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Bleh [15 Jan 2003|03:01am]
[ mood | infuriated ]
[ music | Kylie : "Can't Get You..." (New Order Remix) ]

I like videos. Videos are cheap, and I know they work in my video recorder. I can watch videos in bed. Videos are great.

Not so with DVDs, which refuse to work in my DVD player even though its supposed to be multi-region. All my brother's work, mine do not. Oh no. They're expensive, never work for me and I am rapidly beginning to hate them to death.

I want videos, dammit.

Since I can't watch ANY of the Buffy DVDs I own, I'm set with watching season 1 to death (I have it on VHS *hugs it*) and tomorrow I plan on having an Angel marathon. I know the new series of both start on Sky on Thursday, however, because I have no rights or opinions in this house, my chances of watching/taping it are slim. Dad actually said today there was no point in me watching it anymore because it was going to be scrapped anyway. Well, thanks. I may get to tape Angel, but only if I throw a monster tantrum to get my own way.

How sad is that?

So I'm trying to get episodes off Kazaa, which I know is horrendously naughty, but it's not like I don't OWN the goddamn DVDs, I do. They just don't work. I only wanna watch the damn things on my computer.

*sulks* I want Spike, Wesley and Oz. Goddamn it. I'll settle for Riley Finn if none are available.

*is a Buffybloke slut*


*Wills Kazaa to work faster*

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Joke [14 Jan 2003|01:23am]
[ mood | sick ]

Oh lord. This is halarious. You're gonna love this one.

I can't afford to go back to uni.

Excuse me while I split my sides.

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[12 Jan 2003|08:18pm]
[ mood | scared ]

Yeah, so I contacted uni.

Lyn's going back to school.


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Begin [12 Jan 2003|04:57pm]
[ mood | calm ]

Don't look at me.

Everyday is so wonderful, then suddenly, it's hard to breathe
Now and then I get insecure from all the pain, I'm so ashamed.

I am beautiful, no matter what they say,
Words can't bring me down.
I am beautiful, in every single way,
Yes, words can't bring me down, oh no.
So don't you bring me down today.

To all your friends, you're delirious, you're so consumed in all your doom
Tryin hard to fill the emptiness, the pieces gone, left the puzzle undone
Is that the way it is?

Coz you are beautiful, no matter what they say
Words can't bring you down, oh no.
Coz you are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down.
So don't you bring me down today.

No matter what we do (no matter what we do)
No matter what we say (no matter what we say)
We're the song inside the tune, full of beautiful mistakes
And everywhere we go (and everywhere we go)
The sun will always shine (the sun will always, always, shine)
And tomorrow we might awake on the other side

Coz we are beautiful, no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down, oh no
We are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring us down, oh no
So don't you bring me down today

Don't you bring me down today.

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