Out Motherfucker the Man's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Out Motherfucker the Man's LiveJournal:

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    Monday, February 17th, 2003
    4:01 pm
    Mere totally wants me
    The proof is in my new icon.
    11:10 am
    Ninja please

    Silent and Deadly, you are a ninja</font size>

    You think Crouching Tiger dropped a duece on your artform. You wear black to hide the bloodstains. You can fuck anyone up with just your eyebrow. You use your hands, a sword, chopsticks, whatever. You can even do that super sweet thing with the smoke.<
    Are you Pirate or Ninja....

    Friday, February 14th, 2003
    12:39 pm
    AHHH Valentines day
    Though I expected to be spewing a hate filled rant today recent developments would really make it seem petty. Besides I had a wicked cool dream last night about stealing a north korean helicopter and blowing up harrison ford then boning Alyson Hannigan. My friends called me from the T room last night and invited me out but it was late so I decided against it. Today I plan on buying a few beers then meeting up with them down at Ned Kelly's. I love those 2 bars just because they're these little dorchester Irish pubs where they'll serve anyone and never I.D. My sister also gave me a card and a lil rubber guy that when you squeese snot comes out of which was sweet of her. All said and done today will be just another day and not a bad one at that so Happy Valentines day to all stay in the sack or at least out of jail <3

    Current Mood: content
    Current Music: Johnny cash - Hurt (NIN Cover)
    Thursday, February 13th, 2003
    8:00 pm
    Nana is home and well although a lil shakey still. Much thanks to those who sent their best wishes<3
    2:42 pm
    Murphy's Law
    Anything that can go wrong will and has. My nana knocked on my door at 2 AM last night and asked me to get my mother cause she didn't feel well, She was having major chest pains and we had to call an ambulance. She says she feels better and is still in the hospital but I got almost no sleep last night. All the stress of packing and moving is too much on her, Hopefully she'll recover quickly.

    Current Mood: worried
    Current Music: Boy Sets Fire - Unspoken Request
    Wednesday, February 12th, 2003
    7:31 pm
    I can't believe the news I got today, Out of respect to my friend I won't get into details but it made me hate people even more, I need to do my best to be there for her even though I have no idea what to say or tell her. I guess there isn't much I could. Hopefully she'll pull through this ok.

    Current Mood: There are no words
    1:25 pm
    So I'm hung over and i wake up to the gentle sounds of a man sawing the bars off our windows (Yes we had to have steel grates put over every window and door due to the neighborhood we live in) So needless to say my head feels like crap right about now, I'm chugging down a giant bottle of apple juice as soon as he leaves it may change to guiness. For now I'm busy pretending all the people on my friends list are my valentines, Especially Hans!

    Current Mood: Hung the fuck over
    Current Music: SAW SOUNDS
    Tuesday, February 11th, 2003
    1:02 am
    I cancelled aol but am using my cousin's sn at later hours for downloads and aim so that you don't all have withdrawals. The bank is still jerking us around on the move and they need to cut the shit. Also though I'm sure it's easy to tell anyone using myy font on aol is one of my stalker imitators, This is the only sn I will be using. I'll post my new number and address in a friends only post as soon as I find it out if we even get a new one.

    Current Music: Clutch
    Sunday, February 9th, 2003
    5:45 pm
    Missed it......
    Reach the sky's last show was today, Girl I know from online Patti came all the way up from kentucky but I couldn't get down there and have never really went to shows so I'd feel odd. Would have loved to meet her and see RTS though, oh well. 2 days till supposed move, I am starting to get the feeling it won't happen at all. Would just fit too perfectly for something to fall through. Also I need to mature a lot in thought and action. Anyway saw signs today I liked it but the ending was kind of queerbo much like everyone had said it was Not a bad movie though.

    "Did you really think you could hold it all in without it exploding, It's killing me every day and when it falls it's gonna be directly on your shelters"-Reach The Sky"

    Current Mood: pessimistic
    Friday, February 7th, 2003
    10:48 pm

    Devious VixXxen: Dude, you need to be my boyfriend so I can go out and brag about how big your hog is.. and be like walking down the street with you and be like..."THIS IS MY BOYFRIEND... NOTICE HOW I SAY MY!??! AND GUESS WHAT?! HIS HOG IS THISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS BIG! IT'S ENORMOUS. WHEN WE FUCK IT HITS THE TOP OF MY SKULL... HENCE THE TERM SKULL FUCKING."


    Devious VixXxen: @Q!@#*(@&#@(*$^@(#^
    Tuesday, February 4th, 2003
    11:35 pm
    Howlin Hank Hung
    That was Dirty White Boy by Foreighner and that wraps it up for me, Stay black and on the attack and that ends the Danny Broadcast day.

