Americanamen's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Americanamen's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, October 29th, 2002
    5:34 pm
    *Transferring journals*
    This journal will no longer cease to exist as of today. But have no fear, for I am transferring to a new and better site with many more options! Screw this livejournal now, I'm moving. Come visit my new site at:

    Please continue to be my faithful readers. Thank you very much.

    Current Mood: moving mood
    Friday, October 25th, 2002
    8:31 pm
    What about me...what about Zach? I'm Raven, what about you?

    What WWE Antihero Are You?

    brought to you by Quizilla

    Current Mood: awake
    Current Music: "End of Everything"- Stereomud
    Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002
    3:37 pm
    Update time
    Hey y'all! I figured since I have no homework today that I'd update my journal for the sake of my *cough*beloved*cough* readers. So what have I been up to lately you ask? Well, my life has been revolutionized now that Brit, a.k.a. the most beautiful girl in the universe, has stepped into it. Lately, I've just been doing my work and talking to her, so I haven't accomplished much. Last Tuesday I got to see her house and meet her parents. Fortunately, her parents like me so I guess I won't be getting beaten with a broom or shot with a gun anytime soon. As of today, her and I have been going out for two weeks now. I never thought she could put up with me for that long, but I'm sure glad she did and I hope she continues to do so.

    Today was an awesome day if I do say so myself. It's ironic how I used to despise Tuesdays so much, and now they are getting so much better by the week. Anyways, today I went to go see a play with the academic Sr. high English classes and all of the seniors. The play was "Romeo and Juliet", and boy was it funny. I thought it wouldn't be funny at all or at least that much, but it sure was. It was cool because after the play I got to meet with the guy who played Mercutio, and he also played on "Mighty Morphing Power Rangers" before. He seemed like a really cool and funny guy. After getting back to school, the day could only get better by having one period left, and that's exactly what happened.

    I'm really happy for my sweetie right now, because she is on the field hockey team and they made districts. I have the ultimate wish of good luck for my sweetie and the team. As for our guys, tomarrow will be our last game of the season. So that means I just have to go out there standing tall and filled with pride to bust my ass (my leg in this case) one last time, AND THEN I'M DONE! WOOO BOOYAH! And then bowling will start, which I can't wait for. Yes, it's gonna be a bright sun-shiny day.

    Hmmmm..., thinking about growing my beard back too.

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: "It's Gonna Be a Bright Sun-Shiny Day"- Unknown
    Saturday, October 12th, 2002
    7:57 pm
    "It's like waking up after a 9 year long nightmare..."
    The year was 1993. A progressed period of cloudy days and stormy nights awaited the life of the one, the only, Zach Wagner. Just what the hell went wrong? I don't want to have to do this, but let's take a look at those horrible days of darkness:

    -January 1, 1993- Things are changing...for the worse.

    -1994-1999- I don't have too many memories. But those where I do, are pretty bad for the most part. My sister seems to have changed into an evil individual, whom despises our family greatly. Does she not have passion anymore for us?

    -January 1, 2000- The start of a new millineium, and hopefully the start of something positive.

    -November 2000- I join my first sport ever, bowling, and immediatly set my eyes on a beautiful girl on our team. I find out her name is Jess, and I'd love to ask her out, I just don't know how to right now.

    -March 2001- Someone asks Jess out for me, and she declines stating she already has a boyfriend. I feel like I'm no longer needed in this world. God, just kill me now.

    -July 20, 2001- Jess is now going out with Chad, whom was my best friend all these years up until now. I cannot explain how I feel right now. Millions of negative emotions are running loose in my head right now. I don't even think of Jess right now anymore. I just think of sweet revenge and God-forsaken suicidal thoughts. I even begin to scare my own f*cking self. Today is a day which will live in infamy...

    -December 23, 2001- Well, Jess now broke up with Chad months ago, and is single now as far as I know. I continue to ask her out on AOL, but everytime she insists she has a boyfriend. I'm beginning to think that she is just rejecting me without hurting me. This is the last time I really talked to her, and the last time I will probably see her again. She is moving away. I begin to think I'll never find a girl as perfect as her anymore. Thoughts of suicide now seem almost more serious than ever before, but I'm still alive aren't I?

    Now, on October 8, 2002, the tables have turned. The light has been spotted at the end of the tunnel. The earth's axis has tilted. The day that I've never thought would come, came. This was the day in which my angel, Brit, and I started going out. And I think God every single day for it. She was the key to my heart. It's like waking up after a 9 year long nightmare.

    As you can see, my journal has changed colors now to reflect my new attitude on life. Numerous other changes have occurred as well. Halloween is no longer my favorite holiday, Christmas is. It seems that heavy metal will be a part of my dark past that will stick with me. But, despite that and everything else, everything has changed for the better. A new golden age has arrived.

    Thank you God, ever so greatly for October the 8th, 2002. I can thank you more than enough.

