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Doctor Nate

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A Moment of Pause... [11 Sep 2003|10:35am]
Here is my moment of pause for all the men and women, fathers and mothers, children and grandchildren, who died, were injured, or who lost someone in the events of September 11, 2001.

Also, this moment of pause goes out to all of our men and women in the armed forces who have been at war with a rarely seen enemy for two years now, and who will be at war for much longer I'm sure.

God bless everyone, and God bless America.

"I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it -- and the glow from that fire can truly light the world."
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
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Ummm....Call Me Hercules, Or Something? [10 Sep 2003|03:11pm]


?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla
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Oh... [12 Jul 2003|07:09pm]
[ mood | disappointed ]

We are officially 'Taking Time To Be Our Own People' right now. Yay, I guess? I just feel relieved, I think. I am so exhausted from trying to help her find out what is wrong. So exhausted in trying to find out why it is we drive one anothe rup a wall when not with friends or family. So exhausted with trying to find out what it is about our relationship that is keeping us from being truly happy. Maybe that x factor just isn't there anymore, I dunno. I

know I've changed since I met her, but I always felt it was for the better. When I look at it now, I gained things like a semblance of patience, tolerance for people who can't, or simply won't, look at the bright side of every dark cloud, sympathy if not pity for those who can't be happy with themselves. I thought all those things were for the good, but now I think they were for my own survival. Without learning those things, I think i would have gone mad by now. Ultimately good tools in my chest of virtues and experiences? Nod doubt. Am I happy I learned them? Absolutely.

But now, after realizing this, I see exactly how unhappy I was at times. That is what a relationship is, right, being happy with someone else and sharing your life with them? I don't mind sharing, but if I give good things, I don't want rotten fruit in return. And giving means receiving, too...

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Iraqi Name Generator!!! [07 Jul 2003|12:48pm]
[ mood | amused ]

Gotta try it!!!

My Iraqi Leadership Name is

Mahmud al-Mashhadani al-Naqib al-Ubaydi Sabawi.

May Rats Shit On The Eyes Of Your Enemies

What's yours?

Powered by Rum and Monkey.

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Uh Oh, I Have A Paid Account Now!!! [02 Jul 2003|01:44pm]
Poll #152445: First LJ Poll...
Open to: friends, results viewable to: friends

So tell me, do I make you horny, baby?!?!?

View Answers

Of course baby, you're shagaledic!!!
7 (87.5%) 7 (87.5%)

Soemtimes, when I'm in the mood for a little of the old in-out, in-out...
1 (12.5%) 1 (12.5%)

No, I'd rather do my droogs up the butt in the back...but you are certainly one sexy bitch, baby, yeah!!!
0 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

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For All Intents & Purposes... [19 Nov 2002|10:56am]
For all intents & purposes this journal is a friends-only journal nowadays. I'm not sure if I have mentioned that in a previous post or not. Just in case, though, now you know. In any case, I did some cleaning of my friends list just now. I deleted people who I have no contact with, or who have no contact in return with me.

If you would like back on my friends list, or are new and want to be added, you can email me at with your LJ handle.

Have a good one, enjoy LJ, and take care.

He who is now 'The Doctor',
The One True Nate
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Please tell me you have seen "The Princess Bride"? [31 Oct 2002|02:18pm]
[ mood | impressed ]

A princess bride personality test!

brought to you by Quizilla

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I'm Inspired... [30 Oct 2002|11:23am]
[ mood | thankful ]

I got some really good news last night. While it may have been very painful in ways for those directly involved (and my total and complete sympathy not to mention shoulder and plenty of hugs are here for you!), it is good news in the big scheme of things.

Growth is the real issue here...a person changes and the people around them may not necessarily change all that much. Or if they do both change, they grow in different ways. Further apart, more distant each hour of every day of every year. At some point, that growth takes people so far from one another that there really isn't much, if any, interaction. By interaction, I mean true interaction, the type that is so very deep on an emotional, physical and spiritual level. Not one or even two of those three ways, but all three. To lack one is to build a house upon sand instead of stone, it is unstable.

