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Monday, March 31st, 2003
7:55 pm - Detachable arms, headless statues, or something (emphasis on "or something")
You are Varda, Queen of the Stars. You are the
most beautiful and powerful of all the Valier,
and are most beloved of the Elves. They praise
you, and cry out to you in their need. You are
the spouse of Manwe.

Which of the Valier (Silmarillion ~ LotR) are You?

Uh-huh yes, sure. Hm, I should find a Valar quiz, perhaps I could be Irmo or possibly Ulmo instead... ohh I could be Irmo with his Olórë Mallë, go me! In any case, *hangs around the cottage of Lost Play since I have discovered one at my school, at least to all outward appearances*

Anyway... went to school today, more Latin, yes, Philosophy 13 looks ok, certainly better than Philosophy 12, er I hope, um... sort of looking forward to Astronomy tomorrow, and Poetry... hm yes ok. Bought books, they were out of baskets at the bookstore, had to hold my exceedingly large pile of books in line then lug them far away to my car. Therefore arms feel as if they will fall off. Wish they were detachable.

And now for a random Tolkien passage, which I think is my favorite, in order to better understand a certain icon that I love but may be otherwise too obscure: In which Frodo and Sam see a headless stone king with a crown of flowers )

*sigh* Bless Tolkien.

In any case, forgive any typos as I hand-typed it with the fingers attached to my detachable arms. And that, I believe, is all.

current mood: tired
current music: Chopin
2 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Sunday, March 30th, 2003
12:17 am
is a
Brain-Eating Jungle Monkey

...with a Battle Rating of 7.4

To see if your Food-Eating Battle Monkey can
defeat Orsa, enter your name:

Interesting, I eat... brains. Go me?

current mood: amused
2 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Saturday, March 29th, 2003
9:29 pm - Random Yay Moment
I got a paid account, yay! I bought crumpets, yay! I have fizzy Harry Potter candy, yay! I made new icons, yay! I have 10 icons, yay! I er... ok that's it.

current mood: yay
5 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Thursday, March 27th, 2003
7:05 pm - Trespassers will be tied up with piano wire
Spring break. Yay.

Went to art museum, saw polish paintings and one Da Vinci painting, despite misleading advertisement of a Da Vinci and Polish Masters exhibit. False advertising indeed, but nevertheless enjoyable.

Went to Carmel, went shopping, bought a little golden snitch bean bag thing, lost it playing catch, played with football instead, am soar, also smoked cigars, had a spitting contest, a belching contest, and watched action movies with girlfriends. Go us.

Am supposed to be reading Faust, but keep getting distracted by large amounts of vague and distracting things. Will read, will read, will read... Yes. Also, computer is on the fritz therefore online presence has gone to hell (though no pacts with the Devil have been made).

Must go now and answer e-mails, then read, then have hair ripped out of my face, then write letters, then do some other things etc. etc. etc.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
11 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Monday, March 17th, 2003
3:33 pm
I have had my first experience with Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans. A friend of mine dared me to eat the vomit flavored one. Being a stupid and adventurous person, I did. Note to self: Do not eat anything advertising itself to be vomit flavored. If someone dares you to do such, just say no. I think it was my recent experience with escargot that lulled me into a false sense of security regarding strange foods, therefore, I will blame the vomit flavored jelly bean incident on French cuisine. Sure.

However, I must say a few words in defense of strange jelly beans. The dirt and grass flavors were actually rather interesting and not that bad... well... sort of. Maybe I just like dirt and grass too much... hm...

And a happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone. Grass flavored beans for all!
35 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Wednesday, March 12th, 2003
11:32 pm
I made new icons! Um and... here they are! Ha!

talk to the sock puppet
8:43 pm - And now to befuddle...
Carthago delenda est.


current mood: Cato-y
12 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Sunday, March 9th, 2003
12:23 am
I cannot remember at the moment anything of significance as dusting and spraying everything in sight with windex has clouded my mind.

