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[11 Nov 2002|02:59pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]

The visit with the ndocrinologist was a waste of time. "The best I can offer to you right now is a healthy lifestyle and exercise. Yes, you have mild insulin resistance, but that, and your irregular periods, could be attributed to your weight."

So, the impression I was left with was that I'm just a fat woman looking for an easy way out. I spoke to myself rather severely on the way home, and spent a good ten minutes deciding what to eat at Sonic. I'd fasted last night in preparation for tests, and none were forthcoming. I chewed myself out for being lazy and unmotivated, letting myself become what I am, for letting my health slide downhill.

I almost want to cry. I KNOW there's something wrong, but the doctor didn't listen to me. He took a look at my chart, a quick look at my test results (which might be skewed, since I wasn't fasting during those), and one look at me, and decided all my problems were to be blamed on my weight. It doesn't matter that I've been depressive since puberty, or heavy as well. It doesn't matter that my periods have been regular as clockwork since I started, and only in the last year or so have become so irregular it surprises me when - if - it comes. I've gained 30 pounds in the last 6 months, after seven years of holding it steady. I have pain in my abdomen - it comes and goes, and almost feels like cramps. It's not related to my periods. Deep sexual penetration hurts - I mean HURTS. I've had HS since I was 6 or 7.

*deep sigh* I'm frustrated with myself for not standing up to the doctor and insisting he listen to me. I KNOW my body, and what it's doing right now is NOT normal. I hoped I'd get one of the "good" doctors, with answers and sympathy. Instead, I get a hidebound one, set in his ways.

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[10 Nov 2002|09:57pm]
All sorts of weird going on with me today. I just haven't felt "right" Tired of everything - the fatigue being upset causes, the fleeting-ness of the happiness, the lack of comfort within myself and in my parents' house.

*rubbing my arms* I had such a lovely dream last night, after the upsets. I felt warm and loved when I woke up, then things went downhill. I got grouchy when I realized I didn't have that feeling in my waking life. Mom started making demands about cleaning the house, and I got frustrated, because I was trying to do things too.

The dream started out as my usual seeking dream - wandering through a mall of sorts, looking for something. I don't remember exactly what happened, but, abruptly, I found what I was looking for - something that hadn't ever happened before. I was with a tall blond man, with very long blond hair pulled back into a braid. He was an Elf, but not with the usual accentuated ears - just a modest point. He was sweet and loving, holding me, holding my hand, never far away. We'd sit down in the food court, and he'd pull me into him and hold me. He was wearing normal street clothes, with a light jacket or windbreaker, with a stand-up collar. I remember at one point, I was standing behind him as he squatted down to look at something, and I reached down and pulled the collar down a little, and kissed the back of his neck, and inhaling the scent of him. That was the most sexual it got - it was just...light, and gold, and warm.

When I got online, I went looking for LOTR wallpaper, Legolas, specifically. His is the image I saw in my dream. Interesting, since I normally go for the Aragorn type - rough, quiet and mysterious. Legolas is the tall, elegant, beautiful type. The way I envision Snowee...

That comparison didn't escape me for long. It doesn't seem to matter how long it's been, I can't just cut her out of my life. I can't leave her behind, like she seems to want me to. I'm so weary about that, too - weary of the pain, of the wondering if she'll ever come back, of the fear that she won't... Rachael's tired of hearing about it. No one in my real life would understand.

I'm relieved that last night was a washout. I wasn't particularly upset, until I got home and saw the messages from both Pandy and Rachael about their cyber wedding. It was like a double slap in the face. "Look what I got, and what you don't!" I know neither of them meant it that way, but...

I talked a bit with Rach about it, tried to be honest with her about how I felt. We're both uncomfortable with things as they are. I don't want to lose her as a friend. She understands me so well, and she knows so much of my history. Chris doesn't know me quite so well, despite how close I am to him.

Seeing him on cam was interesting. He din't look like I expected him to - he looked older, and considerably wiser. Not a bad thing, mind you. He's handsome, though he doesn't believe it. I was totally bemused by it, and him. If it weren't for 1500 miles and two seperate lives...

