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[26 Oct 2003|02:24pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | musica ]

"you made my mind up for me when you started to ignore me"

well me, ashley, and cassidy spent a long time indeed in butterfield today.
it was good times indeed.
and all the boys who didnt like it.. well they didnt like it cause they were jealous of mo.

this is mo:
title or description
mo stoogie to be exact:
title or description
our salty creation by:
title or description

thank you brian for liking mo! :)
all the rest are just jealous!

<3 i know to many updates :)
<3 drea.

ps. im gonna get crafty now so expect some more!
ahoy maytee!

boob [26 Oct 2003|03:04am]
today = good.

i went shopping with kevin and jay.
i got tons of super nintendo games.
karen came and we played.
then we went to brians.
zach, andy, will, jackie, and her lil brother were there.
it smelled like gross smelly boy.
then kirk, EVAN and some curly hair boy came.
me and EVAN played the bongos.
we rock.
then they left.
then everyone left.
but then kiernan came.
and allison came.
the olsen twins are hott.
then karen and allison left.
then me, brian and zach came to my dorm.
then they played video games.
and then me and zach played video games.
and i won.
and he got mad.
and then kirk got me mad.
and then brian and zach made the hike back.
and here i am.
at 311 in the morning. sweet.
and now i guess ill go to bed.
or not.
but it seems to be the cool thing to do.
<3 drea
ahoy maytee!

whats the story morning glory? [23 Oct 2003|10:05am]
[ mood | content ]

Ashleigh: drea can we move to florida?
Ashleigh: cuz its fucking snowing

YES YES YES Ash! lets move!

im happy in my new room.
i like my new roomate
i like how the bathroom isnt dirty
i like how there isnt leg hair left in the sink
i like how i dont have to pick up hairballs from the carpet
i like how there isnt dirty thongs left on the floor
i like my new big tv alot
i like my friend karen
(and how we are going to go fish and shoe shopping)
i dont like how boys are stupid
i dont like being confused by boys
i like playing videogames
i like cuddle-ing
i like my new hallway
( and how i know everyone here and they are wicked nice)
i like fast (but not too noisy) cars
i like sleepovers
i dont like not knowing whats going on
i like knowing whats going on
i like curly hair

i need take more pictures of everything.
i need to be more decisive
(esp. bout boys right now.)
i need to buy a good videogame.
i need to do better in school
(cause i feel i am wasting my parents money)

oh and i like hugs.

please dont be a lobster
friends are best
9 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

you tricked me, you did! [22 Oct 2003|11:17pm]
lisa: whats going on?
drea: not much hanging out in some leg warmers and booty shorts. whatcha up too?
lisa: no way, I'm hanging out in someleg warmers and booty shorts!!
drea: no youre not shut up!!
lisa: he he of course I am
lisa: who doesn't??
drea: no are you really?
lisa: all the cool kids do it
lisa: he he no but we can pretend
drea: dammit you fooled me
2 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

[22 Oct 2003|09:53pm]
I know I've already posted this song...
but I do really feel this way right now.

I'm starting to fashion
an idea in my head.
Where I would impress you
with every single word I said,
would come out insightful,
or brave, or smooth,
or charming.
And you'd wanna call me.

And I would be there
every time you need me.
I'd be there every time.

But for now I'll look
so longingly.
for you to want me,
for you to need me,
for you to notice me.

I'm starting to fashion
an idea in my head...

ahoy maytee!

oh boy [21 Oct 2003|11:54am]
so this is drea not knowing what to do...

*im gonna press my hips against you when you hold me*

la la la.

well whatever. im not doing anything.
im waiting for something to happen.