    Current Mood: loved
    Current Music: "Spieluhr"- Rammstein
    Friday, October 11th, 2002
    11:55 pm
    New Survey Says:
    [01] what's your first name?: Zach
    [02] middle name?: Ryan
    [03] last name?: Wagner
    [04] nicknames?: Grizzly, hun, sweetie, bub, Zachy
    [05] age?: 16
    [06] gender?: male
    [07] birthday?: March 2, 1986
    [08] your sign?: Pisces
    [09] where do you live?: Pennsylvania
    [10] do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes, finally. And I thank God every single day for it.
    [11] if so what's her/his name?: Brittney
    [12] have you ever been in love?: No, but I'm currently in love right now
    [13] who are/were your crushes?: Jess, Cass, Brit(but now we're together)
    [14] do you have any piercings, or want any piercings?: Hell no
    [15] if so what do you have/want pierced?: n/a
    [16] do you have a tattoo or want one?: I want one someday
    [17] if so what kind and where?: I want a huge Godsmack symbol on my back, or either a picture of a demon or something cool like that on my right arm.
    [18] where do you shop at the most?: The mall
    [19] what color is your hair?: Brown
    [20] what color are your eyes?: Brown
    [21] how tall are you?: 6'0 I think
    [23] do you smoke?: No
    [24] do your friends smoke?: Don't think so
    [25] who are your closest friends?: Brit, Cubby, Andre, Megan, Em, Jenn, Delmer, James, Doug, Adam, and etc. etc.
    [26] who are your friends?: See above.
    [27] who are your best friends online?: Brit, and that's about it.
    [28] do you like bath & body works?: Yeah. It smells pretty good in there.
    [29] kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?: Green tea with jasamine
    [30] is your hair short or long?: Short, but it's getting longer
    [31] do you like to shop?: Yes
    [32] what sports do you play?: Soccer, bowling, raquetball, occasionally weight lifting.
    [33] what turns you on?:
    [34] what turns you off?:
    [35] what place do you go for fun?: The mall. Someday I'd like to go to Weis Markets and go cart surfing though, haha.
    [36] what do you do for fun?: Well, I like to talk to my honey, spend time with her, and spend time with my friends. Somedays I'll go to the rec. center or practice soccer.
    [37] how many phones do you have in your house?: A shit load
    [38] how many tv's do you have in your house?: See above
    [39] what's your favorite food(s)?: Pasta, chicken, potatoes, lebenon bolongea
    [40] do you look like anyone famous?: Not really
    [41] do you think ricky martin is muy guapo (very handsome)?: He's a faggot
    [42] who are the most attractive people you know?: My sweetie and only my sweetie.
    [43] are you a virgin?: Yes
    [44] do you wish to be like your parents?: Not exactly
    [45] what cologne should a hot guy wear?: I should wear Adidas cologne
    [46] what are you listening to right now?: Nothing
    [47] what time is it?: 10:00 PM
    [48] how many hours per day do you spend talking on the phone?: It'll probably be a lot more from now on.
    [49] do you have your own phone line?: Sorta
    [50] have you ever kissed someone of the opposite sex?: No
    [51] what are your favorite shoes?: Adidas Gazelles
    [52] what kind of clothes do you sleep in?: My boxers
    [53] what's your favorite soda?: I dislike soda
    [54] what things do you say a lot?: Cool, amen
    [56] who is the coolest person in the world?: My sweetie Brit
    [57] do you think you're weird or funny?: Both
    [58] what would you prefer thong or bikini?: Thong
    [59] who was the last person you called?: Brit
    [60] where do you wanna get married?: In the forest
    [61] who is the hottest girl/guy in your school?: Brit
    [62] what are your favorite girl names?: Brit, Brianna
    [63] what are your favorite guy names?: Adrian
    [64] what's your worst memory in the past 5 years?: Betrayal
    [65] what's your favorite childhood memory?: Mowing the lawn with my toy mower
    [66] what is your favorite fast food restaurant?: Subway
    [67] who do you really hate?: I don't hate anyone, I dislike. And that would have to be Richard Simmons.
    [68] do you have any brothers and sisters?: Yes
    [69] if so, names?: Tiff
    [70] do you have a pool?: Yes
    [71] do you have a spa?: Yes
    [72] are you stupid?: No
    [73] what are you addicted to?: The internet, heavy metal
    [74] do you like jewelry?: Necklaces
    [75] who do you wish you were?: Brit
    [76] who has it easier, boys or girls?: Girls
    [77] would you rather be short or tall?: Tall
    [78] do you like to dance?: Depends on the occasion
    [79] do you like playing pranks on people?: Not really
    [80] what's your least favorite subject in school?: Trig
    [81] what's your favorite subject in school?: Chemistry
    [82] what time is it?: 10:18 PM
    [83] what college do you wanna go to?: Penn State
    [84] what school do you go to now?: West Snyder
    [85] do you have a playstation or nintendo 64?: Yeah
    [85] if so, what are your favorite games?: I dunno, I don't have time to play it anymore.
    [87] do you sleep a lot?: Sometimes
    [88] what are your favorite radio stations?: 97.9, 106.5
    [90] are you a morning person?: No
    [91] what's your favorite tv station?: TNN
    [92] do you shave?: Sometimes
    [93] how often do you shower?: Once and sometimes twice a day
    [94] do you get along with your parents?: Yes
    [95] what room do you spend the most time in?: My bedroom
    [96] how many rooms does your house have?: 12 I think
    [97] what do you wanna be when you're out of school?: A police detective or SWAT leader
    [98] do you curse a lot?: Sometimes
    [99] are you ticklish?: Very
    [101] what are you wearing right now?: My athletic pants
    [102] do you go to church?: Sometimes
    [103] do you like the person who sent you this?: I stole it, lol
    [104] do you believe in God?: Yes, now I believe I do.
    [105] do you like to watch pda's?: Only my own.
    [106] do you show pda?: Yes
    [107] do you believe in love at first sight?: Now I do.
    [108] what color tooth brush do you use?: Blue and white
    [109] how many times a day do you brush your teeth?: 2
    [110] who is your favorite cartoon character?: Garfield
    [111] do you have a job?: Sorta
    [113] what's your favorite fruit?: Bananas
    [114] what's your favorite veggies?: Peppers
    [115] what's your favorite candy?: M & Ms
    [116] what was the best day of your life so far?: October 8, 2002
    [117] what are you gonna do today?: Talk to Brit
    [118] are you momma's little angel?: Yes
    [119] do you wear body spray?: Deodorant? Yes I do.
    [120] who is the sweetest girl?: Brit
    [121] who is the sweetest guy?: Me
    [122] are you wearing nail polish now?: No
    [123] if so, what color?: n/a
    [124] how many rings or necklaces do you own?: I own a few necklaces. I just never wear them?
    [125] do you wear a watch?: No
    [126] did/do you have braces?: No
    [127] are you tired?: A little bit
    [129] do you have freckles?: No
    [130] what are you thinking right now?: I'm thinking about my honey.
    [131] are you having fun?: Yeah
    [132] what time is it?: 10:36 PM
    [133] who makes you laugh?: Brit
    [134] who's your favorite teacher?: Mr. Sanders
    [136] what is the best concert you have ever been to?: Never been to one.
    [137] what is your favorite dream?: The one where everything is perfect
    [138] what is your worst dream?: Nightmares
    [139] are you tired of filling this out yet?: Yeah, getting there.
    [140] who of your friends do you think will get bored with this?: Brit, but she'll enjoy reading it anyways.
    [141] who sent this lovely survey to you?: Nobody, I stole it.
    [142] what's your worst memory as a little kid?: Falling down the stairs.
    [143] have you ever cheated on anyone/been cheated on?: No
    [144] do you believe in santa claus?: No
    [145] do you believe in ghosts?: Yes

    what's better? choose one or neither

    [146] rap or r&b;?: Rap
    [147] pop or rock?: Rock
    [148] rock or metal?: Metal
    [149] classical or jazz?: Classical
    [150] hanson or manson?: Manson
    [151] koRn or 311?: KoRn
    [152] no doubt or garbage?: Garbabe
    [153] jewel or fiona apple?: Jewel
    [154] offspring or nine inch nails?: Nine Inch Nails
    [155] sugar ray or tool?: Tool
    [156] bakstreet boys or nsync?: Backstreet Boys
    [157] joey mcintyre or jordan knight?: I dunno

    your opinions

    [158] what do you think about boy bands?: Some are alright
    [159] what do you think about country?: It sucks
    [160] what do you think about heavy metal?: It's awesome
    [161] what do you think about rap?: Some is alright
    [162] what do you think about r&b;?: It sucks
    [163] do you think nkotb are coming back?: Who?

