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Sunday, October 27th, 2002
2:08 am
Do you know what sucks?

When you get a paper cut on your hand right beneath your thumb... and it gets infected.
I feel as though I have no apposable thumb.

current mood: thirsty

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Wednesday, September 18th, 2002
10:52 am - ...if you want to be happy
This song always puts a smile on my face:
If only guys would heed its advice... I'd be married by now! lol...

Its by Jimmy Soul.

If you want to be happy )

current mood: chipper

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Monday, September 16th, 2002
12:58 pm - Bruuuuce.....
So, this should get the Ravyn's attention ... lol.

I go to this Wexner Foundation for the Arts Gala in Columbus, Ohio every year. We work with a lot of the stores within the Limited Corporation and so we contribute and attend the Gala.

Every year its something else... Bill Cosby, the cast of Stomp, etc... etc...

hmmm... rumor has it that this year we will be attending the show at Ohio State
-performance by Bruce Springsteen.

Should be quite cool.... us in our black tie and ball gowns... and every else screaming in jeans.

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Monday, August 12th, 2002
10:44 am - I was....
...swiped this from beautiful autumn_eyes

i had my niche.
intelligent. creative. or artistic.
what kind of child were you?
(brought you by april)

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Saturday, July 27th, 2002
12:52 pm - WOOHOO!
2 SNAPS up in a CIRCLE with a hip SMACK!

Give it up for CABLE MODEM!... no more 24K dial ups!!!!! YAHOOOOOOOO!

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Monday, July 22nd, 2002
7:21 pm - BRUTAL STRESS.
Still at work... my throat hurts ...and I have a migraine. me, baby... I think I'm going crazy...

current mood: aggravated
current music: Enigma- Remixes

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6:55 pm - realm of influence
Snagged this from Mademoiselle Danielle Ophelia ...

Find your Realm of Influence at

current mood: drained
current music: ...the beat of the blood pounding in my head....

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Friday, July 19th, 2002
11:01 am - Following in the footsteps....
Following in the footsteps.... of Sir Ayoub )

current mood: tired
current music: The Cure: Acoustic

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Friday, July 12th, 2002
9:45 am - a new friend.... :)
Please note that generally my journal is 'friends' only...

Welcome, Magpiegeese -a fellow Montclairian as well as a mutual friend of our illustrious Danielle O.
, to my humble yet messy abode

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Tuesday, July 9th, 2002
6:02 pm - fucked.

thursday night> 4 hours
friday night> 3 hours
saturday night> 3 hours
sunday night> 2 hours
monday night> 2 hours

sleep... you elusive creature- how you cause me so much torment.

current mood: exhausted
current music: Dirty Vegas

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Wednesday, June 19th, 2002
6:05 pm - yeah.... sometimes.....
Sometimes, you gotta let the house fall )

current mood: sad
current music: Duende: Let the House Fall

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Sunday, June 16th, 2002
12:10 pm - today's horoscope....
Greetings Chi --

Here is your horoscope for Sunday, June 16

Fear of the future is easier than remorse about the past. Count yourself
lucky that you're still in a position to heed the warning signs.
Any mistakes at this time may be taken personally. Give yourself
a break.

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Friday, June 14th, 2002
1:59 am - shoooot me.
PLEEEEASE GOD, Don't let me oversleep....
PLEEEEASE GOD, Don't let me oversleep....
PLEEEEASE GOD, Don't let me oversleep....

I have to be up in 2 hours to go catch a stupid plane.
Don't you hate it when you are SO unbelievably tired, you just cant fall asleep???
Your eyelids are heavy, your eyeballs clouds over and you feel a thin dull mold-like film forming on your brain... ugh.

PLEEEEASE GOD, Don't let me oversleep....

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Thursday, June 13th, 2002
6:01 pm
Thanks to Renaet for some cool new icons!

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3:55 pm - My First Impression?... I dunno....
my first impression )

current mood: guarded
current music: XTC

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11:09 am - people....
Do you want to know what I like most about the LJ?

You meet people/friends from the inside out and not the outside in.
There are no pre-judgements or expectations... what you see is what you get is who you are.

