archive : 2000-12
IBM&Intel push copy protection into ordinary disk drives
09:25 AM +1000, Dec 22 2000
>From John Gilmore on the cryptography list:
"The Register has broken a story of the latest tragedy of copyright mania in the computer industry. Intel and IBM have invented and...
The Register: Stealth plan puts copy protection into every hard drive
11:45 AM +1000, Dec 21 2000
"Hastening a rapid demise for the free copying of digital media, the next generation of hard disks is likely to come with copyright protection countermeasures built in.
SMH: Cyber rebels act up on the babysitters
10:24 AM +1000, Dec 20 2000
The Sydney Morning Herald has a brief article on Peacefire. An interesting quote:
`A NetAlert spokeswoman, Ms Helen Bassett, had not heard of Peacefire. "But we've always said filtering...
paper: Security Against Compelled Disclosure
04:08 PM +1000, Dec 19 2000
Ben Laurie and Ian Brown have written a paper on compelled disclosure:
"Various existing and pending legislation can be used to force individuals and organisations to disclose...
peacefire: universal censorware-bypass program
10:37 AM +1000, Dec 19 2000
"A new program, "Peacefire", is available on our Web page that can disable all popular Windows blocking programs with the click of a button -- released just as Congress has passed the first...
New Scientist: Why seal envelopes if the police can see inside anyway?
11:35 AM +1000, Dec 15 2000
"A SPRAY that makes unopened envelopes transparent--so the letters inside are as easy to read as postcards--has been developed by a company in the US. And the spray leaves no trace, says its...
Telegraph: Roadside DNA tests planned
10:25 AM +1000, Dec 14 2000
"DRIVERS or other people stopped by police could be asked to supply on-the-spot hair or saliva samples to identify whether they are wanted criminals."
( see )
peacefire: Amnesty Intercepted: Global human rights group blocked by
10:22 AM +1000, Dec 13 2000
"Prompted by numerous student reports of being unable to access Amnesty International and other human-rights-related Web sites from school computers, Peacefire tested several popular blocking...
FC: Norway military and police preparing secret Carnivore system
12:06 AM +1000, Dec 10 2000
Forwarded from the Politech list.
From: "per christian k stokke" Subject: Norwegian Carnivore / surveillance controversy Date: Fri, 8 Dec 2000 16:26:42 +0100
Cypherpunks: An Internet Bearer Bibliography
11:26 AM +1000, Dec 08 2000
A useful bibliography on crypto, digital cash and the like from R. A. Hettinga.
( see )
The Register: Encryption tears holes in RIP
11:19 AM +1000, Dec 08 2000
Nothing new here, but it's nice to see these ideas are reaching the press.
A group of cryptographers think they have found a way to defeat the RIP Act, by making it impossible to...
[LINK] Andrews Committee Report on Copyright Enforcement (fwd)
03:12 PM +1000, Dec 07 2000
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2000 12:24:08 +1100 From: Nick Smith To: "''" Subject: [LINK] Andrews Committee Report on Copyright Enforcement...
Wired: Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?
10:18 AM +1000, Dec 07 2000
BERLIN -- To many parents, it may be a dream: A little gadget that can track where a child is at all times.
To many kids, it may a fun thing: Their own cell phone, complete with a...
ABC News: Cell Phone Guns Discovered
06:13 PM +1000, Dec 06 2000
More excuses for shooting unarmed people:
“We find it very, very alarming,” says Wolfgang Dicke of the German Police union. “It means police will have to draw their weapons whenever a...
The Australian: Youth blase about net porn
09:56 AM +1000, Dec 06 2000
A report by the University of Western Sydney and the Australian Broadcasting Authority suggests children in the 10- to 15-year-old bracket believe content filters are unnecessary....
The Inquirer: Scarfo case could test cyber-spying tactic
09:53 AM +1000, Dec 06 2000
"Court records in the pending case indicate that Nicodemo S. Scarfo, 35, was the target of a sophisticated surveillance tool - a so-called keystroke-logging device - that allowed the FBI to...
The Register: Govt ministers distance themselves from email spy plan
09:37 AM +1000, Dec 06 2000
Government ministers are distancing themselves from the Draconian surveillance measures proposed by NCIS deputy Roger Gaspar in a report to the Home Office.
The report, asking for all...
SV: U.S. embraces European computer crime proposal
09:39 AM +1000, Dec 05 2000
"WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States has endorsed the gist of a controversial European drive to tighten cybercrime laws over the protests of privacy, civil liberties and human rights...
Wired: Porn a Thorn for Indian Portal
09:33 AM +1000, Dec 05 2000
The directors of an Indian search engine have been charged with "giving access to pornographic material":
The police report stated that the portal's search engine didn't create...
Comments on the Carnivore System Technical Review
09:19 AM +1000, Dec 05 2000
Matt Blaze and Gene Spafford, amongst others, have released their comments on the Carnivore technical review.
"Although the IITRI study appears to represent a good-faith effort at...
EPIC Comments on Carnivore Technical Review
09:59 AM +1000, Dec 04 2000
EPIC has submitted some comments to the US Justice Department asking for full disclosure of the Carnivore source code:
( see )
Cryptome: NCIS Submission on Communications Data Retention Law
10:01 AM +1000, Dec 04 2000
More details on the proposed UK phone logging laws:
( see )
BBC News: Spy plans 'threat to human rights'
09:41 AM +1000, Dec 04 2000
More proposed human rights violations from the UK:
"It has been reported that British intelligence services and the police are seeking powers to log all telephone calls, e-mails and...
The Register: CIA sacks four in secret chat room hack
10:32 AM +1000, Dec 04 2000
"The CIA this week sacked four employees, suspended ten, and yanked the security clearances of nine contractors who had hacked the Agency's networks and set up a secret chat room in which...
Wired: Germany's Kampf Furor Renews
10:40 PM +1000, Dec 03 2000
"BERLIN -- News this week that a Munich state prosecutor was investigating allegations that Yahoo Deutschland had sold copies of Mein Kampf could help build momentum in Germany for more...
Ben Laurie's retraction of statements on French Yahoo ruling
10:09 PM +1000, Dec 03 2000
Ben Laurie has written "An Expert's Apology", clarifying and retracting some statements made as an expert witness during the French case against Yahoo allowing auctions of Nazi memorabilia....