<3 drea
ahoy maytee!

and now for our update! [20 Oct 2003|06:29pm]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | the games of videos ]

well well well...

tortilla sams is good. very very good. i wish i had it everyday. but then i would be large and still not incharge.

so guess who found a home?
DREA DID! yay.
its not def. but it basically is cause i moved all my stuff in already.

i check out like 6 dorms today. some of the dorms here are beyond scary. like seriously beyond it.
last week i asked this girl if she was looking for a roommate.. and she said someone was moving in.

welll...i asked her again today and that girl mkoved in with a friend! so now theres an open space. so i checked in :)

im wicked happy.. cause well my new roomate (ashley) seems wicked nice.. and even better than that.. she also hates purple.. and loves palmtrees!

its sweeeet.

the room is set up nice and its just great.
i just gotta get the rest of my stuff in place.

i really hope everything works out now.

oh and yeah... so the room.. well its in heathman.. A tower... yeah like 6 doors down from jay..
so i guess thats good...
but really really bad at the same time.

so yeah.

thanks again kirk and zach :)
and kirks lil brother that went to college and slept in a room with boys AND GIRLS. ha ha.

welll im gonna go back to my new room and set it up some more :) yay.

<3 drea.

2 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

Too many twinkies........ [18 Oct 2003|03:02am]
[ mood | bouncy ]

nuts nuts nuts!
So like, I dont know whats going on.. all I know is I dont like my dorm or my I also know it's best not to stay there.. and so I dont!
buttttt then! I find out my roomates have all these things against me that they never told me.. so they want me out.
Which is good for me, very good indeed! Well becuase I dont like them.
I did in the beginning, dont get me wrong, I did.. but I mean you would too if you were to first meet them.. but then later when you realize they arent really nice they are infact twofaced.. then YOU would also not like them.
Cause I mean... I def. dont want to be with people that talk about about everyone especially if those people talk basically about their friends... I mean who does that??? NOT RAD KIDS!
I mean really... get a life and a clue.. youre not suppose to talk about "friends!" Can I get a DUH?

So yeah as of now im homeless. So tonight I will be at sir Jason Pauls... and then until I find I home I will live with Kirk (kirk with a K!) and Frank the Tanks dorm. Sweeeeet! Thanks guys!

My boss made me laugh today. I'm so lucky I have such a *righteous* boss, shes rad. I was like... "I havent been sleeping in my dorm...I cant live with my roomates". Shes like "are your roomates the two girls you walked in with when you got the job??". I was like "yeah thats them". Shes like "well there you go! they are fat and ugly thats why they dont like you!" Oh wow. Its nice to have such a great job :)

So yep. I took all my stuff out... well i still need to grab my rugs and picture board.. a chip bowl and some bags..

One of my roomates (names withheld!) always complains bout how she spent so much money on food one or 2 times. It makes me laugh, majorly.... shes like *but mehhhh where does all my food go??* hahahah. wellll heres a hint *for yourself*.. Since all you buy is boxes and boxes of donuts and cupcakes and considering... all you ever do is sit in the dorm and eat it...ummm HMMM where could your food go??
Dude... You spend so much money on crap that you shove down your throat in seconds.


OH YEAH, and Im soo sorry I smushed your cookies.
oh wow.

In other news...
-I got punched in the collarbone by some crazy dancer dude.
-And oh wow this hallway is fun! :)
-I'm talking to Eric. He = nice boy. *boy wher tha heck am i goin Eric?*
-I'm still going to try to go to NY next weekend.

Mmm I guess thats all... schmatin.

Welll yeah everything is nuts..
But the good thing is..
everything will TOTALLY work out for the better.
It willl be soooo SWEEEEET

So yeah it must suck to not be genuine.

