Un qui m'incite à rougir beaucoup's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Un qui m'incite à rougir beaucoup's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, August 21st, 2003
    12:36 pm
    Happy (belated) Birthday userinfohuckfinn!

    (Wasn't online the actual day.) ::hugs::
    1 full penguin| eat a herring sandwich
    Monday, August 18th, 2003
    12:17 am
    It's sad that it's come to this.

    I think that LJ is just a major cause of drama in my life. I'm about to edit my friends list to being only people that I've met through LJ (or haven't met at all). Nothing else. There may be a couple people who remain on my list for whatever reason I choose to keep them. People I consider best friends, and Brian and Lisa.

    It seems that LJ is a breeding ground for bad communication and passive aggressiveness. This would be fine if half the people on my friends list weren't RL friends. That's when it starts to suck.

    And I will not have any of you drag me into the middle of your drama. It's not my place. If you have a problem, fucking do something about it. I'm not going to jeopordize my relationships because someone can't be assertive. SEP. Someone Else's Problem.

    I have not really trimmed my friends list yet. I will give you a chance to respond to this before I remove anyone. Just know that if we don't hang out you don't have to worry about it. If we do hang out and we met through LJ you don't have to worry about it. If you were my friend before LJ then you're the person who should respond. You can either post comments here or email me.

    Current Mood: annoyed
    21 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Wednesday, August 6th, 2003
    10:24 pm
    If you love something set it free
    I think that title is appropriate for this entry. I have drama arising between two people that are very close to me, and they are both LJ. I think that our relationships are too close to be able to communicate effectively via livejournal. I love both of these people, and I've almost lost the same good friends in previous incidents like this one. I didn't want it to come to this, but this is only livejournal. I'd much rather have both of these people in my real life, than not have them in my life at all.
    2 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Friday, August 1st, 2003
    3:10 pm
    Happy Lughnasah / Lammas to those who celebrate.
    4 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Friday, July 25th, 2003
    6:41 pm
    It has come to that time again. I have to clean up my friends list. I think most of this is mutual. If I dropped you and you'd like to continue reading my journal, let me know. So, yeah. Good luck in the future, maybe I'll see you around sometime.
    3 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Saturday, July 5th, 2003
    5:57 pm
    ::cues the cheesy lounge music::

    Happy birthday. To you. ::points::
    Happy birthday to you ::winks::
    Happy Birthday dearest userinfojessahere ::voice cracks::
    Happy Birthday to you.

    Hope you have a great birthday sweetie. ::hugs::
    5 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Tuesday, July 1st, 2003
    2:05 am

    Happy 21st KT!!

    eat a herring sandwich
    Tuesday, June 24th, 2003
    1:14 pm
    haunting love is all that I see when I look in your eyes
    I had a dream about Nick last night. I miss him so much. I haven't talked to him since forever ago... like, 7 months or something. I'm gonna try to give him a call later today. I hope he's still at that number. It's been over a year and a half since the last time I saw him (last time I was in TX), and I still think about him daily. He was part of the reason I came up here. I couldn't stay there and watch him get hurt over and over. So I came up here. Where I miss him, and don't get to talk to him very often.. But he knows I still love him, even if I don't tell him everyday like I used to.

    Anyway. Did I mention that work sucked ass on Sunday? It did. It was supposed to be a quiet slow day. Except two of our stations went down, and engineer on call wasn't answering his home/cell/pager. I tried all of them. I've had about enough with him. That's not the first time that's happened. Six hours there, and he never called me back.

    Went out to Chipotle with Dan and Freaky yesterday for lunch. We had an interesting conversation involving body hair and licking food off of people's faces. Lol.

    Hung out with Freaky most of yesterday. We went around and did errands. Played some bones. Kept ourselves occupied all day. She had a fucked up day, so I helped keep her mind off of it. I hope she's doing ok today.

    Anyway, I'm gonna go now... maybe I'll give Nick a call to see how he's doing and if I can quit kicking myself for leaving.

