movie that makes you think, at least a bit. And i think Agatha is cool. :)

(Spooba flen)

9:15 am - he he he he he i'm screwed *whimper*
In two weeks i leave for my trip. A week in Chicago, and then a week in NYC. I am happy about the trip, and looking forward to it.

I need to come up with:
$200 for the rest of my plane ticket
$200 for eating and museum tickets and such over the two weeks
My next paycheck should come to roughly $220, which is all going toward rent
i can scrounge up $150 from assorted bank accounts and such.
so how am i paying for this trip?
I have no idea.
I think i may ask for a loan from Gary (the guy we're staying with in NY)
I hate bills, and needing money and all that crap. arrrrgh
I want this trip, ooooh do i want this trip.
i wonder if i have anything, that i don't need terribly, that's pawnable. blah

current mood: anxious

(Spooba flen)

Monday, June 24th, 2002
9:22 am - Life is good an mongooses are cute
I had a great time this weekend. got to snuggle a wee bit with my Magda. I'm feeling all light and fuzzy happy. WheeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEeeeeeeeeeeee.

Which flock do you follow?

this quiz was made by alanna

current mood: ditzy

(Spooba flen)

Friday, June 21st, 2002
12:38 pm - a delicious day
Going to the midsummer gathering today, woohooo!
I'm sitting here at work drinking a mello yello and reading a romance. it has a pretty good plot and is an easy read, word candy. Life is beautiful.
and i'll have about 5 minutes to pack for the weekend when i get off from work. Dang my silly procrastination. I always end up forgetting something important, like pants, when i wait this long to pack. I will Triumph! hee hee hee heee heee Whoooo!

current mood: silly
current music: RHCP

(Spooba flen)

9:06 am

(Spooba flen)

Thursday, June 20th, 2002
8:52 am - Detached retinas and friends who look like pirates
My friend Amber went in for emergency surgery yesterday morning for a detached retina. she'd had a blind spot for a little while and was waiting till she had enough money to go to the doctor. One friend finally convinced her to go in, and worry about the money later. And it's a good thing she did. It turns out her retina was nearing the end of the time when it can be fixed, a few more days and she would have been blind in that eye.
And the doctors kick ass! They worked it out so that Amber only has to pay $160.00 as opposed to thousands of dollars. Woohooo!
I stayed with her for most of the day, along with her man Brian. She has a patch over one eye which will be taken off today, and then a smaller one will stay on for a week or so. And after 3 weeks she should be almost as good as new. I won't get into details of the surgery, as it's pretty gross. But she's doing good! The doctor has very high hopes of a complete recovery. We've been joking around with her, and she with us. calling her a pirate, and making jokes about the propane gass bubble (and how flammable it must be) that has taken the place of her eye fluid. Yay for non going blind friends.

current mood: pleased

(Spooba flen)

Monday, June 17th, 2002
9:11 am - ah, love parties
I went to a friends b-day party the other night, it was loads of fun. different people brought food. one guy brought shishkabob makings, others brought corn, salads, bread, everything was good. Her husband made her choice of cake (tomato soup spice cake with cinnamon butter cream frosting), which was yummy. then we all went and jumped in the pool. We had turned the pool heater on early, so it was nice and warm. It was really funny. there were about 20 people in the pool. it was about 11 pm by then, and only one pool light worked, so people were always colliding under the water. We dunked each other and talked and played for a long time. After a while some people would get out and go in the sauna, which felt delicious. A few crazy people would go stay in the sauna, then run out and jump in the pool, again and again. we didn't give ourselves heart attacks, and it was lots of fun :) he he he he, at one point i got dunked by brian, who is a rather tall bulky soul. I made the mistake of trying to dunk him in the shallow end. I had my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist trying to fling him under... and then he stood up. it ended up taking me, his girlfriend, and another girl to make him go under. but we got him mwa ha ha ha ha.
anyhoo, had lots of fun, swallowed half the pool, good times.

What's Your Sexual MO? Find out @ She's Crafty
oh dear gods i'm a princess

current mood: happy

(1 Skaboogie |Spooba flen)

Friday, June 14th, 2002
3:53 pm - I'm in awe
I went to get a new phone yesterday at the Verizon place in the mall. Mine had died, completely non working, beyond life, kaput. I ended up getting the same great plan, no processing fee and this for free. Because it was the sales guys old one. Wooohooo! Now if only i can figure out how to use it. I love my phone *pets it*

current mood: satisfied

(Spooba flen)

Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
1:41 pm - Flying bunnies in my head
Life is Gooood. I am very thankful for my usually optimistic nature. For while i am aaaaalmost broke and there is no light at the end of my financial tunnel of doom, i assume the light will eventually show up. And everything will be fine. Wheee!
I'm hopefully going top go out with my good buddy Shannon today. Unless of course a pail of frogs land on my head. then i shall perhaps not go. maybe.
I need to buy b-day prezzies for friends, and buy me a mello yello. i haven't had one in over a week due to my "I have $.24 to my name" status. But i got payed yesterday. and after paying off the mob (phone and power companies) i have a wee bit left over. By Thor's left butt cheek! I will have a mello yello!
ahem, bye.

current mood: giddy

(Spooba flen)

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