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Below is user information for Stephanie. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:pitydido (69502)
Location:Annapolis, Maryland, United States
AOL IM:pitydido (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:sporcar (Add User, Send Message)
Interests:86: aristotle, art!!!, atheism, bartok, being a guest, being accepted, big difficult old books, bossiness, calculus, chopin, clothing, color, dante's divine comedy, dating professors, david hume, dennis miller, directing plays, diva jazz, don quixote, economics, edward albee, email, feminism, gardening, gay artist communes, geometrical perfection, giving gifts, grounding, hairpieces, humor, improvisation, intimacy, jazz, jessica, just scrapping by, leading, lebonese folk, libertarianism, lions, liposuction, listening, lots of alone time, massage, math, men, mexican food, misanthropy, misogyny, mozart, new-age fluff, non-obsequious intelligence, not working, organization, people without cellphones, piano, ping pong, pinsky, pj o'rourke, playing mammy, polyphony, presents, rain, retro culture, right-brain indulgences, schubert!!!, sculpting, self-love, sex, sexy clothes, shamanism, shoulders, sleeping, st. john's college, style, sunshine, swimming, tenessee williams, tennis, thai food, theater, unclothing, walking, whistler, women, yes...ayn rand, zebras
Friends:15: absolutenill, andj, gillen, gypsydancer, kwano, lordshell, mobieus, notmyfaultdance, notwolf, pidge, rook, tempestdreams, tsenft, warhol, xalepos
Friend of:11: absolutenill, andj, gillen, gypsydancer, lordshell, notmyfaultdance, pidge, rook, silence26, tsenft, xalepos
Account type:Free User

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