In this case, one person grew, and the other seemed to have not grown at all. The one who did not grow is weak. I don't say it in a critical manner, but rather as an honest observation. Needing help is one thing, but leaning on the help, without repaying that very same support is cowardly and weak. That act tells me that a person is expecting others to hold-up their end of responsibilities, but when the return is sought for, they shun their responsibilities. So, one individual is weak, and as Arnold J. Toynbee once said, "As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility."

So one person is weak and has shunned their responsibilities, their very love, for quite a while now. I wouldn't even comment on that matter if it weren't for the fact that the strong one involved in this has been adversely affected by the weaker's behavior. This friend of mine, one of my closest confidantes in fact, is such a strong person, and they do not even realize it. If they do, they don't let it show, but I truly believe this confidante is so much stronger than even they themselves can imagine, much less believe. To have put up with such, dare I say cruelty, for so long shows strength. To be compassionate and caring when it was rarely if ever returned shows strength. To be loving and supportive when the direct opposite was shown to you shows strength. To be criticized and censored, and then have double standards thrust upon you shows strength. Leo Rosten said it best: "I learned that it is the weak who are cruel, and that gentleness is to be expected only from the strong."

I know I already have two quotes in the body of this post, but those don't count. This post is, as you may well know by now, dedicated to 'growth'. But more specifically though, 'new growth':

"The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher."
-Thomas Henry Huxley, Life and Letters of Thomas Huxley

"When you make the finding yourself - even if you're the last person on Earth to see the light - you'll never forget it."
-Carl Sagan

On an aside, my intention wasn't to make this post one huge downer bitch session about someone I really don't know all that well. My real intention was to express my admiration for such a close friend of mine and the truly remarkable qualities she displays on a regular basis. This person I do know well, and I look forward to knowing better and better every day that passes.

Much love to everyone and I can't wait till tonight, I am excited!!! =)

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Special Request [30 Oct 2002|11:17am]
[ mood | Humble ]
[ music | Something By Green Day ]

Does anyone have a spare LJ code? I'd appreciate it if you could spare that for a very dear friend of mine whom I actually have a first date with soon. ;)

If the donor lives nearby, lunch is definitely in order on my tab. If you don't live nearby, I'll owe you a few rounds if we visit one another's hometown.


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Silly People [29 Oct 2002|11:21am]
[ mood | Enlightened ]
[ music | Office Gossip ]

People can be silly. Yes, yes, believe it or not they can be!!! Sometimes, they can be outright dumb, too. That is the case for one individual I had to deal with for the past two hours. The sorry dumb bastard wanted to take money out of his 401(k) retirement account, but I couldn't help him understand why it was that he had to pay a penalty on top of paying taxes on the money.

Here is the skinny: If you take money out of your 401(k) before a certain age, or for something other than a short list of 'hardship' reasons, you get hit with a pretty nasty little penalty. That is Uncle Sam ensuring that this money is used for what it is meant to be used for, which is your retirement. Uncle Sam knows that his citizens are greedy little bastards, and tries to help them stay their hand from dipping into their own retirement age livelihoods. On top of the penalty, taxes must be paid as well. This is because the money that a person puts into their 401(k) account is pre-tax money, meaning it comes from the paycheck before taxes are paid on it. While Uncle Sam is all about helping you live well during retirement (re: helping you build up a huge amount of money so he can tax you on it instead of chump change), he does want his taxes, so cough it up furball!!!

In any case, this poor dumb bastard couldn't understand this. So with his thick country drawl and frequent stops to spit chaw juice, he told me promptly where I could shove his retirement money, and I assure you it wasn't a nice place. If you know me at all, you'll know I can have quite the nasty little temper, and I felt it starting to creep up my throat. I've had enough stress in my life recently, I don't need some country hick backwater bastard telling me to shove his retirement money up my ass, especially after I spend two hours of my very precious and vary valuable time trying to help him. In any case, I swallowed REALLY hard and I felt the temper fall back into the pit I have dug for it, a definite good thing in this case, and I brought up his account balance. The figure hit my eyes and it felt like hot pokers, I tell you.


ARE YOU FLIPPING KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF THIS OVER $32.87?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?

Needless to say, I was quite peeved, but that is okay. I processed the distribution and I was done with it...dumbass.

In other news, the weather outside is ass. A tornado apparently hit on the Northshore sometime this morning in Madisonville I think. I don't know anyone who got hurt or lost any belongings to it thankfully, but no fun all the same.