I'm frustrated with myself. I never feel like I'm good enough at anything, so I don't try. I look over my abilities, and feel I'm lacking in so much, like I'm a jack of all trades. I fear applying for a job I'm not qualified for, and getting laughed out of the interview. Or worse, being hired, and failing. It's pathetic. It's really what's holding me back - You're not good enough, I tell myself subconsciously. You'll never last there, they'll never hire you. It seems...pathological. A brick wall I can't get around. I have no idea what I want to do with the rest of my life - all I know is I don't want to be stuck in a dead-end job, or worse, two or three jobs, just to pay bills.

I push people who love me away. I'm afraid they'll leave me, so, instead of letting them hurt me, I do it myself.Chris is the friend I've known longest, besides high school, and they're all practically gone. Rach said the I do it to my family, to my kids. That almost made me cry. I suppose it's true. I search for love, for comfort, yet I have parents, and cildren who can offer it to me. I refuse to accept it. Why? Kenneth's the only one I freely show affection towards. I feel badly about it. I try with the girls - Rachael accepts it, but Sarah gets clingy, and that irritates me.

Reading things about the Church...some of it's bringing back long-buried memories, and showing me all the pain I've had to deal with. There was a thread in the XKLDWOmen's group about the temple, and how most of the women on the list felt weird about the ceremonies. It echoed so perfectly what I felt - I hated the temple, the most holy of all places to worship. The endowment ceremony was weird, and creepy, but I couldn't say anything - I mean, I'm going through with my mom and grandmother. It's supposed to be a profoundly spiritual experience, and I was just freaked out. "Oh, you just didn't understand what was going on," Alan said, "You need to go more often." No thanks. The entire thing is humiliating.

So much of church doctrine is repitition. Over and over, concepts are hammered into your head. Fellowship is forced upon you, fellow members watch you to be sure you're doing right, and if you're not, you're whispered about. "There's no way anyone can be happy without the Church," is the feeling you get. The entire culture is "us versus them". "A peculiar people", and a hefty persecution complex are the basis of a lot of the teachings. "We're so special because we're the ONLY ones with the Whole Truth (tm), and Satan will do anything to tear us down", including lead unsuspecting members astray through use of the Internet and reading anything not "faith promoting", meaning nothing the least bit out of line with Church teachings. This particularly includes Church history and writings by Joseph Smith's contemporaries. Anything disparaging is considered "influeneced by Satan", and not to be believed. Historical research, at least where it concerns the Church, is discouraged.

People outside just don't get it. Cult is a good word for it. Brainwashing is another. The depth and breadth of control exercised by the Church is unthinkable to a nonmember. Just having the "discussions" doesn't show it. It's the lure. A :goldeon contact" is someone considered "ready to hear the Truth (tm)." Meaning those laid most vulnerable by life's circumstances - new widows, recent divorcees, lonely college students. These people are hooked with the promise of forever families, and eternal life, but aren't told the entire story. "Milk before meat", it's called. It's only being baptised that they're fed more information, but even then, it's tightly controlled by Salt Lake.

Priesthood authroity is to be obeyed at all times. Women have no authority - they're subject ot the men in their lives. If a woman has a problem with her husband and goes to the leadership, she's usually counseled to go back, read the scriptures more, be more faithful, support her husband more - in other words, that she's not trying hard enough, and he's to be forgiven of his errors.

Think the Catholics have the corner on sexual abuse? If half the stories I've heard are true, and they were made public, the Mormons would knock the CAtholics out of the headlines. I've heard many stories of sexual abuse of women and children, girls particularly, and the men involed getting no psychological counseling, only a slap on the wrist from the local Church leaders. Nothing is reported to the police. I know of three cases, personally. This goes for domestic abuse as well.


This isn't really what I started out writing....I got sidetracked. I guess my anger at the Church for stealing so much of my life is coming out.

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[06 Nov 2002|10:48pm]
[ mood | upset ]
[ music | Mannheim Steamroller - Amber ]

Tonight I feel like I did before I started taking the meds - weepy, angry, seclusive, defensive.... It was nice to not be so damn sleepy, but this... I'd rather be sleepy and kind of out of it.

More realizations tonight. My parents had the girls hopping this evening after dinner picking up the toys and stuff in the livivng room. It seems that all they (and I) do is clean. My parents are so particular about how the house looks that it seems that's all they think about. It made me wonder what was more important to them - the THINGS, or the relationship with their granddaughters.

