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[07 Feb 2003|12:23pm]
[ mood | emotional ]
[ music | David Gray ]

Take your eyes off me
There's nothing here to see
Just trying to keep my head together
And as we make our vow
Let us remember how
There's nothing good that lasts forever

Time out on the running boards
We're running
Through a world that lost its meaning
Trying to find a way to love
This running
Ain't no kind of freedom

Feel the touch of grief
You stand in disbelief
Can steal the earth from right
beneath you
And falling in so far
They know just where you are
Yeah but there ain't no way
to reach you

Time out on the running boards
We're running
Through a world that lost its meaning
Trying to find a way to love
This running
Ain't no kind of freedom
Of freedom
Yeah yeah

Its time to clean these boots
Fold up these parachutes
The word's 'goodbye' but I can't say it
The end is close at hand
I think we understand
There ain't no use trying to delay it

Time out on the running boards
We're running
Through a world that lost its meaning
Trying to find a way to love
This running
Ain't no kind of freedom
Freedom freedom

Time out on the running boards
We're running
Through a world that lost its meaning
Trying to find a way to love
This running
Ain't no kind of freedom
Of freedom

Fasten on my mask
I'm bending to the task
I know this work is never finished
And if I close my eyes
I can still see you dancing

Laughing loud and undiminished

'Freedom', by David Gray

light up my sky

Forever Young? [07 Feb 2003|02:15am]
[ mood | melancholy ]

Things are ending.

What is this? This is unfamiliar territory. This is uncertainty and wonder. This is a tearful eye, and a pout that is neither a frown nor a smile, but somewhere in between.

This is a ying-yang heartache of hope invading doubt and doubt invading hope.

It seems I enjoy the club less and less everytime I go.

Is the music getting worse? Are people getting more annoying? Is the air becoming less breathable?

I don't know. I don't know if it's me of if it's the environment.

But I do know that things are ending.

When I was in high school I bounced from scene to scene based on whatever my friends happened to be into at the time. Grunge, punk, ska, swing, rockabilly, whatever. No scene ever quite "fit", but since there were no other options, I just went along and made the best of it.

Now it seems I may be back to that place. Only now my sense of disillusionment is coupled with the knowledge of how good things can be. Before things just kind of sucked and I figured that's just the way it was. Now things kind of suck, but I've had a taste of what it's like when things are really, really good.

Tonight at the club I was happiest just sitting on a vinyl bench and watching everyone else have a good time. As soon as I tried to get up and join the fun, annoyance swelled in my chest and there I was in a foul mood again. Blah.

I had a couple of drinks, but even the thought of drinking just seemed boring. The music seemed boring. The people seemed boring. Everyone seemed to be trying so hard to be so cool. I used to understand.

And I really wanted to have a good time! Especially tonight! Tonight was Monica's last night at Anderson's. The last night she and I might go clubbing together for a long time. It should've been the last time I partied with my best friend, before she moves to LA on Saturday.

Things are ending.

I just couldn't bring myself to party. =\

I'm glad she had fun though. She drank enough for both of us, heh.

I'll get to see her tomorrow, too, I guess. I'll get to say "good bye" to her then. And it will mean more than saddened drunken exchanges.

And I shouldn't talk as though it's really an end. Of course I will go visit her a lot. LA is not so far, and it will actually be really nice to have someone to stay with now when I go to Cali. But her moving is more like a physical end to things that have been changing for a long, long time.

Raving used to be an "us" thing. But she hasn't wanted to rave in quite awhile. I haven't gone over to her house to just hang out in many, many months. I still prefer pharmaceuticals, she prefers lots of alcohol. She's graduated and is focused on her desired career in fashion, I'm an aimless student who's never even had a concrete career goal.

She's very, very busy. I'm very, very busy . . . Well, at least something is the same.

But to be honest, I've tried to keep things together. She just doesn't seem to want to do very much anymore that I'm doing.

I know, I know, goals and such. Different goals.

But anyway, things are ending. Lots of things.

And yes, every ending is a beginning. And yes, I should really be saying that things are changing, because that is really closer to the truth.

But I'm in a mood. A melancholy mood.

A ying-yang mood of hope and doubt.

Things are ending.

*sigh* =(

6 stars| light up my sky

oh well [06 Feb 2003|11:30am]
Well, I was just about to finally get around to posting my log of Rocky Point. But, my browser crashed right in the middle.


I really don't feel like writing it all out again. You'll just have to wait til I get the pictures posted - which should be sometime early next week.
light up my sky

Poo [04 Feb 2003|09:15pm]
[ mood | sad ]

This sucks. Ttokkyo was my favorite brand of all time.