Wait wait, here it comes, though it's not significant: I went to Japan town today for my cousin's birthday and I bought a nice tea set. Yay tea. I also saw Gary Oldman in the Scarlet Letter and now I may die happy, or something. And I apparently have the same personality type as Garak. Go me. But also Kes, not sure about that one. Let's see, I think there's more, yes, yes, it's coming to me now. I hate my philosophy class for it is evil doom, and I feel like dropping off the earth so that I can fly around in space. Yes, I think that's everything aside from a few more random bits. And so, a list of my role models according to some quiz:

Celebrity's name Profile's similarity %

Michel Montaigne, French philosopher (1533-1592) - 94
Anton Chekhov, Russian writer (1860-1904) - 87
JRR Tolkien, author of 'The Lord of The Rings' - 85
Albert Einstein, physicist - 82
Niels Bohr, physicist - 79
Jane Austen, English novelist (1775-1817) - 77
JK Rowling, author of 'Harry Potter' - 76
Agatha Christie - 76

Favorable for you spheres of activity:


That's the result I got after taking the test about a million times. I would have kept tweaking the answers, but I eventually gave up for the moment... I can tweak them later. But yes, apparently I am Montaigne and some of my favorite people and then some other people. Hm, yes, an interesting and diverse assortment of people and interests... I am strange, go me. The test thingy said more but I won't post it, I'll take up space with my own words instead, ha! Um right, the test itself is here, though it appears it is no longer free, hm... I guess I won't tweak the answers later then.

Anyway, it is now time for a survey )

And at last, hi ho, hi ho, it's off to bed I go.

current mood: tired
2 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Wednesday, February 26th, 2003
1:30 pm
A random thing I noticed: Latin for "republic" is "res publica" which is loosely "the public thing" ... The English word "thing" comes from the Norse "thing" which was a political gathering of some sort (details evade me at the moment) ... So, the public thing, and the Norse thing being a political thing. Interesting? Maybe.

Also Kari has sent supplies to bake elf cupcakes, hurrah! And 1 paper, 2 midterms down, 2.5 (.5 being a revision of another paper) to go... Next Tuesday I shall be released. *Totters off to make elf cupcakes and imitate Haldir*

current mood: amused
20 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Monday, February 24th, 2003
10:26 pm
I shouldn't really be online as I have 3 papers and 2 midterms to write/study for, but I'm too amused not to be. I was staring at one of the papers I had to write, loathing it, and intermittently playing with a bottle of ink and a little quill pen that I had just made all nifty like all on my own because I know about capillary action, go me! Erm... Got side tracked, back to the essay... So, I was staring at the evil essay, about needle exchange programs, when I had the idea to change the font from Times New Roman to something that looked reminiscent of something I would write with my new quill pen on parchment paper. So I did, and 30 minutes later (or something, I wasn't really paying attention), my essay was mostly written. Ha! I am easily amused and manipulated by pretty-fonts-that-remind-me-of-writing-with-a-quill-on-parchment-paper. Go me, go pretty fonts.

Anyway, must go now... and fill in the gaps with more quillesque (new word, maybe?) writing.

current mood: amused
9 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Wednesday, February 19th, 2003
4:38 pm
First: My computer is totally spazzing and I don't think the fact that I just spilled lotion on the keyboard is helping... any typos I may make are due to slipperyness.

As my computer is totally spazzing, it keeps freezing and the mouse seems to have a mind of its own, it is taking me a very long time to keep up with everything and I haven't been/won't be around very much until my computer desists.

Second, some anouncements:

To the people who are telling me/going to tell me that my quizzes aren't working: My quizzes work most of the time, and when they don't I'm almost certain it's a problem with the webhosting as geocities isn't terribly reliable. However, it's free, so until I actually have money and a credit card, I apologize for quiz/website related malfunctions and issues.

To the person requesting an LJ code of me:
I responded to your comment and told you to e-mail me, if you are still interested, please e-mail me.

