Thursday, January 2nd, 2003
11:18 pm
this morning i sent away what will become my greatest musical accompilshment.
The music and cover art to Pale Mother Recordings ( in denmark.. for what will become the first ethelscull 7" !
I am excited as hell.. i chose four songs .so its more like an ep... . they are a bit more structured songs.. although everything was still improvsied while recording... ....and i'm eager to hear what it all sound like on vinyl.. there is one instrumental..the other three have words to them... i did the cover art...
it hopefully will be out around Spring... .
. so..wish me luck..
current mood: tired but still excited.
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Tuesday, December 31st, 2002
10:40 am - Joy Division
Thursday, December 26th, 2002
9:56 pm
.. that was weird. and i think the time is over. and not another word will me muttered.
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Tuesday, December 24th, 2002
4:33 pm
Monday, December 23rd, 2002
7:18 pm
I haven't bothered posting in a very long time. I have nothing very interesting to say. I've just been working and recording music.. trying to find the right things to send off to Pale Mother in Sweden. I need to getsomething together much sooner than later. the deadline is for Feb... it seems like a while away but its really not... and i am concintrating to much perhaps on making something too perfect. .Which nothing i've recorded is anyway... I've been recording a lot and have two things that really stand out to me, but both are to short and so far with no vocals..and I will just keep them for a cd to come out something later this year.. . For me, its such a slow process.. finding all the right music to put out..
I want the next cd to be a bit more together.. or so that is what I think I am looking for... anyway i'm going bowling tonight.... its our annual Christmas party....!!!
current mood: nervous
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Sunday, December 8th, 2002
7:02 pm
Wednesday, December 4th, 2002
10:50 pm - updates..
Sunday, December 1st, 2002
8:31 pm - dyed...
I bought some red hair dye.. now i have to get up the nerve to do it.
its just been so long since i've changed my hair. its blonde... with roots
I was thinking of putting red and brown with the blonde. but i am i am not as confident in myself these days. and if i hate it for some reason i will be fucked. but i really need a change. heard the new cat power song he war.. its upbeat...<.BR> but its chan.....
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Friday, November 29th, 2002
1:12 am - blythe
I have this doll.. i bought it over the computer a long time ago for not very much at all. i can't quite remember how much i thinking $30??? ... . but now its going for anywhere from $100 to $500 on ebay. and my doll is in good condition.. her eyes move left to center to right and her eye color changes as well...her leg falls off but I've seen the same doll in worse shape still sell for a lot. I have the original dress as well as a few other pieces of clothing.. which could go for something swell by themselves
Now, Over in Japan they have reissued Blythe .. and they are all so cute.. with their nice new soft hair and stuff.. .they even have a motor bike for her and the cutest playsets.. really cute sh*t!!
I wish I had money because this is what I'd be buying..there is also a set of super cute mini blythe dolls, there are four of them,, but they are only available in the reissued regualr dolls.. they are all on ebay but they are expensive.... I will probably hold on to my blythe doll reguardless.. its quite tempting but i'd just spend the money and then I wouldn't have this awesome doll. . she'll just be worth more later anyway.. so please look at who i'm talking about.:
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Thursday, November 28th, 2002
10:29 pm
10:31 am
Wednesday, November 27th, 2002
5:19 pm
i am selling this now.. I had to relist it. so i added some things to it.: 2 mary lou lord 7" and magazines:;=925817012
I really dig selling things. I went to the thrift store today i bought a candle holder. an small green glass pitcher, some litter wood pictures.. but not to sell.. for my apartment.. i collect a lot of things. cute things. old things. junky things. things that i think that eventually I will make something out of it. always digging around the junk section in the thrift stores. I want my apartment to be cozy. I need a rug. I want a large red rug.. i was thinking a large circle rug but i have n't found one yet. .. .. .
a lot of people have written me about the compilation. this is good.
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Tuesday, November 26th, 2002
4:16 pm
3:22 pm - idea
no one say anything. ever.
i went through some old notebooks this morning and found a few writings that i did while ago. my writings are more like lyrics rather than say me writing a poem.. actually things just come into myhead and i need to write them down. this used to happen a lot more.. my head has been cloudy now for a while.. I have written things.. I always have notebooks.. even if i don't fill the entire thing up.. after a while i just pick up a new one. so. I found a bunch of pages of words that i will be used as lyrics for new ethelscull material. last time I made the music and either dug something out of a notebook or wrote it on the spot. this time i will have a mission to create the right music for these words I've written. once they are perfected to the fullest extent that I can perfect them. then I will share them. I suppose its not a big thing but I have the direction and I really want to start concentrating on making more music.. better music I guess.
and I'm also thinking of putting together a COMPILATION.CD
so now I'm looking for other underground lo fi DIY artists and bands .to appear on the firstKittenwhip Compilation. There isn't a strict rule as what will make it on the cd and what will not.. as all sorts of bands can contribute... but i'm looking for lo bands recording themselves.. releasing music them selves... I really wanted to do a compilation for the longest time now.. ever since i wanted Kittenwhip to start as this tape label back in 1992. well. i have more access now and i hope people get in touch.
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Thursday, November 21st, 2002
5:13 pm
who cares. i have been fed up. I don't know what to do with myself or how to deal with the other humans i have to deal with on a day to day basis . who really cares. when you are alone... when you don't feel good anymore. when you hate things about yourself so to the point you don't want to leave the house or try to talk to people anymore.. when you can not see yourself out of a dark tunnel because your vision is blurred by a longer,.. darker tunnel. I don't want to not get along. I want people to like me. but I shut myself in as soon as I feel threatened. .. or feel that i am the joke. even if i am not. i think that noone cares. no one cares about me but one person. which is fine because its the truest feelings from that person. .. i just can't seem to see myself out of darkness
current mood: gloomy current music: cat power dear sir
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3:41 pm - in hell o well..
why is everyone is such an ass. how can i just be making it.. how can i get by when i am so going back into the darkest parts of my mind. the parts that hate myself... the thoughts that constantly are compairing me to others. where i am always the loser. the parts I will never feel good about. I struggle with this... perhaps this is something no one knows about. but isn't it apparent.. can't you see that you all hurt my feelings.. and then next week you all tell me you care. I am fighting myself. I am thinking in the wrong. no one else can follow because no one is really thinking on the same plane as i am. don't feel well and i don't feel as I should. .. i battle with self hate and disgust every day. How can i be this person when I can't see any direction. how can i be when you all torment me. or so i feel. haunted by a paranoia. thinking you are against me.. you are against me or so i see it ...
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Wednesday, November 20th, 2002
11:14 pm
turns out they are rather smaller then usual at as well...
I have no idea what is going on. .. so i will have to add them to my art site i suppose... ..
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10:20 pm - sway...
the pictures I added came out to small on here and i don't know why. so i've uploaded them with the other stuff I currently have at
please take a look.
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4:50 pm
well maybe i can't seem to make this shit work.
current mood: frustrated
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11:02 am - cut me and paste...
here is some art i've done: they have seemed to come out a lot smaller than I intended. I'll have to fix that later. gosh
( look ) ( here )
current mood: confused current music: go go's beauty and the beat
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