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But would I? [16 Feb 2003|12:27am]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | Infected Mushroom - Never Ever Land ]

Quote of the week!

NAME OMITTED: yes, you COULD easily rape me
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The fuck are you trying to accomplish? [15 Feb 2003|03:25pm]
[ music | Frou Frou - Old Piano ]

Tommorrow there will be a gigantomassive protest in San Francisco, on January 19th there was 80,000 how many will there be this time?
Tommorrow I will be in San Francisco.

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It's bigger than a desert eagle... [14 Feb 2003|09:40pm]
Upon seeing this I painted the underside of my desk white.

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Thumbs Up [14 Feb 2003|04:34pm]
[ mood | depleted ]

Upon seeing this I painted the underside of my desk white.

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Happy Valentines Day [14 Feb 2003|02:54pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Just remember... when youre wife turns 40 you should trade her in for two 20s.

Women don't belong in the internet, BACK TO THE KITCHEN BITCH!

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More Quotes. [13 Feb 2003|06:33pm]
"The next time believers tell you that 'separation of church and state' does not appear in our founding document, tell them to stop using the word 'trinity.' The word 'trinity' appears nowhere in the Bible. Neither does Rapture, or Second Coming, or Original Sin. If they are still unfazed (or unphrased) by this, then add Omniscience, Omnipresence, Supernatural, Transcendence, Afterlife, Deity, Divinity, Theology, Monotheism, Missionary, Immaculate Conception, Christmas, Christianity, Evangelical, Fundamentalist, Methodist, Catholic, Pope, Cardinal, Catechism, Purgatory, Penance, Transubstantiation, Excommunication, Dogma, Chastity, Unpardonable Sin, Infallibility, Inerrancy, Incarnation, Epiphany, Sermon, Eucharist, the Lord's Prayer, Good Friday, Doubting Thomas, Advent, Sunday School, Dead Sea, Golden Rule, Moral, Morality, Ethics, Patriotism, Education, Atheism, Apostasy, Conservative (Liberal is in), Capital Punishment, Monogamy, Abortion, Pornography, Homosexual, Lesbian, Fairness, Logic, Republic, Democracy, Capitalism, Funeral, Decalogue, or Bible."
--Dan Barker

"Censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it always creates the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion. In the long run it will create a generation incapable of appreciating the difference between independence of thought and subservience."
--Henry Steele Commager

"My thinking tends to be libertarian. That is, I oppose intrusions of the state into the private realm—as in abortion, sodomy, prostitution, pornography, drug use, or suicide, all of which I would strongly defend as matters of free choice in a representative democracy."
--Camille Paglia

"Here is my final point. About drugs, about alcohol, about pornography and smoking and everything else. What business is it of yours what I do, read, buy, see, say, think, who I fuck, what I take into my body, as long as I do no harm to another human being on this planet?"
--Bill Hicks

"If the FBI's motivating factor for busting down the Koresh compound was child molestation, how come we never see Bradley tanks smashing into Catholic churches?"
--Bill Hicks

"After a shooting spree, they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn't do it. I sure as hell wouldn't want to live in a society where the only people allowed guns are the police and the military."
--William S. Burroughs

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."
--Julius Caesar

"Pause, passer by, and regard. As you are, so I once was. As I am, so shall you be."
-an epitaph in New England

"All of this is meaningless. I'm going to go indulge in carnality and bathe my eyes in the purity of young naked flesh, and while you all read your books and debate your philosophies I'll be waist deep in discarded panties and garters and by the time you've realized that all of your knowledge and education means nothing in the end ... the entire lining of my mouth will taste like female genitalia and I will have learned how to say "I'm coming" in thirty different languages."
--Lolita Hunter Machiavelli X, Something Awful Forums
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Welcome to flavor country. [12 Feb 2003|07:48pm]
[ mood | DEAD OUTSIDE ]
[ music | Frou Frou - Psychobabble ]

Today I asked a girl if she would be my valentine. She started laughing. Guess I'm a funny guy, huh?

Well a couple of days ago my left kuckles spilt open and started bleeding due to dry skin. I didn't even know that was possible barring dehydration. I'm not dehydrated I drink at the minimum 160 ounce of water a day. Why you ask? Fuck you! Not your goddamn business! Anyway I how have to moisturize my goddamn knuckles like a filthy homosexual GOD DAMNIT. God if you can hear me I've got an iron spike with your fucking name on it. YHWH, Yahweh, "I am who I am" or whatever your goddamn name is at the moment. THIS ONE IS FOR YOU FUCKER!
For these fucking withdrawls that's what, cycling off ephedrine is annoying considering it makes me feel so damn good.

