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Tuesday, January 14th, 2003
10:41 pm - :: 102 random facts about Lisa ::
A cute idea I stumbled upon. Now no one on here can ever say that they don't know me at least somewhat. And I expect all the kids on my friends list to do this in their own journals. By the way, it's supposed to be 100 facts, but that's an unattractive and spiritless little number. 102 just sounds better.

102. I once got lost for several hours in Tijuana, Mexico.
101. I was born with copper-red hair. It turned blonde when I was 3. Then brown at 13. Then I dyed it red for several years. Now I bleach it...
100. David Bowie in Labyrinth was the first person that I ever had a crush on. I was 4.
99. Sea animals make me physically sick. Not the edible ones, but rather, dolphins, whales, sharks and such.
98. I am fascinated by ethnicity and ancestry. My own as well as that of other people.
97. I had/have precognitive dreams. As well as dreams involving events which I only found out later, had actually been happening in or around that time. And for the most part it involves trivial nonsense.
96. My favorite flowers are lilies, orchids, and magnolias.
95. I've never tasted alcohol and I never will.
94. My mother wanted to name me Jillian, but my father wouldn't let her. So she picked a name at random.
93. I like peas.
92. I dislike chocolate, beef, and most kinds of salad. I also shun nearly all condiments. Especially mayonnaise.
91. I ask a lot of questions.
90. I feel sorry for people when they make fools of themselves in public. Even if they don't believe what they're doing is embarrassing, it still makes me sad.
89. I love the heat. And I want to move to the low desert.
88. My last name is made up.
87. Moments before we got the call that my great-grandmother had died, I was dreaming about Jesus. We were having a conversation, and then he said he had to go. =)
86. I've read the Bible cover to cover.
85. My favorite Christmas song is Silent Night.
84. I once saw a scene in a movie where someone was given a spinal tap. I now cringe at the mention of or sight of spines. Even my own. I'm cringing now.
83. Boys/men have this awful tendency to uselessly invade my life just when I'm at the point of being over their whole blasted gender.
82. Feminism annoys me.
81. So does male chauvinism.
80. John Lennon is my all-time favorite human being. Has been since 7th grade. Nothing will ever change that.
79. I get insulted when people insult my ancestral nations. Like Bill O'Reilly just did to Sweden.
78. I generally like Bill O'Reilly. Even though he's a bit of a prig.
77. Stripes make me happy.
76. Action/cop movies bore me to tears.
75. I am part Western Band Cherokee Indian and prouder of it than just about anything. Who wants to be entirely European anyway?
74. Before I entered Kindergarten my life consisted of swinging on my swing set, listening to music, tormenting the dog, crying/being a brat, and watching soap operas with my mother. Not much has changed.
73. I have piano player hands, though I can't play the piano.
72. My favorite color is purple. Along with grey, silver, black, and cherry red. I had a brief stint with pink.
71. I am in love with words.
70. Numbers are the bane of my existence.
69. I can't stand opening gifts in front of people.
68. I'm a second generation Californian. Before that, my family hailed from Oklahoma, Illinois, and Iowa respectively.
67. I don't yet do my own laundry.
66. I adore Eastern Europe.
65. My sister and I used to get in girl fights, i.e., slap her and take off running for fear of being slapped in return.
64. My favorite television shows are Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Late Night with Conan O'Brien.
63. I sleep too much.
62. I've never seen Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Sound of Music, or the Matrix. I have no desire to.
61. One of the worst smells in the world is the fertilizer/garden section of Target.
60. I've read more books than most people do in a lifetime.
59. I can't say the word swarthy. Don't ask how I discovered that.
58. I also can't say "edited". It always ends up with an extra syllable. Ed-it-it-ed.
57. I used to know the entire Animaniacs theme song by heart. And the theme song to Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
56. Greta Van Susteren bugs the crap out of me.
55. The index finger on my right hand is double-jointed.
54. I've been told that I'm a relentless debater. I let nothing go until my point is made, and the idiot who disagrees with me has their mind changed.
53. I eat orange tic-tacs like they're candy.
52. All other tic-tac flavors are gross.
51. Tic-tacs must always be eaten two at a time.
50. My mother insists that I'm sensitive.
49. I am not sensitive. I am temperamental.
48. I can read backwards. A talent I learned in those long hours of class when I wasn't doing my work.
47. I was once obsessed with Liam Gallagher of Oasis.
46. I am Conservative and a Republican. But not necessarily a "Conservative Republican".
45. I don't type on the right keys.
44. I have no idea what I'd like to do with my life.
43. Try as I might, I will never be as pale as other people. I've even been told that if I stayed in the house for twenty years straight, this pigment still wouldn't come out.
42. I want to be lily white in skin tone. Not in heritage.
41. I close my eyes/fast forward through sex scenes in movies. Even when I'm by myself.
40. Modern writers don't know how to write.
39. I hate sports.
38. With the exception of basketball.
37. I hate having my picture taken.
36. I worried about bio-terror long before the events of 9-11.
35. I like all forms of music. All.
34. I believe that everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences.
33. I love/loathe people.
32. Margot from The Royal Tenenbaums reminds me of myself.
31. I have a react first think later mindset when it comes to other peoples opinions.
30. I can't do a cartwheel. They turn into back flips.
29. A tree fell on my house once. I slept through it.
28. I don't lie.
27. Stupidity infuriates me.
26. I have dreamt of UFOs at least every 1 and 1/2-to 2 months since I was in fifth grade. I have no idea why.
25. I met Roseanne once. She gave me a cookie.
24. I worry too much.
23. I have recently discovered Rilo Kiley and I am in love.
22. I have never done a drug.
21. My favorite day of the week is Tuesday.
20. I have never had a boyfriend. This is a good thing.
19. I shoplifted once. I got out of the store and then went right back in and put it back.
18. My mouth is too big. In every way.
17. The only book I can ever remember hating was Catcher In The Rye.
16. A common misconception about me is that I'm mean. I am not.
15. I run into things. Walls and such.
14. I am a die-hard Laker fan. I bleed purple and gold.
13. I watch every game.
12. Slava Medvedenko owns my heart.
11. I'm superstitious. So much so that I just had Slava's name on #13 but decided that that may be bad luck so I changed it.
10. I can't blush.
9. But I can raise one eyebrow.
8. I can't stand the smell of popcorn.
7. I don't ever wanna drive.
6. I want to travel. Everywhere.
5. I learn for fun.
4. I once thought Lord of the Rings was stupid. For which I am deeply shamed.
3. I have liked too many boys.
2. I am fiercely loyal.
1. I love God, Christ, the Holy Blessed Virgin, the Holy Apostles, all the Saints and Angels. And yet I am oddly unimpressed by the Pope. I'm also terribly irreverent.