Ok I think that's it *prays computer doesn't freeze*

*edit* SUCCESS! though now my keyboard is malfunctioning too and won't let me capitalize properly, grrr

current mood: frustrated
current music: Brahms
4 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Saturday, February 15th, 2003
1:40 pm
I got a garden gnome for Valentine's Day from my parents, go me! My dad suggested I call it "Gee" therefore it could be "Gee Gnome," or, Genome. Yes, you must love our geekiness.

In other news, I watched Blow Dry... a random British film about a hairdressing competition featuring Alan Rickman as a champion hairdresser. Yes, Snape cuts hair... therefore, this movie is priceless.
18 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Thursday, February 13th, 2003
5:26 pm
I just finished writing a thank you letter to these Scholarship donor people. My computer froze half way through. I think it couldn't tolerate the lever of bs I was churning out. I now feel rather nauseous... and it's off to talk about Philosophy with me... As I am in very strange mood, this could be dangerous... muahahaha. The end.

current mood: weird
2 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Monday, February 10th, 2003
7:02 pm

Which Lord of the Rings Character are you?

*runs around with pointy hat* go me!

current mood: amused
current music: Brahms
9 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Sunday, February 9th, 2003
12:24 pm - Random nightmare type thing
Hm, ok... so I almost never have nightmares (I can count on one hand the number of times that I have)... but I sort of had one last night, except that I don't know why it was a nightmare...

I had a dream about this pale guy, standing there (er don't remember where "there" was though)... and all I really remember was that he had eyes, but they were completely white, and he was wearing orange eyeliner on the outside edges (not under or below, just on the sides farthest from the nose) of his eyes... Then I woke up, and I was rather afraid and didn't want to look around the room in case he was there, eventually though, I got back to sleep.

Ok, so, I have dreams about people killing with needles, chasing me around mountains trying to kill me, being shot, etc. and I'm not scared in the least, but now I have a random dream with a guy with white eyes and orange eyeliner and it scares me... I mean... what the hell is that about?

Anyway yes, that's all, too lazy to update about anything else and it's all rather boring anyway.

current mood: confused
2 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Tuesday, February 4th, 2003
8:46 pm
What is this new devilry? ...It's before 9:00 and my essay is nearly done :D

I saw Chamber of Secrets yesterday... and yes, it was very nifty. To add to the niftyness, I went with 2 of my friends, one of which is a Harry Potter fan who has just recently returned to the Bay Area (er the Bay Area being where I live). Anyway, as there were very few people watching the movie at 6:00 on a Monday night, we ended up making comments throughout the movie, with many references to "Luscious" Malfoy, and much giggling to follow. I can't wait for the third movie to come out.

I was in a bad mood earlier, but either the tea, or having flashbacks to an essay I wrote last quarter about Stoics and human responsibility has made everything better. Go tea. Go Stoics. Go Luscious.

current mood: happy
8 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Thursday, January 30th, 2003
1:02 am
Why is that I am just now, at 1 AM, starting to feel awake?


current mood: annoyed
8 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
Wednesday, January 29th, 2003
8:40 pm
Writing another evil essay of doom, but look, a bioethicist talking about Stoics hehe:

'...It is hard not to recognize the nobility of an outlook that makes how we live more important than how long' )
talk to the sock puppet
Tuesday, January 28th, 2003
8:22 pm
You know you all want to take a nice Myers-Briggs personality test and tell me what you come out as since I'm curious, yes? Yes.

Personality Test

I came out as an infp which is what I always come out as so yes... niftyness.

*wonders how many people will actually take it* .... *wonders how many people will actually tell me what they get* .... *wonders she I will have to bribe people to do this* .... *wonders why she's wondering so much* ....

current mood: curious
25 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet
7:12 pm
I made new icons! Hehe... but aw I can only have three

current mood: accomplished
11 socratic dialogues | talk to the sock puppet

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