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: [28 Feb 2002|11:20pm]
I'm realizing how passive I've become, and how much time I've really been spending in a trance or in a fantasy world, being led along on a leash through this reality, sometimes reacting from a series of preprogrammed socially acceptable responses, so that no conflicts come into play.... And how blase I've become about everything, really... I really don't care what's for dinner or what movie we see, and my complete apathy and utter lack of independence scares me. I'd just as soon go sit in a corner. And that is simple lack of my personality.

But more than that, I'm in zero G... My life is undergoing so many changes right now that I have little to no control over and had little to no choice about, that I feel like I'm floating in space, and who knows where I'll land? I'm Waiting for everything.... waiting for the house to be finished to move. waiting to be moved to change careers, waiting to change careers get dental work and medical work...... When I land, No Part of my life will be recognizeable. My home, living situation, lifestyle, family, friends, career..... Nothing will be as it was or even recognizeable. It's unfortunate that all of this should change at once, but regardless, it is.

Nothing in my life feels under my control. And I feel so ungrounded in my body... If I take the seroquel full strength with the pamelor, I'm just so depressed and hopeless I actually have the motivation to kill myself. If I don't, I'm sz-crazy and embarrassed by myself. And now w/o the wellbutrin, my attention and focus are out of shape, and take tremendous effort, which is going to be a bitch if I try to work full time again.

Don't know quite why I chose tonight to post, but I just feel like I'm screwing over my marriage from the start, and I hate feeling like a fuck-up, not pulling my weight, especially now. And I have this opportunity lying in my lap, and I can't even fucking finish the paperwork, and I'm too afraid to go to WalMart to pick up my refills, how'm I going to relate to kids on a daily basis?? But I'm so vague... I could be a ghost, but I'm more turning to stone... I just----
Something's just very wrong. And I'm growing very weary of looking for answers.

No explanation could ever make sense trying to translate it to text... I'm just so tired of staying alive and day-to-day living taking this much effort to navigate.... Wasn't I doing well not so long ago? Nothing in this reality seems to have a bright spot for me right now, and it's making it really hard to fight to stay one foot grounded.

I guess that's it. I'm tired, and I want this to end.

Sometimes... And sometimes not... Sometimes it feels like I'm dying on the inside, just going out of my head crazy with this time-shifting and vague conversations, and sometimes it's almost any other day. Except that it's two months later.

Could this be the Pamelor's fault? I cut a seroquel in half tonight as an experiment.
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[26 Feb 2002|04:17pm]
waiting for rod to get back from the beach house. I'm beginning to really pack clothes and stuff in real cardboard boxes, not just taking a handful of stuff over....

And I went into the bathroom and was washinh my face, thinking about how much more he's done towards, well, EVERYTHING... and how I should really be able to focus enough to finish packing a single dresser, and I thought I heard a key at the lock, and was suddenly terrified.

And I suddenly jumped into a fantasy world that I was packing while he was at work and didn't know I was leaving.... And it was mildly entertaining from a movie-watcher's standpoint, but from a first-person's, it was terrifying... Suddenly "leaving" my loving, supportive husband with some missing chunk behind me...

Not sure what to make of it, whether I was just spooked and my imagination took off with me, or if I really gotta watch myself. Otherwise, had two bad days, and two good ones.
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[22 Feb 2002|12:45am]
mmmmm.... also getting new medical bills in the mail... *cringe* ... why am I such an expensive pet?

deductibles suck. And my massage therapy has turned into crate lifting therapy, which suck, and locks up my back even tighter. And while I pay almost $300 a week to lift boxes for two hours, I make about that much per two week paycheck... then you add prescriptions and specalists and labs and cat scans... and wonder why someone hasn't put me down already...

Aren't I a whiner lately?

Maybe I need sleep.
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[21 Feb 2002|11:41pm]
Yesterday was awful.

