Presentations / Vorträge
- Netzzensur in der Praxis, eine
Bestandsaufnahme, wird gehalten am 26.6.2003, 19:00 c.t. im
Rahmend des OpenChaos
in Köln. (See also my paper on the topic of
blocking Websites.)
- Sperrung von illegalen Inhalten im Internet, wird gehalten
auf der 17. DFN-Arbeitstagung
über Kommunikationsnetze, 10.6.2003 - 13.6.2003 in
Düsseldorf. (See also my paper
on the topic of blocking Websites.)
- Vorlesung Computerkriminalität im Rahmen
der Vorlesung Wirtschaftsstrafrecht von PD Dr. Friedrich Toepel
im WS 2002/2003.
- Digital Demonstrations held
at the H2K2 conference took
place July 12-14, 2002 in New York City.
Being able to carry
political opinions to the public by showing them on the street
is a basic part of democratic rights. Nowadays, a steadily
increasing part of our life takes place in cyberspace. Things
which aren't happening in cyberspace will therefore get less and
less public attention. How can protest be taken into the virtual
realm? What strategies for "online demonstrations" have we seen
so far? How about the ethical and legal dimensions? Who gets
hurt? Host Maximillian Dornseif will present a new approach for
conducting online demonstrations without adversely affecting
other users on the net.
- WaveLAN
Sicherheitsrisiken T-Systems Sicherheitstagung,
Aachen, 30 Januar 2002.
- Hackers as an important
part of the Information Society at the OECD Workshop on
Security in a Networked World, Nikko Hotel Tokyo, Japan,
12-13 September 2001, by invitation of the Government of
See also my publications.
Maximillian Dornseif -
Last modified: Wed Jun 4 20:14:38 CEST 2003