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[05 Apr 2003|02:23pm]
[ mood | shocked ]
[ music | evanescence - my immortal ]

i can't believe he's gone..

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[02 Apr 2003|04:26am]
[ mood | awake ]

ah.. what the hell. i can't sleep because my legs hurt so bad (everytime i move) >_< at least i'm going to the doctor today *shrug*

go here if you haven't already

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[23 Feb 2003|08:14am]
[ mood | awake ]
[ music | simple plan - i'd do anything ]

i got back from florida on friday night. *looks outside* i think there is almost a foot of snow here @___@ at least florida was fun ^^''' mum, diane, jenny and me ate out every night. e-v-e-r-y. i had to of gained at least 10 pounds @.@' mostly, we just sat around their house eating and watching tv.. i think it's the most tv i've watched in a year. there was one movie that was completely awesome (and freaky), but i can't remember the name.. bone-somethin or other. i went swimming everyday, and the top of my head got sunburned on the first day -.-' besides that, i didn't turn into a tomato! *cheers* also on the first day, it rained for 20 minutes.. well, poured down rain was more like it. and it turned out that there was 3 inches of rain, in only 20 minutes. it was weird, but it dried up really quickly. there was a huge puddle that was blocking the road though, so it was hard to get around it : / wednesday night, me and jenny went to play tennis. but it was taking forever for the lights to turn on, so we went to the pool... ignoring the fact that it was technically... not open ^^' a security guard came about 15 minutes later and told us to get out : / but he was nice about it ^^'' then we played tennis until the sprinklers came on... so i ran around the different courts dodging the water to get the tennis balls that we had missed or just slammed. only two went over the fence ^^' thursday i went to the ocean, and took a picture of the turtle sign. didn't see any turtles though ;-; friday i went rollerblading and swimming for that last time ;-; we had to be at the airport at noon, even though the plane didn't leave until 3.. ish. i hate flying >_< it seems the more i fly, the more i don't like it. speeding up for the take-off, i like. but when you start going up.. nonononononono T_T don't like that part. still alive tho. and one of the flight attendants was telling of how he shoved another flight person on the plane into the overhead storage compartment ^^' because they hold 40 lbs each, and the girl was 80lbs and would take up 2 compartments ^^''' the sad thing is, i'm pretty sure he actually did it, because the girl looked embarrassed and irritated ^^' and we flew over the island, so i took a picture of it, since we were close enough to see. it was cool looking down at it. just gotta find the pictures ^^'''

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because no one could give less of a damn.. [02 Feb 2003|08:40pm]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | tic tac toe - verpiss dich ]

happy half birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

XD~~~~ bwahahahahahhahahahaha

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[17 Jan 2003|12:30pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | utada hikaru - traveling ]

finals are finally over *dances* most, sorry to say, were terrible.. or rather, i didn't actually erm... study that well, or studied the wrong things (yay.) on the plus side, i get to wait until next week before i find out my punishment. whoot. most likely will be that i can't go to the con T-T but the ohayocon was lotzlotzlotz fun ^^! first con! and people took pictures of me *specialness* so, yeah. as soon as i scan the pics i'll throw them up on here or one of meh sites or something.
and deniz (foreign exchange student from turkey now living in my house) is most definately cool. we're going to take a yoga class together *is a dork* that is all.

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... [04 Jan 2003|05:38pm]
[ mood | ecstatic ]
[ music | the proclaimers - i'm gonna be ]

guitar: schecter - regular price $450 - got for $299
amp: crate mx20rc - $200 - don't know if that was the regular price or not --'

i got to try out a $1,699 guitar too (hey, i can dream >_<)

mark and jon are playing at mocavation tonight, but since my parents decided they want to go.. um. yeah. no one would go with me anyways --'
looks like i can't go to the con now... considering i just spent over $500 that i never had in the first place and the fact that i'd have no way of actually getting to it. but the amp is awesome, much better than my piece of shite gorilla that had a whopping 4 things to it. the power switch, the volume, the equalizer, and the time stack whatever that is. i think i'm going to go drool over my new one now.

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lookie! new background *_* [29 Dec 2002|03:35pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | the juliana theory - into the dark ]

i feel like i shouldn't be cheerful, but i am.. in a bitchysortabiteme way. i went shopping with my parents so i could waste my target gift certificate. when i was wandering around in the mall, i slammed some innocent kid with my target bag. i didn't really intend to do it, but he said sorry and i gave him an odd look because i couldn't figure out why he apologised (and didn't want to burst out laughing). i went into waldenbooks and baught the second chobits, even though i hadn't intended to spend any money because i almost have enough for a guitar. when i was buying it, the lady asked me if the first book was good. she said she writes reviews for tokyopop and they send her free manga (including chobits). <-not fair.
christmas was all right. i got a cell phone, which i'm only supposed to use when i really need it because the program thing is a rip-off. yeah, and it only took four days for them to give me the number, when they said they'd send me an email in two hours -.-' i got a lot of little things, and a lot of food (pocky, ramen..) and some manga. my grandma gave me a cabbit backpack ^^ my other grandma got me that second anne rice book about lestat (even though i haven't read the first one), the third book lemony snicket book (even though i haven't read the second), a terry pratchett book, and shonen jump. then my grandpa gave me money. and nick got me a cow shirt that says please don't eat me XP

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[16 Dec 2002|05:19pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | chobits opening ^^' ]

boar's head is over *cheers* ^-^ lina got lots of compliments, so she is happy ^^' mr. spratt's mom (inlaw?) thought i was like, 25.. XD'''

here's an amusing quiz i stole off of someone's lj (dun remember who T-T sorry). posting it cuz i have nothing better to post @_@'

*looks at the current world's population* You must have a lot of frustration then.