Rod had won a work lamp from KISW, and so we drove up to get the gift certificate, and then to the lighting store in Bellevue to get the actual lamp, and somewhere something went very wrong. I was kinda down to begin with, but Rod really started reacting to my mood, or I was showing more than I thought. Anyway, bad bad bad day.
I just got all freaked out about being so tired and remembering how isolated the new house is, and how once we move in, it will be like we have to live there until my mom dies, and Rod got impatient and frustrated because he didn't understand why I was upset, and I was upset because I didn't know why he was so pissed at me to begin with... So all a miscommunication, but regardless, many tears were shed, and many words exchanged. And I felt horrible.

But we pulled over in the industrial district and had a long talk, and decided to try to salvage the day, as it was our one "vacation day" from working on the house full-time, and go to a bar and shoot some pool with Keegan. So we smoked some grass, and went in to meet Keegan and a couple other people.

And so panic calmed, situation talked out, our night ended nicely.

But I called in sick to work on Tuesday. I cannot believe I did that... I'm getting near-fucking-phobic about that place. I can't call in again. I won't. I just won't. And hopefully in a couple weeks I'll have a job with the school district, and maybe my anxiety will fade a little, and I'll be able to walk through the doors without getting dizzy.
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[15 Feb 2002|07:23pm]
" A Quickening is an event that accelerates your process, for better or for ill. People who are consciously engaged in healing and self-awareness will be thrown forward along their path. This is usually an intense, but ultimately welcome transformation. People who are engaged in denial, deep dysfunction, and other acts of unconsciousness will be thrown further along that path and deeper into their own illusions and darkness. They experience their Quickening this as an affirmation of their negativity and fear and a further excuse act out and blame others."
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Painting the kitchen and Ruminating... [14 Feb 2002|07:45pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

I've been thinking a lot about my dad lately. It's been six months now. It feels like obsessing, but like it's towards a purpose; like I'm somehow working through a life lesson or philosophy right beneath the surface, and while I'm not conscious of the action, I'm aware of the subject...

I think maybe I'm realizing the source of my helplessness. ?? Having your parents die is probably the worst fear of any child. I remember rehearsing and preparing myself, in a way, from the time I was small all the way through high school. I tried to imagine what my life would be like without them, and if I would more firmly affirm or negate my belief in a higher power and afterlife. And of course the comments about Grandma and Uncle Dennis "watching over us", popping into mind while we, say, try that joint being passed around a party, or when we have sex and move in with someone before marriage.

And the best way I can explain what I'm feeling is that I don't identify with any age group.

I permanently moved out of my folks' house later than many of my peers: I was almost 20, and I only moved out because I felt I was too old and was starting to miss some life lessons and experiences that were important to developing as a whole person. When I asked my mom about moving out on my own, she cried; when I asked my dad, he tried to convince me to stay, and damn near succeeded. But I moved out and lived with a roommate, and then Rod moved in, and then Rod and I moved here and got married. And in the middle of all of this were three major episodes and a hospitalization, followed by a hard year struggling for remission before the wedding; then four months later, my dad died. So I guess what I'm saying, is that while I am technically an adult (I have lived "on my own" and supported myself for 3 years), having finally experienced the loss of a parent, particularly one so close to me, has really thrown me back emotionally.
It feels almost like the last 13 years of my development has gone into autopilot, and though I am somehow functioning more or less as would be expected, emotionally, I feel defenseless and as questioning as if I were an eight year old.

I'm jealous when I think that my mom got to have both her parents live to see her child born and grow up. And the people around me, who have forgotten the childhood terror of losing their parents, and have been lucky enough to have not yet been reminded. Or if they have, they were given a chance to establish themselves first, and have a norm to return to. And when I look around me at the people who have their 81-year old dad, or their pain in the ass 73-year old father... 61 seems so young. I reconciled the irrational "it's not fair" argument early on intentionally, but the feeling keeps cropping up.

So through all this rambling, I have wasted many words in search of a few.
Much in the way that I live my life sorting through a myriad of thoughts, hoping that the right ones will somehow stick together long enough to click.
So what I've gotten out of all of this is that after we "get over", or learn to ignore the terror that someone we love will leave us, when someone finally does, that terror pulls a lot of power in with it.
And that power is overwhelming to the point that it pulls with it the weight it held when we experienced it at its strongest, because it is proven that it is real now, and that everything you rehearsed for and wondered about--- there is no more grace period.

