Which Bodypart Are You?
This test is not to be taken seriously, it's just for your entertainment, alright? Answer the test honestly to get the most accurate results on which bodypart you would be! (Head, hands, feet, eyes, privates, stomach, heart, butt.) This is not necessarily a straight "personality" test, but also what features you have in common with bodyparts. (For example, if you're very observant, you might be the eyes.) If you don't like you're results, don't whine, take it again! If you like this quiz, you can find more like it at my website, Jenverz.

1. What do you strive to do?

support friends and family and others who need it
think things out before acting
find true love and live happily ever after!
what? i'm hungry...
keep things moving and exciting
express myself
see things from all views and not cause trouble
i'll tell you if you're hot

2. What's your best line in an arguement?

you're just jealous cause i'm sexier!
yo momma! you wanna fight, punk?
*eeep!* you're hurting my feelings!
you're not looking at my point of view! you're one sided!
i'll eat your face!
*thinking: just walk away...*
can't we work this out?

3. Say the first word that comes to your mind: red

a firetruck?

4. You're likley to date someone because...

i can really relate to how they think
i want someone to sleep with
i want a romantic, humorous relationship with all the glamour like in the movies *sigh*
we're exact opposites - i like that
they really need a confidence boost and i want to do that for them
they're FINE and a real sweetheart
they make me want to eat a cookie
i would love to run away on an adventure with them

5. You hang out with people who...

care about eachother - i can only have real friends
are athletic OR or loads of fun!
are hot, i'd love to snatch my best friend's date for the movies this weekend!
deep thinkers
pretty quiet and shy
are fat
all support eachother like friends should
are artistic and creative

6. What do you smell like right now?

*sniff sniff* PEW! you don't wanna know...
paint/car oil
i don't really know what that smell is...
my boyfriend/girlfriend/crush's favorite perfume!
don't know don't care, why do you ask such dumb questions?
MY perfume/calogne, i love it!
er uh, do i stink to you?
cotton candy spray

7. Which celebrity could you best relate to?

p!nk - i wanna be her best friend!
enrique iglesias - he's such a romantic heart throb!
josh hartnett - he's sexy and horny
tony hawk - always on the move!
jessica simpson - she knows eating's good for you
gwen stefani - an artist of clothing
michelle branch - sweet, sensitive, and she's not trying too hard
alanis morsette - she's incredible, period

8. A dog name you might give to your new chihuahua...

taco bell
romeo/juliet (or my crush's name)
name it after my best friend

9. Your favorite candy is...

candy undies!
a granola bar - gotta eat healthy!
whatever looks best when i'm in the store!
gummi bears

10. Your shoe?

comfy sneaker
cute little sandals that my boyfriend likes
the pair that me and my bff picked out at the store
knee high, 4" heeled black boots
they're nike and they're blue with whi... wait, you didn't mean for me to describe them? nevermind...
i was hungry... and i don't have them anymore...
some shoes i can get around in
shoes i made myself!

This test is copyright 2002 by Jennifer at Jenverz.