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Music from the WB (radio@AOL) |
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::loving this Bif Naked song ("Lucky")::
So, let's see, what've I done today...
I've sated my strange craving for Dannon "Fruit on the Bottom" yogurt thanks to Joe's mom (I'm thinking all the protein I've been eating because of Atkin's is getting to me because I've been craving dairy products, veggies and fruits, and don't worry, I haven't denied myself).
My incessant catnapping (I've had a particularly bad "month" this month, if you catch my meaning, and it's drained me) has given birth to the craziest of dreams. I had two in a row today, one terrifying and one funny.
In the first I was losing my hair.
In fact, I had it separated in cornrows (something I've never done before, though I've thought about it) and I was able to yank one cleanly from my scalp. I woke up in a panic, patting my hair down making sure it was still there.
Silly me went back to sleep after that and fell right into another dream, this one about a mouse.
While I'm not afraid of mice (I think they're cute and I'm the one called in for this sort of "pest removal") in this dream I remember climbing up on furniture and picking my feet up off the floor -- completely out of character for me. And it's like my dream self knew it was because she couldn't stop laughing about it, albeit it a little nervously.
Needless to say, I felt inclined to turn to the books for some insight on these two (they were so strange!) and in A Witch's Book of Dreams (by Karri Allrich) I found some interesting answers:
Hair: Associated with concious thoughts. Hair grows out of the crown chakra, the gateway to higher awareness, the crown of the head. Hair also symbolizes power. The more the better. Is someone trying to cut your hair (take away your power or cut off your expression of ideas)? Put a lid on it? Or is your hair growing (increasing your power)? Is it changing color? (Look up color listing.) See Head.
Head: Dreaming of a head, yours, might be about your thinking, your brain, yourself as a thinking individual. Is someone messing with your head? Are you thinking clearly? If the head is disembodied, you are not connected to your heart, to life's physical, sensual experience. You may be getting too intellectual. Or are you losing your head? Think of word play: head's up, heading out, getting ahead.
Mouse: If your cat is dreaming about mice, it's all about dinner. For you, the dreamer, you'd have to think about your own associations to mice. Do you like them? Think they're adorable? Are you frightened of them? Disgusted? The mouse is associated with fear, having so many natural predators. One must also consider their caution as demonstrative of their survival mechanism. Are you receiving a cautionary message? To pay attention to detail, stay out of the way, and prepare for the future? Or is fear nibbling away at you? Have you been mousy lately? Your emotional reponse will clue you in to the meaning of the dream.
Interesting, no?
And I was able to put meanings to both of my dreams with ease. They both have to do with everything still going on in my life. Makes sense.
For as bad as I've been with giving in to cravings (twice this week I would have killed for ice cream, luckily I didn't have to) I haven't suffered weight-wise.
While the scale isn't budging (up or down) I know it's because I'm working out with weights. Muscle weighs more than fat and to lose the latter you have to build the former, which is what I'm doing (I love the tight feeling you get right after a workout). While I still have a ways to go, I'm fitting into clothes that haven't fit me in years and today Joe's mom told me out of the blue that the weight loss is noticable ("You've lost a lot of weight.").
I slacked yesterday in my workout, didn't do a damn thing, but I'll jump back on the bandwagon tonight. I don't think one day off out of seven will kill me (though I did feel guilty, especially after having dessert).
I'm still busy packing.
Doing this alone is stressful and strenuous (no doubt another reason why I'm so tired lately) but I'm getting there. I just wish I had the means to just leave everything behind and start anew.
It would be so much simpler... but simplicity in this life doesn't come easy, does it?