current mood: accomplished
current music: Trembling Blue Stars - The Ghost of an Unkissed Kiss
4 souvenirs| ...any old actress...
Thursday, October 17th, 2002
3:10 am
To do this, you must answer all the questions using ONLY lyrics from ONE band or singer...

Answers to the lyrics of: Tori Amos

1. Are you male or female?:

She's been everybody else's girl
maybe one day she'll be her own...


2. Describe yourself:

She looks like eva marie saint
in on the waterfront
she reads simone de beauvoir
in her american circumstance
her heart's like crazy paving
upside down and back to front, she says
oh, it's so hard to love when
love was your great disappointment...


3. How do they feel about you?

And is it right, butterfly,
they like you better framed and dried...


4. How do you feel about yourself?:

I knew that he was
looking for some Indian blood,
and find a little in you, find a little in me,
we may be on this road but we're just impostors in this country...

.A Sorta Fairytale.

5. Describe your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend/lover:

All the world is
all I am
the black of the blackest ocean
and that tear in your hand
all the world is danglin'...
danglin'... danglin' for me darlin'
you don't know the power that you have
with that tear in your hand
that tear in your hand...

maybe I ain't used to maybes
smashing in a cold room
cutting my hands up
every time I touch you,
maybe, maybe it's time
to wave goodbye now
time to wave goodbye, now...

caught a ride with the moon
I know I know you well,
well, better than I used to
haze all clouded up my mind
in the daze of the why
it could've never been
so you say and I say
you know you're full of wish
and your "baby baby baby babies"
I tell you there're pieces of me
you've never seen
maybe she's just pieces of me
you've never seen, well...

.Tear In Your Hand.

6. What would you rather be doing?:

I met a drag king called Venus
she had a velvet hologram she said
'my husband ran off with my shaman
but they love me as I am'

in the glories of the 80's
I may not have to die
I'll clone myself
like that blonde chick
that sings bettie davis eyes...

.Glory of the 80's.

7. Describe where you live:

We could buy an airplane
build a home in the sand...

.Cool On Your Island.

8. Describe how you love:

No one's picking up the phone
guess it's me and me
and this little masochist
she's ready to confess
all the things that I never thought
that she could feel and

hey jupiter
nothings been the same
so are you gay
are you blue
thought we both could use a friend to run to
and I thought I wouldn't have to be
with you something new

sometimes I breathe you in
and I know you know
and sometimes you take a swim
found your writing on my wall
if my hearts soaking wet
boy your boots can leave a mess...

.Hey Jupiter.

9. Share a few words of wisdom:

Me and Jesus a few years back
used to hang
and he said "It's your choice babe,
just remember
I don't think you'll be back in 3 days time so you choose well"...

.Me And A Gun.

current mood: awake
current music: P.J. Harvey - As Close As This
...any old actress...
Monday, October 14th, 2002
7:38 pm - Another Southern California advantage...
Witnessing missile tests/missile defense from your very own backyard!

If you haven't experienced it yet, you really should.