What pisses you off?

Created by ptocheia

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[04 Dec 2002|11:35am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | ayumi hamasaki - dearest (acoustic) ]

haven't updated in a while, might as well ^^'

i got suckered in to boar's head as the eastern king's banner carrier (yes. and i look VERY eastern oO would've been fun though ^^). well, that changed yesterday. terry (think that's her name) came up to me when i got there, and asked me again what my part was. then she asked if i wouldn't mind being the angel star again -.-=3 i guess it won't be too bad though, because i don't have to stand in the same position for 45 minutes again *relief* the star is scary though. and i have to wear the same costume from four years ago. should be interesting... o_O' i get to see if i still fit in it today, haha.

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what type of sushi are you? [11 Nov 2002|06:10pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | angel sanctuary - cries in the dark ]

it's being a bum, so here's the link

t'is an amusing test

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[09 Nov 2002|12:19pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | claude debussy - clair de lune ]

this morning was interesting. i got in the shower only to realise that, oh. my shampoo is gone. so i ran through my parents room completely naked, stole one of their FIVE shampoo bottles, and ran back to my bathroom cursing to myself the entire time. luckily, they didn't see me XD~~~ *relief*

my piano teacher has officially convinced me into playing clair de lune. the first 10 or so measures of it is surprisingly easy. then i exploded the cheese when i was trying to reheat my hamburger ;-; how depressing.. still tastes good tho ^-^

last night was interesting. i was supposed to go to loo's house and carly's party. but i felt sicklyish and had a slight fever after i got home from the movies, so i had to tell them both that i couldn't go ;-; and of course, t'was the night that my parents were having a neighborly (kinda) get together consisting of mr. and mrs. barnard, mr. and mrs. donovan, and mr. and mrs. spratt. so i go downstairs to get food later in the evening (because i hadn't aten in since 10:00 that morning, unless you counted the popcorn i stole from dan-chan ^^'), all disheveledish looking, and i see my english teacher 'o' hello mr. spratt. i was praying the entire time that he hadn't told my parents about the wonderful 18/30 i got on his test >_< yuck. they haven't mentioned it, but i'm nearly possitive they will... ;-;'

so basically, i was drawing all night while watching crappy romance dvds and the news. graphite sticker doovers are fun to draw with, but it smears all over your hands ;-; i drew a giant eye.. and person with transparentish hair (first unintentionally, then i sorta made it look like it fit more.. still doesn't really fit tho oO).. a few random doodles while i was trying to get used to not smearing the graphite >_<' and a moogle thing.. that doesn't really look like a moogle, but it's all good ^^'

and now, i am going to work on my personality project thing that can be anything but a paper for psychology. two words. mod. podge. XP~~~

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[02 Nov 2002|07:12pm]
[ mood | determined ]
[ music | siam shade - 1/3 junjou na kanjou ]

*sniffle* i'm waiting for an e-mail from the guy who i'm attempting to buy a guitar off of. Ish a parker ^____^ i want it i want it i want it! if i don't get it, my dad is making me switch to playing accoustic ;-; but i wanna play electric.. i like electric... you can make cool sounds with it and get lots of feedback noise and annoy people and play basketcase XD~~~~ EEEEEEEIIIII ^______________^ tooooooo much candy!

quiz stolen from off of megumi's journal )

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SWEDISH FISH!!!!!!! [23 Oct 2002|03:27pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | hamasaki ayumi - teddy bear ]

i luff swedish fish XD~~~ but i can't open them... T-T evil packaging...

snow falling on cedars is a really good movie.. and sad ;-; my piano teacher recommended it to me. she likes all the japanese/chinese culture stuff too, and had a chinese painter live with her for a while. *pulls out second pack of swedish fish*

when i got home today, my onna gave me my class ring ^____^ cuz i not be at school tomarrow to get the ring : / but ish purdy!!! it's got a purply stone in the middle, and a thespian/music sign on one side, and cross country/track on the other. but it's kinda big... ;-;

mrs. chambers deleted my evil book fine today. she's nice ^-^

i start physical therapy tomarrow. according to my guitar teacher, there's a bunch of middle age ladies that are ironically overweight that you do all the stretching stuff with.. whatever you do there *not sure* but i not allowed to swim *cries* evil people...

whoo!!! no more cross country!!!!! i'm a little late ^^' but ah well

and.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER!!! even tho ur b-day was on sunday... and i've missed it for the past 3 or 4 years.... T_T gomen

