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She's doing a new movie on ABC Family that is definitely getting Tivo-ed.

Current Mood: hot
Current Music: Waka In The Sky - Lisa Gerrard


Poll #186788:
Open to: all, results viewable to: none

If a woman lists "not high maintenance" in a personal ad, does that mean she is high maintenance?

View Answers

Hell yes!
5 (55.6%) 5 (55.6%)

No means No
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

How should I know, I can't figure women out and I am one!
4 (44.4%) 4 (44.4%)

Current Mood: curious

From Studio Brief

Oscar Voters Won't Get "Screeners"

In a move that stunned -- and in some cases even outraged -- many members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, the leading Hollywood studios on Tuesday agreed not to provide DVDs and videocassettes of eligible movies to Academy members for Oscar consideration. The move was intended to halt the flow of such "screeners" to bootleggers. Critics of the move said it would mostly affect smaller, independent films, and indeed, the "classics" units of the studios protested the loudest over the plan. Director John Waters told Daily Variety: "I'm completely against it. ... I think the studios are sick of the independents winning every award. I think the piracy thing is a smokescreen." Today's (Wednesday) Los Angeles Times reported that Miramax, which had earlier indicated that it would go along with the ban, had changed its mind. The Times said that representatives of several studio art-house units were planning to hold an emergency meeting in New York today to discuss the move by the majors. It also noted that independent screening rooms were not even available at the end of the year to show the smaller films to Academy members. A group called the Online Film Critics Society also protested the move, saying that its members often depended on screeners to do their job. The group issued a statement today saying, "There are many easy solutions to preventing the illegal duplication of awards screeners, ranging from encoding serial numbers onto the image to track the source to enclosing return envelopes with screeners. But the removal of much-needed awards screeners from the hands of working journalists only creates ill-will and fails to address the basic issues of stamping out piracy activities."
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Current Mood: okay

Friday something
When life explodes, made blood pies!
Ever since the return of the children, life has been a little nutty. Doctor's appointment went ok but I need to go back in 3 weeks to check the lab results. G'rents stayed through Saturday. Played Bridge on Saturday and got back way too late. Not that I really cared. I had fun. Sunday was a last minute baby shower for my friend Lisa. Her husband was very bitter because they planned the shower on Roshshana so none of his family could attend. Tied up some loose ends and finances on Sunday night and returned to my crappy sleep schedule. (Bed by midnight, wake up a 1, go to sleep at 2, wake up at 4, go back to sleep at 5, wake up at 7:30 exhausted because Kira keeps kicking me)

Yummy things from the weekend. Talking to userinfowitchchild tho I didn't plan better so I could see her. The punch at the shower just kicked ass and I think I can make it at home. My poison oak seems to be going away which is all good. I had this dream where I was undressing Lisa Donohue from Big Brother 3 and kissing down her stomach in the middle of a crowded park. *sigh* oh yea, that was fun.

Current Mood: working
Current Music: And it's begining to snow - Rent Soundtrack (Internal)

Do Not F***ING call me!!!
House Votes to Launch Do-Not-Call List

By DAVID HO, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The House approved legislation Thursday aimed at ensuring the national "do-not-call" list goes into effect as scheduled next week so consumers can block many unwanted telemarketing sales pitches.

The House voted 412-8 after less than hour of debate. Lawmakers from both parties uniformly blasted a decision by U.S. District Judge Lee R. West, who ruled Tuesday that the Federal Trade Commission lacked authority to create and operate the registry.

"The judge in this case is dead wrong and I'm sure his decision will in turn be overturned," said Rep. Billy Tauzin, R-La., chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. "We should probably call the bill 'This Time We Really Mean It Act' to cure any myopia in the judicial branch. The bill leaves no doubt as to the intent of Congress."

Full Article
I'm a naughty monkey
I found this quite humorous.

"George loved to read to our girls and they would actually act it out. He would lie on the floor and read 'Hop on Pop' and they would jump up and down on him."

--First lady LAURA BUSH on ABC's "Good Morning America."
Working at Home - Good
With no distractions expect my projects, working at home is a real plus. Not only have I gotten all the metrixs I needed for Newsletter, answered all the mail I needed to and fixed live server problems, I also fixed the Buyer's Guide issues which have been plaguing me for the past week or so. So the demo on Thursday should happen without a hitch. Maybe I should go eat breakfast now?

Current Mood: productive
Current Music: Genius In France - Weird Al

Kinda neat
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Name: Kazama
Website: Greg Dem.com
Back October 2003