There's nothing quite so ominous as seeing things explode in mid-air from the vantage point of your living room window. Compound that with the fact that your country is about to enter in on an ill-advised war, and you've got yourself some good old-fashioned apocalyptic fun.

current mood: intimidated
current music: Tori Amos - Cooling
...any old actress...
3:39 pm
I got awakened by an earthquake last night. My first real one
since I've lived in this house I believe. It was centered out in the ocean, exactly two miles from my city.
However, this one turned out to be minuscule. Which actually annoyed me, for small earthquakes aren't worth getting up for. But one of these days, we'll have a large one. And than we'll all be plunged into the Pacific. Fun! ::Sigh:: I hate living in earthquake country.


I've been reading Of Human Bondage. It's really, really, wonderful. Yes, so I say that about nearly every book I read, and I always mean it. But Of Human Bondage is extra special and wonderful. It's hard to pinpoint why exactly. I suppose it just appeals to my sense of aesthetics.
A young and misguided early 20th century English malcontent, tries to find himself and his place in the world by hopping from country to country, and career to career, in the process surrounding himself with artists, poets, and pseudo-intellectuals.
That's only what I've gotten from the first 200 pages. The main crux of the plot is actually about, of course, a woman.
But it's lovely, and I'm recommending it to everyone.

On an entirely unrelated subject: My Lakers are getting creamed in the pre-season. They lost just the other day, to the Denver Nuggets, 103-81. Yes, that's right. My 3 time champion Los Angeles Lakers lost to the Denver Nuggets by 22 points. But I'm going to keep it in proper perspective, by remembering that this same situation happened last year in exhibition, and then we came out of the gate roaring, and won, well, I can't remember the exact number, but it was a whole bunch in a row. And, we're without Shaq, Foxy, and to a lesser extent Madsen. So I'm not too terribly worried. Yet. I will be, but not yet.
And I'm getting tired of hearing people whine about Slava's development. I'm annoyed and disappointed that he didn't progress over the summer too, but he's still a good player. One who's well worth having, else Kupchak wouldn't have re-signed him to a two year deal in July. Plus, Devean George was given a wealth of time to develop and come into his own as a player, and he's older and speaks English. Slava has alot of obstacles to get past before he can really become a contributor. The main one being that he doesn't speak English. But he will get past them given time. So I really wish people would get off of his case, and leave my poor boy alone. He's doing the best he can. And, how's he expected to get better if Phil Jackson won't give him any playing time?
In hindsight, I should have directed this at the people at LakersGround, since they're the one's who are irritating me, but I lost my password and it's just too much effort.

And I've decided that I want a different haircut. I'm getting tired of spikes, and I want it even shorter than I've had it previously. So I went online searching for hairstyles and lo and behold I stumbled upon this:

Cute, yes?

Upside, it doesn't look to be a vast amount of effort, except for the finger waves.

current mood: good
current music: Edith Piaf - T'es Beau, Tu Sais
...any old actress...
Saturday, October 12th, 2002
5:40 pm
Wee! Praise God for the people at LakersGround. One of them listed a link to an internet broadcast of today's Laker game. Again I say, wee!

current mood: jubilant
current music: My Lakers game. Wee!!
...any old actress...
Friday, October 11th, 2002
5:11 pm
Stupid Anaheim Angels game! I hope they lose.

Baseball. Like anybody gives a crap.

I want my bloody Lakers game! ::Stomps foot:: Blast it!

Maybe I can find it on the internet somewhere...

Stupid radio station.

current mood: infuriated
current music: The Germs - Lexicon Devil
2 souvenirs| ...any old actress...
1:32 pm
First thing, I have to mention how many memories this song brings up. Some good, most painful. 10th grade. ::Sigh::

I'm sitting here awaiting 5:30. Exhibition game #2. It's not being shown on t.v. so I'm stuck with the radio simulcast. I've never bothered listening to the radio broadcasts before, but I'm just that bored. I honestly don't think I have enough imagination to listen to a game, and have to envision it all in my head.

On the upside, however, I'll have lost interest by the middle of the second quarter, which will give me opportunity for a nice boredom induced study session. Which, technically, I should be doing now. But this is just so much more fun.

I've recently come to the conclusion that I am a news junkie. I now spend half of my internet time poring through news sites. And I have Fox News on in some form from the time I wake up in the... afternoon, to the time I go to bed at 4:00 A.M. It's a certifiable addiction. I think tomorrow I'll test myself and see if I can go a whole 24 hours without any kind of news.

Also recently discovered: I'm gaining some kind of weird accent. Exclusive to me alone. I can no longer say the words: bored, computer, or towel. Bored comes out: bo-uhd,
computer is now: com-pu-tuh, and towel is: tal. I can say them properly with an effort. It may be simple laziness on my part. But I prefer to think that I'm developing a totally unique accent. I'm just genuinely grateful that I don't have an Oklahoma twang like my father's side of the family.

I'm reading The Color Purple. It's very good, just as I thought. It's kind of annoying how they blank out the name of the main character's husband throughout the book. But still very good. And I'm almost finished with it now. Only 40 pages or so left. And than I'll begin Of Human Bondage. Yey.

current mood: hyper
current music: Social Distortion - Sick Boys
...any old actress...
Wednesday, October 9th, 2002
4:05 pm
So, what else do I have to speak of, besides Laker inanity? Not very much. But I'm going to give it a go anyway.