I imagine it was so good for the same reasons they got busted - they were in the business of catering to human desire and not the needs of veternary medicine.

Still, what a bummer. No other brand is as good. =(

Some things should never change.

5 stars| light up my sky

bitter pill [04 Feb 2003|07:52pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]

Some of you might have heard already about Brandon Vedas.

At first there was no story at all. Then it hit the Arizona Republic. Now a Internet search turns up articles from as distant of sources as the BBC.

Anyway, Brandon Vedas died of an overdose of prescription drugs, marijuana, and Barcardi 151 on Jan. 12th. But, what makes the story newsworthy is that he did while talking on IRC, and while online friends (none of whom knew him personally) watched on a webcam. Technically, it is the world's first online suicide (so says news articles), even though he wasn't intending to kill himself, and his connection powered itself off before he actually died.

All the news reports mention that some people egged him on, and did nothing to stop him.

The actual IRC transcript of the night's event, as well as links to many online new articles can be found here.

Make your own call, if you decide to read the transcript. Personally, I don't think anyone who "cheered" him on thought he was serious. The general mood of the room (which was known as a spot to share drug experiences) was one of humor, as the chatters made what appear to be many inside jokes.

And even though he was on a web-cam, it would still be nearly impossible for anyone watching to ascertain exactly what he was taking. Furthermore, the amount of drugs he claimed to be ingesting was so extremely high as almost to give the idea that it couldn't possibly be real.

Of course his family is outraged, plagued by the thought the someone could have stopped it. But as even the articles pointed out, so much in the world of online chat is annonymous. Most of people in the chatroom didn't even know his last name, or the city he lived in.

Anyway, the main reason I'm posting this is because I knew him.

Not in any close, or real way. But, I remember him from about 4 years ago, as he had a stint in the local rave scene. In fact, he even threw a party, 'Flud', at the Chandler Sports Arena in the early summer of '99.

Read some history. Then help me with a philosophical question about acceptance and cruelty. )

To put people down (either to their faces, or behind their backs), seems to come so naturally.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

4 stars| light up my sky

Coming to America [03 Feb 2003|11:00pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Yes, I am back from Rocky Point and I am safe (you can stop worrying, if you were).

I want to post all the lovely details, and I will. I got online over 3 hours ago to do just that, but got caught up in other things.

Right now, I am very tired. Please click here for Klute's run-down on the weekend, until I get a chance to post my own.

I brought back 10 percodans (Mexico percosets) for my mom, but ended up taking 4 of them tonight. With my tolerance for pain pills (unexplainable since I only take them every few months or less), I could a have taken all 10.

Why didn't I get something better? Because I always freak out before I cross the border, even though I've never once been faced anything further than a "did you bring anything back with you?" type of interrogation.

Border patrol is really a joke. No wonder they got a failing grade recently. I always spend so much time stowing stuff in clever ways (Cuban cigars hidden in a tampon box, and then resealed with glue so as to make the box appear unopened? Brillaint!), only to have it be for naught.

Oh well. Better to be safe than sorry, so the cliche goes.

Man, I'm supposed to be asleep. Bah.

6 stars| light up my sky

El fin de semana empieza aqui, ahora. [31 Jan 2003|10:36am]
[ mood | excited ]

Ok. So I'm starting to feel worn down (referrence previous post). Still, I can't help but feel excitement for what this weekend has in store.

In about 2 hours Klute will be picking me up and we will be on our way to Rocky Point for 2 days of craziness as only Mexico can provide. However, for this trip we'll be cushioning our fun with the comfy confines of resort living. =)

We're staying at the Princesa, which is pretty damn slick! Check it out here.

This birthday will definately be one of the most memorable ever (that is, of course, providing I can remember it upon return, heh).

Beaches, clubs, dancing, shopping, pharmacies, Mexican food, margaritas, music, tequila, culture, swank lodging, poolside lounging - can a vacation really get any better?

Ooh! And I can have some birthday cake for breakfast right now!!!!

1 star| light up my sky

club land [31 Jan 2003|10:11am]
[ mood | waiting ]

Last night was fun.

I must thank foxthepoet, Sue, Mike, Steven G. Roy, and Theresa for coming out to Anderson's and helping me celebrate my birthday.

And of course theklute, missgalactigus, and Chris, all of whom would have been there anyway, but still helped to make my night more fun. Plus, all you other regulars who wished me a happy birthday (thatsatallbitch, paridine, twistofsin, renx99, Ryan, Jerett) - I'm probably forgetting someone.

Too bad I wasn't feeling well. Klute and I had gone out for Thai food and then gone immediately to the club. I guess Tamarind Chicken (oh so good!) doesn't sit well under mixed drinks.