It made me think back to when I was living at home. It was the same with me and my sister - we were the workhorses around the house, ,whether we liked it or not. I likened myself to a slave, and Cinderella. I never felt I could do anything right, that I was never good enough, because the little time Dad was home, he'd be yelling at me for one thing or another. Mom was always sick or something. I thought about how I felt, and how I see my daughters...and it makes me want to cry. I feel so helpless to protect them. I feel like my parents disapproval of what I'm doing is being transferred to them, and it hurts - they're just BABIES.

What do I do? I know I got married to get out - to escape the misery of living at home. I see it even more clearly now. I have to get out, or my girls are going to be basket cases. Yes, its going to be inconvenient for my parents, since they'll lose their little workers, and their live-in housekeeper. But I have to have a life too.

My mom's kind of schizophrenic about it - she'll be pushing me to get working one day, and insisting I stay home the next (always subtle - "I'm so tired" and me without someone to watch Kenneth). I gotta get moving. The subtle insinuations that I don't know how to live my life are getting more frequent, and more biting, especially where it concerns Church.

Was it a mistake to leave Brian? I'm wondering now - living at home again sucks worse than it did before.

I have to get out. Or I'll do something I'll regret.

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[05 Nov 2002|03:53pm]

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[05 Nov 2002|03:52pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

My mom hit me with going back to church again. "You've been listening very studiously to those who are against the Church, I want you to listen ot those in the Church with as much closeness."

"Mom, I was a faithful member for 25+ years. I've gone to all the classes..."

"You've lost your faith - you need to try to get it back."

"Like I said, 25+ years..."

"That doesn't count - you have to consider the intervening circumstances of the last 10 or so. You have to start over."

I snorted. "Mom, that's an insult to my intelligence. I didn't get it right the first time, I was wrong, so I have to start over?"

"There are many members of the Church who go back to the missionary classes when they face problems."

I couldn't come up with an answer to that. "Mom, I'm not trying to argue with you, or tell you you're wrong or anything. All I know is that I can't say I believe in the Church anymore."

"You know your husband got his temple recommend because of what he told his bishop - the bishop had to go by what he was told, instead of by inspiration. [Your ex] will have to answer directly to the Lord about that." She said all this with the relish of someone proving an obscure point.

"That's exactly why I can't do that - my own integrity won't allow me to look the bishop in the eye and say that I believe that Joseph Smith is a prophet - I don't."

We sort of dropped the subject after that. *sighs* I think she's upset now, but I can't take responsibility for that. My Mormon self is screaming at me "How dare you put your mother through this!" while my more logical self is saying "She needs to learn to let it go - it's not your problem."

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[02 Nov 2002|11:08pm]
[ mood | silly ]

I'm so proud of myself.

After an initial rocky start with Brian and the kids, I took off for a night on my own. I was starving, so I went to La Fonda de Acebo in Westwood Plaza. Excellent guacamole. Then I took care of the battery (finally!), then, on a whim, I nervously went in to Doctor John's novelty shop.

This is the one my mom made that snarky comment about. My psuchologist told me to start treating myself like an adult, give myself my own voice, and "go to Doctor John's if you want to." So I did tonight.

I was reassured by how brightly lit it was - no smarmy guys hiding in dark corners, watching people go by. A few women went in before I did, so I swallowed my qualms and went inside.

I was carded, first thing. That rattled me a little, but I knew the necessity of it. A compromise with the city. None of the stuff I was looking for was out front (understandably), and there was no way I could convince anybody that I was looking at skimpy lingerie for myself, so I headed straight for the little back enclosure. I was a bit nervous, and tried to look like i knew what I was doing (which I did, but given the haphazard arrangement of the items there, it was hard to find what I wanted). I found a pair of remote control bullets, and a simple ivory vibrator, and glanced around at other things. They have an astounding array of butt plugs. I decided I'd sweated enough went to pay my money.

The gal behind the counter opened both packages and "battery-tested" my things. That embarrassed me a bit, watching someone else handle the items I'd bought for my own intimate use, and having the security guard watching, too. That bit of public torture was soon over and I left. I realize there wasn't anybody else there who was remotely interested in what I was doing or what I bought.