Today would be John Lennon's 62nd birthday. It also happens to be the day that his murderer, and my mortal enemy for life, gets denied parole for the second time. Ha! Ha! Take that, you stupid f***ing f***! You'll never get out. Ever. You'll spend the rest of your pathetic existence in prison. And when you die, I'll find your grave and dance on it. And I don't even dance.

Moving on...

I bought books yesterday. This makes me happy.
In no particular order:

Of Human Bondage - W. Somerset Maugham
I don't know why exactly. It just sounded interesting. I was in the mood for a nice, thick, depressing, love story. Plus, when I'm finished with it, I'll rent the movie. Which I've always wanted to see.
The Color Purple - Alice Walker
I stayed up until 5:00 in the morning this summer and watched the movie on t.v. and it was excellent. So I figured the book is even better. I have a weird fixation with books about black people set in the past. Much more interesting than if it were set in present day. Because than you'd have hip-hop references and such. =P
The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro
Again, I have no idea why precisely. But for the fact that the author is Japanese, born in Japan, and it appears that all of his characters are English. I thought it odd, and thus, worth buying.
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
It's a classic. One I haven't yet read. That's all it takes. Plus, people seem to hate it, so I assume I'll enjoy it immensely. After all, everyone adores Catcher in the Rye! ::Gags::
The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien
I read the Lord of the Rings trilogy. So, why not? Aside from the fact that it's a children's book. And fantasy. And my mother keeps making fun of me and calling me a dork.

I've decided that I'm going to get braces soon. Since I have silly crooked teeth. Yey! I've always wanted braces. It'll be fun. I'm pretty sure that I'm the only person alive that thinks that braces will be fun. But everyone else is just stupid. Fun I say!

I am a dork. I love me.

And erm... I'm going to have my livejournal name changed, since they're letting people do that again. Any suggestions?

current mood: silly
current music: The Beatles - Dear Prudence
...any old actress...
1:54 pm - Pre-season Laker ramble. Ignore.
My Lakers played last night. The first of 8 exhibition games, before the regular season begins, in which we'll be heading for our fourth straight championship. A breakdown:

The Good: Everyone played fairly well. Especially our rookies and new guys. I was impressed. Kareem Rush is definitely going to make a difference, IF Phil ever grants him the playing time. And I'm betting that Jannero Pargo and Soumaila Samake make the team.
As for our regulars, same, more of the same.
All in all, a good game, which left me feeling confident as to our ability to get a fourth.
And in respect to Slava, why the hell was everyone scaring me so? They had me expecting that he would go out and trip all over himself. He did not. He played decently with 11 points. To my infinite relief. I guess what everyone was so upset about, was that he's shown no real improvement over last year. But there's still time for that. So my worry is somewhat assuaged.

The Bad: We lost. I don't care if it was by 2 points, it was still a loss. To our cross-town rivals no less. And after having, what, a 10 point lead? Kind of annoying.
The beginning of the game was nice, but we started to look ragged toward the end. Lots and lots of mental errors. Which is actually my biggest complaint about Slava. He made some stupid mistakes. Turnover, turnover, 3 second violation, poor shot selection, didn't box out. He needs to work on his decision making. Screw his (lack of)
defense, screw his offense, stupid mistakes are what's killing him.
And I was not very happy about Foxy not playing. He's injured I know, but still, him being my all around favorite player, I would have liked it much more if he had been out there participating. But at least he showed up.
Kobe wasn't particularly great. Not bad, just quiet, for him.

The Trivial: I'm disappointed that none of our new acquisitions are attractive. I mean, what with Foxy most likely retiring after this year, and Slava being a perpetual question mark, I need someone to gawk at when games get boring. But whatever. I'll worry about that when the time comes. For now though, Foxy looked good. Really good. The prettiest person in the NBA, bar none. Slava was cute as well. Though, he looked skinnier than usual, which is disturbing. Don't they feed him in Ukraine? I still don't like Kobe's haircut. Nor do I like Phil Jackson's newly shaved face. I don't like Samaki's cornrows.
And the fact that we have 2 Samakis, even if they are spelled differently, is going to get confusing.
I'm pleased that the Lakers are wearing black bands on their jerseys, in memory of Chick. And I thought Paul Sunderland did a fine job.

There. Laker babble over.

current mood: content
current music: The Beatles - I Am the Walrus
...any old actress...
Tuesday, October 8th, 2002
1:20 am
Things have been going wrong. And I'm kind of annoyed about it. Not even unhappy per se, just annoyed. Everything I want/wish for goes in the opposite direction the last few days. So I'd really better just shut my mouth and stop wanting things until this streak of badness ends.

I even did my tarot yesterday, and all of the cards were negative or reversed. Which is kind of discouraging. I asked several questions and I could not get an uplifting or hopeful card for anything.

But whatever. I'm not unhappy. Thus, it really doesn't matter.