At the same time, being a bit nauseous did give me a good excuse to not get trashed. I turned down at least 2 free drinks (gasp!). Unfortunately, though, it did keep me from dancing most of the night. =/

Anyway, I haven't slept in 30 hours due to an unexpected ingredient in a free "gift" I recieved at the club. Don't accept candy from strangers, kiddies (or people you know, evidently). =p

Somehow I still feel good. Today's gonna be interesting, though. Klute and I leave for Rocky Point in about 2 hours.

Any second now I'm bound to start dragging . . .

1 star| light up my sky

Warp 9 [30 Jan 2003|01:41pm]
[ mood | tweeked out ]

Man, these rock:

I bought the pack at a Circle K on Monday because I was falling asleep at work.

Today they're helping me get all my homework and stuff done before I go out of town this weekend.

Wheeeee! Warp speed!



For someone who doesn't take stimulants much, this stuff's almost as potent as speed.

The tend to make me ramble, though. So I'll stop now.


7 stars| light up my sky

Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus! [30 Jan 2003|01:27pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Happy 2b Hardcore chapter 7 ]


light up my sky

Heh [30 Jan 2003|07:36am]
Random thought:

I think 'Rubix Pube' would be a really good band name.

I'll probably never be in a band, so feel free to steal that if you would like. =p


Whoops. Nevermind. A quick search on Google reveals that it's already in use!!!!

How about that?
light up my sky

Burning up upon entry [29 Jan 2003|11:09pm]
[ mood | clumsy ]

I dropped by Essenza tonight for about an hour. Generally I go for the whole slam, but I gotta work double-time on homework this week because of going out of town for the weekend.

Anyway, soon after I arrived I noticed someone sitting in the corner that I was sort of friends with in Junior High. It was one of those weird eyes-meeting, "is that who I think it is?" kind of moments.

Then, neither of us said hi.

I know I should have gone over there. But, those kind of encounters always seem to turn out the same.



"It's good to see you"

"You too"

"So, what have you been up to?"

"Eh, not much. I've basically just been (insert school or job or whatever here). How about you?"

"Pretty much the same. I (do or go to this school or that job, or whatever)"


Blah, blah, blah.

Still, I probably should have said hi.

But, I didn't . . . Oh well.

As soon as we had each caught each other's eyes 2 or 3 times, it just became weird.

Besides, it's not like we were best friends or anything. He just ran the same circles as I did. We had mutual friends more than anything else. Oh, and he was part of the group that I used to play 'Magic: The Gathering' with (laugh if you must).

And it was Junior High. It's not like that I've maintained lasting relationships with anyone I hung with in Junior High.

On a different night things might have been different though - I was feeling kind of socially awkward tonight.

But, oh well. What's done is done.


I saw a shooting star on the way from Essenza to Walgreen's to buy wine. Of course, I made a wish.

I won't know if it's come true until Sunday though. =)

light up my sky

24 candles [29 Jan 2003|05:01pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

Come celebrate with me.

Tomorrow night (Jan. 30th) at Anderson's Fifth Estate, I'll be partying in celebration of my 24th birthday.

It'd be great if everyone I know (and even the ones here I haven't met in person yet) came out and helped me have a good time. =)

Time: 10p - 1a (with possible food afterward)

Even if you can't make it the whole time (I know many people work on Friday), it'd still be really cool if you dropped by.

It's only $5 to get in. 21 and older (sorry). They have 2 dancefloors - gothic/industrial/ebm on one side, 80's/brit-pop/indy rock on the other.


Address and Map to Andersons

7 stars| light up my sky

What am I doing? [29 Jan 2003|12:11am]
[ mood | drunk ]
[ music | what's my deal, anyway? ]


Which Female Actor Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

And . . .

Which OS are You?
Which OS are You?

I'm cool, I guess.

But then, why I am up at 12:15a on a Tuesday????

Oh, and Hidden Valley Bacon Ranch dressing is the food of the gods.

And, I think I've licked enough off my fingers to satisfy Zeus.

light up my sky

01010101 [28 Jan 2003|10:15am]
[ mood | geeky ]

My Dreamweaver II class supposed to teach us database connectivity, but students don't have access permissions to the ODBC!!

Now the teacher expects us to set up IIS on our home computers?


4 stars| light up my sky

The cult of the pink [27 Jan 2003|10:09pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

I don't care how much you make per hour.

I don't want your ugly gold and diamonds. I don't want your gaudy pins. I don't want your lame-ass suits. And I don't want your stupid pink cars.

But more than anything, I don't want to bother people for a living!!!!

