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Mond of Valley Lemons

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Where's Jesus? [25 Mar 2004|12:28pm]
[ mood | discontent ]
[ music | A Mighty Wind ]

I just woke up from a dream: I fell from a not so frightening height, but nonetheless, a height that would cause damage. I hit the ground and fell apart in pieces. When I tried putting myself back together, it seems my emotional defaults were scrambled and there was nothing I could do about that. All my buttons and controls... lost.

Maybe I was dropped as a baby?
There was that story my mom tells me when she slipped on water from the fridge and fell hard on her back when she was impregnated with me...

Hey, anybody know where Jesus is? He's like always supposed to be around, but I don't know about that guy. And then when he's supposed to show up we're all supposed to hail the dude... like what? Supposed to wash his feet with our hair? Nah.
15 lemons.             squeeze me.

C'mon... [17 Mar 2004|09:58pm]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Von Bondies 'C'mon, C'mon...' ]

I wish I was drunk so I could explain the skirt, but...

It's going to be Thursday and I couldn't be more happy about it. I needed a break the week after finals, but our school district gypped us out of giving everyone the week off for Spring Break right after finals. And it wasn't like we were only going to have one more week of school.. we had two. It seems like everyone is on break already... what's with that?

I've been... good, though. I haven't exhaused myself and think its partly because everyone, including the teachers, are ready for the break. Mr. Ambriz, my US history teacher, is an asshole, though. He couldn't care less. Fucking Eddie Munster-squirrel looking asshole acts as if he's been teaching AP teaches all his life.. when we're his first class. I'm still pissed about my grade for the nine weeks.. but I can't say I worked hard enough for something better. But yeah, all of a sudden he's being tougher on grades because he knows that I slacked off and still managed to have a high 'B' up until the exam. I did my homework for the class tonight, but I've still got to read the chapter. I hope the pop test-thing was a joke.

Mr. Linan was just gone today. I saw him earlier in the day when he told me there was a fight in the girls' restroom. I probably should've called a security guard but I wanted to see something go down. It didn't happen. We had the sub who up until now thought was an asshole. I only heard bad things about the guy.. but he's pretty quiet. He just sits there and carves things into golf balls. Strange, yeah. And he seems to love cheesy jokes and quoting philosophers. Hmm.. not a bad guy.

Ms. Hauff said she woke up this morning and wondered if I was going to wear my green tee today for St. Patrick's. She said thank you, for doing so. I thought it was an ounce creepy but funny. She laughed at UIL at the fact that I fit into a youth medium. Heh.
Speaking of UIL, I have UIL district this coming weekend. I feel I can do good. I can qualify for regionals and have a trip to San Antonio... I placed fourth last year and that is because the topic was lame and I thought my essay blew. Bad news is.. because I have UIL Friday, I won't be able to go with Vanessa to Austin this weekend. And I had been looking forward to it for awhile. I'm really bummed about all that.

We had a guy with severe head trauma come and speak to us about drinking and driving and making choices. I had no idea he'd come up to the microphone and I'd have to try my hardest to understand every word coming out of his mouth. There was some hypocrisy with the PTSA introducing him, but I'll shut up about that.

I got the new Blender in the mail. I'm psyched; I'll be reading that in classes tomorrow, instead of listening. Um, I got the new Von Bondies album. Its good. On a scale of 1 to 5.. very close to 4. Well, I like it. I need to pay for my SATs; I'm taking the next two. I've also got to register for the ACT; I hope its not too late. I feel like its Friday.

And I've gotta wish a happy birthday to my friend, Greg, [info]kokakolaclash. Big "one-nine", he says. Greg, you're so old.
53 lemons.             squeeze me.

Again [27 Feb 2004|12:31am]
[ mood | worried ]
[ music | Say Hi To Your Mom 'Pop Music of the Future' ]

Yeah, again.

So goes the hourglass...
The days are going by too fast.
7 lemons.             squeeze me.

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