However, I am displeased about my Lakers. That's the one thing that's bringing me down. All summer long I've wanted basketball. That's all I've wanted since June. I've been bouncing off of the walls in anticipation. That, and for Slava to develop into the player I know he can be.
Well, training camp has just begun. I've heard nothing good about Slava. Nothing. It's all "Slava hasn't blossomed yet" "We're not entirely satisfied with Slava" "We're keeping Slava at center, because he can't wrap his tiny little brain around our offense". I'm this close to giving up on him. It's sad. He could be so good. But he doesn't seem to care, so really, why should anyone else?
Also, him and Rick Fox won't be playing in tonights game due to back spasms. So everything that I was looking forward to for the season is sunk for the time being. They've now reduced me to dread for the upcoming game. ::Sigh:: I have Laker angst.

I am so blessed that these are my problems. Please know that I do realize how blessed I am. I have nothing greater to concern myself with than that my sports team is having minor pre-season difficulties. That's when you know your life is easy.

I feel that I must end this on a happy note. And my happy note is that I finally finished Doctor Zhivago this evening. I liked it very much. There were no characters that I disliked, and everything was beautifully described. And best of all it wasn't tedious. Any scene or passage that was showing signs of going on for too long was over before I began to get bored. I take slight issue with the ending, in that I didn't like the way they chose to leave the relationship between Zhivago and his real wife. But that's a small complaint and it didn't affect my feelings for the character or the book.
And now I'm looking forward to another trip to the book store. It's been so long since I last went, that I've compiled a rather large list. And sadly, I can't get them all. Not all at once anyway. God only knows what I'll end up with but that's part of the fun of the book store.

current mood: okay
current music: John Lennon - Nobody Told Me
...any old actress...
Monday, October 7th, 2002
8:01 pm - A girlfriend.
Why must there always be a girlfriend? How genuinely annoying and typical.

I hate girls. I really do.

current mood: calm
current music: Lord of the Rings Soundtrack - Enya - Aniron
...any old actress...
2:29 am - !!!
Eek! I think I've just found my male equivalent. And he's on livejournal no less. The similarities aren't blatantly obvious. You'd have to know me well to see them. But they're definitely there. I delved fairly deeply into his journal, and I was relating big time. Which is odd, because I can rarely relate to anyone. And certainly not a male. This is both frightening and disturbing.

And please note that if I ever get the nerve to communicate with said male equivalent, than this post will promptly be deleted and it's existence will be denied. =)

current mood: indescribable
current music: Trainspotting Soundtrack - Elastica - 2:1
7 souvenirs| ...any old actress...
Sunday, October 6th, 2002
12:53 pm
Love of God, can't anyone ever compliment Slava without adding in something discouraging? Now I'm scared. And frustrated. Blast it! Why can't Slava just do what's expected of him? He obviously has the abilities. Does he simply not care? Ugh.

Slava still a question
By Howard Beck, Staff Writer

EL SEGUNDO -- This should be Slava Medvedenko's month to shine, his year to turn heads and his time to prove he belongs in an NBA rotation. The Lakers, with an ailing Shaquille O'Neal and an ever-questionable bench, certainly hope for all of that.

When Medvedenko's obvious talents will blossom is anyone's guess, however.

The 23-year-old Ukrainian, hindered in part by the language barrier, has made slow progress in his first two seasons with the team. He bowed out of summer league in July to spend time at home.

And he's been quiet so far in training camp.

"I still think he's getting some things under his belt here," coach Phil Jackson said. "He's getting acclimated to it, I think he's getting acclimated to us. I don't want to make a judgment call on it yet, but I'm not totally satisfied."

Medvedenko remains an intriguing prospect, which is why the Lakers signed him to a new two-year contract this summer. At 6-foot-10, 250 pounds, he is strong enough to bang in the post, and has the shooting and ballhandling skills of a small forward.

"He's the most offensively talented big guy we probably have," Jackson said.

But Medvedenko has a shoot-first mentality, has shown little inclination to rebound and still is learning how to play in the triangle offense. So far, he's played better at center (a relatively easy position in the offense) than at power forward.

With O'Neal out at least a few more weeks, Medvedenko will have ample opportunity to make an impression and, perhaps, secure a spot in the rotation this season.

"But it's a long year," Jackson said. "We're not going to make a decision on that."

current mood: disappointed
current music: Remy Zero - Bitter
...any old actress...
Saturday, October 5th, 2002
9:28 pm
1. Name your favorite T.V. show in middle school: The Simpsons.
2. What is the best way to prepare potatoes? French fries with McDonalds brand ranch dressing. In the the little cup NOT the gross packet kind.
3. Describe your eating habits towards meat. I don't really like it. I like it even less unless it's in something. Plain old chunks of meat sicken me.
4. Be honest : messy, neatnik, or just cluttered? It depends on the day. Usually just cluttered.
5. Many friends, or a few close friends? I shun people for the most part.
6. Did you do horrible things to your braincells as a teenager? No, I did not.
7. Did your braincells do horrible things to you? Blasted brain cells!
8. Beach or pool? Pool. The beach is disgusting.
9. Sun or shade? Sun.
10. Favorite book now? Crime and Punishment.
11. Favorite tv show now? It's a toss up between Buffy the Vampire Slayer, which has been really good so far this season, or Conan O'Brien who's always excellent.
13. Strawberry or chocolate? Strawberry.
14. Do lollipops last long with you or are they gone in two chomps? I never finish them.
15. Wood or carpet? Wood.
16. Does the prospect of mice severely limit your sleep? There are no mice at my house.
17. Is sleep just about the most important thing? Yes.
18. Green thumb or black thumb of death? Black thumb of death. Because it sounds cooler.