Apparently "faggot" means bundle of sticks... so basically if you call someone a fag, you're calling them a bundle of sticks.. A BUNDLE OF STICKS THAT WILL FUEL THE FIRES OF HELL!

Oh and as we would've guessed, GOD HATES AMERICA! Perhap you should hate him (what? god has a sex?) too.

Do just what I tell you no one will get hurt. If love is surrender consider my final gesture a gesture of equality and an expression of egalitarian ideals. Throughout the centuries I have walked your planet. The countless hosts I've inhabited none were like this one. None had such a vision of power such a vision of control and lack of desire for fame. I have found my omega. I've found the one. As powerful as I ever was, starved for any sort in good. He will waste your populations and strangle your masses. Your children's children will know only of him he will control the world. He will control your life. You submit to his rule or you cease to exist. This is your choice. Live your life for your emperor, live your life on your knees or die with the billions of others. What will it be?
Sleep well.

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[11 Feb 2003|04:35pm]
Pain... PAIN PAIN!

It hurts. It all feels SO SORE.

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The last thing I will feel is a cold cylinder pressed against my head, then nothing. [11 Feb 2003|12:03am]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | The Star Spangle Banner ]


Mark D. Linkiewicz, Jr.
Instructor: EDITED
English 122: Freshman Composition and Reading
February 11th, 2003

From sea to shining sea

"This is a CNN exclusive! I'm reporting live from Iraq, American forces have just landed and are encountering heavy resistance from Saddam's forces. We are getting reports of [cough] aahhugghk!" You sit there your eyes glued to your television. You watch a faint and transparent cloud fill the screen. The reporter can't seem to control himself as all of his muscles tense at one time. Vomit gushes from his mouth as he drops to the earth unable to exert any influence on his twitching body and he stops breathing. His limp corpse is one of thousands decorating the desert soil. The final image you see is the landscape shifting to its side as the camera falls over. After that there is static. Welcome to Gulf War 2.0.

For the United States and Great Britain, war lurks about just beyond the next sunrise, why? Yet another conflict in Iraq will be fought. Is it over freedom? If so, is it the freedom of the Iraqis, Americans or that of the entire world? Is it something that must be done because our values guide us? Yes, American values do guide the US to attack. A war with Iraq is well within the American value of acquisition of wealth.

If you've ever listened to a debate between politicians, you've no doubt heard the term American values. "We need a return to traditional American values," they announce. There is one thing that is left out of their speeches. What exactly are American values? In the "Declaration of Independence," Thomas Jefferson writes, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Many would agree that those three things are American values. Life, Americans have the right to live. Liberty, Americans have the right to make their own decisions and be free from an oppressive government. The pursuit of Happiness, this is tricky. This is not the right to be happy but the right to pursue happiness. These seem to be publicly accepted values of America, however there are other less recognized values.

This value, though cynical is quite relevant and is hiding in plain sight. So embedded into our lives that most people do not seem to notice it. This value is business, money, wealth these too are American values. It has been joked that baseball is no longer America's favorite past time. America's true past time is litigation. What does a person do when another has wronged them? Do they seek a criminal trial? No! They seek a civil trial they sue. Hit the offender where it hurts, his or her wallet. It is all about the money and what good is money if you can't look good showing it off?

Another American value is image, in other words politics. It doesn't matter what you do as long as you look good doing it and you can explain it away with as much spin as possible. Do you have a moral reason for committing a socially unacceptable action? In the end it won't even matter. With enough spit shine and polishing, the fact that you shot a man and ditched his body in a national park won't matter. In the midst of all the conflicting stories, erroneous reports and public appearances with the addition of carefully applied makeup the public won't know whom to blame. Speaking of blame, is Iraq responsible for stripping away American freedoms?

Is the United States going to invade Iraq because their right to freedom is being threatened? The only way American freedom is being threatened by Iraq is that politicians are using the threat of terror as an excuse to suppress or eliminate existing freedoms. The real enemy of American freedom isn't Iraq. It is the power mad politicians in federal, state and local governments. The terrorists achieved a victory that they could not have imagined. Arguably American citizens have lost more essential freedoms in the past year and a half than the past two hundred combined. Politicians with the blessing of the American citizens did not just allow this to happen they made this happen the opposing voice was too weak. Freedom is not the reason the US is going to war.

Is this over the American's right to life? Again, this may be a cover story for the real driving force. There is a good chance Saddam does have weapons of mass destruction. However, there is no way he would be able to deliver the payloads to US soil unless he shipped them over by boat and with the way security is now, that doesn't seem possible. His nation has suffered over a decade of economic sanctions. In it's present state the Iraqi economy could not possibly have a ballistic missile program. He could sell them or donate them to terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda. However, this war is not over the right to live. This is a war is not over life it is over resources.