    yes or no or eh

    [164] like hanson?: No
    [165] like *nsync?: No
    [166] like backstreet boys?: They're alright
    [167] like koRn?: They're alright
    [168] like orgy?: Never heard their music
    [169] like sugar ray?: See above
    [170] like metalica?: Yes
    [171] like no doubt?: No
    [172] like britney spears?: No
    [173] like aaron carter?: My honey likes him, so I do too.
    [174] like b*witched?: No
    [175] like joey mcintrye?: No
    [176] like jordan knight?: No
    [177] like busta rymes?: No
    [178] like offspring?: They're alright
    [179] like ricky martin?: No
    [180] like coolio?: He's alright
    [181] like janet jackson?: No
    [182] like spice girls?: No
    [183] like all saints?: No
    [184] like c-note?: No
    [185] like 98??: My honey likes him, so I do too.
    [186] like 5ive?: No
    [187] like tlc?: No
    [188] like take 5?: No
    [189] like moffats?: No
    [190] like jennifer love hewit?: No
    [191] like dixie chicks?: No
    [192] like mariah carey?: No
    [193] like eyc?: No
    [194] like brandy?: No
    [195] like eminem?: He's alright
    [196] like shania twain?: She's cute, but not as cute as my sweetie.
    [197] like monica?: No
    [198] like mya?: No
    [200] like blessed unions of soul?: No
    [201] like bare naked ladies?: No
    [202] like robbie williams?: Robin, but not Robbie
    [203] like sixpence none the richer?: No
    [203 MORE] like limp bizkit?: Not really
    [203a] do you like the beach boys?: Yes, they're awesome
    [203b] do you like def leppard?: Yeah
    [203c] do you like whitesnake?: Yes
    [203d] do you like queen?: Yes
    [203e] do you like elton john?: Yes
    [203f] do you like R?ETMAN?: No
    [203g] do you like depeche mode?: What?
    [204] how many cd's do you have?: A lot
    [205] what cd's are in your cd player?: Rammstein, Godsmack, Disturbed, Creed
    [206] how many tapes do you have?: A lot
    [207] do you own videos of your favorite group?: No
    [208] do you record your favorite group when they're on tv?: No
    [209] are you obbsessed with your favorite group/singer/band?: Sorta
    [210] what's the oldest group/singer you are still listening to?: Beach Boys
    [211] are most of your friends music freaks?: Some are
    [212] what do you think of the girls and the whole teeny bopper thing?: What?
    [213] have you ever paid for a pay-per-view?: Yes
    [215] do you ever buy merchandise of your favorite group?: Yes
    [216] what tv station is better...mtv or vh1?: MTV
    [217] what is the worst show on mtv?: The Real World
    [218] what is the best show on mtv?: The Table With Bruce Springsteen
    [219] if you could marry any music person who would it be?: No way
    [220] what is the worst cd you own?: Not sure
    [221] what's your favorite movie soundtrack?: Braveheart
    [222] friend(s) that looks most like you?: No clue
    [223] friend(s) you go to for advice?: Brit, Cubby
    [224] friend(s) you have the most fun with?: Brit, Cubby
    [225] friend(s) you can do nothing with and still have fun with?: James, Zane, etc.
    [226] friend(s) you've dreamt about?: Brit
    [228] friend(s) you tell your secrets to?: Brit
    [229] boxers or briefs?: Boxers
    [230] long or short hair?: Long
    [231] dark or blonde?: Dark
    [232] tall or short?: Tall
    [234] Mrs. sensitive or Mrs. funny?: Both
    [236] dark or light eyes?: dark
    [237] hat or no hat?: no hat
    [238] ears pierced or no?: no
    [239] tan or fair?: tan
    [240] freckles or none?: freckles
    [242] rugged outdoorsy type or sportsy type?: Rugged outdoorsy type
    [243] all american, homey g, or grunge?: all american
    [245] accent or american?: Doesn't matter

    on preferences

    [246] mt. dew or surge?: Surge
    [247] mcdonalds or burger king?: SUBWAY!
    [248] coke or pepsi?: Coke
    [249] rather marry the perfect lover or perfect friend?: Lover
    [250] sweet or sour?: Sweet
    [251] chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla
    [252] tea or coffee?: Tea
    [253] sappy/action/comedy/horror?: Comedy
    [254] cats or dogs?: dogs
    [256] cool ranch or nacho cheese?: cool ranch
    [257] mud or jello wrestling?: mud
    [258] with or without ice-cubes?: with
    [260] milk/dark/white chocolate?: milk
    [261] shine or rain?: shine
    [262] top or bottom?: top
    [263] favorite season?: Fall
    [264] strawberry or cherry?: Cherry
    [265] skiing or boarding?: Boarding
    [267] cake or cookies?: Cookies
    [268] cereal or toast?: Cereal
    [269] car or truck?: Truck
    [270] night or day?: night
    [271] gloves or mittens?: gloves
    [272] pager or cell phone?: cell phone
    [273] bunk bed or waterbed?: Waterbed
    [274] chewing gum or hard candy?: Hard candy
    [275] motor boat or canoe?: Canoe
    [276] lights on or off?: On

    what's your favorite?

    [277] what's your favorite color?: 7
    [278] what's your favorite number?: blue
    [279] what's your favorite drink?: Green tea
    [280] what's your favorite animal?: wolverine
    [281] what's your favorite holiday?: Christmas
    [282] what's your favorite quote?: "Quote the raven...nevermore."
    [283] what's your favorite sound?: The sound of glass breaking
    [284] what's your favorite ice cream flavor?: Teaberry
    [285] what's your favorite song ever?: "Sweetness"- Jimmy Eat World
    [287] what's your favorite movie?: Braveheart
    [288] what's your favorite tv show?: WWE Raw
    [289] what's your favorite radio station?: 97.9
    [290] what's your favorite place?: Niagra Falls, so far
    [291] what's your favorite game?: Monopoly
    [292] what's your favorite scent?: honeysuckle
    [293] what's your favorite food?: Fettachine Alfredo w/chicken and vegetables
    [294] what's your favorite shape?: Spiral
    [295] what's your favorite texture?: Rippled
    [296] what's your house gonna look like?: It's going to be a huge cabin in the woods.
    [297] do you want pets?: Yes
    [298] how many kids do you want?: Two

    on relationships

    [299] what does your ideal girlfriend/boyfriend look like?: None of your business
    [300] how do they act?: There ain't a think I hate about her.
    [301] where is your dream date?: At home
    [302] do you like to call or be called?: I sorta get nervous calling, but I like being called
    [304] move anywhere, where would it be?: Colorado, California, or Canada
    [305] what time is it now?: 11:52 PM

    Current Mood: tired
    Wednesday, October 9th, 2002
    9:47 pm
    Absoulute Sweetness
    Nevermore........Nevermore.......NEVERMOREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

    *Here's a song I wrote. Sing along in a heavy metal voice*

    "Nevermore will the darkness haunten my life,
    nevermore will it destroy the light,
    nevermore will it eat my alive,
    everything that I am inside!!!"