Have you ever...
{x} Fallen for your best friend? No.
{x} Made out with JUST a friend? No.
{x} Been rejected? Heh. Why, of course not. =P
{x} Been in love? No.
{x} Been in lust? More or less from the time I was born.
{x} Used someone? Yes.
{x} Been used? One would assume.
{x} Cheated on someone? No.
{x} Been cheated on? Nope.
{x} Done something you regret? Who hasn't?

Who was the last person...
{x} You talked to? My kitty cat. It's really not as insane as it sounds.
{x} You hugged? Again, it's really not as insane as it sounds...
{x} You instant messaged? I don't instant message people. They instant message me.
{x} You yelled at? My mother.

Have you/are you/do you...
{x} Considered a life of crime? Of course!
{x} Considered being a hooker? " " No.
{x} Considered being a pimp? Can girls be pimps? Isn't that called a Madame?
{x} Are you psycho? I can be.
{x} Schizophrenic? I would rather hope not.
{x} Obsessive? Certainly.
{x} Obsessive compulsive? I have tendencies.
{x} Anxiety? Occasionally. And not enough to medicate myself. Just run of the mill anxiety.
{x} Depressed? Rarely.
{x} Suicidal? Nope.
{x} Obsessed with hate? No.
{x} Understanding: It depends on who you ask.
{x} Open-minded: In certain ways.
{x} Arrogant: No.
{x} Insecure: Sometimes.
{x} Interesting: That's not for me to decide.
{x} Hungry: Not at the moment.
{x} Friendly: I hope so. But I doubt it.
{x} Smart: In some ways.
{x} Moody: Yes.
{x} Childish: Yes
{x} Independent: Eventually.
{x} Hard working: When I'm interested and/or want something badly enough.
{x} Organized: No.
{x} Healthy: There's not a thing wrong with me.
{x} Emotionally Stable: I think so.
{x} Shy: It depends on who I'm around.
{x} Difficult: Oh yes.
{x} Attractive: Not really.
{x} Bored Easily: Most definitely.
{x} Responsible: Yes. Sometimes.

{x} Current Clothes: Green plaid pants, and a black shirt.
{x} Current Mood: Bored, but happy.
{x} Current Taste: Ice cream.
{x} Current Hair: It's just down straight.
{x} Current Annoyance: Nothing surprisingly.
{x} Current Smell: Nothing.
{x} Current thing you ought to be doing: Studying, or reading.
{x} Current Desktop Picture: It was a beautiful pic of Orlando Bloom but my mother kept demanding that I take it down. So now it's a picture of the Lakers and written across it is 3-peat champions. =)
{x} Current Favorite Group: The Beatles or Rasputina.
{x} Current Book: Doctor Zhivago.
{x} Current DVD In Player: Murder By Numbers.
{x} Current Refreshment: Pink lemonade.
{x} Current Worry: That I made a mistake by not getting my I.D. done yesterday.
{x} Current Crush: No one I can have.
{x} Current Favorite Celebrity: Orlando Bloom.

{x} Food: Flat bread.
{x} Drink: Starbucks Frappuccinno.
{x} Color: Purple.
{x} Shoes: My 20 eye combat boots.
{x} Candy: Starburst.
{x} Dance: Dancing is awful. But I do enjoy watching Mark Madsen "dance".
{x} Vegetable: Peas. Yes, I said peas.
{x} Fruit: Peaches.

On Dating...
{x} Long or short hair? Short. I used to like long now I can't stand it.
{x} Dark or light hair? Usually dark, but there are exceptions.
{x} Tall or short? Tall. The taller the better. Like 6'10".
{x} Mr. Sensitive or Mr. Funny? Both.
{x} Good boy or bad boy? Lately, the good boy.
{x} Dark or light eyes? Light.
{x} Hat or no hat? No hat.
{x} Pierced or no? Piercings are no longer attractive to me.
{x} Freckles or none? None.
{x} Stubble or neatly shaved? It depends on the guy.
{x} Rugged outdoorsy type or sporty type? I definitely don't like the rugged outdoorsy type. So I'll say sporty by default. Though I prefer smart boys above all.