goodnight kids!
<3 drEa
3 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

[15 Oct 2003|12:54am]
so i go over brians...
and jay and ashley walk in...
i ask him what he did tonight he goes "nothing, sat in my room alone waiting for you to call"
well thats cool except for the fact when i walk in ashleys room later on i see an chatroom conversation she is having with her friends about jay. fuck that shit.
saying that its unfourtunate jay has a girlfriend.
yeah way fucking unfourtunate.
way fucking unfourtunate that he lies to me and tells me he is alone in his room when in reality he is hanging out with 3 girls that want to suck his cock.
fuck you.
wonder why i havent hung out with you? becuase you are a sleezeball.
you lied to me when we started going out.
my mistake was believing you dont lie anymore.
i dont need this shit. i feel bad for the next girl you fucking date. youre nothing but a liar and a fake.
learn how to fucking not lie to your girlfriend.
14 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

whoa now whoa now [14 Oct 2003|01:46pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

so i updated this thinger.. and it went bye bye..
so here i am again.. doing it again..
*so about my weekend.*
i went to long beach island and had fun.
fun was had.

at 545 in the morning jimmy<3333 decided to give me a call..
and wake up all 14 people sleeping in the hotel room...
well except me... i slept thru it.. till jay handed me the phone and i got to talk to my jimmy and keep everyone up.
i'm very very happy he called.
i missssssssss youuuuuuuuuuuuu jimmmmmmmmmmmy!!!

so heres some pics from the trips...
click me im fun! )

i didnt take a lot of pics.. which is VERY VERY suprising.
but its cool.

so yeah i met lots of rad people. yay.

*Boy, wher tha heck'r we goin??*

*edit* I would like to add eric started the "boy, wher tha heck'r we going" revolution. *edit*


so yesterday... the beach was had.
the sun was really nice but the wind was super cold.
so there drea was in a sweater and 2 shirts at the beach...
i called jenna<3
then there was an icecream search... and a free slushie afterwards.
then a power shower.

then i went to kirks dorms but no slushies were had.
but hes a nice boy from the trip i met.
very nice indeed.
then brian came and we went for a stroll to his car..
also a very nice boy indeed.
on the way i saw jay...
he was on his way to ashleys a very nice girl we met on the trip.
a very nice girl indeed.
but with MY longboard NOT HIS.
which he had taken out of MY car NOT HIS.
*cough theif cough*

so anyway.. off to brians where i wrote a shit ass paper then watched teenage mutant ninja turtles.. oh so good. so then afterwards brian very nicely walked me back to the ghetto..
and then dun dun dun i walked up to my door and couldnt get in, dun dun dun the security lock had been hit!
and since it was 3 in the morning i couldnt bang on the door. dun dun dun so i was trapped outside.
so i called jay and dun dun dun he didnt answer. so i decided to walk up to Adams dorm (the non ghetto dorm) and see if i could get in knowing brian and ashley both had spare beds. but... dun dun dun i couldnt get in.
finally jay answered his phone and i ended up heading to the country side to sleep over there.. i almost got eaten by a skunk tho :(
so yeah kids.. security lock = bad.


so yeah that was my weekend. it was cool. the only thing im anti about is... well.. everything made me so sad. New Jersey and the beach.. i just missed everything so much. i want to go back to florida soo bad. i want to visit so many friends soooo bad. i really like it here.. but wow. but yeah everything is pretty good. overall. :)
i just gotta make some decisions. la la la.

ok now..
2 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

oh wow [09 Oct 2003|10:45pm]
*'Ghettopoly' *
1 captin giraffe! |ahoy maytee!

nobody wants to deal with a stalker [08 Oct 2003|12:15pm]

"either throw yourself in front of traffic, or overdose, PLEASE"
oh wow, lol.
4 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

[07 Oct 2003|08:27pm]
[ mood | cold ]

drea: ants to h better....drea ave xwith jayw
jay: what
jay: ??
drea: why arent all the keys coming
jay: push them

click here click here im chaos! )

oh and yeah jay looks hotter than me in a wetsuit.
yeah whatever.
i guess i still love him.

<3 drea

6 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

*lets go red sox la la la la la* [07 Oct 2003|12:34am]
[ mood | crazy ]
[ music | cheeering insane fans ]

can we say nuts?
its been insane...
hundreds of people
running stampedes
cops fucking offroading

pics tomorrow? indeed.