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Wednesday, June 12th, 2002
10:20 am - My Horoscope for Today....
Greetings Chi --

Here is your horoscope for Wednesday, June 12

Release some of that pent-up energy before you hurt yourself.
The heat of your anger can also work as the warmth of compassion

....I will let go of my anger... I will NOT do onto others as they have done to me... I will look beyond the hurt and anger and betrayal, and try to focus my energies on the positives in my life...

...think happy thoughts and you can fly like Peter....

current mood: pensive
current music: Tom McRae

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Wednesday, June 5th, 2002
11:43 am - I forgot...
With all the mental/emotional shit happening.... I have been re-miss in posting...

If you watch the Carson Daly show on Thursday, June 13th... you'll see me in the front (well, actually... second row center front, and at the edge of the stage when Ben Folds is on)... the guest was the Doritos girl (a little too perky for my taste, but my friend Alex was in heaven and THEN some... lol... MEN!) and Ben played 2 songs. I must say that he is VERY entertaining... very funny and very good. You cant miss me... I'm the OLDEST one in the audience. UGH.
I have to say... the experience was fun. I havent been to a live taping since I lived in L.A. and I was in the studio audience of (hold onto your hats, boys and girls) Arsenio Hall.
The guest of honor? Al Bundy.

So, what happened this weekend?

Oh yeah, friday- I went to see Joe and Jason play at the new coffee shop in Montclair. Its also a dating service. You fill out a form and it gets put into binders which gets looked at by interested parties. They inform the coffee house who they are interested in, and the mgmt. makes the meeting arrangements AT The coffee shop so there is no communication between the parties before hand... and its in a safe enviroment... and the shop gets more business (smart).
Anyway, I was surprised that the owners recognized me... (not that I entered in the service or anything) but the place used to hold a lot of antiques... and I had bought some pieces from them about 2 years ago when they were having an estate sale. I remember them talking about their vision of this dating service coffee shop... and I have to admit, its kinda cool to see it in its fruition.
AND, the coffee is actually REALLY good there... and the very berry sorbet??? Out of this world!.. lol- little things can bring me such joy :)

Saturday? Oh yeah... Buddy's party. Had 10 extra kicked jello shots... and a couple of beers... I was feeling good. What a HOUSE!.... right on the lake with a dock for his boats. It was S W E E T.

Sunday? I was feeling shitty. Lazed around... watched Joe record a song at Alex's (that was cool)... went for ice cream (cough cough... ) with a few peeps... and then went for sushi with Johnny, Coco and Al. Stayed to watch Joe play with RM at Kroghs... went home and crashed.

Monday? Work.
Went to the taping of the Carson Daly show at the NBC studios. Zipped over to see Ronnie {Happy Birthday, sweetie! lol... and yes, that girl was DEFINITELY checking you out. You are SO cute when you are falling in love... :)} and Pete play at Sweet Dreams in Madison. \

Tuesday? Work.
Cafe Eclectic. JL played with RM. They were both so ON yesterday. JL played 'Stalker' for his new fans (you guys were so funny)... he HATES that song! LOL... ***you guys keep pushing him to play that- K???!!!... its a GREAT song. AND HE played his new song 'Superman'... it was ACES :)

...other than that... nothing too eventful.

another day... another dollar...

current mood: I have a headache...

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Monday, June 3rd, 2002
10:19 am - My horoscope:
Here is your horoscope for Monday, June 3

Strong opinions knock you over before you can come back with a suitable
response. A strain of logic that makes perfect sense to you is incomprehensible
to someone else.
Don't allow self-doubt to hold you back.

Reply: Im trying.

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2:44 am - Weather...
:Jim Boggia

So, prodigal friend
you've run away for the last time.
No more open doors for your return
when you arrive.

I gave 'til I was sore.
Then you asked for more.

And the wind's blowing strong today.
I'm chilled to the bone.
It's four long, hard months 'til May
and I'll weather them alone.

I was into you much more than you was into me.
Why did I refuse to see the truth, so plain to see?

I wasted so much time
while you robbed me blind.

And the wind's blowing strong today.
I'm chilled to the bone.
It's four long, hard months 'til May
and I'll weather them alone.

current mood: tired

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