[03 Sep 2002|01:03pm] |
Maybe I will write a thing or two in here on occasion, after all.
So, I'm sitting here when I'm usually working since a call I would have to do hasn't come in during the past 4 hours, thank God.
I've been downloading oh so much music and whatnot, as usual. Bandwidth limits are going to kick in this month or next on my ISP. I'll basically have two options, switch to dialup, or download almost nothing (compared to what I usually transfer). Last month I downloaded 36 gigs and uploaded 35 gigs. Nice. My internetting will now have to be only chatting and participating on message boards mostly, and really, I'm boring. I don't have much to say really and I'm content with it most of the time, except with friends I would love to have more to say to but it sadly seems to all evapourate after one intial outburst, for the most part. Then they loathe me. Well, perhaps there's not that strong of hate going on, but there is the usual gradual fading apart into obscurity. Indeed. So what I'm saying is, it all really sucks. Oh well.
I need to buy that digital camera some time, before I don't have money anymore. A DVD burner too.
What else?
My August turned out better than it was looking like it would. I met people, and went to shows. So, in the end, I was happy. Sadly though, no one will go to see Mr. Show with me this month. And due to upcoming training sessions for work, I may very well miss out on the Beck/Flaming Lips tour this fall, depending on how their tour schedule works out city by city.
We shall see I suppose.
And of course, as soon as I start thinking about it, a call comes in.
EDIT: Someone else ended up taking it before I got to it. Thank GOD! :P
And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Indie Cred... |
[24 Aug 2002|10:15pm] |
Look at me, I'm a livejournaller!