I am hoping the weather keeps this bad through this evening because I'd rather not go to my meeting tonight. Working with city officials can definitely have its perks, but at the same time the thought of politics makes me sick to my stomach right now. I had a close call at school the past few days, and someone I care for very much, who was completely innocent in the matter, almost got drug into things for no other reason than they are my friend. I got out of the political games at school for this very same reason, among other reasons mind you, and it has come back to bite me yet again. And the same people are on my ass, no less!!! You'd think that after five or so years, someone could let a grudge go. Hell, even when I was at my best/worst, I was never that bad!!! So, manipulation of pawns was done, and the favor had to be returned to make sure people stayed safe. I'm not happy about it. In fact, I'm upset, angry, frustrated, confused and generally sad about it. I may make a post later with a bit more in it...I think talking about it will help me. Thinking of it, I'll wait to talk about it till tonight. Face-to-face communication is better anyways...

Okay, so I feel alot better after venting a bit on here. Originally I wasn't going to say a damned thing about it, but you know how I get when I am excited about something. I will be taking up a hobby soon, but no comment on exactly what it is. It is something I always thought WAY out of the realm of ability for me, but the past few weeks I've been told otherwise by numerous people. All I have to say is one or more members of the Rat Pack was very good at it, if not the best. Do not hound me, I won't say anymore until my first step in a thousand mile journey has begun. *nods* Or until some beautiful woman tickles it out of me or something, can't imagine who that'd be, though. *eyes Shala cautiously*

In other news, I'd like to send good luck wishes out to Shala on her exam today. You'll do fine, promise!!! Can't wait to hang with you tonight, it'll be fun I'm sure.

Well, this post is kind of all over the place looking back on it, but I have learned alot the past few days. I've learned that even though you understand something quite well, it isn't necessarily so for someone else, or even easy for that matter. They may need things explained in simpler terms, so I'll stay aware of that. I've also learned that even though I make a conscious decision to leave something, that doesn't mean other people will drop issues as well. On the bright side, though, I've come to realize that I am happy and that I can, in fact, protect those I love and care for while at the same time not sinking to the level of throwing mud or hurting someone. That makes me very happy. And lastly, I've learned that someone new cares for me and likes me, and that it is mutual. While it may not seem like a big thing to you, it is to me and to her as well. I'm proud of that, and it makes me feel very safe. what should I dedicate this post to? Because of how much I realized I've learned the past few weeks, I will dedicate this post to 'knowledge':

"I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers."
-Kahlil Gibran

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

"Listen or thy tongue will keep thee deaf."
-American Indian Proverb

Stay safe my friends, and see a certain special someone tonight. ;)

He who is now 'The Doctor',

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Well Wishes [28 Oct 2002|02:51pm]
[ mood | Compassionate ]
[ music | "Schism" by Tool ]

Yeah, three posts in one day, Hell must be freezing over!!!

Seriously though, I want to send well wishes to an individual who is undergoing some form of surgery today. I won't name him, and I won't give any more detail other than this. I wish him luck. As much as I disagree with the very core of who he is as a person, not to mention how he treats other people (please read that as "my friends") and how he makes them feel, I wish him well today.

Hopefully things will go well for him and his family. If you get a chance today, please put a positive vibe or three out there for this stranger as well, I'd appreciate it.

That is it I guess...really vague and odd for me, sure, but it is most sincere.

He who realizes he is a changed man from a year ago,

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My Name Info From [28 Oct 2002|12:16pm]
[ mood | Vulnerable ]
[ music | *silence* ]

In some ways, it is so accurate it makes me feel awkwardly vulnerable. In a few other points, it is way off. Anywho, enjoy...

Your name of Nathaniel is a dual influence: at times you can be extremely happy, expressive, full of fun, and good-natured; yet at other times you find congenial association impossible, being controlled by self-pity, moods, and depression. If you could express only the constructive qualities and restrain the negative qualities of your nature, you would always be good company. These contrasting qualities make it difficult for people to understand you and can lead to friction in your personal life. You are deep, philosophical, and refined, but your extremely sensitive nature causes you to become depressed over any real or imagined slight. You feel and sense much more than you can fully understand, and could become psychic if you delved into the occult. The problem then would be controllable thoughts, feelings, and reactions. You find it difficult to be patient, practical, and systematic, preferring to act impulsively as the spirit moves you. Indulgences could result in skin rashes, liver problems, heart trouble, or lung and chest congestion.