The Middle East has been seen as a bastion for rich delicious oil for almost three quarters of a century now. Most Americans would say that Middle Eastern nations are giant oil rich lands filled with people who hate the "Great Satan." Some may say that isn't very far from the truth. There are a few things that are known for sure, the US is very dependent on imported oil, the middle east controls roughly 64% of known oil sources, and they have a strangle hold on it artificially raising and lowering the price when they wish.

America like a crack addict is influenced and controlled by its dealer. In the past century the US grew out of it's pre-world war II isolationist philosophy and started taking a more active approach in world affairs. Along with the Soviet Union, the US declared itself the world's police force and began telling people what to do. A little insurrection here some regime change over there and covert assassinations sprinkled in between. This was done because of competition between US capitalism and Soviet communism. With the Union in ruin the US no longer does this for competition. This is now done because of money; it is good business to influence other nations. Perhaps now the US is tired of being influenced by the Middle East. Like in older times it is enacting a bit of manifest destiny. It will extend its policing grasp to the Middle East. The addict is has pulled a weapon on his dealer. He wants his smack and he doesn't want to pay any more.

The sugar coated American values are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, the gritty truth is that money, power and politics are the primary American values. The "Declaration of Independence" states that we have the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Though true this is very optimistic. The real driving force behind the United States is money, power and politics. America likes to see itself as independent, so it is not an American value to rely on any nation other than America. If a few nations get in the way of the US way of life, so be it. America is heavily dependent on the Middle East. That doesn't come to that much of a surprise because it needs its oil. The Middle East will heed American demands voluntarily or it will be controlled by military force. America is the only nation of consequence.
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Here it is once again [10 Feb 2003|08:27pm]
dw33b's Recipe for DISASTER!
1 Fast sports car
1 young atttractive female
A long stretch of deserted road
Condom (optional)

Somehow get the young attractive female into your fast sports car, a date or an offer to give her a ride home works. Then head out to the long stretch of deserted road, and in your fast sports car. Floor it and start crying. Then say, "I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL CRASH THIS FUCKING CAR AND KILL US BOTH UNLESS YOU LET ME FUCK YOU!! I DON'T HAVE A GOD DAMNED THING TO LIVE FOR!! WANT TO TRY ME BITCH? NOW TAKE OFF YOUR FUCKING PANTS!" If she doesn't take off her pants crash in such a matter that it will kill her and yourself. However, if she does remove her clothing, pull over and YOU GET LAID YOU BIG PIMP!

Repeat if desired.
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GRITS [09 Feb 2003|11:31pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Is it possible that water will soak into a grit faster in your kitchen than in any other kitchen in the world?

Were these MAGIC grits? Were they given to you by the same guy that gave JACK his magic beanstalk beans?

Are you sure about that 5 minutes?



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Postulate: Eatin ain't cheatin' / Suckin' ain't fuckin' [09 Feb 2003|09:43pm]
[ mood | confused ]

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GREATEST MASS MESSAGE EVER! [08 Feb 2003|10:18pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]
[ music | Frou Frou - Breathe In ]

mlinkiewicz: I'm going to slit open your sides and splatter your teeth all over fifth avenue with a pair of brass knuckles.
R0kTheH0us: CURBED

mlinkiewicz: I'm going to slit open your sides and splatter your teeth all over fifth avenue with a pair of brass knuckles.
TalbiN X: i hate my family

mlinkiewicz: I'm going to slit open your sides and splatter your teeth all over fifth avenue with a pair of brass knuckles.
PARANOiA SUPER: that's kinda hot

mlinkiewicz: I'm going to slit open your sides and splatter your teeth all over fifth avenue with a pair of brass knuckles.
UnmaskedGremlin: How would my teeth splatter from getting my sides slit/

mlinkiewicz: I'm going to slit open your sides and splatter your teeth all over fifth avenue with a pair of brass knuckles.
ayumikuhi: hm. not my teeth. they're quite nice. they cost 7Gs. stupid ortho. :x

mlinkiewicz: I'm going to slit open your sides and splatter your teeth all over fifth avenue with a pair of brass knuckles.
solyxias: you ever get the feeling that theres a tongue in your pussy?
solyxias: I don't.

mlinkiewicz: I'm going to slit open your sides and splatter your teeth all over fifth avenue with a pair of brass knuckles.
HurleyGirl0189: ok.
HurleyGirl0189: Go ahead

mlinkiewicz: I'm going to slit open your sides and splatter your teeth all over fifth avenue with a pair of brass knuckles.
Ms Alex Says: can we have sex first?

mlinkiewicz: I'm going to slit open your sides and splatter your teeth all over fifth avenue with a pair of brass knuckles.
BulbaLiface: whoo

mlinkiewicz: I'm going to slit open your sides and splatter your teeth all over fifth avenue with a pair of brass knuckles.
Raisinette18: wow...sucks for me

And three had no comment.