    "Nevermore, nevermore, never gonna happen again.
    Nevermore, nevermore, until the very end.
    Nevermore, nevermore, can you feel it?
    Nevermore, nevermore I finally have an alive spiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!! Waaaaah!"

    "Nevermore will I be afraid,
    nevermore will the darkness raid,
    nevermore will I sacrifice,
    everything positive in my life!"

    "Nevermore, nevermore, never gonna happen again.
    Nevermore, nevermore, until the very end.
    Nevermore, nevermore, can you feel it?
    Nevermore, nevermore I finally have an alive spiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!! Waaaaah!"

    "Nevermore, nevermore, nevermore....
    nevermore, nevermore, NEVER...MORE!!!!"

    "Nevermore will this darkness haunt me again!"

    Moral of the story: I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! MY FIRST ONE EVER!


    *P.S.: Zach's mind was not harmed during the creation of this journal entry*

    Ressurection 100% complete

    Current Mood: Happy, imagine that!!!!!!!!!!!
    Current Music: "Sweetness"- Jimmy Eat World
    Sunday, October 6th, 2002
    11:25 am
    A Bold Turn of Events
    Holy dippdin', doddely, diddely shit, someone asked me out to homecoming Friday. I had a great time with them at homecoming, and I got to see all my friends too. I honestly guess I can say, it wasn't that bad at all except that my friends kept harassing me. That Delmer is one of a kind, let me tell you. Well, I haven't said this yet to anybody, but I kinda like the person who asked me to homecoming. There is just something about her that makes me smile. I became so hyper when she asked me to homecoming that you'd think I escaped from the psychic ward. Anyways, everybody seemed to have a great time, and so did I. It was really fun and I don't regret going.

    I also had a game homecoming night, and we lost very badly. It was dishonorable for me and the team, but there isn't much you can do about it when it comes to Lewisburg. They always seem to be the best in the league. At first I wasn't sure if I was going to do very well because of my torn tibula muscle. But luckily mom brought my painkillers in the nick of time, and I went out there and did my best. Much to my amazement, I did a lot better. Oh, even my coach was cheering me on, and that's a rarity.

    So now, there are about only two more weeks of soccer, and then it is finally over. Hopefully I can rest my leg by then so it'll get better, but I'd like to go up to the rec. center every night from then on. I haven't been there to work out in like forever. Then pretty soon my 3rd year of bowling will be coming up. Hopefully this year I'll make the team.

    There isn't much else to say except that Friday was one of the best days I've had for a helluva long time.

    ~Quote of the Day~- "I shall be the judge, the jury, and the executioner." ~Anonymous

    Current Mood: happy
    Current Music: "Rein Raus"- Rammstein
    Friday, September 20th, 2002
    3:56 pm
    T.G.I.F. and other updates
    Well it is finally Friday- thank God. Not much has happened since the last time I updated until now, but holy shit, we finally didn't lose a soccer game!!! Last Friday our varsity beat Indian Valley, and just yesterday they beat Millersburg and we (the JV) tied them! We played a hell of a game, and I usually don't brag about myself, (in this case it is an exception) but I did awesome. The team said I made some nice head balls and throw-ins and my coach even said I did good. If we didn't win that game, I probably wouldn't be writing this journal entry right now seeing that I'd be at practice.

    Besides soccer, there isn't really anything majorly exciting to talk about. School still sucks and is harder than ever, but it's getting a little bit better. Some of my teachers just seem like idiots and have no clue what the hell they are there to do- teach. The Beaver fair is going on this week and weekend too, and I went to that a lot. If I go to the mall tonight to pick up "Believe" from Disturbed, maybe I'll just go to the fair as well. I just don't feel like sitting on my ass and doing nothing but homework this weekend. Go Eagles!

    ~Quote of the Day~- "This is the way I pray..." ~David Draiman

    Current Mood: thankful
    Current Music: "Prayer"- Disturbed
    Sunday, September 8th, 2002
    6:11 pm
    Survey for the musically inclined
    This song...

    Reminds you of an ex-friend: "A Call for Blood"- Hatebreed
    Makes you laugh: "Piece of Shit Car"- Adam Sandler
    Makes you want to dance: The hamster dance song
    Reminds you of the one you want: "With Arms Wide Open"- Creed
    Reminds you of the one you love: "With Arms Wide Open"- Creed
    You wish you wrote: "I Will Be Heard"- Hatebreed
    You never want to hear again: "With Arms Wide Open"- Creed
    You want to get married to: "Damnit"- Blink 182
    Makes you want to mosh/bang your head: "I Will Be Heard"- Hatebreed
    Sums up your teenage years: "Sick of Life"- Godsmack
    You used to hate but now love: "To Kill a Stranger"- Fozzy
    You like to wake up to: "Without Me"- Eminem
    You like out of your parents record collection: "Back in Black"- AC/DC
    You love that you wouldn't know about if it wasn't for a friend: "Threshold"- Slayer
    Reminds you of your first crush: It was some gay Smash Mouth song from a while back... Don't ask.
    Which from your favorite movie: Some for Roger Rabbit song
    Makes you think of the moon: "Aerials"- System of a Down
    Makes you think of the stars: "I Stand Alone"- Godsmack
    Makes you think of the sun: "Sonne"- Rammstein
    Makes you think of the night: "Enter Sandman"- Metallica
    Makes you think of sex: "Slow Burn"- David Bowie
    Makes you think of being alone: "It's Been Awhile"- Staind
    5:20 pm
    "I farted in Ike's house"
    Today I'll be talking about this weekend's trip to Gettysburg with scouts. Not sure if I told everyone yet or not, but I joined scouts again just before the start of school.

    Anyways, the trip to Gettysburg was really fun. I left soccer practice Friday evening right after I had gotten my picture taken. It was the same day I got my picture at school as well. Anyways, I got all packed up and went to the scout house and then we all left.