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Fun Weekend, For The Most Part [28 Oct 2002|11:05am]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | "Aenima" by Tool ]

Hello, peeps!!! I know, I know, it seems like it has been forever since I posted to my LJ. In reality, though, I've only missed three or so days. I decided at about two in the morning Friday that I wanted to take a day of vacation, so it was done. I _so_ enjoy having a job with such a flexible schedule. Usually flexible, anyways. Come to find out, half of our team wasn't here Friday, so it must have seemed like a ghost town. ;)

***Beginning of weekend recap:

I took Friday off and went with the oh-so-lovely and talented Shala to school. She had a huge Biology exam and was a bit stressed about it. I went and did a little snooping around campus and had a good time seeing about a half dozen people I haven't even talked to in years and years. I mostly ran into people I did undergrad work with about four years or so ago, but one guy I haven't seen in close to ten years...very strange. I guess it really is a small world after all. Shala doesn't think so, but I have a feeling she did alright on this exam. We shall see, though.

As Jeff ('greyspot') mentioned in his LJ, we went bowling Friday night. Holly ('holliwould') posted a pic or two of the night I think. In any case, we had a flipping blast. And yet again, I have to say I am proud that not one of us had even a single drop of alcohol in our systems. The bowling was actually a birthday gathering for Stevi Lynn, but it kind of took on a personality of its own as Holly decided she liked the kid with the chia-pet hairdo, and Shannon decided to bowl like a grandma. And yes, we have pics of both of these things, and so very very much more!!! LOL So after the bowling we left and I dropped Jeff and Holly off, and while leaving Jeff and I got to meet Mike. That guy rocks ass. We had a pretty interesting conversation in the parking lot and I'm looking forward to hanging out with him sometime soon. Jeff and I met the ladies shortly after that to say goodnight, and then we retired to sleep. Oh, and 'Doctor Nate' was created at the bowling alley, with the help of two lovely nurses no less!!! Long story...

I got up early Saturday to go help Chris move into his new house. THE HOUSE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! If I remember right, it is something like 1700 square feet, maybe more? Three bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen with a separate dining area, closets out of the arse and a fireplace in the living room, not to mention a big yard sporting a courtyard along with a gazebo!!! It is a beautiful house in a good neighborhood, and I am proud as hell of them. Even if he and his wife Becca don't have LJ, I love them all the same. ;) So to get back on track, we got them moved into their new house. Afterwards we went for a 'thank you dinner' at a local cafe and I gorged myself. Went home and Chris and Adam came over and hung for a while. That was Chris' first time meeting my puppy, Leto. Of course the hyper little bastard went spaz and was practically bouncing off the walls, quite a change form his groggy self after his last set of puppy shots. *smirks*

Not too long after that they left, and I went to Stevi Lynn's official birthday party at the dance studio. I got a chance to meet alot of new people, and that was neat. They are all very nice, and I think Jeff got a dance or two in with Shannon. GO JEFF!!! Generally had a great time, and got to know Kayla a bit better, something I am happy for. She, like so many others, seems one way, but the true her is something very different. I had a suspicion about the 'real' her, and it was confirmed through our conversation. Very nice talk though, she is a very deep person, which may come as a surprise to some. Talked on the phone with Shala a brief bit once I got home, but not for too long. She was in the middle of some obligations and I had to get up at six Sunday morning. six o'clock rolls around and it is raining outside. My professor decides to go ahead and go to the Northshore for our class retreat anyway. So we went, and it was horrible. Never before have I had such a miserable time in such a supposed 'fun environment'. We are supposed to go back the middle of December, so I am hoping the weather will treat us better, and if it does, I'm sure I'll have a much better time. Solving brain teasers, climbing twenty foot walls and walking across suspension wires just isn't fun when the wind is blowing hard, the rain is pelting you, and you are freezing your ass off. Like I said, and I'll say it again to be clear: No fun. And then on top of that I find out I'm apparently getting pulled back into politics at school. I try to distance myself from it, dabbling only when I need to, and even then making sure not to step on anyone's toes while dabbling. But, I have seemingly failed. I feel like Al Pacino in _The_Godfather_III_: "I try to get out...but they keep pulling me back in!" So, in short, I got to deal with that this morning. No problems, just stress is all...everything is in order now. SOme of these kids need to learn respect for their alumni brethren.

