i'm really not as un-pure as you'd think...
( guess i'll have to have someone tie me up & get some piercings... )
today is the day of get nekkid and fuk!!!
it started at midnight - which is really funny, cuz i went to bed last night & wasn't really all that interested in having sex, and josiah's all... sucking and licking on things... and i'm talking about my day at work and... POW. i totally fucking jumped on him. stopped midsentence. dind't finish the conversation till this morningon the way to work.
realized this morning that it was at pretty much exactly midnight when my little switch flipped. (i got in bed at 11:55)
hope everyone else enjoys their fertility-festival. go walk some cows through the fire. :)
what happens when your LJ goes back to being not paid? do you lose your extra icons? anything else happen? whoever bought me the couple months before was awesome. :) (boobies for you!! :) heh heh. is that sex for money? boobs for LJ?) anyway, just curious.
We maintain a network of special instruments designed to produce random data that apparently are affected by human consciousness under special conditions. The hypothesis of the GCP is that the continuous streams of data from these instruments will show anomalous deviations associated with "Global Events".
( also, i am jenandtonics... )
"After patting us all down, the five officers seated us at two tables. As they continued to kick open doors to closets and bathrooms with their fingers glued to their triggers, no less than ten officers in suits emerged from the stairwell. Most of them sat in the back of the restaurant typing on their laptop computers. Two of them walked over to our table and identified themselves as officers of the INS and Homeland Security Department.
I explained that we were just eating dinner and asked why we were being held. We were told by the INS agent that we would be released once they had confirmation that we had no outstanding warrants and our immigration status was OK'd. "
- this ISN'T from a bruce willis movie
"From the Justice Department has emerged a draft of the Domestic Securities Enhancement Act, also known as Patriot II. Among other things, this act would allow the Justice Department to detain anyone, anytime, secretly and indefinitely. It would also make it a crime to reveal the identity or even existence of such a detainee."
do your ideals and belief systems challenge the white, right, "homeland?" are they coming for you next?
hey skenn & other noho-ites, i'm in town for the afternoon (till 7)
i'm goin' for sushi at about 6 at taipei/tokyo
i'm at javanet now...
come play!
or at least envious.
jonah, em & i went to jon brooks' house to see this:
the coolest furniture you will ever see or touch. (the work for his new exibit going up this week at the Snyderman Gallery in Philly.)
i love his house so much. it makes me want to roll around in it naked & eat it. :)
after his pre-exhibit show, we went to jonah & josiah's sister becca's for their mom's b-day dinner. it was really orgasmically yummy (becca is amazing at everything) and we ate too much, then had red wine & cloves & drum. i gave becca rose quartz cuz she needs it & loaned her some books. it was good, even though i only had a chance to talk to her for like 10 minutes.
em & jonah are staying there till tuesday, so josiah & i left alone at 10, me driving most of the way (he got us out of the city & onto 202) singing every sac harp song i could remember, every sarah-the-woman song, and anything else i could think of. anything that wasn't "O Hanrahan" (to the tune of O Christmastree, but based on Dennis Leary's "Irish Drinking Song")
today was just fabulous, fabulous!!
margaret ellen ross. get the FUCK back into my life.
last night, i dreamed i found you. you still looked the same as you did 5 years ago.
You're the Hipster Intellecticus. Call yourself
what you will (beatnik, philosophy major,
liberal arts student), you're still hip and you
still dig Kerouac.
how do they know???
edit: here's the link, as if anyone wanted it:
ok, so i was sitting outside, thinking about how miserable i am and how i am feeling like a sad sack of shit that nobody loves...
and the mailmain shows up not 2 minutes later with a shitload of chocolate from my mommy...
this is from a woman who tells my siblings that i'm "evil" and "warped" and blames all their heathen non-church-goingness on ME (who left home 10 years ago), claims i "control" my sisters, etc.
sometimes, mommies do nice mommy things even if they are pathetic evil psychotic bitches the rest of the time.