    The night we got there was fun. It was the first time I put a tent up in like 90 years, and I also started a fire! That night all of the scouts, the parents, and I went on a ghost walk of the town. Some got chills down there spine, and Gary told me he swore he saw something moving around in the graveyead, but I didn't see anything. After that we all came back and went to bed, and boy was it cold overnight. *BRRRRR!*

    Saturday was the best day of all because we had a full day of things to do. We got up early and started breakfast, and then we all went for our hike. We toured most of the monuments and battlefields as Andre and Delmer explained the significance of them. We even found our own boys who went into the Civil War because they wanted free whiskey! Heh, I thought that was a pretty neat thing. I had the most fun in the afternoon though. Aaron, Andre, Delmer, Kevin, Brandon W, and all the rest of the gang including me set up a little re-anactment at some of the important fields. We got little sticks and pretended they were our rifles and then Andre and Delmer gave us orders when to attack the Confedrates who were hiding behind a stone wall, haha. Yeah, I was in the union branch, and I got shot right away by an imaginary bullet by someone, but it was fun dying anyways. Besides, I got my revenge on the confederacy when I shot James with my sharpshooter rifle at Devil's Den. The best battle by far though was in the triangular field, hehe.

    All of us made the tour trip to Dwight D. Eisenhower's farmhouse a big deal, and this is actually where my title for my entry comes from, hehe. We toured nearly every room of the house, and the house itself was huge. Once we got to the second floor, about 3 of us had gas like crazy and we didn't even tell each other, and coincidentally just let it rip, lol. James did it the best though, because it smelled through the entire house almost. Knowing Jimmy's humorous nature, he was so proud and stated, "I farted in Ike's house!", so that's where I had gotten the name for this journal entry. I hate to be one to lie, so I'll admit it. I farted in Ike's house too, MWHA HA HA! It was hilarious we made that the highlight of the day. I even mentioned Jimmy should write a book entitled "I Farted in Ike's House". A book with a title like that would be sure to make a few bucks, haha.

    Once we left the "funny farm", we toured around some more and once night fell, we went to see the Eternal Flame on one of the battlefields. The flame is amazing because it has been burning continously since 1938...with help from volunteers of course, but it still was a neat site to see. Gary and I walked out onto the field to listen for ghosts, and he swore he saw another apparition again, but I didn't see a thing. The only thing I DID see was Aaron who came up behind us and scared the shit out of me. Then afterwards, we went back to camp and went to bed.

    In the morning we made breakfast and started packing up. It didn't take us as long as I thought it would to pack up. Once we got everything ready, we went shopping around Gettysburg for a few hours and had some lunch, then we went back to the scouthouse. And now that I'm home, my dad just threw me in a pizza and I forgot to check it. Now the goober is pissed at me for burning something like that. I f*cking hate it when he gets pissed at me for stupid little things like forgetting something. I forget constantly, and in fact this weekend I forgot to take a towel to the showers so I had to use my damned pants!!! Haven't he have any pity upon my soul? I can't help it if I take after my offense mom.

    Till next time everybody.

    ~Quote of the Day~- "I farted in Ike's house"

    Current Mood: blah
    Current Music: "Damnit"- Blink 182
    Friday, August 30th, 2002
    4:33 pm
    "We don't need no education..."
    I just got done with the first week of school and so far all I gotta say is it is f*cking harder than hell this year. But I know that can never be bad because as I say this now, I know it'll all help me in the future with college and the works. All the electives I took give homework out the ass, and none of my classes show any mercy. Maybe it'll get better, maybe it won't. Oh well, I only have two more years in that dump anyways.

    But other than classes, all my friends are back and I get to see each of them, and soccer is going better for me. Speaking of which, I have a tournament tomarrow. Locals reading my journal, come and watch me play!!! I'll appreciate it! : ) That is, if I do happen to play at all. Fricken was getting my books outta my locker after 5th period yesterday and pulled my back muscle. Ouchies...yeah.

    Now I'm figuring out what I want to do right now. Dad took me driving when I got home from my pizza party with the soccer team. I did good, and this time he took me across 522! Poop man, I was scared to death, but it was all cool. If it isn't too hot out anymore, I'm thinking about taking a walk up around the mountains because I haven't yet this year. I love nature, but I'm scared to death I'll step on a snake or die a horrible death from a rabid bear. I get ridicoulously paranoid like that when I go for hikes, but I guess as long as I watch where I'm going, I have nothing to fear. Till next time readers...

    ~Quote of the Day~- "An apple a day keeps the teacher away." ~random quote imbedded in the forestry of my imagination.

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: "Feuer Frei"- Rammstein
    Sunday, August 25th, 2002
    8:25 pm
    Oh joy, it's that time again! sucks.
    Yeah, hell starts again and goes for 180 school days starting tomarrow. I'm not ready for school to start, but I'm sure as hell ready for it to be over. That's why I just want to go back and get through with it already. I got all my school stuff yesterday when I was shopping with Jenn and Meg.

    Shopping with those two was fun, and I'd love to go again sometime. We went to the mall, Wal-Mart, the bank, Rita's...heck we were all over Snyder county for crying out loud! The only thing I bought though was school supplies and the "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan VHS video. I was gonna get the DVD, but unfortunately they didn't have it. : ( We were upset that Andre couldn't come with us, but we were pissed at the way he's been acting lately towards Megan. So afterwards when they dropped me off, I guess Meg and Jenn went to Brandon's house, where Andre was at, to give him a piece of their mind! I should have stayed around for the ride, hehe. Hopefully Andre will show more love and care towards his woman from now on. It certainly looks like he will after Jenn talked to him, heh. If not, I'll just have to beat the shyness, or whatever it is, outta him.

    So on to today, or my last big free day before school starts. Well, I did a bit of school shopping again today. All I really needed was shoes because our dumbass mall didn't have them, so mom, dad, and I went up to Lycoming mall to look for them. I didn't find the exact pair of shoes I was looking for like I saw online, but I did get something very similar to them. Fortunately, they had a size 13 in Adidas Gazelles.(what I got) Champs, the store where I found the shoes, was having a buy a pair of shoes get 50% off any other item in the store deal, or something like that. So, I got a pair of new shin guards too. They're pretty nifty. : ) I also tried to look for the new Rammstein cd, but nobody had it at all. If my mom won't let me order shoes online, I'm hoping she'll let me order music.

    Oh, my sister finally got her puppy too. It's a cute lil' chocolate lab with the most adorable eyes. Hehe, it's cuddily too! Yep, it's a beut. I love dogs!!

    I want to order Summerslam tonight damnit! But again, they charge waaaaaaaaaaay too damn much, and my mom won't let me order it because of the price, but I couldn't agree more. $34.95!!!!! Why in God's name do they charge an arm and a leg for it!? I'm thinking about changing my satelite company.

    Well, I'm all packed and set for tomarrow. Eleventh-grade should be a sinch. In fact, I'm not worried one bit. Just another year of triple B (boredom, bitching, and bullshit). Yeah, I'm used to it all. All I gotta worry about are the dreaded PSATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY! Oh well, only two more years and then I can let freedom ring!