I shoulda known it was this way. Nothing is ever free.

What the hell am I talking about?? )

11 stars| light up my sky

Come on y'all, it's ya birthday [25 Jan 2003|08:39am]
[ mood | excited ]

Tonight I begin celebrating my Birthday Week at


To all my party friends, or anyone who's up for a good time tonight, come on out and help me kick the week off right!!!! =)

It's at the Icehouse, it starts at 9p, and I think it's around $25 to get in ($22 if you buy your tickets at Swell Records today).

RAVE WITH ME!!! [all the info] )

light up my sky

Arizona Idol [24 Jan 2003|12:26pm]
[ mood | happy ]

Well, the Phoenix Public Library show went very well.

I'm still jazzed about being part of a field-trip. How many people can say that they've been the focus of a field-trip???

The official number of students (7th - 11th grade) was 230. That very well may be the largest crowd I've ever performed in front of.

The event was set up just like a slam. 5 students were chosen from the audience to judge, and another two were chosen as time-keeper and score-keeper.

The poets were theklute, campana, Sharon Skinner, and me. bobdapoet served as host.

Overall, the response was great. There were a few shaky moments, at least for me, because the room had some reverse acoustics going on, and I could really hear the chatter/giggling in the front rows. It actually did throw me off for my first piece, because they were laughing at parts that weren't intended to be funny. I could also hear one little smartass in the front row booing under his breath.

But, after the first round things definately got better. I decided I was just going to trudge foward and do my best, regardless of the feedback - and my 2nd and 3rd round poems were very well recieved.

The students were definately feeling comedic work the most, thus Klute and Bill became the heroes of the morning. =)

After the slam was over the kids were allowed to come up and talk to us, ask questions, whatever. That part was really fun because it was obvious that we had least touched the couple dozen kids who came up to greet us. We had fans!!!! Heh. If I had had chapbooks or CDs I would have been signing autographs for sure!!

A couple of girls wanted copies of my poem 'A New Life', so I collected email address. I also gave my email out, as well as the website for Essenza Slam.

There was also a really good response from teachers, and from the Library. Hopefull, this will give a boost to the Voices of Youth Festival this year, as well as breathe some young life into the slam poetry scene.

3 stars| light up my sky

Evil [23 Jan 2003|04:01pm]
[ mood | threatened ]



My dad's been struggling with a really bad cold for the past week (Nasty, nasty, nasty cold. Sleep all day cold. Hack-up-a-lung cold).

If that's what I've got, I'm screwed. =\

If that's what I've got then just tack it on the rest of the crappy things I might be getting for my birthday:

One . . . Best friend moving to LA

Two . . . WWIII

Three . . . Klute's evil boss knowingly putting him on-call next weekend after he asked for Friday off so he and I could go out of town (on call = no going out of town). I think his boss is a vindictive he-bitch. Then, another of Klute's coworkers has to "think about it" when asked if she will take Klute's on-call duty in exchange for him working it for her next time. What's there to think about? It's just switching weekends! BITCH!!

Four . . . A really bad cold.


24 must be my unlucky number. I'm turning 24 on the 30th of this month. Tomorrow is the 24th.

X is the 24th letter of the alphabet, and it marks the spot on my map of misfortune and doom.

campana has his 818, I have my 24. BUT, 24 doesn't even have a nice ring to it so as to provide for a nice poem. How insidious!!

I dunno. I guess it isn't all bad. I got some good news today too.

Then again, today is the 23rd, and the good news involved the number 25. How very mockingly fucking funny of 24!! Bastard!

I think I have a new arch-enenmy! And, I'll get around to fighting him . . . as soon as I kick this cold.

3 stars| light up my sky

Jitters [23 Jan 2003|12:05am]
Wow. I slammed for the first time in . . . HOW LONG?? tonight.

And, I took 3rd place.

Too bad it was with all old stuff.

*I need to write* *I need to write* *I need to write*

Or actually, I need to finish the poems I start, heh. That's always been my hang-up. There have been poems where the start date and finish date have been months (and in one case more than a year) apart.

Well, at least I should have some good material by October or maybe next Februrary. Blah.

And, damn was I ever nervous!! Of course the Chai Tea (caffiene) didn't help, but I'm not usually that nervous. Good thing I got a little bit of performance practice under my belt before I do the Phoenix Public Library show on Friday (more on that later, but let's just say that I'm gonna be part of a field trip!!! Kids are gonna be taken out of school and bussed in to see ME [oh, and 3 other poets too, but who cares about them =P Heheh.])

Oh, I got to meet theklute's Dad tonight. That was cool.
4 stars| light up my sky

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