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[o] remorseful

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Yeah. [Fri, Feb 14, 2003 @ 07:31pm]
[ mood | melancholy ]

Happy Valentines Day.

This is for everyone reading this...

And this is for me.

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Concert Pics [Sat, Feb 08, 2003 @ 12:43am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Mainly putting these up here for myself.

A few of the concert pics I've gathered over the past 2 years or so.. most of them are just crappy webcam shots of real pictures, but a few of them are ::gasp!:: actual scanned pictures.

Me and a friend after Stone Sour:

Click below to see...
Adema, American Head Charge, Audiovent, Chevelle, Coal Chamber, Fuel, Medication, Nonpoint, Saliva, Slow Roosevelt, Stone Sour [Sorry, shadygaze, I know I've owed you these for a while >.<], Sum41, and Rob Zombie.

Lotsa Piccytures )

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[Thu, Oct 04, 2001 @ 11:14pm]
Friends only, as of October 4, 2001.

If you'd like to be listed as a friend, reply here, or contact me.
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So where am I?
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