And while I understand this more clearly, and I can feel my mind working through some concepts, I am hoping that one of them will be how to use the understanding to reestablish myself and move on wholly. It feels as if I am moving on too quickly, and leaving half of myself behind, and the more time that passes and the more changes I make in my life, the further behind I leave myself.

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[03 Feb 2002|01:20am]
what's a journal for?

I guess I've been really feeling grounded the past few days, working on the house, being away from the store, off the serzone, and just somehow being forced to realize this new life ahead...

I was really afraid. And I didn't want any of this to happen, I guess, in a way... in the way you want to make time stand still for an eternity so you can somehow find your way back to catch up...

But it's happening, and I'm making it happen.

I don't know quite where all this will lead just yet, but I think I'm seeing a strange sort of reality forming beneath my feet. But rather than being a passive watcher as my world reshapes again, I have found myself, literally, as well as figuratively, with paintbrush and powertools in hand, somehow playing a part in constructing the set and painting the scenery for this next chapter.
And it's from this point that we start to choose the accessories. And this is the most seductive and the scariest part about entertaining the whole idea of being well again...
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Labwork, among other things [01 Feb 2002|07:08pm]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | five for fighting- for me this is heaven ]

Good news: one, my liver functions are not only okay; they've magically recovered from earlier damage, and look *good*! (whether I can go back to serzone is unknown at this point...)
Two, I'm not pregnant, but technically anorectic again, though thoroughly unintentional. How to get my systems back functioning normally again is yet to be discussed, but the only major problem they discovered in my labwork was a pretty substantial potassium deficiency... which can and has caused heart disturbances. The nurse suggested I eat two bananas a day until I come back next week. LMAO! Eat a banana and call me in the morning! How cliche! =)

Did my interview w Sarah today... Can't believe I've been in this research project for almost three years??? wow... time flies when you're a statistic! But I earned my crazy money (lol) and bought a pair of work gloves for Rod and some bungie cords.

Picked out a fridge for the new house today... niiiice! it's beautiful, and we can paint it!!! LOL The salesman at Sears kind of went a little white when we started describing the 150ft. drop from the street to sea level for delivery, but the sale includes free delivery and environmental disposal, so....... =^P
Been doing a bunch of work on the beach house, and it's starting to look liveable. got a couple dozen trash bags ready to be hauled up the hill (hiring a kid down the beach who's out of work too), and the upstairs walls are ready to be sanded down and based, hopefully this weekend.

I'm beginning to like these little projects; I feel useful and accomplished. Though I have yet to sort through some very difficult conflicted feelings about my actual JOB (i.e. where the money comes from, and where my panic attacks generally occur, where I feel like absolute shit about my life in general... need I go on?) and how to resolve that puzzle piece, which is beginning to look like it's being jammed over and over again into violin case, instead of its correct place in someone else's puzzle. But losing the piece would still leave my violin case without a bow....

In any case, knowing my health is in reasonable standing is a huge weight off my mind, especially knowing we'll be losing insurance again very soon, and my mental health, for some reason, is easier to deal with. It's something that can be put off, can be handled with a phone call or a quick homemade med switch; though I have to admit, the thought of being a 10 minute uphill hike and then another 15 minute drive from the nearest hospital (and my least favorite, at that) leaves me a little wary. Right now, if my car were to die and I were bleeding profusely, I could roll to the ER in ten minutes. Could drive in less then two. But I digress. The house looks good, and we're making lots of plans.

I'm still quite on edge about a lot of this, but... y'know? somehow... somehow, things are okay, whether we have finished the dishes or not.

Love while you can; sometimes we don't get second chances.

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The Full Update [25 Jan 2002|08:53pm]
[ mood | embarrassed ]

to spare you all the space, and to spare some dignity if this really doesn't interest you. This is my life now.
Read more... )

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[24 Jan 2002|09:32pm]
Funny to think of this longing for indulgent adolescence and the drifter’s melancholy.

