last update of the night...
posted by Tiroteo at 06/10/03 in new features

Darknights is kicking some dragon butt:

| name             | type    | kills | runaways |
| darknights       | skandar |     6 |       16 |
| ravens-song      | dragon  |     5 |        1 |
| payneme          | dragon  |     5 |        2 |
| sophisticate     | elf     |     3 |        7 |
| Frosty           | dragon  |     2 |        3 |
| MrSoller         | human   |     2 |        2 |
| sunfish          | dragon  |     2 |        5 |
| DefiantMike      | dragon  |     2 |        1 |
| Sneech           | elf     |     1 |        3 |
| mcsuperfly       | dragon  |     1 |        2 |
| saltinecracka414 | human   |     1 |        4 |
| gumibear         | skandar |     1 |        1 |
| surfinpure       | human   |     1 |        2 |
| Smelly           | orc     |     0 |        0 |
| Tiroteo          | gnole   |     0 |        0 |
| nak              | human   |     0 |        5 |
| Faymow           | dragon  |     0 |        0 |
| jadedgrrl        | elf     |     0 |        0 |
| bombensington    | human   |     0 |        0 |
| drkthoughts      | gnole   |     0 |        0 |
| HottTxBoi        | dragon  |     0 |        2 |
| greenflame       | dragon  |     0 |        0 |
| tulip2swim       | gnole   |     0 |        0 |
| reallifeloser    | dragon  |     0 |        0 |
| adidasfreak      | dragon  |     0 |        0 |
| WiccanBattleCat  | elf     |     0 |        1 |

Here, try this!
posted by Tiroteo at 06/10/03 (edited Tuesday, Jun 10, 2003 21:49) in new features
I mean this.

Can you beat me?

update: If you want to add a nifty box on the side with the status of your character, use #BATTLE#.  To change the text size in the table, define .battle in your CSS.

I got this idea after seeing the Battle Imp thing in payneme's journal.  This version doesn't have the nice graphics, but it it's in real-time and multiple people can play in one giant melee, rather than just one-on-one combat.

The whole system took me all of two hours to write.

getting there...
posted by Tiroteo at 06/09/03 in site news

(data courtesy of Alexa)

The IM oracle speaks:
posted by Tiroteo at 06/09/03 in my so-called life
An actual IM conversation I had today in lieu of working:

oracle (4:29:44 PM): oh funny! explain this to me now - this theory with putting Anthrax in envelopes under water?
dylanrhodes (4:30:53 PM): You must be a step ahead of me. I figured they were draining it because the guy dumped some evidence in it.
oracle (4:31:27 PM): FREDERICK, Md. (AP) - The FBI began draining a pond Monday in a search for evidence that the person who carried out the deadly anthrax-by-mail attacks in 2001 filled the envelopes with the deadly spores under water for his own protection.
dylanrhodes (4:32:02 PM): weird. I don't even know how that would work.  If he was worried about breathing it, he could have just put on the wet suit and the SCUBA gear and gotten the same level of protection.
dylanrhodes (4:36:49 PM): They aired the Las Vegas episode of Insomniac... they showed the AVN after-party we were at but [person]'s interview with Dave Attell didn't make the cut.
oracle (4:38:30 PM): What is Insomniac? Oh, I'll be seeting the Recruit tonight. See that?
dylanrhodes (4:41:14 PM): I did not see The Recruit. Insomniac is a show on Comedy Central that's apparently pretty popular. Dave Attell just walks around a random city all night.
dylanrhodes (4:41:40 PM):
It's funny, when I spend time with people like [person A] or [person B], and then with people like you and [person C], I see the difference between the people who truly need to get the hell out of there, and the "you can take the girl out of [backward state]..." type.
dylanrhodes (4:49:12 PM): i.e. [person A] and [person B] ridiculed the abstract art I have in the loft, while [person C] didn't say a thing.
dylanrhodes (4:50:08 PM): not that appreciation of mediocre 70's abstract art is the ideal "do they belong in [backward state]?" test, but it's just one example.
oracle (4:50:20 PM): so how large was the ..uh ..bill you palmed to get in?
dylanrhodes (4:51:17 PM): ah ha ha. Had you been there I would have dragged Mr. Black out to meet you... just your type. Let's see... I think I palmed the guy $40 over the course over the evening. Could be worse.
oracle (4:51:32 PM): I just hope their MRDs don't include words like "This feature is fer..."
dylanrhodes (4:51:47 PM): "For the customer who is fixin' to improve his [detail]."
dylanrhodes (4:52:08 PM): "...and whose [detail] is a far piece from his [detail]."
dylanrhodes (4:55:29 PM): one last question... should I?
oracle (5:22:47 PM): good ones. My type? No, I like the small white guys, in good shape, with dark hair. You have me confused.
oracle (5:23:53 PM): do you have any leather? won't work without the leather! kidding. these are good. which ones?
dylanrhodes (5:24:10 PM): I've always been partial to the Agent Smith ones. Figures.  Wanted a pair back when the original Matrix was released. Weren't available then. I could wear them with a suit. No, wait, I don't have one of those, either.
oracle (5:27:23 PM): wow 240 bucks! what's your ROI for this?
dylanrhodes (5:28:15 PM): I'd look cool. You're talking to a guy who just spent $250 on two pairs of jeans and a shirt yesterday. But they do have the replicas for $24.95... maybe I should get one of those, and if I like it, get the real deal.
dylanrhodes (5:30:07 PM): I guess there's no point in getting the original version, except for bragging rights...
oracle (5:37:43 PM): you're so grown up now in your thought process. gotta go, chat with you manana.
dylanrhodes (5:37:53 PM): see ya