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AHAHAHAHAHAHAH [08 Feb 2003|09:48am]
[ mood | amused ]

See Spot Run

My friends and I were at the beach with a couple of our friends. We met a couple of cute guys and sparked up a conversation, and I really hit it off with this one guy in particular. We liked each other so much that we exchanged phone numbers. When we were all about to go he put me on his back and carried me to our car. When I jumped down, there was a big bloody spot on his back. My period had come on the way to the car! Surprisingly, he did call after that horrifying day and we have been going out for the past three years....but he still jokes about it!


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[07 Feb 2003|11:21pm]
575 Minute Pre-paid phone card...
Status: DEAD
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DEAR GOD [07 Feb 2003|02:17pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]

Another: Zuh..? Failure?
Me: Yes, failure. The experiment was a failure.
Another: I'm sorry.
Me: It will be abandoned immediatly.
Another: Was there any damge?
Me: Very little, the practice wasn't dangerous in the first place. It's no big deal, I've got another experiment I'm going to try.
Another: Oh...?
Me: This one has quite a bit of danger including but not limited to Renal Failure and Cardiac Arrest.
Another: Jesus christ, is it worth it?
Me: Of course it is. It will begin in three weeks.

And in other news I had a dream involving mmmarvelous. She was singing while I was I think killing someone? I'm not sure that part is fuzzy but I remember her singing. It was neat.
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Just some random Sci-Fi Quotes. [05 Feb 2003|08:58pm]
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you oughtta go back home and crawl under your bed.
It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid."

-- Q, Star Trek: The Next Generation

"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
-- Picard [quoting Judge Aaron Satie]

"I know a lot of guys who came out of the war changed. Some came out better, some came out worse. A lot of them have this problem: the war gave them definition, direction, purpose. Without it they don't know how to fit in anymore, so they keep looking for ways to go out in a blaze of glory. Some people call it being a hero, maybe so. I don't know. I've never been one. Me, I think they're looking for something worth dying for because it's easier than finding something worth living for."
-- Garibaldi to Sinclair, "Infection" Babylon 5

"I suppose there'll be a war now, hmm? All that running around and shooting one another. You would have thought sooner or later it would go out of fashion."
-- Londo, "The Gathering" Babylon 5

"I'm not big on telepaths myself. I'm not big on guns either. But if everyone else has them, I want to make sure I get my hands on the biggest one I can."
-- Garibaldi to Sheridan, "The Paragon of Animals" Babylon 5

"You're wrong, Mollari. Whether it was me or my world, whether it was a total stranger or your worst enemy, you were a witness! It doesn't matter if they stopped. It doesn't matter if they'd listen. You had an obligation to speak out!"
-- G'Kar to Londo, "The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari" Babylon 5

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Let's stop racial and sexual descrimination by enforcing racial and sexual bias! [05 Feb 2003|06:25pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | David Allen Coe - Damn I Wish I Was A Nigger (RACIST) ]

I took my fat ass to the financial fid office today to see if I can get help on the economic burden that is college. I was looking through the scholarship forms and I noticed something that disturbed me, I'm disqualified from all of them because I have no ancestors that came from Africa, none of my ancestors are from peoples that speak spanish and I do not have a vagina attached to my body. Hmmm... I could pull a stunt Ed Gein style... Anyway...

That's right I can't get scholarships because I'm not Black, I'm not Mexican and I'm not a woman. However, I can still get Pell Grants, Cal Grants and other crap that isn't handed out using racist or sexist methods.

Oh and my biceps and upper forearms are forming stretchmarks. I'm glad they are only visible in certain light. Errghh... How do you get rid of them?

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HYPOTHALAMUS [03 Feb 2003|03:55pm]
[ mood | pleased ]
[ music | Cerebral - Sinclair ]

She said some shit today about wanting a daughter instead of a son because she can raise her to be strong and independent just like her mother.
hahahaah She said it with much more words than that. And with EMOTION.

And in other news. Thin pink cotton sweats(?) and zippered sweatshirts(?) worn by incredibly attractive girls is just fucking fantastic. FUCKING FANTASTIC.


Incoming spike.. Goodbye folks I'm about to feel a surge of endorphins. Hoo-AH!

Oh and is this statement offensive?
"If the act of rape is perpetrated against a female it shall be considered a property crime."

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eep [02 Feb 2003|10:53am]
[ mood | nervous ]

An earthquake occurred at 10:47:39 AM (PST) on Sunday, February 2, 2003.
The magnitude ? (not yet determined) event occurred 5 km (3 miles) N of Dublin, CA.
The hypocentral depth is 16 km (10 miles).

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