now i'm going to smother my misery in choco-coma. quick before josiah gets home!
this is mostly a memo to myself.
remember to read and comment on this thing about the "Internet"
the lovely miss emeraldsorcha came up last night and hung out w/ the gang here (and jlynn and jlynn's mom, who almost never hangs out w/ us) and friend josh from RI, which was awesome. i am so glad we got to cheer her up and hang out. providing beer and silliness usually makes people feel better. :) i hope we get to hang out much more! i didn't feel very stimulating - there was no music or movie watching, just sitting around & talking, but it was good with much laughing. come back soon!!!
i ate pizza! not the crust though. and it took a loooong time to chew. but IT WAS SOOO GOOOOD and MELTY and MMMMMMM.
after we ate one whole pizza in like 4 seconds, we sent josiah to go get another one. while he was out, he also got me ice cream, which was so sweet. (no pun intended, really) and a stick of beef jerky for jlynn, who really wanted some.
i drank beer and didn't take vicodin after 7am yesterday, (and still haven't) and that is Good. i don't really like vicodin.
UPDATE: while writing this, my co-workers called drunk from the pub we go to after work, and were all rowdy & loud. i talked to 2 of them. apparently i was supposed to meet them at noon. *sigh* oh well. there's always next week.
i don't write poetry that often, b/c i suck at it, but i wanted to try to describe this little vignette. i'll let you all guess what it's about.
( hidden for your benefit )
water, coffee, beer, mt. dew
grits, cereal, eggs, cheese
sarah mc lachlainn, trent reznor, cordelia's dad, sacred harp
amber, coffee, forest, old wood & leather
purple, green, silver, black
silk, skin, dog ears, warm sand
ayn rand, paul simon, T.S. Eliot, kant
when harry met sally, the crow, tombstone, roadside prophets
animism, synchronicity, intuition, the Force
men, women, friends, heroes
no, this is not a "meme" - just made all this up just now. just thinking about describing myself in short bursts. not sure what prompted it. ::shrug::
someone posted this, and i ganked it:
Benetton to join up with Big Brother
fucking gRRRRR!
so kids, ready to start building your own devices to burn them out?
write to Benneton! Gillette! MallWart! Hitachi!
"The European Central Bank is quietly working to embed RFID tags
in the fibers of Euro bank notes by 2005. The tag would allow money to carry its own history by recording information about where it has been, thus giving governments and law enforcement agencies a means to literally "follow the money" in every transaction. If and when RFID devices are embedded in banknotes, the anonymity that cash affords in consumer transactions will be eliminated. "
(from this article)
too many drugs make my tmmy funny.
dude where's my car is silly. but still not really funny
i went in all nervous reading this scary shit about how i could die & what not - "sign here to say ok you agree to this horrible crap!" ok...
i go in & they put those ekg thingies on me - 2 wrists & and an ankle (you get de ankles an' i'll get da wris'!" & a finger thingie for heart rate and an IV... i had time to ask "if i feel stoned, that's a good thing, right? he nodded, i laughed, and remembered no more.
then i woke up laughing so hard i could barely breathe, especially not with all that crap in my mouth and total numbness. hee hee. apparently the doc was singing "kingston trio" songs at me and joking w/ the assistants & i just laughed the whole time. i now know that knocking me out doesn't turn my bad sense of humor off.
now i have vicodin and i'm feel ing nice & s;looepy heheh.
i'll keep you updated. everyone should IM me and enjoy the ufn.
kiwitayro (aim)
i have icq too but it pisses me off. here: 68537992
so far not a lot of blood (i took the gauze out already) and no pain yet, but my mouth is so nub i can't talk ata ll. heehee
sheesh. my laptop is dying. it needs a new HD badly. meanwhile i'm trying to back up the 400mb of stuff i actually want off it
poor computer. :(
came across a mention of this on mahapakhandi
So to the parents of America
I am the derringer aimed at little Erica, to attack her character
The ringleader of this circus of worthless pawns
Set to lead the march right up to the steps of Congress
And piss on the lawns of the White House
and replace it with a Parental Advisory sticker
To spit liquor in the face in this democracy of hypocrisy
Fuck you Ms. Cheney!
