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Below is user information for H2. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:iamh2 (892244) iamh2
Location:Chickasha, Oklahoma, United States
Bio:This is your life and it's ending one day at a time - Fight Club

daisyPath Wedding
Memories:13 entries
Interests:81: 3 doors down, acoustic, audrey hepburn, ballet, baseball, baylor university, big daddy, big dismal, big wreck, bush, canada, cheesecake, chi omega, chic-fil-a, christianity, coldplay, college, college football, college sports, dancing, dashboard confessional, dishwalla, edward norton, everwood, familiar 48, family, fight club, friends, frosties, god, golf, government, greenwheel, greg norman, hockey, homestar runner, hoobastank, incubus, italian food, jack johnson, jesus, john mayer, kutless, law, law school, magazines, maroon 5, meg ryan, movies, music, must see tv, night life, norah jones, oakland a's, oklahoma, oklahoma sooners, ou, our lady peace, penguins, politics, primal fear, republican, scrubs, seattle, shopping, singing, sleeping, sooners, sororities, starbucks, target, the amazing race, the princess bride, theory of a deadman, trading spaces, university of oklahoma, vancouver canucks, victoria bc, wayne brady, will & grace, zach galifianakis. [Modify yours]
People17:3cantkillme, adamjd, aquajon311, baylorstace, cxcubed, djryanla, fundan, getmeoutofhere, goddessofpurple, ilovegravy, its_what_we_are, radikal314, redstorm72, rhinohumper, rzezidizz, tangy_seamonkey, therustman
Friend of:22: 3cantkillme, adamjd, aquajon311, baylorstace, butt_buddy, cxcubed, djryanla, fundan, getmeoutofhere, ilovegravy, its_what_we_are, jasmc82, lovedancer, paupet, radikal314, redstorm72, rhinohumper, rzezidizz, squirrelsunite, stubbylovin, tangy_seamonkey, tjeckleburg
Member of:6: big12, canadianmusic, chiomega, dear_you, engagedlife, oklahomasooners
Account type:Free Account

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