LiveJournal Support
Welcome to the LiveJournal community support center. Listed below are some of the most frequent questions people ask. If you don't find what you're looking for, you can submit a support request below.
Known Issues:
At any time, you are welcome to check out the status page LiveJournal maintains on a separate server.
You may receive a "server message" saying "?lang?" when you update. This is due to recent code changes, and will be resolved as quickly as possible. There is no need to report this to Support.
LiveJournal is under heavy site and database load this week. If posts do not appear immediately, or if pages time out, this is the cause. We are working on the problem, and will have it resolved as quickly as possible. You can watch Status for more information.
Many users are experiencing problems when attempting to edit/delete a post made to a community. If you receive the error message "You could not be authenticated as the specified user", please do not submit a support request. LiveJournal developers are aware of this issue and are working to resolve it as soon as possible.
Slashdot is intermittently banning LiveJournal's RSS reader, claiming that we are accessing their site too frequently. We are working to resolve the problem with Slashdot directly.
Currently, Juno's email servers are blocking all LiveJournal email. Please do not open a new request about it; your continued patience is appreciated until this issue is resolved. You may wish to contact Juno's support department to let them know of the problem.
Text messaging is currently not working for most providers. We are aware of the problem, and working to resolve it.
Some users may experience problems editing or deleting memories that were made under the old database style. If you can't delete a memory that was made before February of 2002, that's the reason. The problem will be resolved as quickly as possible.
The "checkfriends" protocol has been temporarily disabled for free users. There's a popular client that isn't obeying our protocol, and in doing so, it's spiking server load. It's been disabled until we can enforce the protocol limits. This means that your client's icon will no longer flash when your friends make an update, until this is re-enabled.
Support volunteers cannot give out invite codes. If you are interested in creating a LiveJournal, you need to either know someone with an existing account, or you must create a paid account. The invitation codes are a solution to the massive popularity of, and if the policy ever changes, it will be announced in news. Also: Once an invite code is used, it cannot be returned to you. Invite codes are a one-time-use only item.
Thank you, and sorry for any inconvenience.
Have a question?
1. Check the Known Issues in the box above.
If there's a problem affecting most of LiveJournal, everything that Support volunteers know about it will be posted in the Known Issues box.
2. Check out the FAQs to see if your answer's already there.
The Most-Requested FAQs
Or, select the category you're having trouble with:
You can also read the entire FAQ.
Support Areas Here are the three major things you can do here in the support area.
- Read the Frequently Asked Questions
Try and solve the problem first by yourself before asking other people. You'll probably get the answer faster, too!
- Ask a question
Is your question not in the FAQ? Click "Ask a question" and you can submit a new support request and somebody in the LiveJournal community will read it and get back to you with an answer. If they don't help you, your support request stays open until somebody does help and you confirm that your problem is solved.
- Help somebody out
Got some extra time on your hands? Help out a LiveJournal user that has an open support request. Users that help other users out will get "support points" that will show up on your userinfo page. There are multiple reasons for helping other users out:
- Just to be nice
- To get points just for fun and competition
If you're curious, check out the list of high scores, showing who helps the most.
If you want to be notified when new support requests come in, set your notification settings.