On preferences...
{x} Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate.
{x} McDonalds or Burger King? McDonalds.
{x} Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? The perfect friend.
{x} Sweet or sour? Sour.
{x} Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Root beer. Dr. Pepper is Godawful.
{x} Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Comedy or sappy. Or foreign.
{x} Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Nacho cheese.
{x} Mud or Jell-O wrestling? Neither.
{x} With or without ice-cubes? Without. Ice cubes make things watery.
{x} Shine or rain? Shine.
{x} Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? Fall.
{x} Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla.
{x} Eyes open or closed? Closed.
{x} Fly or breathe under water? Fly.
{x} Bunk-bed or waterbed? Neither.
{x} Chewing gum or hard candy? Hard candy.
{x} Motor boat or sailboat? Sailboat.
{x} Lights on or off? Off.
{x} Chicken or fish? Chicken.

What's your favorite:
{x} Number? 7.
{x} Holiday? Christmas.
{x} Place? My room.
{x} Flower? Magnolia.
{x} Scent? Magnolia.

{x} If you could be anywhere, where would you be? At this very moment, Paris.
{x} What would you be doing? Sightseeing. Wait, what the hell time is it in Paris?
{x} What are you listening to? Garbage.
{x} Can you do anything freakish with your body? I have one finger that's double-jointed. All the rest are normal.
{x} Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? Raccoons. Seriously, they're the cutest animal ever.

current mood: bored
current music: Garbage - Milk
...any old actress...
3:38 pm
An update! Miracle of miracles!


I changed my layout. I thought it time I dedicate a theme to Tori. So here it is. All red and pretty like. Alright so it's not pretty per se but I think it's neat.
And ha! Something completely unintended. I changed my hit counter and it struck me as amusing that my new blood splotched counter is right under my "Remembering John" picture. The irony.

I was supposed to go get my I.D. picture taken yesterday. Not having a license, I have no form of proper identification, thus limiting my ability to get a job and a G.E.D. considerably. But in typical form, I woke up and decided that I didn't want to spend the day at the D.M.V. So I'll go next week or the week after.

I'm still reading Zhivago. I would have been finished by now, but I actually haven't been reading lately. Bad Lisa. But whatever. I'm enjoying it immensely so there's no real rush. Except that I'm eager to get a new stack of books. I think next time I'll buy some Shakespeare. I haven't bought any new Shakespeare in a while. And there's still a few I haven't read.

Basketball starts on Tuesday. Have I mentioned how much I miss basketball and how anxious I am for it to start? I'm getting nervous though. I desperately want this to be Slava's breakout season. I have way too much emotional investment in that boy. He simply cannot fail.
As well, I'm looking forward to watching the Lakers shut the mouths of all their detractors. One yapping Northern California team in particular. An asterisk next to our third title! Please. Get over it. A bunch of second-rate scrubs is all that Sacto will ever be. I don't care how much talent they insist that they have. Clearly, it wasn't enough to win themselves a title. And Keon Clark is supposed to what? Make them the best? Help them de-throne my Lakers? Win them a championship? He can't even show up to his first day of practice. ::Waves hand dismissively:: Besides, the Lakers were an injured team last year. Kobe was poisoned, Shaq had injuries everywhere, Robert Horry was bleeding internally, and so on so forth. We'll get a fourth championship. And even if not, it won't be the Kings. I still think Dallas could be a real title contender if they would only play some frickin defense. If my Laker's don't go the distance, I think I'd like it to be Dallas. As much I despise Mark Cuban with every fiber of my being.
Anyhow... Yey basketball! I love this game!

And I just found out that my sister is going to London for Thanksgiving. Which merits a big fat "NO FAIR!". The idea of my sister traveling the world grates on my nerves unendurably. In all honesty, shouldn't it be me? She barely knows where London is. But it's ok. I don't want to travel anyway. I might miss a Laker game. ::Grins::

current mood: cheerful
current music: The Dandy Warhols - Boys Better
...any old actress...
Monday, September 30th, 2002
11:37 pm
My DeadJournal

I think the layout is cute. But I still like my livejournal better.

current mood: pleased
current music: The Vibrators - Baby, Baby
...any old actress...
Saturday, September 28th, 2002
9:50 pm
I've been feeling guilty about not updating. So here I am.

But again with the briefness. I'll post something extensive when there's something extensive to write about. Or rather, when I'm inspired and/or caffeinated enough to jot down more than a few minuscule paragraphs.

- I've been creating a homepage. Again. I think this is my fourth or fifth. I have a habit of creating them, and then tearing them down when I'm 3/4 of the way done. ::Shrugs::

- And I created a deadjournal today. Which is actually why I'm posting here. I felt like a traitor. Sheer boredom compelled me to create it, and I've no idea what it will be used for. Perhaps just as a place to post my more insane/inane/trifling ramblings. So as not to inflict it upon you all. See how nice I am?

- I'm still reading Doctor Zhivago. I adore it. And it's going much faster than I expected. Which is good. I like long novels, but only when I can go through them quickly. And Zhivago's not really very long anyway. So I should be through with it in a few days. Then I get to go book buying again. Huzzah.

- (Exhibition) basketball begins in exactly 9 days. It seems like an infinitely long time.

- I finally got my clothes from Delias. Much happiness. I'm well aware of my poseurness. But dagnabbit, for pin-striped denim pants I'd tattoo the word poseur on my forehead.