Okay, so I won't get the $240 sunglesses.  But: they're saying that he filled the envelopes under water?  I don't get it.  Comments?

custom domains
posted by Tiroteo at 06/09/03 in site news

ceciledubois asked about a custom domain for her journal.  I quoted her $5 a month or $50 a year for such a service.  Is anybody else interested in doing this?  If so, I'll put together a formal program.

That price would not include domain name registration, although if you're not comfortable registering the domain yourself, we could also do that for you for an additional fee.

What your five clams per month would get you is hosting of your domain as well as pro access (which alone costs $2.50 a month).  It would allow you to have a more independent presence and look like one of the big dogs of the blogging world.  We'd probably throw in a few other exclusive features, such as the ability to have non-members leave comments in your journal.

Let me know if you're interested.


tricks updated
posted by Tiroteo at 06/09/03 in site news
I was reading Inogeni's journal and I noticed that it suffers from the same malady that lots do: the ads displayed by the #AD# variable don't quite match up with the rest of the site.  In her case, the font size at which the ads are displayed is a little too large, which makes the ad box wider than the rest.

Many people probably don't know that the ad layout can be changed through the magic of CSS.  So, I've updated the tricks page to cover this.

sex positions
posted by Tiroteo at 06/08/03 in new features
Now, your position on the who's online page is based on your sex.  The sort order is sex, and then alphabetically.  The order is women, then men, then "unknown."  Most people will fall into this latter category.

To be more accurate, the ordering never changed on this page -- it's just that only recently did the site offer the option to tell it what sex you are.

Yeah, I'm confused myself.


coming full circle...
posted by Tiroteo at 06/08/03 in my so-called life
Way back in January I wrote about running into Dave Attell and his Insomniac crew while in Vegas.  That episode aired this week on Comedy Central.  We were at the AVN after-party (the scenes of the nightclub with the flame throwers suspended in the air).  Alas, my friend who accosted Dave did not make it into the episode, but you haven't missed out on seeing what she looks like, as she's the t-shirt model on the left side of the home page.

get a sneak preview of the journalspace store
posted by Tiroteo at 06/08/03 in t-shirts

...Right here.  I'm putting the finishing touches on the graphics, but otherwise it's ready to go.

The next batch of shirt orders will be shipped tomorrow.

favorite sex articles!
posted by Tiroteo at 06/08/03 in new features

Now, when one of your favorites updates their journal, the e-mail you get will use the correct article ("his" or "her") when referring to their journal.  If this person hasn't yet told us what sex they are, it will still be "their."

Next I'll be making a similar improvement to the e-mail that goes out to a journal's subscribers.

Sorry if the title made you think this post was about something else.

Blog Battle!

Tiroteo the dragon

Kills: 0
Runaways: 0
My status:killed by jen!

Currently 1 players in the arena.

Can you beat me?

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