    Current Music: Station Identification
    Friday, January 31st, 2003
    3:35 pm
    Hell yeah
    Just did my taxes, I'm getting back a little over a thousand. Will make a good start towards saving up. H&R; Block rules

    Current Mood: Wealthy
    Current Music: Cash Money Millionaiers- Bling Bling
    Thursday, January 30th, 2003
    9:10 pm
    Yeah I know all my posts are identical
    My hatred of the world is only outweighed by the hatred I hold for myself right now for ever thinking there was any good in people. I always take my good qualities and put them on others believing they care about my feelings when they go out of their way to be rude manipulative and downright smarmy. I wish I'd never even known half the people I've cared about and if they fell off the face of the planet right now I'd be happier then they ever made me. I'm sick of only having negative posts that all sound the same so I figured I'd at least end this one on a joke

    1:47 pm
    I don"t remember much of yesterday. i guess my nana came down and said she smelled smoke and i talked to her and my mom, which im drawing a total blank on. Also i decided to start smoking a pipe. i'll be so refined
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2003
    8:06 am
    "Mr. Simpson was telling us how the world keeps screwing him over."
    So we busted ass throwing out all the furniture we aaren't taking with us, Packing up everything when the real estate agent calls and informs us the bank is holding up the mortage and we won't be able to move for another week. I'm sitting on the floor right now. BLAH. I just wanna get this crap over with.

    Current Music: Warzone
    Tuesday, January 28th, 2003
    5:55 am
    It's like a museum of juvenile delinquency........
    Cleaning out the hidden compartment on my old desk found... A sample size tube of astroglide, 4 packs of fire works, A half made fake I.D with the name Benjamin Downs, A tin of cherry skoal, 2 Packs of fleishmans yeast, A knife I'd forgotten and a throwing star. Just found it amusing to be stareing at all the stuff i hid up there and forgotten.
    Monday, January 27th, 2003
    6:41 pm
    Odd urges
    When I get my new job I wanna save every cent. Move to the woods up north somewhere and get a cabin. Grow a mountain man beard. Replace my teeth with stainless steel caps. Tattoo every inch of my body. Carve wendigos out of pine trees. Cut myself off from soceity. Saving for an apartment won't do me any good. Spend my days in the cold snow covered north. Drink whiskey. Own guns. Live off the land. Right now I think I'd be happy that way. As simple of a dream as that is I probably still won't accomplish it. Probably end up a bald skinny lil bag boy in Weymouth. Couldn't cost too much for a small plot of land in the middle of nowhere though. Almost anything I say I'll do never lasts more then a week. Silly that something like this is one of my dreams but it has been since I was a boy.Never say Never I guess. Won't promise I'll acheive it but I'm gonna try. House gets cleared out completely tommorrow and we'll be living in the new one by Thursday night.

    "Under green New England skies I wanna live free or Die"

    Current Music: Scissorfight - Lunatic Yankee Spectre
    Sunday, January 26th, 2003
    11:42 pm
    My weighing in on all the recent political posts........
    If it's brown bomb it down.

    ..............GOD I CAN'T WAIT TO POKE THAT BLACK MAN WITH A STICK!..........

    Current Mood: Pissah
    Current Music: None...YET
    8:23 pm
    I'm the lead singer of a "Band", We're BrettCore we just make fun of this fat kid we know. We're gonna be huge because nobody likes him, We're called the PUnchbowl Pissah's" Because he used to keep a punch bowl in his room and pee in it. We ROCK. Also we're gonna have our black friend John on stage and just poke at him with sticks. I'm lead singer along with Danny D. Christin plays guitar well, Mark is a great drummer.. 2 Talented musicians and me and Danny D will just be drinking and screaming . Will post band pics someday.

    Current Mood: Pissah
    Current Music: None...YET
    Friday, January 24th, 2003
    9:36 am
    Slightly angered
    I hate Valentines day i hate even walking past heart shaped choclates, When I was in grade school the only thing I got was a ninja turtles card from the polish kid who didn't speak english and smelled like ricotta cheese. FUCK, I'm not a big fan of taking pleasure in other's pain but i make one hell of an exception for VDay. Anyone who spends it with someone they "Love" needs to die in horrible awful ways while i beat children sniff airplane glue and oppress minorities. DIE DIE HEADBUTT GROIN PUNCH DIE!. I hate catholics on that day for making Saint Valentine a saint. If family members ask me why I'm not out with a girl that day their shoes will get urinated in.Somebody come to boston and get drunk with me so I can bitch and moan and make random comments about the fullness of your boobies. Also I was thinking how much I truly hate some people. People who just decide that they don't need to speak to you out of nowhere, And people who hang on your every word one minute and pretend you aren't even speaking the next. Die party of 3 right this way would you like to hear our special deaths? So yeah thats how I feel right now, Lonely hate filled Lonely,Hate filled, Hopeless, Hung over, Horny,Lonely,Hungry, And full of more hate. Move draws closer only about 5 days away. I won't have the internet for aa few days maybe up to a week. I'm downloading porn around the clock to get me through this. Much like a squirrel stores his nuts, I must stockpile in fear of an erection hurricane. If anyone wishes to contribute you know where to send em har har.

    POPSICLE STICK: "What kind of mouse doesnt eat cheese.....A computer mouse"
    I suffered through your grapey goodness just to get that? DIE!

    I'm getting fat, I think I've kind of decided to. I want people to vommit when i take my shirt off. I'm gonna be alone forever anyway why not look the part. Fat with bad teeth acne sign me up. Complaining about star wars movies and Lor of the Rings. At least I'll have the booze and my day dreams of better life that I'm too afraid to even attempt to acheive. Thats kind of like enjoying life?...RIGHT?

    Oh yeah, DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Current Music: Blood for Blood - Piss all over your hopes and dreams
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