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The Ordinary Person’s Guide to Empire
By Arundhati Roy | 4.11.03

Mesopotamia. Babylon. The Tigris and Euphrates. How many children, in how many classrooms, over how many centuries, have hang-glided through the past, transported on the wings of these words?

And now the bombs are falling, incinerating and humiliating that ancient civilization.

On the steel torsos of their missiles, adolescent American soldiers scrawl colorful messages in childish handwriting: “For Saddam, from the Fat Boy Posse.” A building ... Read more.

The Road from Baghdad
The Bush team has big plans for the 21st century. Can the rest of the world stop them?
By David Moberg | 4.4.03

Contrary to the smug pronouncements from the Bush administration, it is foolhardy to predict how the war in Iraq will end, let alone when. Considering how unpopular Saddam Hussein is ... Read more.

        The Looking Glass War
By Peter Freundlich | 4.9.03

All right. Let me see if I understand the logic of this correctly. We ignored the United Nations in order to teach Saddam Hussein that the United Nations cannot be ignored. We’ve waged war to preserve the United Nations’ ability to avert war. The ... Read more.

Dissent from Within
Anti-Castro petition gathers steam
By Patrick Michael Rucker
—Maybe more than comedians, dictators rely on timing. Holding power is more than a series of purges, rallies and rigged elections. One ... Read more.

At It Again
Republicans meddle in Cambodian politics
By Bill Myers
—The public leap into Cambodian politics of a group with ties to the Republican Party—a group whose fingerprints are already ... Read more.

Imprisoned by the Patriot Act
By J.D. Lloyd
In Person 4.4.03
While a few of those detained under the provisions of the October 2001 USA Patriot Act have been naturalized U.S. citizens, most have ... Read more.

Welcome to the 21st Century
Ohio state senators oppose the 14th Amendment
By Jamie Pietras
The 14th Amendment was conceived with the noblest intentions. In the post-Civil War era, blacks were to be ensured equal rights under federal ... Read more.

Catching Courage
By John Malkin
In Person 3.19.03
For her work as co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness, a campaign to end the economic sanctions against the people of Iraq, Kathy ... Read more.


The People vs. Richard Perle
By Ben Winters
Viewpoint 4.14.03
March should have been a triumphant month for Richard Perle. The former American Enterprise Institute fellow and assistant secretary of defense has been calling for ... Read more.

Virtual War and Reality
By Joel Bleifuss
Editorial 4.4.03
The technology of smart-bomb war transports death and destruction to the virtual realm. With one hand on a joystick and eyes on a video screen, ... Read more.

The Un-American Media
By Ana Marie Cox
Power Mad 3.28.03
There was a time you could safely assume that anyone calling skeptical coverage of the war in Iraq “un-American” was probably also speed-dialing Rush Limbaugh. ... Read more.

Remember Rachel Corrie
By Geov Parrish
Viewpoint 3.21.03
Rachel Corrie, a 23-year-old senior at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, was killed by Israeli soldiers in the Rafah Refugee Camp in the Gaza ... Read more.

Shock and Awe: How to Combat Awful War Coverage
By Susan J. Douglas
Back Talk 3.20.03
Now that Team Bush has gotten its way and unilaterally launched an invasion of Iraq, those of us who oppose this immoral madness are sick ... Read more.


The Price Isn’t Right
By Sandy Zipp
Books 4.22.03
I believe we are at the threshold of a fundamental change in our popular economic thought,” Franklin Roosevelt announced during his 1932 campaign for the presidency. “In the future,” he predicted, “we are going to ... Read more.

Dear Mr. Vonnegut,
By Kurt Vonnegut
The other day I was asked to do the now common act of taking off my shoes at the airport security screening. As I deposited my shoes in the tray, a sense of utter absurdity ... Read more.

To See or Not To See
By Joe Knowles
Books 4.7.03
The images we saw on TV last night ... were terrible. The whole city looked as if it were on fire. ... The only thing I could think of was ‘why does this have ... Read more.

Kiss the Girls, Make Them Cry
By Joshua Rothkopf
Film 4.7.03
You don’t have to be an embedded journalist to know we’re missing much of the good stuff on live television. I’m referring of course to the passionate liplock between Lena Katina and Julia Volkova, two ... Read more.

Dear Mr. Vonnegut,
By Kurt Vonnegut
What on earth happened to American journalists so that they let fanatics toy with them? ... Read more.