I’ve come to see myself as someone who must now flee the ravages of depression for my life; the first tinge of anxiety or sadness sparking instant panic and acute awareness of my medication schedule and blood levels, charts and journals. Because I am now an Adult.

I am Married, I have survived most of my original family, I am the head of my family and am somehow (laughably) responsible for all family business decisions. And I am recently returning to work part time. So, in essence, I am a stressed out housewife.

But that is something I do not want to be. But at the same time, I do not want to shatter the respect I am able to command and maintain at work and in public. This bothers me. When did I become someone that is driven by others’ expectations and not my own? Am I only headed in one direction by maintaining my solidity? I mean, can I live my life my way while going on the way I have?

Lately, the past few days, that is, I have felt like I just can’t carry any of this anymore, and stopped giving a shit about my image, really, and stopped devoting so much energy to upholding “me”. And somehow, it felt better. I mean, I still felt like shit and left the store bawling in front of everyone, but didn’t really bother me too much. It wasn't as taxing as holding up the structure.

I suppose this is the barrier breakdown you might call ‘being yourself’? Sure, it feels like a relief, but is it even feasible to go on without that structure??? Should a storm hit, and the house has no supporting beams….. then what….. it collapses… but the question is: was it only a movie set to begin with? And would anybody notice the change?

I have been wanting to curl up in my walkman and cut and dye my hair, run away to the city, put my metal back in, and….. and then, well, and then do something. Just run away and be different than this, I guess. I’m really starting to feel the disadvantages to skipping the teen years now, apparently. Lol I just have this urge to chop off my hair and dye it some different color, maybe maroon, to wear steel in all my piercings and huddle in doorsteps, reading death poetry, take the Metro back to my parents’ house, promptly adopt a whale, paint my walls black, and watch The Virgin Suicides & Mad Love over and over, and feel free to sulk and yell obscenities and cry and mope…

I don’t know, just thoughts…
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[21 Jan 2002|01:37pm]
Mom called Luke last night bc he hadn't moved out yet, nearly a month late. He cussed her out for calling her, saying this was between Rod amd him.

So he immediately called Rod at work, who went off on him-- all the nice guy shit came down, and he let it all out, screamed, yelled, threatened, and somehow, it ended on a somewhat graceful note, with the only apology being for giving out a number Luke said he wanted private to his landlord. Regardless, we're going in the house on Wednesday with Mom (who, btw, had the balls to call him right back after Rod got off the phone, and had a long "who's who" talk with Luke) and possibly the police to check things out and assess damages.
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[20 Jan 2002|07:56pm]
"I was much further out than you thought and not waving but drowning." - Stevie Smith
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Random Ramble [20 Jan 2002|01:50am]
[ mood | envious ]

my thoughts on things as they are
{trying this lj cut thing, but it hasn't worked before for me...)

I don't know why exactly I feel so fucking flaky, but I do. I'm just caught up in a whirlwind of shit that I'm expected to do, be, call, see... And I don't even notice when I don't eat for three days until Rod jumps my shit about it. Even mom's been making comments about my clothes and weight, and she's starting to call every night to ask if she can come over to make me dinner.

I don't know. I just don't get anything. I'm on a roller coaster whack-job other planet where time is different and up is down, but somehow I manage to get stuck in a body on this one.

Read more... )

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[19 Jan 2002|04:08pm]
also forgot- when I talked to my manager about why I needed to move down to three day workweeks, apparently I didn't make clear that running them all together wouldn't work for my purposes... \=(

hoping I can make it through this...
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[19 Jan 2002|03:57pm]

we got a massive virus that just tore the computer to shreds the other night, and ended up having to use the leftover parts to try to salvage what we could... so we're on a completely new operating system, I'm way behind on everything, and I lost aallll my bookmarks.... That's aggravating!!!

But on the other hand, we got xp, and haven't crashed once today....
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[17 Jan 2002|04:59pm]
getting paranoid that they're changing work schedules on me.... won't let me print a copy when it comes out, and days seem to keep switching. or maybe I'm just fucked up in my days....
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Nother letter [15 Jan 2002|05:45pm]
Just felt the need to connect back with you today... Rod and I ran out to Hallmark to pick up a thankyou card for my uncle who sent us $50 for our move for xmas... and something about hallmark just set me off... too many bereavement and congratulations cards, angels protecting police and firefighters.... I dunno... Had an easy work night last night, but a shitty night for myself...
I just don't feel good about life right now... Left Hallmark fighting tears and hysteria and have been in the same place for the last hour.