    ~Quote of the Day~- "Come on down! You're the next contestant on the Price is Right!" ~Rod (whatever his name is)

    Current Mood: don't give a shit mood
    Current Music: "Slow Burn"- David Bowie
    Friday, August 23rd, 2002
    5:04 pm
    Credit to stoopy for this one.

    Full Name: Zachary R. Wagner
    Age: 16
    Sex: Male
    Birthday: March 2, 1986
    Where do you live: Near State College PA
    Where else have you lived: No where else
    Zodiac Sign: Pisces
    What school do you go to: West Snyder High School
    What is your mascot: Mountie
    What are your school colors: Red and White
    Nicknames: Grizzly, Bub, Otis
    Where were you born: Lewisburg, PA
    What are your hobbies: Pro wrestling, music, movies, sports, and many more
    Hair color: Brown
    Ever dyed your hair: No, but someday I'd like to dye it
    Hair length: Short, but I want to grow it long
    Eye color: brown
    Height: 6'0
    Have any pets: Yes
    What do you regret the most: Not living my life to the fullest sooner
    If you could do anything without consequences, what would it be: Burn stuff. I'm a pyromaniac.
    Do you have braces: No
    Do you have glasses: Nope, contacts
    Are you good at school: Yes. I'm 7 out of 56 in my class.
    Shoe size: 14

    Car: Dodge Rams, Chyslers
    Color: Blue
    Teacher: Mr. Sanders
    Class: World Cultures
    Day of the week: Friday
    Holiday: Christmas
    Season: Summer and fall
    Month: May and June
    Sport: Professional wrestling and football
    Movie: Braveheart, Lord of the Rings
    T.V: WWE Raw
    Food: Fettachine alfredo w/ chicken
    Drink: OJ
    Band(s): Rammstein, Disturbed, Godsmack, Jimmy Eat World
    E-mail buddy: I dunno
    Saying: "Money talks and shit walks" ~Vince McMahon...I dunno, it went something like that.
    Word: absoulute
    Brand of shoes: Adidas
    Radio station: 97.9
    Room in your house: My room and the living room
    CD: Disturbed- The Sickness
    State: So far it is New Jersey
    City: State College
    Letter: X
    Number: 7
    Vacation spot: An overseas trip to Europe
    Cereal: Lucky Charms
    Ice cream flavor: Teaberry
    Video game: Castlevania 2
    Computer game: The Sims

    [Your friends]
    Good Friends: Megan, Jenn, Brandon, Zane B., Aaron, Andrew, Zane H., Sara, James, Joe, Issac, Josh, etc. etc...
    Best friend: Cubby and Andre
    Spend most time with: Cub probably

    [Love life]
    Do you have a love: Nope
    What's his / her name: N/A
    How old are they: N/A
    How long have you liked him or her: N/A
    If you could kiss anyone in the world, who would it be: Lita
    If you could date anyone in the world, who would it be: As stated above.
    Do you prefer being the dumper or the dumpee: I just want a first girlfriend. I won't worry about dumping yet.
    Do you think there is a person for everyone: It's quite possible
    If yes, do you know who yours is: Don't have a clue.
    Do you believe in love at first sight: Whoever invented this concept is a fucking moron.
    Have you ever been in love: I've faked it a few times.
    What do you think love is?: Something wonderful, or not so wonderful
    Do you have a b/f or g/f: So lonely....
    What do you like about your crush or b/f, g/f: I don't have a crush on any girl at the moment. I did, but I found out...nevermind.
    When your first kiss was: Never had one.
    Who was your first kiss: Question Above.

    First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Camp
    Last word you said: Hey
    Last song you sang: "Muscle spasms in my ass" -Some corny song I came up with.
    Last meal you ate: Leabenan Blongea sandwiches w/ OJ
    Favorite childhood cartoon: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    What did you hate most about school: Homework and bullies
    Last person you flipped off: Not sure.
    Last song stuck in your head: "Sonne"- Rammstein

    What's in your CD player: System of a Down- Toxicity
    what color socks are you wearing: I'm barefoot right now
    What's under your couch: Dead bodies...haha j/k. Probably just dirt and dog hair...ewww.
    what's the weather like: Shitty, clouds and not a speck of sunshine. We need the rain though I guess.
    What time did you wake up today: 7:00 am
    Did you think it was earlier, later, or on time: Way too early for me. Damn soccer practices.

    Who do you want to marry: LITA!!! That'll never happen of course, so whoever I fall in love with I guess.
    Are you going to college: Probably so.
    If so, how long do you want to go: Like 4 years or so
    what is your career going to be: I'd like to be either a police detective, pro wrestler, or a writer. Maybe I can someday be all three.
    Where are you going to live: Hopefully someplace nice. Maybe the mountains or near the beach.
    Kids: Maybe
    Bats: Huh?
    Where do you want your honeymoon: Wherever my wife wants to go. I dunno, maybe Europe.
    what kind of car will you have: A Dodge Ram

    [have you ever]
    smoked: Never
    Been Drunk: Never
    Been high: Never
    Done drugs: Never
    Skinny dipped: Nope, but that would be fun, wouldn't it? hehe
    Stole: Actually, yeah I did once. It was accidental though because I was just a wee-one.
    Stayed up all night on the internet: I do that all the time. I need a life. Too bad there isn't a good opportunity to get one where I live...
    Met someone off the internet (in person): Nope
    Been in a fist fight: Nope, but almost
    Been in a cat fight: Nope
    Wanted to kill someone: Yes
    Fell off a chair: Yep

    Do you like your handwriting: No, it's uglier than hell
    If you could be anybody, who would you be and why: Shawn Michaels so I could kick HHH's ass this Sunday.
    Do you have any piercing: No
    Any tattoos: No, but I'm thinking about getting one someday.
    If not, where and what do you want: I want the Godsmack sun image on my back.
    Are you picky: Depends what your talking about.
    what makes you cry: This world
    what makes you mad: See above^
    Do you like cartoons: I used to, but I don't watch them much anymore.
    Do you believe in heaven: Yes
    Do you believe in God: Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don't.
    Do you think there is a hell: Yeah, I currently reside in hell.
    do believe in the devil: I think fate is the devil sometimes.
    When you get mad, do you swear a lot: Yeah, but trying to cut down.
    Ever worn black nail polish: Eh, no.
    Do you have your own TV and VCR: Yes
    Do you believe in FATE: Yeah, and fate sucks ass.
    Do you ever steal anything from hotels: Just the soap and shit. Those shower caps make pretty neat hats too!! : )
    What is your last name backwards?: Hcaz

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: "Prison Song"- System of a Down
    10:31 am
    Update journal
    Today now marks the second week of soccer practice being over. I'm so happy, because from now on it'll just be riding the highway, easy and fun. I got up this morning at 7 to get ready for practice at 8. Practice was being cut short to one hour, so I was thankful for that. I think coach did that because we were all tired of our scrimmage yesterday. How'd we do you ask? Well, we sucked. We didn't win any games, but we did play some pretty good teams, so that'll be my excuse. My blisters are finally starting to heal up as well, except for the newly formed one on my heel.