***End of weekend recap.

Wow, this post is ALOT longer than most of mine. Seems to be a running trend today considering an email I wrote just a bit ago. ;) Today is a drag...nobody seems to be doing much of anything. I am also pretty sleepy right now. I got enough sleep, but I don't think I slept all that soundly. In fact, I know it wasn't a very sound sleep. A friend of mine and I were talking and a wish was expressed, and another returned, and that kept me thinking till I drifted off to sleep. It wasn't a bad thing, but actually a good thing. It is one of the best feelings to be wanted, and I'm glad I am able to feel that right now. Through diligence and patience, those two wishes will come to fruition I'm is truly only a matter of time.

And on that note, I dedicate this post to diligence/persistence:

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit."
-Napoleon Hill

"He conquers who endures."

Latin: "Illegitimis non carborundum."
English: "Don't let the bastards grind you down."
-Gen. Joseph Stilwell

Have fun all, and I will post again soon.

Much love,

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Decisions... [24 Oct 2002|11:49am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | "Epic" by Faith No More ]

People make decisions every second of every day. In its simplest form, you are making a decision to sit in your chair, move your arm, or even breathe a certain way. Such decisions can't all be labeled 'small', but they sure as hell seem it sometimes because they are always just...there. Some decisions in our lives, though, are huge.

The way you held your arm at that funny angle and made it fall asleep? Yeah, that weird tingly sensation in it is over in a few minutes... Other choices, those regarding a career or those of the heart for instance have much more long-lasting effects. No real point other than to acknowledge that decisions are made all the time...but decisions in and of themselves are nothing without taking action to carry that decision out. I think about stuff like that all the time, go figure. Anyways, I'll stop before I hurl myself into an abyss of thinking about silly things all day.

Hung out with Shala last night and had a great time. Her 'twin', Stevi Lynn, is a pretty funny chick too. They decided to write all over the palms of my hands last night, so who was I to argue. Hehehe... I hung out with 'Mom' (Shala's Mother who insists I call her 'Mom') for a while and had a good conversation about everything from parades to laziness to dresses. Apparently I've been voted into wearing a dress at some point, but I just don't see that happening. Me, in fish net stockings?!?!?!? Needless to say, I had an interesting, but very fun, time at the studio.

After that I got to meet some of Shala's classmates at Morning Call. They had a quick meeting for formalities sake I believe, and I wanted to be around people, so I took advantage if the invitation. I had a chocolate milk because I've realized that coffee makes my stomach do weird things. Weird things meaning churning and gurgling. Yeah, not the most pleasant of thoughts, but thoughts nonetheless. Anyways...I shied away form the coffee and drank my chocolate milk like a good little boy. I even got patted on the head for it. :) Her classmates are very nice, and they got onto the topic of dancing toward the end of the meeting. I was a bit lost, but that just gave me a chance to watch them interact, which was pretty neat.

Not too long after that I made sure the sick young lady was home and ready for bed. My travels brought me home where I talked on the phone for a little while...another great talk as always. As if there was a question. *g* I love learning about new people, and learning new things about existing friends. In one case I've learned more about a friend in a week than I know about people I've been friends with for years. It is a little strange, but it just happens. Something inside just clicks when you meet some people and it happens like that. Very odd, but in a good way, no worries. ;) A few people have taken a more central role in my life recently, and it feels so very comfortable. In short, I am a happy little boy!!!

I think I'm going to go make a trip to the studio this evening. It'll be fun I'm sure...they are all such nice people. After that, I plan to let a very important young lady study for her big Bilogy exam tomorrow. For her, a message:

You need to do well, so no procrastinating!!! Well, alright, you got me, if you want to call I won't not pick up the phone, but you get the idea. Certainly no 5:30 conversation, though...we'll save that for Friday night/Saturday morning. =)

That kind of wraps it up for me today, peeps. If I think of anything or something just really odd or funny happens, I'll post some more later. Until then, email/AIM/call me if you want to chat, I'm at work till 3:30pm today.

Much love, my friends!!!