- I've been going with my parents to help them clean out my great grandmother's garage before the new owners move in. I dislike it. It's dirty. But we did find a pair of wooden shoes. I think they're Dutch. But we're not Dutch. We're Swedish. So why the wooden shoes, I don't know.


- I hate Tom Daschle. Alot.

The end.

current mood: accomplished
current music: The Lord of the Rings Soundtrack - Many Meetings
3 souvenirs| ...any old actress...
Sunday, September 22nd, 2002
4:21 pm
In brief:

- Saw "Amélie" for the first time last night. I have a new favorite movie. And a new default user picture.

- Studying. Political Science. What a horror. However, that portion of the GED book is over. Now comes actual Science. Which, if possible, is even worse. But interpreting arts & literature soon follows. Yey!

- I re-did my bedroom yesterday. At my mother's insistence. Which would be fine, but for the fact that it goes hand in hand with much cleaning of walls and windows and floor, and the permanent removal of half of my worldly possessions. Which, apparently, I don't need.
I also don't like the new placement of my furniture. ::Sticks out tongue::

- I finished Atlas Shrugged. A good read. But the constant references to "mystic bums" in the chapter entitled "This is John Galt speaking", does get a tiny bit irritating.

- I'm now reading Doctor Zhivago. I'm only ten pages into it. No opinion yet.

- My boy got evicted from Big Brother 3 last night. ::Sigh::

- Just a few more days until basketball begins. I simply can't wait. Even if it is only exhibition. I'm anxious to know if Slava has gained any semblance of defense over the summer. I'm also curious to know whether or not any of our new acquisitions are going to be able to help. Everyone seems to have high hopes for Kareem Rush. But we'll see...

< Fin >

current mood: cheerful
current music: Edith Piaf - La Goualante de Pauvre Jean
...any old actress...
Sunday, September 15th, 2002
4:25 pm - ::Randomness::
The story about the 3 men in Florida detained for allegedly making terrorist threats, I don't buy it. Against my better nature, I'm inclined to believe the men. There's just something about the woman's story that doesn't hold water for me. It could be the fact that within hours she was on every single news channel regaling all with the tale of how she heard the big bad Arabs mocking 9-11, and she wasn't going to stand for it as a proud American patriot. You'd think if she heard people making threats of such a serious nature, she'd be less than anxious to go on television and tell the world that she turned them in. But since no such threats occurred why would she be nervous?
No. She saw Arabs, dressed in prototypical Arab garb, maybe one of them said something about 9-11, she perhaps misconstrued it as a threat, or quite possibly she was watching them to the point where they were offended and they stupidly, albeit understandably, decided to screw with her head, and she flipped out. Simple.
So yeah, I sympathize. I have a vague feeling that lack of evidence or not, they aren't going to be able to live this down. It's going to be affecting their lives in negative ways for a long time to come. But such is America post-September 11th. For necessities sake, we're throwing out civil liberties left and right. There's bound to be victims.

And 6 months from now, when 3 Arab medical students detonate a bomb in the middle of Washington D.C., please remind me of this entry, and then slap me across the face.

Anyway. I have recently been labeled a conservative republican. Which is amusing considering everything that I just wrote contradicts conservative republicanism as I know it to be. I'll concede to being conservative in politics alone. Liberalism is not my friend. But I refuse the notion of being a republican. The very thought leaves an icky taste in my mouth.

And I'm finally almost finished with Atlas Shrugged. Just a little over a hundred pages now to go. I like it, but I'm definitely ready to move on. I still have to read Doctor Zhivago. Then I'll get more books. I think I'd like to read Of Human Bondage. It sounds interesting. And blast it all, I will read more Dostoevsky. There's still a few more of his works in print which I do not possess due to the idiocy of my local book stores. But I will find them. Even if I have to cross state lines!

I stayed up all last night watching "Gandhi" on the History channel. I've seen it before but I was compelled to watch it again. Mostly because the first time I saw it was in my 10th grade history class and I wasn't really that interested. Not so this time. I think I may have to look further into him. Maybe I'll buy a book or some such.
Side note: What is it in human nature that compels us to murder the best men that we have? People are just perverse I think. What could it be but perversity that makes us destroy the rare few who have the potential to save us from ourselves?

A few final superficial things:

- I bought CDs yesterday. They make me happy.
- Basketball starts in less than a month. Yey! Yey! Yey!
- My Orlando Bloom obsession is growing. I'm actually going to watch "Black Hawk Down" just because he's in it.
- Tarot cards can be startlingly accurate. How, I'm sure I don't know. But I've been using them alot lately and they have not yet been wrong.
- I've become addicted to Starbucks Frappuccino. Cold coffee drinks are my new favorite thing.
- I'm done.

current mood: thoughtful
current music: Radiohead - Everything in Its Right Place
...any old actress...
Saturday, September 14th, 2002
10:01 pm

Why in the holy friggin crap does my photostudio now only accept jpg files, and WHY only certain jpg files?

I'm so confused.

current mood: confused
current music: The Lord of the Rings Soundtrack - Flight to the Ford
...any old actress...

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