    Current Mood: indescribable
    Current Music: Rancid - Ruby SoHo
    2 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Thursday, May 15th, 2003
    1:52 am
    ::hugs userinfoiamskotot::
    eat a herring sandwich
    Wednesday, May 14th, 2003
    10:56 am
    In Honor of the show next month... It's Ben Harper Songs
    Pick a band and answer only using that band's song titles:

    1. Are you male or female? Woman In You

    2. Describe yourself: Alone

    3. How do some people feel about you? Beloved One

    4. How do you feel about yourself? When She Believes

    5. Describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest: Diamonds on the Inside

    6. Where would you rather be? In The Lord's Arms

    7. Describe what you want to be: Everything

    8. Describe how you live: So High So Low

    9. Describe how you love: Steal My Kisses

    10. Share a few words of wisdom: Burn One Down
    2 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Monday, May 5th, 2003
    11:44 pm
    For those of you who took the Dante's test... Listen up.
    Appearently it puts spyware on your computer. userinfoaynnoromo posted about it in her journal, and I know some of my friends that don't read her journal have taken it. For more information, look here.
    6 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Thursday, May 1st, 2003
    12:54 am
    Sincerest apologies. I have to drop some people because I've gotten too far behind in keeping up with my friends. Please don't be offended. It's not you, it's me. Thank you for allowing me to see into your lives.
    eat a herring sandwich
    Saturday, April 26th, 2003
    2:03 pm
    I want Chipotle.
    6 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Sunday, January 12th, 2003
    10:26 am
    You say it's your birthday!
    It's my birthday too, yeah!
    You say it's your birthday!
    We're gonna have a good time!
    You say it's your birthday!
    Happy birthday to you!

    Birthday, I would like you to dance.
    Birthday, take a ch-ch-ch-chance...

    Um.. I don't know the rest of the lyrics without the song playing (and I'm not sure if I have them all right up there, hehe), so...

    Happy Birthday Thor/userinfobone_n_ash/userinfobedheadthor!!!

    I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 full penguin| eat a herring sandwich
    Thursday, December 19th, 2002
    11:25 pm
    Last night of the quarter
    Went out to Old Chi tonight after the finals. Yumminess. Hung out with userinfobone_n_ash, userinfophoenixredux, Jesse, Seko, and Marshall. It was fun. Marshall, Jesse and I were all wearing Tool shirts and were sitting on the same side of the booth, me in the middle. We were joking about being in a secret society. It was fun. Good times, good times. We kept wandering back and forth. Between the bar and the restaraunt. At one point Marshall got up and Jesse said something about moving over to the other side of the table, and I acted all hurt and was like, you don't want to sit next to me? And he sat back down next to me and was getting all close to me and I put my arm around him. Lol.

    Went over to userinfophoenixredux's place after that and hung out for a bit. I got a headache tho, and Dave had to go to bed, so we came home. Probably a good thing too, because the streets are shitty tonight. We were sliding on the street by our house.

    Guess that's it. I don't have to work (hardly at all) for the next two weeks, so I'll finally get caught up on my friends page. Goodness. I need to put this coconut icecream away tho. I'm about to rub it all over my body it's so freaking good. Hehehe.

    Current Mood: cheerful
    1 full penguin| eat a herring sandwich
    Thursday, November 14th, 2002
    9:44 pm
    I think I'm going to clean up my friends page. It's gotten to the point where there are certain entries I don't even read anymore because it's so full. I also never get to post comments anymore which sucks. Pretty much if you never update, or if I'm skimming over your entries I'm probably removing you. No hard feelings. And if you really find me that interesting (which I doubt) just let me know and I'll keep you listed so you can read my Lj.
    9 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Sunday, November 3rd, 2002
    7:13 pm
    9 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Friday, November 1st, 2002
    8:36 am

    Happy Birthday userinforobyn_j!!!!

    3 full penguins| eat a herring sandwich
    Thursday, October 24th, 2002
    1:32 am
    Happy Birthday userinfospookydream! Hope you have a great day!!
    eat a herring sandwich
    Friday, October 11th, 2002
    5:07 pm
    Sorry about the quizzes lately.. I promise, a real update shortly, I just liked this one

    what color chucks are you?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    Hehehe.. I'm wild and fun.
    1 full penguin| eat a herring sandwich
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