I started crowing to myself as I pulled out of the parking lot, and kept going until I got to Target to buy batteries. I still can't get over my audacity. And now I have a couple of new toys to try out as soon as I get an afternoon alone...

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The TRUE Gospel [02 Nov 2002|02:42pm]
[ mood | elated ]

"Most of all, I sincerely hope that you know that you are worthy of all the love and beauty that you are sharing with others - your family, etc. You, too - deserve to be respected, honored, cherished, and loved unconditionally for exactly who you are - and not for what you do for others. YOU deserve to do whatever it takes to bring peace, light, joy, and tranquility into your own heart, and into your entire being. You deserve to welcome all parts of yourself as part of the perfect whole that you are. You deserve happiness and safety. You are a gift to your family, and all those whom you come into contact with. you deserve unlimited hugs, kisses, and soft words. You deserve a life that allows you the balance of work and play that is right for you. You deserve a life that has the balance of service to others, and time for self care that is appropriate and healthy for you. You deserve to be listened to. Just as you strive to be present for others, you deserve to receive the support and presence of those around you. You deserve compassion. You deserve to have your dreams fulfilled. We all do. Any loving God would want nothing less for us."

~from a post to the XLDSWomen's group on Yahoo! by diane g.

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One Ex-Mormon's Thoughts [29 Oct 2002|11:42pm]
The MORG: gave me a childhood where fear ruled my behavior every day, where I was well schooled in everything that was expected of me, where I dared not - not comply, and yet I could not meet the impossible standard; where I learned to blame myself for every way in which I was not perfect, where I wasted hours and hours of precious youth being taught how to be the good molly mormon wife/mother (which I am totally not cut out for); where I had absolutely no choice about whether or not to attend every single Sunday School, primary, YWMIA, sacrament meeting, Seminary class, or any other church activity; where I learned to submit to authority so well, where I learned I had no right to say No; where I learned that my role was to marry, support my husband, and have babies; where I was taught not to value myself, and not to value other races; where I learned that anyone who was different was wrong; where I learned to suppress my feelings and shove them so far down inside that they turn into stress - related diseases; Why would I want to leave? Because I feel guilty for my sins? I don't think so.

I have felt so bad for so many years for the fact that my choices are painful to my parents. I am just now recognizing how much the MORG has hurt me! And I am feeling a level of rage that I have not touched before. The good thing is that the energy of this rage used to be turned in on myself in the form of guilt and depression. But I am here to tell you, I am not playing that game any more. I know that I did nothing wrong, and I am not going to take the blame any more. I know that in my head, and I am in the process of knowing that in my heart, and in my body. When I check inside and notice how my body feels, I notice that I don't hurt inside as much as I used to. I believe this anger is just a place on the path out of guilt and self blaming, on the way to acceptance and forgiveness. And I give myself permission to take all the time I need to get there.


I read this and it connected so well with the pain I've had for so long...

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[27 Oct 2002|01:15am]
[ mood | shattered ]

[00:41] *** Rach signed on at Sun Oct 27 00:41:03 2002.
[00:41] Rach: sis, need your assistance
[00:48] RyokoMusouka: what's up?
[00:49] Rach: can't get into any xsia.com palace.. but others say that they can,,, Pandy can't either
[00:51] RyokoMusouka: umm..
[00:51] RyokoMusouka: I got into Donny just now...
[00:51] RyokoMusouka: kinda wished i hadn't..
[00:51] Rach: any ideas, sis
[00:51] Rach: Why is that
[00:52] RyokoMusouka: might be something between you and xsia...all I can figure
[00:52] RyokoMusouka: you and pandy being married...
[00:53] Rach: I told you that before didn't I?
I know that it was in the journal
[00:53] RyokoMusouka: no, you didn't, and no, it wasn't in your journal
[00:53] RyokoMusouka: at least hat *I* could see
[00:54] Rach: We share a digital modem using a router,, could one of us have done something to mess that up
[00:54] Rach: Let me check the journal sis
[00:54] RyokoMusouka: don't worry about it...I don't think I want to read that...
[00:55] RyokoMusouka: I know nothing about routers
[00:57] Rach: Ok,, It was Pandy's journal entry that talked about it..
[00:57] Rach: a router is just a way of sharing a cable modem

[00:57] Rach: something happened that caused us both to loose getting into xsia palaces
[00:59] RyokoMusouka: I...don't know what could be wrong...I"m sorry
[01:00] Rach: No problem
[01:01] Rach: I am really sorry sis,, I thought that I had told you about Nov 10th
[01:02] RyokoMusouka: *quietly* no...you didn't...
[01:02] Rach: Then that is my fault.. and I will take my punishment for it
Could you forgive me
[01:07] *** Rach signed off at Sun Oct 27 01:07:02 2002.