It'll pass, I know, and we came straight home so I could take my meds, get on the puter, turn on music, and if all else fails and I end up in hysterics or destructive, there's always the peace pipe.....

I mean, I have such patience and understanding of what this disease can do, and what it's capable of doing to people, and so I have a pretty good rein on it; in other words, I'm much, much less likely to lash out or harm anyone/thing than most others, but it doesn't make it any more comfortable or easier- actually less, since I'm strapped with the responsibility of holding it all together...

God, If I only knew what the fuck to tell you, or even wtf was going on w me... I'm fine, then I'm so far from fine.. I'm practically drooling for the hospital; and then I have my future laid out in front of me like a dream, and I love what I see, but then the shit hits the fan yet again, and nothing matters again... There's very little room for the middle ground, and so little time to get used to one or the other to really hold onto a game plan...
Shit. How do average people deal with being overwhelmed with life and shit???

I love you dearly, and hope you're doing well. I know I've been kind of focussing so much on myself lately, and I really do apologize... I'll be back to being a better friend very soon, come hell r high water, I promise.

Love you,
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[15 Jan 2002|05:32pm]
sicne when does a quick trip to Hallmark for a thank you card turn into a tear-fest for me?
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[15 Jan 2002|12:56am]
had an oddly hard night at work tonight. It was slow, very few big tasks to accomplish really- except that it's Monday, the night before all the new releases come out, so the release walls had to be blocked, and this was all new to me... But I did have my first PT appt today, and my freshly tended back was forced into small cupboards to fix network fuck-ups and re install all the till units... an hour of crawling around and worming through tiny spaces really somehow worked up my whole back, which kinda increased my irritability factor by about 70%. And a couple old friends who I admire and respect dropped in to rent movies, and were visibly surprised and happy to run into me, and asked how I was, I simply said,"Life's been crazy." And when they asked for more detail, wanting to give them and honest, tactful answer appropriate to my workplace, I gave them a tactful summary of the last year in a couple sentences while completing their transaction.

Zac is moving to Puerto Rico...
Why does this effect me? I have no clue. I just started crumbling. Running on autopilot, hoping someone would give me directions. Until finally I really did find myself starting to cry several times a minuute, and I took a klonopin and a tylonol/codeine. very shortly after this, I went on lunch to let them kick in. So I walked next door to Starbucks and sat on the curb, set my alarm for 1140pm, and began smoking.

I just felt bad. Very depressed, I guess, desperate, mostly. Angry, trapped, and failing very, very, very badly. I couldn't think of a thing I could do to better anything; my heart was failing me, and no one walking past noticed. All I wanted to do was cry... I missed my dad more than I ever have; my grnadfolks; I was eally scared about Rod's and my job prospects; the move; my health.... just so many things washing over my mind, but I could think nothing. I just waited for Rod to get there and reenergize me.

This is only a mild episode of these dips that keeps occuring lately though... keep losing the feeling of having control over my life and myself... I keep having the thought of the hospital opo into mind, but these are only periodic things, and haven't lasted over a few weeks, and too muchc is happening, and I couldn't lay everything on Rod- he's already taking on more than his share.

When you recieve service, and it's slow, or incorrect, or anything but impolite... do we ever have the patience we should? I work in a fast paced environment now. And it scares me sometimes, and the guests are so often so demanding and in such a rush; I wonder if they were to step behind the counter into our skins, if they might have more patience in the next line they stand in?

I don't know what to feel right now... tired? depressed? recovered? let's say I'm a Jedi Knight and leave it there.
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[10 Jan 2002|12:12am]
ok, here's a thought:

I've been depressed before.
But I've always been depressed living under someone's care, or single without obligations or debt.

I've never been depressed and poor and looking at a financial bind.....

This has and will continue to be a character developing year...
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