Fuck you Tipper Gore!
Fuck you with the freest of speech this divided states of embarassment will allow me to have,
Fuck you!
very interesting.
i dreamed i was an american exchange student in tibet. everything was very tall. i arrived at this building which had some offices in it & was connected to the school building. someone waved to the right & said "registrar's office is over there." an old guy w/ a truck drove me through the woods up the mountain to where i'd be living. i put all my stuff down and met the other folks in my dorm. (details lost. other girls, figuring out my sleeping place - which hunk of floor was mine)
next day: going to school with the other girls, walking dowwwwwn hill on muddly slippery road (it was spring but still snowy and cold-ish) carrying lots of stuff. got to building where i'd started out & couldn't find registrar's office. i just kept going in the direction the guy had waved, eventually came to really really steep staircase or slidey carpeted escalator thing you sit on. chose escalator thing. all the way up, you had to keep hitting buttons on the wall every 10 feet or so to make it keep going.
i finally got to the top all frustrated and flustered. details fading...
there was a guy teacher who looked like some actor i'm trying to remember. ah well. he was a "bad guy" or something. here's where all the details get fuzzy & lost, but basically i get lost & tricked by this teacher guy who wants to get rid of me. turns out i'm really good with swords or something, so he wants to knock me off. i think there's another girl there who is my friend
i fall down this really incredible distance & pierce my chest with a sharp rock. at this point i'm not in my body & i see the black hole the rock has made. i blow on it & a little white light inside the hole goes out.
then i wake up (?) in a river in india (is this even possible?) and now i'm the other girl. it's years later. i'm floating down the river & see a group of women & children playing. one particularly beautiful little girl of 4 or 5 is playing with some bird bills - they're really long & clacky. she's using them like swords & making really cool rhythms with them at the same time. i realize it's the first girl reincarnated. and she remembers me. i stay there & train her for the next 13 years or so. she remembers everything from her previous life.
we set out to go back to the school to amend things, and get rid of the evil teacher. when we get there, he is still a jerk but doesn't recognize the Sword Girl. as soon as he figures out who she is, he is very nervous.
not enough time & brainpower to read metaphorge's last week or 2's worth of postings! i will tomorrow. i'll have the day mostly to myself. wheee!!
i was pondering, so i made a leetle poll in polyamory to see if people would be interested in a poly personals LJ community. go fill it out if you're interested in polystuff.
night y'all.
I'M 72.5% X-rated. HOW HORNY ARE YOU?
stupid questions. i just wanted to put the banner up. :P
oh my god.
two tuesdays in a row my dog has been outside when i get home (after midnight) with no one up.
just now i fell asleep on the couch for a while. i wake up and not only is a friend of ours here (no one woke me up to tell me he was here) but the dog is missing. i finally find josiah, watching car movies in the library, and ask him if he knows where the dog is. he says she was out when he went out for a cigarette. i got a little irritated & said he could have clipped her to the leash outside. "we were out back."
so i go and call her, and she comes running back in.
josiah announces he's going to bed. i tell him i'm irritated b/c a) he didn't tell me ethan was here b) he didn't wake me up to go out w/ them for a smoke and c) he left the dog out.
this is when he tells me he doesn't think the dog is his responsibility and starts getting all defensive & huffy and bitchy.
i no longer read LJ.
level: 7
score: 97,270
hours played today: 5
here: read page 2 especially
we're going to get a diesel VW. so we're selling my volvo. ::sniff::
we've had it 2 years. never broken down, never had a single problem. ever. we replaced the shocks b/c stock volvo shocks suck.