When I signed onto Donny's server, I felt like my stomach had been ripped out. Once again, no one told me - I found out thrid hand. Once again, it's hammered home how little I matter to someone I thought cared about me. Why do I let it bother me so? She's made it clear time and again that I mean nothing to her.

Just like...in the end....I mean nothing to anynone.

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[14 Oct 2002|09:58pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

A migraine attacked me last night as I slept - sort of woke me up, but not enough to make me realize that i had one and I needed to take something. All I knew was that my neck hurt, and I kept trying to roll over to alleviate it. It didn't work. So I was more or less fully awake by the time my first alarm went off. Hit snooze, laid back down, rinse repeat. Seven o'clock and I got the girls up and tried getting them ready for school. Very nearly late again.

My first indication that this was an actual headache was when I went outside and couldn't stand to be driving east into the sun. Normally it's annoying, but today it was excruciating. My thought processes weren't very good either, so I figured I was best not being on the road. I went and got a cup of coffee and went home.

The caffeine didn't help. I dozed in the recliner with Kenneth for a while, until my mother made me take some Excedrin Migraine pills. They dampened the pain a little but nothing else. This was the worst I've ever had one of these. We checked the label to see if I could take some more, but it says not to for another 24 HOURS. Mom suggested getting in touch with my doc for advice.

I called my doctor's office to see if I could get in to see her, but she was totally booked today, so the receptionist had the nurse call me back. About three o'clock or so, Dr. Jeffrey had ok'ed some Ultram (!!) for it, until I'm able to get in to see her about it. So I need to call and make an appointment.

The Ultram worked - took the pain in my head away, along with the pain in my back. It had an interesting side effect - it made me (I thought) a bit giddy. I felt AWAKE, not dragging around like I normally do. I felt warm, all over, and able to do just about anything. I mean, not like "Hey, I can fly!" but more like, "Yes, I can get dinner done in time - no problem!" I felt GOOD. I kind of joked and carried on through dinner, and afterward made a comment about being a bit silly to my mom, and she hugged me and said "No, my thought is, I've got my baby back."

That brought me up short, and I started thinking about it. I LIKE this warm, golden feeling. I like being able to laugh without feeling silly or forcing it along. I like other people feeling like they can laugh with me. I would do just about anything to feel like this all the time.

I was brought up short again. Ultram is an addictive drug. It would be the same as getting hooked on speed. I was to feel like this more, but not at the cost of my integrity. If I can find an anti-depressant that'll make me feel more like this - wow. What I couldn't do... I'll definitely talk to my doc and therapist about this.

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My name is HS [11 Oct 2002|08:58pm]
Let me introduce myself
For all who do not know
I am kinda like your shadow
I will go wherever you go
First I will appear to be
a little bump which you will ignore
yes, of course I will go away.
but ahhh, I'll be back with more.
What.. what was that you said.
You're age. you are only nine
Age means nothing in my field
That just gives me longer to make you mine.
The little bump that was under your arm
Will never go away
Instead it will reproduce in multiples
Spreading more and more each day
Many doctors will look at you
And tell you all sorts of things
like you are dirty; that you're to fat
or this is just what life brings
and as they tell you all these things
and try their best to cut me away
I'll simply show up in a new place;
A new home for me to stay.
I'll change your very existence
Control each step you take
And although you will grow to hate me
Still your destiny I will try to dictate..
In your heart you will grow weary
In you mind you will feel alone
In your body, pain will prevail
There is no where you belong.
Most days will be struggles
As we grow older together
And no medicine, not yet anyway,
Will make it any better.
You still don't know what I am called
For there are few who do
Hidradenitis (HS) that's me
Glad to meet you too..
What. what was that you said.
Your age . you're now 39
See just as I predicted
I've have a lifetime to make you mine..


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