He who plans to trade three giggles for a smile,

This post is brought to you today on behalf of the topic of 'taking action':

"Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world. For, indeed, that's all who ever have."
-Margaret Mead

"What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Today Is...Fun [23 Oct 2002|02:54pm]
[ mood | Confident ]
[ music | "Fade" by Staind ]

Today started out with me waking up WAY late, and I felt more tired this morning than I did when I went to sleep last night. Ugh!!! This is something shared by many today, I am told.

I was almost late for work, but it turned out to be all good. My boss, 'Soccer Mom', is the best!!! She just smiled when she got on the elevator and remarked how we'd both be a minute or two late. Being a smart-ass who wants to mpress the boss, I say "No way we will be late." I refused to allow it at this point, and in fact was then forced to make it happen because I had to open my massive yap about it. So I, did what any person who really wanted to 'win' this situation would do, I hit the "Door Close" button at each floor we stopped on. Goofy giggles resounded from those inside the elevator with us...those outside weren't nearly as amused, but I didn't care because they were late for work, not us. ;)

In any case, I get to my desk and find ass loads of work. I immediately slip into a little bit of a funk, but come out of it once I realize I can reassign like three quarters of it. The phrase from Pharoah, 'Let it be written, let it be done!' popped into my head, and it was made so. I dodged that bullet, thank goodness, it was alot of work, hence the 'ass load' remark. *nods sagely*

To be concise, meetings galore today. We had a team meeting in which I did nothing but troubleshoot and give advice/ideas, which is my cup o' tea. Then I had a meeting with the Board that I sat as an Observer for, and I was troubleshooting and giving advice/ideas, which is my cup o' tea. And then lastly we have a correspondence meeting and I was troubleshooting and giving advice/ideas...have I mentioned that is my cup o' tea? So you get the pictue...I was a slacker in all the meetings today, but a justified slacker at that!!! It doesn't get much better, my friends.

I did bust ass today though, and I got some projects out of my hair that had looming deadlines. Getting work done ahead of schedule, but ahead of the time period alotted by the department gambling pool is the best. Nothing like having a co-worker place a modest bet on your behalf, then sharing the profits when you win on your own timing standard. Woo hoo, that'll pay for my next team dutch lunch!!!

Leto has his last set of puppy shots this evening, so that will be sooooo great. Soon enough I will get to walk him through the park and bring him to people's houses to meet without fear of him getting sick, or getting other dogs sick. I think he is big enough now for that Frontline flea stuff, too. That will mean giving him far far fewer flea baths, which I am all about...I don't mind bathing the dog, but sometimes I'm just not in the damned mood. He is so spoiled, though, but he is a cute little bugger!!! I have him fetching and bringing things back now fairly well...not perfect, but he is alot better. He sits and stays pretty well, too. I'm so proud of him!!! He does have a temper though, and barks at my grandparents when he gets mad at them or when they try to correct him. That stops real quick though when I walk into the room. The grandparents treat himmore like a grandchild than a puppy, and while that is cute and all, it also means he has less respect for them. I, on the other hand, love him to death but make him understand that I am the Alpha Male of the household. He respects it, which keeps us from having problems, thankfully. I hate to discipline him when he is bad, rips my ebony little heart right out of my chest. But he does need it now and again.

After the vet, I have plans to go out. I am all excited about that...I am having alot of fun making new friends and getting closer to existing ones, it is a blast!!! I'm getting better with hanging out with small groups of people, too, something I desperately needed work on. Things are coming along though, and seem to be going very smoothly. Which makes me even more happy. ;) Notice that right there, huh? That was a 'big smile', record marks where appropriate. LOL

Alrighty peeps...take care one and all. Sending my love, especially to those who I miss so very much right now. I am outta here, but before I post this to my LJ, I am dedicating this post, and its quotes, to 'confidence':

"When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you."

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
-Henry David Thoreau

"If being an egomaniac means I believe in what I do and in my art or music, then in that respect you can call me that ... I believe in what I do, I'm proud of that, and I'll say it."
-John Lennon

4 comments|post comment

This Quiz Is The Best!!! [22 Oct 2002|03:13pm]
[ mood | Tired & Happy ]
[ music | Gossiping Co-Workers ]

Which famous film murderer are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

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Not To Self... [22 Oct 2002|11:18am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Me Hiding From Sick People Coughing & Sneezing ]

Get pictures burned to cd from this past Friday night. Also crop a few pics for LJ icons...