1991 Volvo 245 Wagon. periwinkle blue, 5-spd. manual, 265K miles, still runs strong. Averages 28mpg. Koni red rear shocks, Boge TurboGas fronts. Turbo front swaybar, poly torque rod bushings, heavy-duty motor mounts. Brand-new Kumhos on 15" turbo five-star wheels. New brake pads all the way around. No rust except on rear hatch, which has a line of rust all the way across the bottom. AC blows cold, everything works except the seat heaters. Runs and drives excellently, feels tight and nice. Interior in nigh-perfect condition.
asking $3500, but are willing to come down.
comes with stickers: 2 NIN & 1 Cordelia's Dad
this is the best coolest "smart stuff" page i've found in a long time.
EDIT: and here's the fucking link:
dear universe,
will you please send someone smarter than me (or at least with a wider knowledge base) to ask me lots of difficult questions and make me really push my mind to answer them? or at least give me a good book to read?
will someone tell me how to customize my "comment on this | comments" thingie? i looked at the page that supposedly tells you how to do it, and i swear i was doing it right, but then nothing happened. so, if some kind soul could take pity on my (apperently) computer illiterate self, that would be appreciated.
philosophyguy: you don't like my close-minded-ness do you?
kiwi: oh, no, i love it. really. it's so refreshingly different from the usual american responses.
philosophyguy: lol
kiwi: it really makes me want to talk about all that is deep & meaninful to me. to expose myself to you, a complete stranger. i'm filled with joy.
kiwi: and i especially appreciate your extreme intellectual condescension, when you can't even grasp the concept of polyamory, despite hours of explanation, and your contemptuous unwillingness to "pollute your mind" with anything in books, to whom you can't "prove" your superior intelligence.
philosophyguy: :)
philosophyguy: its all good
philosophyguy: I grasp the concept.. just not the logic.
kiwi: oh yes, and i also love your idea of what defines "logic."
philosophyguy: I love your willingness to share amongst those with differing opinions, logic, and/or knowledge... and with grace too.
kiwi: i did.
kiwi: i'm tired.
philosophyguy: nite
philosophyguy: sweet dreams
philosophyguy: :x
ok, i ganked thsi from someone who stole it from someone else. i forget. i'm not looking it upnow.
Weight Watchers cards from the 70s are so funny they hurt.
i started with a smirk. moved on to a snicker. quickly fell over the edge into full on cackle & howl.
silent_selkie replied to a comment i made in
fenwickrysen's journal that said "I have almost no female friends."
being_angyl replied to her reply asking why this seems so true among women of the internet, and specifically LJ.
to which replied:
one thing i've noticed in myself is the competition for attention, usually sexual, whether from males or other females. it sounds horrible and i feel shallow and petty admiting it. i have mostly male friends, usually artist/geek/intellectual types, and i'm usually "one of the guys." when another woman comes along, we often end up in this weird competition for the guy's attention. to be "the cool chick." of the group. my problem is that in the face of competition, i automatically give up. i won't play, so i end up alienating myself from the group, the other woman "wins" and i therefore lose the group of friends and secretly or openly hate the woman forever.
i won't go through the litany of names of women who have done this very thing, but it's long, and i'm only just repairing some of those destroyed friendships from college, 5-10 years ago.
also, going back further, i was the "tortured, picked-on, weirdo" from 3rd grade - 11th. i had only a very small handful of friends, never more than 2 or 3, usually just 1. the girls i was friends with either dumped me or moved away. it hurt. the guys weren't evil. they might fight (and i'd fight back) but they were up front about being my friend or not.
when i got older, they would be up front about whether or not they wanted to have sex or be in a relationship with me. if they said no, i was usually still friends with them. when the "new woman" would come along, and they'd have sex w/ her, then i got really pissed and jealous. but i aimed at the "new stranger" not my friends.
not feeling very elucidative. ask questions. i'll push more answers out. :)
(the exceptions to this rule so far seem to be mattababy and
emeraldsorcha. i wonder why?)
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