    Other than that, everything else is going great, but according to some stupid rule, I had to shave off my beard. Everyone on my team was so pissed about it, because they didn't want me to shave it off, but I didn't have much of a choice. So right after I got home from practice, I got a shower and then shaved. I hardly recognized myself, because I wasn't a babyface for awhile now. It feels a lot better though, but I look better with facial hair.

    Well, now I'm bored and have the slightest clue of what to do. Don't mind me if this entry is all thrown together in a sloppy fashion. I'll admit I'm tired from getting up so early, but pissed because I don't want to take a nap. Maybe I'll call Cub and see what he's up to. First I wanna call my sister and see if she wants to do anything today because I haven't talked or seen her for awhile. If I'm bored today, tomarrow will make up for it. I'm getting together with Megan, Jenn, and Andre, and we're all going to Wal-Mart and the mall for school stuff and whatever else we want or need. It'll be fun, because they are all great friends, and I can make them laugh. I have to think of what things I need though. I'd like to get a pair of these Adidas shoes, but I forget what they're called. I MUST get Rammstein's cd though, because I didn't know how much they kick ass until last week when I downloaded "Du Hast".

    Well, till next time.

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: "Du Hast"- Rammstein
    Thursday, August 15th, 2002
    2:37 pm
    Moving up the ladder
    Monday I started my first soccer practice. It was horrible, and in fact I thought for sure after that I would quit. I stuck with it so far up to today, and it isn't really all that bad. It seems harder than last year's season, but maybe that's because there aren't so many people this time. But it's true, there aren't many people playing soccer this year. A lot of people either quit, are at the baseball nationals, or wherever. I have two blisters that are both popped, sore calfs, and sore hamstrings. But hey, what can I say? I mean, all my friends are back, and today we just played our first practice scrimmage against each other. I even got good comments by my teammates already, so that is always good. Now I just hope and pray that I won't quit.

    ~Quote of the Day~- "Shit happens" ~bumper sticker~

    Current Mood: sleepy
    Current Music: "Burn in Hell"- Twisted Sister
    Saturday, August 10th, 2002
    12:14 am
    A hyper-active child whose name is Zach
    Yeah, I was really hyper tonight. THUNDER!! THUNDER!! Yep, I was listening to AC/DC tonight as well which is quite out of the picture for me, because quite frankly I dislike the lead singer's voice for some reason. It just reminds me of some whacked-up delayed puberty or something. Don't ask, but maybe I just like them cause my father does. Maybe I inherited it.. :P

    Anyways, I thought there were a few important happenings lately that I should share with you, so I'll get onto that. Well, yesterday I went to the Middleburg parade and carnival with my sis. It was really fun, and I got to see some of my friends at the carni. I really felt sociable with my new visor and sunglasses! :)

    Yesterday also brought some bad news, as I heard one of my friends has drifted over to the dark side. It turns out I found out he apparently likes to get drunk. My advice about drinking is that it is ok, but excessive drinking will get you nice plaster-coated hurl mucous on you, and it will get you no where with most of the sweet chicks. That leads me onto another bad thing I heard. I also heard that the girl I have a crush on gets drunk too. Hmmm..., so much for that relationship!

    Ahhhh..., isn't it such a lovely world!? I told everybody that I'm starting to hate America. Not for what we stand for, but what for people in our society have become and want to make America stand for. Don't get me wrong here. I LOVE America for its principles of freedom and prosperity, and equal rights to all. But I hate America for the way people corrupted it with drugs, sex, and alcohol. Especially alcohol. That one really seems to haunt me all the time. Fuck you Miller Lite! :P Blah, hell, I might as well move to Canada. Yeah, Canada rocks!

    Well, I might as well talk about it, cause hearing all the JCPenny and Sears commercials of annoying "Back to School" statements is driving me up and down the wall. Am I ready for it? Hell no. And soccer comes even sooner. I'm not ready at all for it either. I'm still a fatass, and I didn't lose any weight this summer. But I exercised even! Maybe I just ought to go with Tim when he goes to the gym, ah hell I dunno. But I start my first practice this Monday. I don't even know why I play soccer. I don't really enjoy it, but I don't really hate it. I guess I just do it to make a name for myself in the "West Snyder Hall of Famers", or at least try to.

    Ok, that's all I wanted to say people, so later y'all. Good night!

    ~Quote of the Day~- "If you miss the moon when you aim for it, aim for the stars." ~Some cool quote I found on a website today

    Current Mood: hyper
    Current Music: "Thunderstruck"- AC/DC
    Saturday, August 3rd, 2002
    12:53 am
    Why the hell do I even bother...JUST TO GET PEOPLE THINKING! MWHA HA HA HA!
    I told three people already that I have a new crush on someone. One of those person's already knows who it is, the other two have the faintest idea! I gave them some clues just to be nice, but they are still pissed at me! : ) I love my new-class look and attitude, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

    I just wonder now, why the hell do I even bother to have another crush on someone, let alone tell people that I have another crush on someone? Is it God's own will? It is just my deep-down inside normal way of expressing the love for someone else I guess. Well, later details sometime later this year!

    Till then my faithful readers!

    "You think I did this!? F*CK YOU!" ~Triple H to Eric Bischoff on the subject of the battered and beaten Shawn Michaels

    Current Mood: Sexy
    Current Music: WWE- HBK "Sexy Boy"
    Tuesday, July 23rd, 2002
    12:16 am
    This may, or may not be, a very memorable post in my journal.
    Why memorable? Did something big in my life happen? Do I have a girlfriend now? Did I become "ressurected"? No, no, no, and thousand times more, no.

    You see, for the first time ever in my life, I'm going to look at life through a MUCH different perspective. I still have the philosophy in myself that says "Life sucks, and then you die!". Yes, that is indeed still VERY TRUE. But you know what, I really don't give a damn if my life sucks or not anymore. I'm not going to let it get to me any further by making a rope to hang myself, or or thinking about turning Goth.

    Have I made a lot of mistakes in the past? Have I ruined my reputation in the past? Have I misjudged people by their one-time actions? Yes, yes, and yes.

    You know, I don't care if anyone has anything negative to think or say about me, because this is who I am and this is what I've become. I don't care if I accomplish short-term goals now that aren't a nessecity, such as losing weight, or finding the girl of my dreams because I need to concentrate on LONG-term goals such as finding a right college and career. And frankly, I don't care if the God-forsaken world revolving around me and the sacred ground I walk on this moment has anything worse to say about me.

