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Chani Lynn ♥
lip gloss and black
it's 36 degrees out.
- i'm cold. perhaps i should have my mom mail me my jacket.
- Sam called last night and i wasn't there for it. dammit. Sam, i'll call you Sunday and i hope you had fun in Pittsburgh.
- i still think i'm getting sick. although i never really get sick. i've just got a runny yet stuffed up nose and i'm always cold. butttt...then again, it is fall.
- i need a hug.
- i miss my MSSMers like crazy. i really need a ROOMMATE HUG or a HANNA BERGER or a MIKE SCACE hug. *tear*

i have a bio test in about...5 hours? i think that's right. i'm so nervous. i hope i don't do too badly. and i'm really homesick...so that doesn't help much. AND my pants are too big and keep falling off...i think i will go remedy that and walk all the way back to East...and then walk all the way back to the library. except this time i'll bring my hat with the ears.


Current Mood: listless

Rachel and i are personality type B. rock.
so, i laid down to take a nice nap. nice, right?

WRONG. Quinn reaallllly doesn't know how to be quiet sometimes. and neither do her friends. perhaps Adrienne and i SHOULD switch roommates...nah, then Sam would never come visit me...heh, just kiddin' darling.

so my mom called and woke me up at 415 to tell me she wasn't going to call me tonight. how sad. i needed a good cry. *tear*

this weekend, i think i will just relax and do homework...all weekend. like write that 3-5 page paper that's due Monday. eeeeek.

that bio test tomorrow scares the bejesus out of me. i really, really do not give a shit about sclerenchyma and parenchyma right now, however. oh god. and apical meristems? WHAT THE FUCK IS AN APICAL MERISTEM!? i'm so screwed. and i'm going to watch a movie tonight in Slayter, skipping the TA session and my chem homework help session...oooooh i suck. *sigh*

and...off to look at shoes and hats online. maybe that will cheer me up a little.

Current Mood: pessimistic

i don't understand how it's 1040 in the morning and already my day isn't going well:

- i have no idea what we talked about in chemistry today. WHO REALLY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT ORBITALS? NOT ME.
- i am soooo unprepared for my bio test tomorrow.
- i hate stats. i haven't even had stats yet.
- i'm dreading my FYS class. i hate it.
- my eyes hurt.
- i'm cold. fuck Ohio weather, i miss Maine. see, when i'm in Maine, at least i'm used to cold. here it's hot then cold then rainy then hot...MAKE UP YOUR MIND.
- Quinn's alarm gave me a rude awakening this morning. waking up to blaring radio static is NOT something i like.
- my stomach hurts. i fear i may throw up. but not really. maybe my heart IS dying, like Josh said last night...haha.
- i looked up the status of my computer online and it said my order was CANCELLED?! okay, no. i did no such thing. so, i emailed my mom in a panic and was like CALL THEM, I HAVE NO TIME TODAY.
- i'm so incredibly homesick. i know there'll be waterworks when my mom calls later. sigh. i can't wait till Thanksgiving.

on the plus side, Marcy said she can still drive me to Vermont for Christmas...so now i might be able to do something fun for spring break. :D and BEN said hi to me this morning...FIRST. no inititation by me. i didn't act stupid either. w00t.

off to the library to study. everyone should leave me nice comments or call me, maybe i will feel better then.

Current Mood: CRAPPY and BITCHY


Current Mood: bitchy

i still don't feel good. but i saw Abby (userinfoxtiltedx) today and that made it alllll better!! (see Abby, you're loved <33)

oh man, i have to go finish my chem lab...i skimped out on it to eat lunch with Josh. i'm giving blood (well, attempting to give blood) at 3. then it's homework till dinnah and then chem with Ryan. w00t. busy night!

love ya'll <33

Current Mood: blah

sometimes i think i piss off my friends.

i'm sorry.

Current Mood: sad

i took a stats quiz today and i did so horribly, horribly bad. i've been majorly slacking off lately and I MUST NOT DO THAT. MUST GET GOOD GRADES IN COLLEGE. MUST NOT PROCRASTINATE. i wrote a horrible paper last night too...ick. but in all honesty, i think i managed a 20 on that quiz. why do i suck so much?

at least my bio lab is done and turned in...i gave it to the secretary, who looked a bit incompetant...so i hope that she remembers to put it in Dr. Hauk's mailbox or i will CRY. i spent 6 hours on that stupid lab and the last thing i want is 10% off. ahhhh.

in other news...i renamed my fish and cleaned his bowl out. his name is now Augustus...cause it kinda sounds like Augusta which is the capital of Maine which is my home! yay! right now he's living on the shelf in my closet so i don't freeze him to death. it's only about 55 degrees out right now...and it's supposed to be 36 tonight. YAY MAINE WEATHER...or something.

i think i'm going to take a nap and then go to dinner when Josh comes to get me. i feel so bad when i'm a bitch to him when he wakes me up, even if it's accidental. :( and after dinner i will homework and then we're going to see the hypnotist, i believe. and then it's more work. gross. i really need to study for my bio test on Thursday....ahhhh!


i think i'm getting sick.

i'm out. <3333

Current Mood: tired

i feel like i've been run over by a truck.

Current Mood: crappy

i am currently in RACHEL NICOLE HUGHES' ROOM with Josh and Sarah (userinfosares14) just kind of sitting here being bored. Rachel incidentally has the same computer that i just ordered...wwweeeeeird. it's so ugly...lol. and....i'm done.

i like how Ryan asked if i was drunk as i was walking to dinner...i had just woken up...lol.

good night <33

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: "Something Vague" by Bright Eyes

i'm cold. Ben Stein was AWESOME last night...i make him want to vomit...hahaha. how cool.

i would type more but i need to do some chemistry and i can't feel my fingers. that is all. more later.


Current Mood: FREEZING

Chani Lynn ♥
Name: Chani Lynn ♥
Back October 2003