<3 drea

ahoy maytee!

latin schmatin bomberman. [30 Sep 2003|10:26pm]
[ mood | crushed ]

i guess its time for a real update.

well mono sucks x 12. im so tired. i slept for two hours today after i slept in and missed all my classes. i was going to go to one but my mom was like no way jose. rest up. so i did.

i got lots of victorias secret sutff in the mail today from my aunt <3 alot of it doesnt fit so it will be exchanged.. but it made me happy.

i also got a masterbation card form ashleigh that i love like whoa. im going to put it up on my wall :) thank you ashliegh!

today is my lovers birthday!

ive been slacking in school. or maybe i just feel that way. ive done all my homework.. not latin so much. its so much harder than i expected. its all gramar no vocab! Booooo! i like vocab.
thats right, im a dweeb that likes vocab! want to fight?

well about jay.. i dont know.. i just want things to be better. he is def. a good guy.. someone that i would want to spend the rest of my life with but hes changing so much.. and not for the better. i remember always telling leeann she should stop wishing for jon to become nice old jon again cause it wasnt going to happen and i find myself sitting here wanting jay to be nice again.
i guess the convo helps describe how i feel.

Mike: r things better with u and jay these days?
Drea: we have stupid fights everyday and i def. dont think he is as nice as he use to be... and i dont kno if should just deal with it and just lower myself to get use to it... or if i should stand up and say something
Mike: umm yeah u do know
Mike: dont feeeeeed me such nonsense haha
Mike: u know the answer
Drea: umm yeah i said soemthign but it doesnt do much
Drea: at all
Drea: so its like now what
Mike: right
Mike: yeah tough call dood
Mike: we all go through em
Mike: i had to do some hard shit man
Drea: i mean we have been going out a year.25 months so i mean u cant expect em to be sweet and caring forever
Mike: yeah u can
Mike: well thas what i would want
Drea: that is what i want.. but im starting to doubt its possible
Mike: u dont want it to be awesome.. and then after 2 years.. just deal
CherryBombDre: bah
Mike: i think its possible man
Mike: thas how u know u found the right one
Mike: i have to think its possible
Mike: cause its what i want
Drea: i sure would hope so. i thought i found the right one...and i thought he would stay sweet forever
Mike: and if its not possible then fuck dating.. just date someone for a few months while its good then move on
Drea: yeah

so yeah. i dont know. i just want my energy back. i want to study harder. i want to work more and enjoy it again. i want the suprise for my mom to work out. i want jay to be sweet and care like he use to (get well cards, flowers, sweet words, a doodle?? anything. ughh).

i need to do something. i dont want to be treated like this. something is going to happen

wish me good healing guys.
im def. needy for extra love right now, im not gonna lie.

<3 drea michelle <3

2 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

[29 Sep 2003|03:05pm]
its nice how jay chooses to play video games instead of making sure i get back to my dorm ok when im sick.
i guess this is why i can consider myself single.
ahoy maytee!

[29 Sep 2003|02:41pm]

that concludes our update.
P.S. icecream cakes makes me feel better.
3 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

[24 Sep 2003|07:01pm]
i feel like im such a fucking annoyance.

fuck you drea.
2 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

AHAHAHAHAHAAH ha [23 Sep 2003|11:52pm]
Your Ultimate Purity Score Is...
(Or WOULD be, if you hadn't lied....)
CategoryYour Score Average
I wouldn't shake hands, if I were you
For Christ's sake, put your clothes on!
Sex Drive 28.9%
I got needs, baby, you gotta unnastan'!
Just go fuck something, okay?
Gayness 0%
Makes Dr. Frank-n-Furter look tame
Fucking Sick11.5%
The pets are nervous
You are 28.39% pure
Average Score: 72.5%

oh wow.
6 minutes till midnight...
still havent started homework..
let the procrastination continue
4 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

[23 Sep 2003|01:40am]
I did the right thing.

"Everythings gonna be alrite. Be strong. Believe."
8 captin giraffe!s |ahoy maytee!

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