One thing to say, and those who were there will understand, and those who werent will understand soon:

On another note, I must recharge the batteries in the digital camera for Friday, good times will abound I'm sure.

This post will be dedicated to 'happiness':

"...happiness is the highest good, being a realization and perfect practice of virtue, which some can attain, while others have little or none of it..."

"Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go."
-Oscar Wilde

"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
-Allan K. Chalmers

Enjoy all and have fun,

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Here Is To Growing Friendships... [22 Oct 2002|11:05am]
[ mood | Warm & Fuzzy ]
[ music | "Comedown" by Bush ]

Friends are something I have had very very few of most of my life. I had, for so many reasons, an inability to connect on a level much deeper than "Hey, how are ya?" for years with over 99.9% of the human population on Earth. Put me in huge crowds, business deals/meetings or political situations, and I flourished. One-on-one situations, I floundered pathetically. I've made some new friends recently, thanks to my getting past alot of the issues I had with myself that prevented it before. I am able to open up to my new friends, and when they want to, I am able to let them open up to me.

One of the things I've come to learn recently also is that the quantity of friends doesn't matter. What people have in quantity usually (not all the time but usually) means they lack in quality. Well, I have quality friends...while they are few in number, they are large in compassion, love and understanding. Last night I got to hang out with two of my new friends, Shala and Shannon. Shala and I have been becoming better friends the past week or so, and she is such a sweetheart! I'm not sure where she picked it up, but her favorite word is apparently 'menagerie', and I think it is rubbing off on Shannon. ;) Seriously though, they are both the sweetest of people. Shala's mother has ordered me to call her Mom form now on, so who am I to argue.

Anyways...I went and hung out with Shala and Shannon last night and got to meet Shala's grandmother. She is one of the funniest people I've met in a long time, a really great person. I learned one lesson though, that being never bring up the topic of French men with Grandma! LOL Shala's puppy, 'Butterball' to those near and dear, thought I was a demon or something and kept whining and barking at me, it was really cute though. Need to get my puppy to the vet for his last round of shots, then I need to bring him over to meet them, he'll go crazy considering 'Butterball' will actually be smaller than him!!! That is a very rare thing indeed considering my puppy, Leto, is a Dachshund. I had a great time last night though, and I'm looking forward to many more.

Today's quote will be about friendship:

"Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything."
-Muhammad Ali

"We call that person who has lost his father, an orphan; and a widower that man who has lost his wife. But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence."
-Joseph Roux

Well, to respond to the second quote, I don't intend on losing friends, only making new ones. Take care all, and thanks again for the good company last night Shala and Shannon, Friday will rock ass I'm sure. ;)

Much love,

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Bliss' Quiz Results... [21 Oct 2002|11:13am]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | Green Day ]

Which Magic Roundabout Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

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Revelation [21 Oct 2002|10:21am]
[ mood | optimistic ]
[ music | "No One Knows" by Queen's Of The Stone Age ]

I've been putting alot of thought into matters lately, and I've come to a conclusion. I am happy right now. I have new friends, as well as some of the old, and I am happy with that. That doesn't mean the old, or the new for that matter, will suffer for time due to the other, but it just means I am that much more "out there".

I recognize that I am realizing and seeing new things in the world, and that makes my days a little brighter I think. I have a firm definition of who I am, and what I am all about. Of course it hasn't been verbalized, but still, I just "know" it now. I don't feel lost like I have for a while now. I feel set in a path, and what that path leads to I'm not totally sure, but I know it is something significant.

This post won't be too long, and forgive me if I don't update like I have the past few weeks. I will be making myself a little scarce form LJ for a while. Not because I don't want to post, but rather because I want to experience life in a new perspective for a while. My eyes aren't open any more or less really, just looking through a different lens I guess.

Anyways...without further delay, my two quotes of the day on the subject of self-reflection:

"The unexamined life is not worth living."

"Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge. So it is incumbent on me to know myself, to know it completely, to know its minutiae, its characteristics, its subtleties, and its very atoms."
-Kahlil Gibran, "The Philosophy of Logic"

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