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[12 Oct 2002|11:08pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | loreena mckennitt - dante's prayer ]

after the meet, i couldn't see out of my right eye. then i started getting a headache which automatically meant migraine. i loaded up on pain reliever and went to sleep. then my dad woke me up at four and told me to run.

i can't run. i tried at the trenton track and failed miserably. i did about 4 400m attempted sprints. the fastest i went was a minute and thirty eight seconds. some lewd asshole shouted at me to run from the street. i really wish i had flicked him off. so that, and my dad's encouraging words [hah] really made my day.

i just finished watching requiem for a dream. probably not what i should have done when already in a pretty crappy mood. i cried at least three times.. in the last 30 minutes or so. movies do not make me cry. that one did.

and now listening to such a nice song, i think i'm going to cry right now. just for the hell of it.

please remember me

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quizzie [07 Oct 2002|04:48pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | mega man 5 good night lil man ]

What Ragnarok Character Should You Be?
Quiz by Angelhalo

still can't run -_-'
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[19 Sep 2002|05:50pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | morning musume ^.~ ]

i haven't updated in a while, so i guess i will now :p hrm... geoff found this picture *grumble grumble* (me, bottom with the star)

for cross country, i got my pr last saturday ^-^ *happy* even though i ended up going nearly two minutes slower on tuesdays meet.. woopz XP i also found out on tuesday that i strained my calves -_-' if it weren't for bad luck, i'd have no luck at all... at least for running o_O' but today i got pretty drugs that will stop my legs from hurting *amused at the idea* yay for pain killers!!!

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amusedness ^.^ [25 Aug 2002|09:42am]

Trading Cards
Free Account Edition
User Number: 222841
Date Created:2001-07-03
Number of Posts: 175

colleen (aka. lina) is a sophomore in high school. she tends to talk quietly in front of new people and/or large groups of people. she has a few close friends that she is very grateful of having.
Strengths: when a friend is depressed, she tries her best to listen and help (even though it doesn't help most of the time -_-'). she also has a strong love for music of many kinds.
Weaknesses: colleen has too many fears that she can't seem to overcome, and she has a difficult time controlling her temper when talking to her parents.
Special Skills: she has been playing the piano since she was four years old, and still loves it. she has played flute, but lost interest. now she is learning how to play the guitar, which she finds nearly as enjoyable as playing the piano.
Weapons: long nails and a powerful kick that can make a guy cry. when angry enough, she is able to think of brutal ways to seek revenge.
strange obsession: #1 #2 #3

Make your own LiveJournal Trading Card!
Brought to you by userinfocrossfire_
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[23 Aug 2002|05:20pm]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | ayu stuff ]

arg >< i just typed an entry, but then there was a nice little error. i clicked back and, oh! bye bye entry -.-' so, screw it. this will be a rant now.

and, i just tried to check my e-mail, ooh yeah! woops, angelfire e-mail won't be working for a while. sorry! *sighs* if anyone needs to e-mail me for some unknown reason, use this address:

i got lots of books to read, so i go. bai bai ^^

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[08 Aug 2002|03:36pm]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | gackt - blue ]

yesterday i had to help at vacation bible school (oxymoron, ne?). carmel and steve were there so that made it better. besides the music stuff at the begining, we really didn't have to do anything. then carmel came over and we played ddr ^^; she went home at about 3:30 because i had to practice and go to my guitar lesson, and she had to practice for band with jen jen ;-; after guitar i ran with my dad for about 43 minutes, and we almost went 5 miles (4.9... gr...).

today vbs was rrreeeaaalllyyy boring (>_<) i *almost* had to play a piano song in front of the munchkins, but the lady in charge forgot ^^; *cheers* then i had to go to the doctor at 1 and get a physical >< i had to take that asthma test.. *can't remember what it's called* turns out i don't only have sports asthma. so the guy gave me two new inhalers, one to take before i run, or if i feel like i'm going to die x_x and the other i have to take in the morning and at night *grumbles* as if i need more medication crap >< but.. then my mom bought me a 20oz fruit smoothie ^-^ and the day was magically better *sugar high* ^^; we got home at 4:30ish, because she decided to shop for an hour o.O; not really a big surprise tho.. i ran at about 5:30 for 40 minutes, but i think i went pretty slow :p woopz

now i go eat ^^ ja ne!

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[31 Jul 2002|05:24pm]
[ mood | artistic ]
[ music | ayumi hamasaki - seasons ]

today, my guitar teacher taught me the basic chords of deg's hotarubi ^^ and now i can play along with it *cheers*

i just got back from loo's house ^^ we watched the first half of dune and kept going on about how we wanted blue eyes and a cape and be able to poof up out of the sand XD t'was fun.

tomarrow we leave for petosky/traverse city, and my backpack hasn't come in yet ;-; but, i'm bringing my schnazzy ayumi cd (thank you carmel!!! XD~~~) so it's alright ^^ ooh! dan-chaaaan!!! thank you fer de turtle XD~~~ *presses button and watches turtle go across room while laughing manically* ^.^

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