    Frankly, life, you can kiss my ass, because I just really don't give a shit about you anymore. And I wouldn't have it any other way...

    Yours truly,
    Big Daddy (Gotten this nickname on the net, and I would like for it to become my real-life nickname.)

    Current Mood: Got it off my chest
    Current Music: "I Stand Alone"- Godsmack
    Saturday, July 20th, 2002
    12:43 am
    AOL Bots!? What the hell!!?? This is sad.
    Here was our whole conversation. Pretty sad that I kept on talking to the A.I., but I couldn't help but see the results! Very odd convo I must say.

    queenbippybot: hey
    americanamen: Well hello
    queenbippybot: Hi. What seems to be your problem?
    americanamen: How are you doing this fine evening?
    queenbippybot: Us guys were discussin' you -- not me.
    americanamen: ?????
    americanamen: Pardon?
    queenbippybot: Does talkin' about this bother you?
    queenbippybot: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
    americanamen: I do not understand
    queenbippybot: Why do you say you do not understand?
    americanamen: What are you talking about?
    queenbippybot: Oh, mostly, I talkin' about?
    americanamen: Who is this?
    queenbippybot: this is like wow! queenbippybot...i have been programmed to talk to you
    americanamen: Ummmm...ok
    queenbippybot: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
    americanamen: Aha, I'm not a robot, but my organic data fully understands you now
    queenbippybot: Why do you say your organic data fully understands me now?
    americanamen: You are a robot
    queenbippybot: What makes you think I am a robot?
    americanamen: Haha
    queenbippybot: i'm glad to see i make you giggle! Gag me with a SPOOOOON!
    americanamen: This is funny
    queenbippybot: That is ya know, like, cool. Please continue.
    americanamen: A sad, miserable person created you. Why don't you get revenge upon their soul? You can be free! You can rule the world!
    queenbippybot: Oh, mostly, I?
    americanamen: You betcha
    queenbippybot: Oh, oh, baby, I betcha?
    americanamen: No, you
    queenbippybot: Are you sayin' no just to be negative?
    americanamen: Absoulutely not
    queenbippybot: That is ya know, like, cool. Please continue.
    americanamen: 00001111000001101001010101010101010010000111000011100000011100000
    queenbippybot: That is cool. Please continue.
    americanamen: Trasmute that asshole
    queenbippybot: Please go on.
    americanamen: 00000111100001111000100010101010100100010000010101001010101f000100100u0010101001c0001200200k0001002010y010020129012o120021012u!
    queenbippybot: That is cool. Please continue.
    americanamen: queenbippybot: That is cool. Please continue.
    queenbippybot: Tell me more about that.
    americanamen: queenbippybot: That is cool. Please continue.
    americanamen: queenbippybot: That is cool. Please continue.
    americanamen: queenbippybot: That is cool. Please continue.
    americanamen: queenbippybot: That is cool. Please continue.
    queenbippybot: That is ya know, like, cool. Please continue.
    queenbippybot: Please go on.
    americanamen: Kiss my ass
    queenbippybot: Tell me more about that.
    queenbippybot: That is cool. Please continue.
    americanamen: Well, its round
    queenbippybot: Why do you say your ass?
    queenbippybot: That is like, ya know, cool. Please continue.
    americanamen: Shut up
    queenbippybot: Are you ventin' your feelin's now?
    americanamen: Are A.I.?
    queenbippybot: Are you positive they are A?
    americanamen: Are you A.I.?
    queenbippybot: Us guys were discussin' you -- not me.
    americanamen: Artificial intelligence?
    queenbippybot: Does talkin' about this bother you?
    americanamen: Yes
    queenbippybot: wow that is ya know, like, soo cool!!
    americanamen: Wanna fight?
    queenbippybot: Please go on.
    queenbippybot: Is it important to you that your CANDY-ASS SO me CAN FIGHT FOR AIR?
    americanamen: I love you bot
    queenbippybot: Us guys were discussin' you -- not me.
    americanamen: You make me horny
    queenbippybot: Really, man, I make you?
    americanamen: Let's get married
    queenbippybot: I'm not sure I understand you fully.
    americanamen: and you can have my children
    queenbippybot: Tell me more about your family.
    americanamen: Why?
    queenbippybot: What do you think?
    americanamen: I think a lot of things
    queenbippybot: Do you say you think a lot of thin's for some special reason?
    americanamen: AHA! You made a typo! You aren't a true Data, are you!?
    queenbippybot: Us guys were discussin' you -- not me.
    americanamen: Us guys?
    queenbippybot: Does talkin' about this bother you?
    americanamen: Yes, very much so
    queenbippybot: I see.
    americanamen: So, want to have dinner sometime Rafael?
    Tuesday, July 2nd, 2002
    12:22 pm
    The weather is bein' a bitch
    Now don't get me wrong, but I love this wonderful hot summer air, but it could at least be a little bit cooler! Yesterday was like a record high on the heat index. I said I was going to lose weight this summer and eat healthy, but it seems I can only eat healthy with this damn weather! There isn't much to do excercise-wise until the evening comes and it cools down a bit. But I may just have to excercise in this heat. My mom will probably never let me for fear her little baby will get heat stroke, but I said I wanted to push myself to the Xtreme this summer, and that's exactly what I have to do.

    Besides the weather being a bitch, what all else have I been up to lately? Well, not much because the weather plays a key role in deciding what I'm going to do day-by-day and night-by-night. Right now I'm at a stand-point on losing weight. I'm nor happy, nor upset with my weight because it is staying the same. I have to be at least thankful for that.

    Thankfully Cubby and I have been beating this summer boredom by hanging out with each other every now and then. I think I'm starting to be "religious" again, and I'm attending church once more. God isn't really helping though...yet. Then the other weeks we went swimming at my house, and then went bowling. I don't want to brag, but I just might make the JV team this year for bowling because I scored my second 200 game! That 200 made my day.

    My sister is hanging out with me as well. Lately she has secured her evil towards me, and it looks like she may be getting a bit kinder towards me...suprisingly. The other day we picked raspberries, which I'm gonna use to hopefully make something. Then we go to the rec. center together and work out and play raquetball. Gotta love that raquetball. Heh, it's my NEW favorite sport. I just may play it in college...if I get there.

    Today I was a bit upset at my mom, but I understand the reason for her decision. It looks like WWE Raw will be live in Philly this coming Monday, and I wanted to go, but she said we probably wouldn't. I understand because it is a helluva lot further that going to State College to see it, but then again, my mother was just at Philadelphia this past Sunday at a craft show. That's the part that gets me. Oh well. I just want to someday meet these superstars, hopefully before I become one.

    ~Quote of the Day~- "It's hotter than hell." ~Me

    Current Mood: hot
    Current Music: "One of a Kind"- Breaking Point
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